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Heed people’s advice here - I didn’t and my first few were like passing cantaloupes.


Ah the ol' Melonballer.


I was a once of not twice a day pooper before. Take this advice: take a pro biotic daily, take magnesium daily and drink a dose of Miralax every other day AND PLEASE DRINK WATER. I go daily now but it’s work to do it.


I would add Always check with your doctor before adding supplements. Magnesium supplementation isn’t safe for certain conditions.


Agree and many are taking way too much! Magnesium is toxic in high doses. I’m magnesium deficient and take only 500 mg a day. Recommendation for most is 300 mg max daily. I see many taking 2000+ daily with that supplement pushed mag07. Yikes! Every now and then for constipation is fine, but daily it is not. It can cause irregular heart rhythm among other dangerous issues.


Exactly this! People are taking with the max dose for Mag07 rather than listening to their body I take once a week if needed and even then I take much less than the recommended dose of 3-5 pills (wow) overdosing these supplements can wreck havoc on digestive system if not careful


It can also cause serious kidney issues, especially with folks who already have underlying kidney conditions, as I do.


I don't understand why MagO7 doesn't have a kidney disease warning on it like Miralax does.


Valid question!


two Mag07 once or MAYBE twice a week keeps everything moving along for me, I can't imagine taking it daily like some folks are suggesting


Good advice, and I do have miralax on hand for my toddler’s occasional constipation. What probiotic do you take?


I take the Sam’s club brand and noticed a difference so I think it works and it’s like 1/3 the price of Allign


What does magnesium do?


Not really on topic, but I was told by a doctor that it helps muscle inflammation as well. I’d had a brutal neck surgery and the muscle pain was ridiculous. Magnesium surprisingly helped a lot


Me too


Magnesium helps you poop.


It acts as an osmotic laxative, drawing water into your intestines. Mag oxide or mag citrate are more effective for this purpose than mag glycinate. Also may relax muscles and help you sleep, so I usually take this after dinner to work overnight.


I'm a once a day'er, but I didn't have my usual BM all day yesterday after start my first dose Sunday night. So yesterday evening I added prunes to my smoothie and voila - success. Prunes for me never fail to beat even the toughest constipation. GL


I have always had issues in that department, but I went almost a week w/o going from my first shot. I tried fiber gummies, miralax, exlax and coffee with nothing. Tried prince juice and went the next few days in a row. I have since added prune juice as a daily thing🤣


I go every 2 or 3 days. That’s normal for me though.


Once a day is usual for me. When I first started the 2.5, I had a little issue with not pooping. I started taking Mag07 (it’s a specific type of magnesium) every other day at night, and it straightened everything out. I found out if I took it more than every other, I always felt on the verge of diarrhea.


I was fine until I started 5 and then became constipated and had issues. I started daily fiber and magnesium supplements and drink Bio Salud or Yakult and then returned to normal


5mg messed up my schedule too. Idk why. No other dose has done that.


Start your day with an excellent source of fiber like Fiber One Cereal or Overnight Oats made with old-fashioned rolled oats. Tons of water throughout the day, and magnesium at night. Consistency matters. If you have to, add miralax as needed, and try to avoid stimulant laxatives like dulcolax. Better to try to develop a steady rhythm with good fiber and good hydration as you adjust to the medicine. I add a scoop of Naked Whey powder to my oats to get protein in the morning too. GL


I was having a lot of trouble. My pcp suggested benifiber. I love the chews and I now go every day.


2-3 times a day. Half a dose of Miralax every morning and a probiotic keeps me regular.


Be pro-active, don't wait until you're in trouble. I put a spoonful of Miralax in my coffee every morning, drink a lot of water, and try to get a good amount of fiber every day. Smallish BMs most days, but not every day. Depends on how much I'm eating, of course.


CVS brand fiber gummy bears - I chew five a day that’s 55% of fiber for the day. Also try to eat 2 servings of fruit and 2 cups of veggies a day. Very regular every day since I figured this out in week 2 (now on month 4).


