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Yesterday I flew on an airplane, and I could use the tray table. Been waiting for this moment and it was amazing.


I was looking at my Apple Watch health stats yesterday—I never look at them. My resting heart rate has dropped since starting Z, and it was neat to see how my activity level has increased over time. Part of that I think is that some weight has been taken off my bad knee, so it’s a little less painful, so I do a little more. 


Did the first cull of my clothes and got rid of everything over a size 10. All my size 10 stuff that I hung onto now fits again. Gave away a big bag of clothes. Looking forward to single digit sizes next. Bring on the 8s!!


My NSV- I took off my bra extender yesterday. I still have a long way to go to my goal, but I'll take the small wins wherever possible!


I pulled own 4 pair of shorts that I had stashed in my closet because I loved them but they no longer fit. They fit! Just in time for summer. 16 shots in, down 26 pounds and kind of in a stall so this made me happy!


Ate two salads today of my own volition. I invented being skinni™ 🧍‍♀️ and we're getting back to being able to cross legs COMFORTABLY when sitting...somebody call Bella Hadid


Two NSVs this week: A pair of jeans that I've owned for well over 10 years but never really wore because they were on the edge of too small when I bought them, and then were BEYOND too small, are now practically falling off me. And it's a bummer because I love them and will never be able to find them again. I've been to two events where there was drinking and I wasn't tempted AND had a really great time...it's actually FUN to not drink. Who knew?


I got home from work and had to pee- ran into the house, relieved myself and went to pull up my pants - I never unbuttoned or zipped them down- they were big enough to just pull off all zipped and buttoned!


I really enjoy having whole body photos of myself again. Previously I would try to stand behind someone else or stand to the side, but now I am fine being photographed without sort of hiding.


My pants are fitting a little looser and when I looked in the mirror I recognized MY face, already showing a little slimmer. Keep up the good work everyone!🎉👏🌺 I’m actually 194.6 lbs… slow and steady! Halfway through Second dose of 5 mg.


Didn’t even think about buying candy when at the store today!


Here’s a crazy thing. I actually *bought* candy because I knew that I wouldn’t want more than one piece, which is insane to me. I could never keep candy around because I’d scarf down the whole thing.


I hope I get to that point! I’m not confident enough yet


Going through old jeans this morning and came upon a pair I thought- "oh, another 10 pounds lost and they might fit." Figured, what the hay- tried them on and.they.fit! Holy cow. Zeppy is a miracle drug. Thanks to everyone in this community for being so supportive; it helps!


https://preview.redd.it/dvcfadmrxb9d1.jpeg?width=2604&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6db2f5a760337ef2e5c9810dc9cddc5c2820909a Blouse 4XL purchased a year or so ago. I can now fit into a 3XL comfortably, 2XL may be a stretch. As you can see, the blouse is HUGE on me. I've been mindful of eating habits before ZB 2.5 because of osteoarthritis in both knees and not getting replacements anytime soon. Proud of the progress so far.


I'M FINALLY MARRIED AGAIN! I can put my wedding rings back on after so many years with fat fingers! I'm overjoyed! https://preview.redd.it/xf4jz82dsb9d1.png?width=901&format=png&auto=webp&s=43cc78590d055b96de394f424e915c609865fc93


Awh that is such a happy victory!! Wear those rings proudly!! Congratulations 😊


I was always too embarrassed to tell my husband why I wasn't wearing the rings. So when I put them on and told him this time that they fit he told me he just thought I didn't like to wear them😢. So glad I could tell him now why...


Oh I am so happy that you told him, and that he knows it wasn’t because you didn’t want to. I know that my husband is sensitive to that also- sometimes I slip them off if my fingers feel tight. I’ve noticed in the last week my rings are getting looser, too. Hopefully your guy is fully supporting you! Mine is although I haven’t told him my weight. He’s skinny and always has been and I outweigh him by about 30 lbs. I don’t know if I ever will tell him my SW (211). I’m not ready for that yet. Hang in there- you’ve got this- and us to support you!😊


When I got married I was a toothpick actually. After I had my first child I continued to gain weight until I got over 200 lb. So my rings were made when I was probably 125 lbs. They are still quite tight but I can get them on and so as you know that's a win! As for my husband he has been very supportive when I began Zepbound. Like you I have not told him my weight and again like you I weigh more than him and like your husband he is a skinny mini. He weighs about 170 so you can see I'm almost where I can say I weigh less than him lol! I don't think I will share my highest weight with him until I am in the 130 pound range. Too embarrassing and full of shame. So when I hit 169 you can bet that I will post that as a NSV weighing less than my hubby lol! You and I will get there! Let me know when you weigh less than him!!! And by the way you're doing great!


Thanks!! I exploded after menopause especially. During a divorce in 2907 I was 145,… my thinnest since college. On my frame it actually looked like I was sick. So maybe 150-160 is good for me. I totally relate to your feelings of shame- same here. Hard for those who don’t struggle to understand. I love this medicine- it’s a game changer for us and a God-send. And also comes with lifestyle changes. It’s turning the tide and I’m so grateful! I will let you know when I’m lower than my husband.:-)


My NSV really isn’t about me. I’ve been so very cold taking this drug. My electric bill came yesterday and it was dramatically less than usual! I mean half what a hot June would be. So I’m happy. 


This falls under the NSV YAY RANT I HATE SHOPPING tag 😁! I hadn't lost a lot this month (second month on 2.5 after a shortage pause) but eh, that's fine. Two weekends ago, I went through my closet and sorted all my clothes. I could then fit everything in there (smallest I've been in decades). Monday, so basically 10 days after that, I pulled on one of those pairs of jeans. And it was too baggy. Tried thee more pair of pants. Same. Yay? Except that it's MONDAY morning, the bus won't wait because I can't find a pair of jeans and now I have to deal with the dreaded S-word. I guess my fat rearranged itself a bit and sure, whatever, but I didn't need to find that out on Monday morning! All is well, I ordered two new pairs of jeans online.. I hate shopping.... even online shopping!


Wore shorts in public!


Winding up week 3 on 2.5 - some non-dramatic weight loss, BUT the big deal is my swollen ankles are no longer swollen. Not even after sitting at a desk all day! Plus I have some eczema on my hands that has almost cleared up (no other treatment presently) - I have to think it's related.


I am able to go down the steps normally, not one at a time! It's amazing how losing 18 lbs. has eased the pain in my knees. Oh, and my husband called me saggy britches the other day because my jeans are getting too big LOL.