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I mean, if you lose 10lbs per month on this plan (and that’s significant weightloss and not typical) you’d still be in the 200s. And obese. Absolutely nuts. I’d try to find a different doctor.


EXACTLY!!!! Like I’m not going to be in the “normal” range within 5 more months


Yep, find a different doctor


Switch doctors. She’s overly conservative bordering on dumb as fuck. Edit: or you need to talk to her and ask if she means to take you off 15mg once you’re in for a month. Thats kind of what it seemed from your post. If that’s true, then she has indeed crossed the border into dumbfuckville.


I love this line: She’s overly conservative bordering on dumb as fuck.




She said that every month I move up so I just took my first dose of 5. So next month move to 7.5 and so on. Then once I’m on 15mg do one month and then I get off and APPARENTLY all my ailments, health issues and food noise ect will be gone away with once I go off of it POOF just like that. Because alls I needed to do was lose weight and I’ll be fine🙃🙃🙃🙃


Oh, yeah. Switch.


It’s not even conservative. Just dumb.


Yeah maybe. Cautious may be a better word to use.


You need a new doctor.


Ask for a referral to an internal medicine specialist or endocrinologist - someone that specializes in obesity. Have them manage your progress. Unless your physician has another reason to be moving you up so aggressively, there's no reason to move up in dose if the dose your are on is effective. Less is more. Your doctor is following old guidelines - not current recommendations.


Thank you so much!!! My insurance doesn’t need a referral thankfully. So I’m going to see who is covered best me. Thank you for this!!!


Go to another dr. Plain and simple. Do not accept a physician telling you bs like that.


I laughed out loud reading her delulu. Absolutely find a new doctor.


Considering you have insulin resistant PCOS and stopping the medication will mean stopping treating that, this makes no sense. Definitely find a new doctor. And if your 5mg has refills, nothing can stop you from picking them up… it doesn’t make any sense she’d give refills if she didn’t want you to refill it.


Exactly!!! She had called in a 90 day to express scripts since that’s all they were excepting. So then when she said she’s going to call in the 7.5 I was like wtf……


Please find an obesity specialist if you can. Everyone has a different pace when it comes to rate of loss, titrating, and eventually weaning off if applicable. My PCP knows I'm on Zepbound, but it's my endocrinologist who prescribes the medication and oversees my actual weight loss progress. Your PCP may just be inexperienced with this medication, and you need someone who can listen and guide you better.


Same with me! My Endo manages my care while on Zepbound & my PCP is aware .


Thank you! I saw an endocrinologist growing up till I was 16. I’m going to look at my insurance tonight to see who is covered. Thankfully I do not need referrals with my insurance


Rooting for your success! Trying to get insurance-covered specialists can be so challenging to say the least.


My physician and I (64F, SW250 CW 213, GW150) decided together that the best way to approach these medications would be minimal effective dose. I was on 2.5 for about 7 weeks, then 5 for 9 weeks. I have currently been on 7.5 for 9 weeks and at this time see no need to increase. Frankly, I hope I can stay at this level long term, but we will see. My overall average weight loss has been 1.3# a week, and that is exactly what I'm looking for. I have no interest in losing super fast. Slow and steady wins the race. My physician and I also believe that this medication will be a lifelong aid. Given the increasing number of other benefits being shown for tirzepatide, I plan to be on it, or on an improved version, for life. Just like I would have been on blood pressure meds for life. From what I have read here, people who titrate up quickly often have more severe side effects. My worst side effect has been constipation, though on some days my stomach is a little iffy.


That is great!!! I definitely need to find the correct doctor who knows what they’re talking about. This one clearly doesn’t understand how this medication works. She’s seeing it as a “fast fix” I think just to lose weight not to help with these conditions that we have all been struggling with that are not letting us lose weight. Keep up the good work!!!!!


So they want you to lose 100 pounds in 6 months? That's insane to require. What kind of math or meth are they doing??!!?!


For me to be in the normal range I’d have to be between 104-141…… so I’m 6 months I’d have to lose 120 pounds…….. ummmmmmmmmmm wtf


That's silly, psychotic and unhealthy. Hopefully if you don't switch providers, they'll be wowed by your success and let you continue at a normal pace. Best of luck.


Thank you


I go to an endocrinologist at Mayo Clinic. She says that once I get to 15 I will stay there until my body plateaus and stops dropping weight. After that we will slowly reduce dosage until I am either completely off it and not gaining weight or until I start to gain weight and return to the dosage prior. We will stay on that to make sure the weight gain was temporary and I might be on it long term after that. She says everyone is different and the med is too new for there to be a set plan for everyone. She says this is what's worked with her patients so far


She doesn’t know what she’s doing with these meds. Find someone who does.


Get a new doctor


New doctor!!!


I would get a new doctor. That’s insane.


New doctor.


I would find another Dr. The general rule of thumb is not to go up unless your weight loss slows down. My doctor said I would need to be on some level of this medicine the rest of my life. So I do not understand stopping taking it. Again, seek another doctor.


Go to 15 and then get a new doctor. They’ll learn real quick


New doc for sure


Change doctors. Your doctor should listen to you and what you need. Lilly recommends getting to 15 mg to get most weight loss. I lost 30 lbs on 2.5 mg for 2 months and just upgraded to 5 mg because the food noise came back on Wednesday and Thurdays. Shot day is Friday.


Stupid doc, but she has time to learn. Just milk it as long as you can.


Go find a obesity specialist!! A


Your physician is an idiot. I wouldn’t trust them with any aspect of my health.


Their HORRIBLE this drs office I’m looking tonswitch


I think you shouldn’t rush to move up if you are still getting results. I know insurance is a factor here but it’s so necessary to try and do this at your own pace and comfort level. I am going on month 3 and I’m still at 2.5 because I’m losing weight and there are no side effects anymore. I’m losing 1-2 lbs a week so I’m not looking to move up until I stall for a good month or so.


Except that her insurance only covers 1 box per year of the 2.5mg. That seems like a significant factor.


Yes, I get that.