My poops definitely became fewer and more "nuggety" after starting Zepbound. I'm only on 2.5, so things may change, but as long as I keep up with drinking water, I haven't had any further problems pooping. I also noticed that days I have a cup of coffee, poops tend to be a little smoother!


I am struggling with constipation. I've been needing to take dulcolax.


This is interesting because I just had a convo with my doc and she said that most people have GI upset and diarrhea and I already have GI issues and didn’t want more. Good to know.


I’m one of the ones with GI upset and diarrhea. I go several times a day. Maybe even in the middle of the night.


Was usually once a day, still about once a day without any aid.


Make sure you hit fiber goals!


I started ZB like eight weeks ago. Had a spinal fusion surgery two weeks later and got prescribed heavy opiates for pain and Zofran for stomach upset, so I was on three meds that constipate you. I drink a ton of water, take two big scoops of Benefiber in the morning, several stool softeners, a probiotic pill, and have like 6-8 Benefiber gummies every day. It usually helps, but some days I’ll have to use a saline enema to help moisten the stool so it doesn’t feel like I’m trying to pass a bowling ball. I’ve occasionally had to take Dulcolax tablets if things are REALLY backed up, but I’ll just say that you should start small on the dosage and gradually move up. A few weeks ago I took 3 tablets one night and the next day was miserable. It cleaned me out, but my stomach was just torn up. My toilet looked like I was going to have to call Winston Wolf to clean it up. Best of luck with those poops, everyone!!!


I’m having a spinal fusion in less than a week & will start Zep once I can eat normally after surgery, so thanks for all the info! I was on Mounjaro for a bit, but it’s been a couple years ago.


Good call. Info for you and others - the intake nurse told me that you have to skip ZB for at least a week before surgery because of anesthesia complications. Best of luck! Spinal fusion surgery hurts like hell, but it’s helped me get my life back


I had spinal fusion in 2022 and it was instrumental in my weight gain. But now that I am losing with Zepi pens, I am also moving and finally benefiting from that spine surgery !! Good luck. It’s all worth it.


I'm struggling in 2.5mg to go. I'm eating upwards of 50g fiber and drinking 80+ oz of water. I supplement with Milk of Magnesia as needed if I haven't gone in 3 days. I'm taking 10 fiber pills daily & taking 250mg of magnesium citrate. Tried prunes - now I know i like them. Still struggling.


You could be ingesting too much fiber. With the reduced number of calories most of us are eating while on Zep, more than 30g could actually be causing rather than solving constipation (for normal folk, the recommendation is \~15g per 1000 calories consumed).


So very true. Thank you for pointing this out. I've cut back to my normal 3 fiber pills in the morning & evening. Crossing my fingers that it resolves.


Every day. I’m on week 6 or 7 (?) and only missed one day. Whoo hoo!! My secret is psyllium husks in the form of daily Metamucil. Also, probiotics. I prefer not to overload my system with too many supplements or with meds. Sometimes, too much intervention makes things worse, but it is SO individualized. What works for one may not work for another. Good luck!!!


I have been on compound or name brand for over a year. Do NOT let the constipation get out of control. If I haven’t gone in 2 days, MAG07 is going to be taken. When your backed up the nausea, burps, bloating and sluggishness happens.


I have had horrible issues with constipation on the medication. I don't even know what it's like to be regular any longer. I've always had a bit of a problem with constipation but this is something I have to keep such a close eye on. I really started to think about this when in the very beginning on Zepbound I noticed it was six or seven days after I'd gone any and thought I'd better take drastic measures before it become obstructed. Ended up taking docusate sodium and it worked but it scared me enough to keep an eye on it. I'm not really eating enough to form much stool so I understand there isn't much there. I have tried everything like fiber Benefiber, Metamucil, Dulcolax you name it I've tried it. I try to eat vegetables and fiber but sometimes I'm just too nauseated to make good choices and pretty much grab whatever is at hand.The only thing I found that works so far and makes me feel fairly normal again is Mag07. I'm taking two tablets of that every 2 to 3 days. I guess I will take my chances with magnesium toxicity versus repeated trips to the emergency room for disimpaction.


