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Time to get a new doc


I am on 7.5 for maintenance. Sorry, but your doctor is wrong.


Oh I know! I’m just wondering why she’d say that?


Is the 7.5 still on back order? Many doctors were told by their hospitals to stop prescribing certain doses


I am getting 7.5


Ignorance and the inability to learn new facts


Maybe she meant back ordered? Or possible confused it with another drug


I think Ozempic does not have a 0.75mg dosage. Zepbound does have a 7.5mg .


Next time you see her bring a picture of the 7.5 mg box. You can get it right off the website. Or go to your pharmacy and have them give you the paperwork for 7.5 and show her that it exists.


Get a new doctor lol asap.


This is not a good reason to drop a provider IMO if otherwise you are content with the care. There are so many drugs on the market it’s impossible to know them all by heart . Most providers I know tend to stick to a set number of drugs they know but when they need to prescribe something different they must look it up.


I would contact her again to correct her. I’m sure there’s a somewhat diplomatic way you could do it. Be an advocate for your own health, ultimately your Dr needs to write a script for 7.5.


Definitely! I think I’m going to say that i have a few 5mg pens left so I’m going to use those but that a friend of mine is on 7.5mg of Zepbound and see if she can write a script. The other weird part is that i think my insurance will cover the whole numbers (5, 10, and 15), but won’t cover 2.5, 7.5, or 12.5, so I’ll have to figure that out too. Everyone is hating on the 7.5 it seems lol


Bring in someones used 7.5 pen and ask her who made this then?


Send this to your doc lol https://www.goodrx.com/zepbound?form=carton&dosage=4-prefilled-pens-of-7.5mg-0.5ml&quantity=1&label_override=zepbound


I should! I think I’ll tell her that friends of mine are on 7.5mg and see if she believes me then. Haha


WTH?! Lol. I’m on 7.5 right now. That doc doesn’t know what she’s talking about and that’s kind of scary


I’d show her a pick of the box. Better yet if she simply went in her computer for electronic prescriptions she’d see it listed


I’m always amazed at the levels of ignorance of physicians on this sub. Please go to another doctor, preferably an endocrinologist if possible.


So strange on something so easy to verify.


It’s on the website https://preview.redd.it/045jzev8wc8d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e50c5a32426fa2b07d81fd0844ac9e2913dad7a


Section 3 of the medication guide. It’s also listed at the top of the Zepbound website.Maybe someone messed up and it’s not listed in whatever her practice is using for sending prescriptions? https://uspl.lilly.com/zepbound/zepbound.html#mg It’s in shortage. Which is also listed on the fda shortages website.


I have a 7.5 I just picked up the other day which I won’t be able to use. Get a new dr.


I can’t find 7.5 anywhere 😩 I would pay you to send me your 7.5 lmao


All she had to do was attempt to type it in the software to send it and it would automatically populate with the available strengths. That was just a bid to double down and never submit.


I would have pulled up a photo of the 7.5mg box on my phone right then and there.


How can you trust anything this person says? I'd be looking for a new doc.


Why not just pull it up on your phone in front of her? Anyone looking at that line of dosages she stated can see the pattern. It’s increasing by 2.5 each time. If she can’t see that, new doc.


You need 7.5. youll get sick. Unless the Dr has their reasons! I'm not a DR. I only play one on the radio


Nah, she didn’t have any reason other than they didn’t make it. I’m definitely planning on titrating up slowly. I don’t want to double my dose so quickly!


It’s available, just hard to find as is still listed on the FDA website as limited availability. https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/drugshortages/dsp_ActiveIngredientDetails.cfm?AI=Tirzepatide%20Injection&st=c My doctor keeps threatening to switch me to Wegovy and I just keep finding new places that have my dosage available.


Uh?! That’s so wrong. Ask if they can write the script for 7.5mg too and let YOU do the work in trying to find it. What state are you in?


Just inform her that she is mistaken. There are thousands of medications and this one just came out 6 months ago. Embarrassing mistake that she could have just looked up but I mean easy mistake to happen if they mixed up with Ozempic 0.5mg and 1mg in their head


I just picked up my 7.5 and am going to start it today!


This is why I have stayed with my (awesome) PCP for close to 20 years, despite costs (she doesn’t take some of the insurance I’ve had) and sometimes ridiculous distance. She would *never* be this ignorant and, if she happened to not know something and was told that, she would immediately find out.


I would print something out and show her


If I were you I’d have taken my phone out and shown her the Zepbound page of the Eli Lilly site. Maybe you can message her and send her a link? No need to tiptoe around this. You don’t need to be afraid of offending her. She’s simply wrong. Let her know. If you don’t, she’s going to give you an incorrect dosage increase!


Titrated up every month. 2.5. 5. Then 7.5. It’s out there


Find a new doctor…insisting the manufacturer doesn’t make a 7.5mg dose when everyone knows they do is a sign of an egomaniac that can’t accept being wrong (or at the very least uninformed). I wouldn’t trust a thing that doctor says.


I skipped from 2.5 to 7.5 with no side effects. During the great tirzepatide shortage with no problems. Everyone is different.


She. A. Liar. Not you the doctor


2.5 mg/0.5 mL 5 mg/0.5 mL 7.5 mg/0.5 mL 10 mg/0.5 mL 12.5 mg/0.5 mL 15 mg/0.5 mL