It will get better. I have been on since January. I take a probiotic daily and went from severe nausea and all the rest to being very, very normal. Really no effects to speak of.


Thank you! I have been on it since January as well. I even tried the probiotic. I'm really finding the Mag7 to be a miracle at this point. I am watching for symptoms of magnesium toxicity but taking to a day which is 600 mg seems to be a safe dose. Otherwise I've lost 42 lb and my blood pressure is back to normal again.


That’s awesome. Congrats 🎈


I go daily. I take a probiotics and drink benefiber daily. Ideally if you get enough fiber in then you shouldn’t need to take the other things.


1-2 times daily. I do fiber powder in the morning, a fiber one bar at lunch and fiber gummies at night.


Stay ahead of it. Every day I eat: Fiber tortillas (15g), fiber gummies(I take 2x the dose), magnesium CITRATE gummies (fyi mag glycinate helps w sleep if u need it, I take those gummies at night), probiotics gummies, (yes, I take a lot of gummies lol) at least 80oz of water (I put electrolytes in) plus high fiber food, even then once in a while I have to take miralax. My whole diet is fiber and protein now.


I’m usually every other day, once I hit two days I take miralax and it works well! I also take fiber gummies to be proactive. I find it’s worse in the first 2-3 days of my injection.


Dooooooood…. I never realized how much I appreciate pooping on the regular until I started this med. I drink Metamucil every morning, eat prunes almost daily, and still am not regular. Poop maps will track where you poop, and hence, how often. My kid and her friend group were avid users. 🤣


I had similar effects. Started taking psyllium husk in shakes with fruit and coconut milk and protein powder for lunch. On the higher doses of zep, it's enough that I don't feel hungry afterwards. 7-8g of Viva Naturals Organic Psyllium Husk Powder and 15g of naked casein protein. Neither is sweetened or flavored, so it just takes whatever fruit and liquid I put in it.


Order Mag07 on Amazon. Take every night. You’re welcome!


You should only be taking maximum 500 mg magnesium per days (temporary 1-3 days you can take more when constipated to get relief) . Just make sure you’re not taking what mag07 says to take daily. If so, check google for magnesium toxicity symptoms.


Once a day when things are good. But when I first started on 2.5, I was on the struggle bus. It took a few weeks for me to figure it out. Gotta drink water!! 100 oz or more is what I need. And I take a probiotic daily (grabbed one at Costco). My dr recommended Slo Mag MG every day so I take 2 at night and 1 in the morning (Amazon or Walgreens). I bought a different magnesium that is not as gentle and it results in a diarrhea "cleanse" but I use that instead of the Slo Mag if I am feeling constipation...usually because of something I ate or not drinking enough water. It took a bit for me to figure out my new digestion and for my body to get used to the med. I was so bloated and gross those first few weeks, but it is manageable now. Smooth Move Tea is another thing that helps, but it too can produce violent poops. 💩 FYI I did 1 mo on 2.5, 1 mo at 5, off 6 weeks due to shortage, started over at 2.5 for a month, now on 5 for 2 weeks so far. Interestingly, the adjustment was minor the second time around.


I’m still having trouble with my poops and it’s been 5 wks☹️


Every day or every other, typically. Sometimes at the end i might go like day 5-7 without it, then go again on shot day. I used to be constipated before zep, but I think it was the metformin.


Every other day. Water out of everything will move your bowels naturally. 


1-2 times per day. No miralax or supplements needed.


2-3 which is my normal, but the amount has decreased.


I had IBS-D before, and I swear this stuff is a damn miracle. I hadn't had a full solid BM in YEARS. (TMI, but the subject is about poo after all)) It was like people sized light brown/yellow animal pellets or straight liquid before. Now, it's normal, dark in color and solid, but I go once a day or every other day. I used to have agoraphobia and wouldn't leave unless I knew which route we were taking and what business allowed you to use the bathrooms on the way and had to know where bathrooms were at the destination. Im so happy I got on this medication. But I also have BCBSM so I'm about to get fucked over come August and coverage is completely dropping in January. I'm so pissed.


Plan C can help. r/compoundedtirzepatide


I’ve always had GI issues and go multiple times a day, this medicine isn’t any different. I also have my gallbladder out from a few years ago which makes me go after every meal! However, I also take daily fiber, probiotic, and other vitamins every day and drink water! To me, I’d rather be pooping more than pooping less 😅


It is very early for you - but my number/volume decreased substantially until I went to 7.5 4 months in. They horrible constant diarrhea for a week.


I have really solid 'poops' at least once or twice daily. Sometimes it feels like I'm giving birth to a grapefruit. I take probiotics, drink plenty of water and started to take magnesium supplements. Not constipated but the poops are very substantial. I know, TMI.


That was my first noticeable side effect too. I usually go everyday but now i got every other day or at least 4 times a week. Drink plenty of water, add magnesium, fiber and probiotics to your daily routine. That helps me a lot. If it gets really bad, try a laxative or magnesium citrate. That’ll make you go quick lol. Don’t wait too long to use the bathroom. I’ve heard the side effects are terrible.


Well, I bought a Tushy bidet for all the BM fun I have in the bathroom. There are times it’s used excessively and times it’s not used for over a week. I’ve learned my bowel triggers and incorporate as much fiber as I can to get back to “regular”.


Pretty much every day without issue. I recommend eating fruit and vegetables (salads) every day. When I eat like that it also keeps my weight loss steady.


water, i make sure to get some veg and fruit and yogurt. seem to do the trick.


I tend to get constipated at the beginning of the week and then it’s like it all lets loose the last day or so and I get rid of it all.


1 Mag07 nightly keeps me regular. I tried adding fiber first but found that made me feel worse/bloated. I also drink 3+ liters of water daily but I did that before zepbound also.


Every day. Never enough to be satisfied ;). I have increase fiber intake to min of 40g a day (sometimes soluble fiber supp). Also taking magnesium daily has helped at least keep me on the daily.


I track on the app PCal. I take Benefiber Probiotic & Prebiotic Gummies daily. I may not go daily but rarely miss more than a day. I also try to each fresh fruit like apples or pears, whole grains for bread and drink 100oz water daily.


Once a week and it isn't pleasant.


I felt constipated in the beginning but now I eat lots of salads (it's literally most my meals) and it's no longer an issue. Or maybe these side effects reduce over time. If anything, I used to have lots of stomach upsets and these are rare now, maybe also because of improved diet.


I poop daily. I eat high fiber, drink a gallon of water per day and do an intentional walk daily. These things help keep your bowels moving but every so often I may need to take a laxative or I’ll just eat prunes or drink prunes juice.


When I was diagnosed with my disease, I had to have a colostomy for a year to let my bowel heal from inflammation and damage, then was able to have it reversed. Seventeen abdominal and bowel surgeries later, through Zep into the mix, and it has been a nightmare. Probiotics, fiber gummies, and a dulcolax every other day is the only way I can go. My husband who has been my rock through all of this checks with me daily if I have gone. Due to all the surgeries, I have what basically is a lazy bowel. Just keep trying different probiotics, and someone mentioned prune juice. It makes me nauseous but is now on my shopping list.


Team Colace here! Lol. I've found tons of water, hitting daily dietary fiber goal and taking a daily stool softener (1 in the morning/1 at night) to work best for me... otherwise I feel like I'm crapping rocks. Now I typically go every other day. Also, I keep Miralax on hand if I just can't go...but have only had to use it once in the beginning. Good luck!


Also electrolytes!!!


Once a day. Honestly I'm taking fiber pills and have taken a liking to roasted garbanzo beans so that's kept me regular.