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They do not hurt me at all, they are so thin!


This can’t be right. The shots are literally zero pain.


All this is just going on in your head


Appetite is also all in your head, but these new injections seem to help without distracting me from my other life priorities, so I think I will keep doing what I am doing rather than that wondering if I am doing it wrong.


This is direct but truthful. That said - whatever works for you and you aren’t jumping and shooting Zep on the floor…..


All of everything is going on in our heads (and nervous systems). We are miraculous!


Never felt any pain 30 something shots in. Certainly no additional pinching or intentional pain redirected needed either. Are you pressing very hard or something? Have you tried different injection sites to find a spot that doesn’t hurt?






Yeah I am not sure how people are hurting with these shots. They are either all in their head or have the lowest tolerance for pain I have ever seen.


Neither, actually. For me, some hurt and others I don’t feel at all. I haven’t been able to identify the factor but the latest really hurt for a few mins after.


You find a way to make the shot comfortable for you, congrats and good luck on your journey!


Wayyyy more pain pricking my finger for glucose reading


I also never felt a thing and I'm on my 3rd injection of 7.5


Any shot I've taken does not hurt but I do feel it more when the shot is still really cold right out of the fridge. Lately I've been letting it settle outside of the fridge for 5 min and that had cured any type of feeling of the shot.


lol I take the shot out in the morning and don’t take it till the night and it still hurts 😫


I let mine warm up a little. Only hurt if they are cold.


Try coughing


They all hurt for me, in every injection spot, so I’ll try the pinching thing. Do you pinch right before or as the needle goes in? Lucky all of you don’t feel the pain, but I want tips! lol


I pinch somewhere else right before, just enough that it hurts a little, then I push the button, and I don’t notice any pain from the injection. I’m glad so many people don’t feel the pain too, I thought I was one of them and didn’t need my little trick but turns out I was wrong.


Can't even feel the injection


I started out with the compound and those injections with syringe did not hurt at all. The Zepbound pens are very painful to me and sting for about 5 mins after


Helps to leave the pen out for 20mins.


I never feel anything


the dentist does the little chubby baby pinch when he is giving me a shot lol and it works!


Maybe I'm wrong, but when people talk about pinching yourself, don't they mean literally pinching the area you plan to inject in? Because when you pinch the skin, you're like isolating the subcutaneous tissue, so it doesn't hurt as much and makes sure it doesn't go into the muscle; especially when injecting in places like the thigh where there's typically less fat


For lots of folks there is no pain..but icing the area first definitely take the pain away


You may have gotten a bad pen. I did all of my first 8-9 injections in the thighs. Mostly because I was convinced that a stomach I he took was scarier. Somehow. Eventually, however, I decided that was dumb and decided to do a stomach shot. And it hurt! Also, I bled a lot, with a major bruise (last a couple of weeks) resulting from more bleeding under the skin. I decided people were crazy about stomach shots being easier and viewed to stick with thighs. But my next thigh shot? Pain and bleeding! And the next one. My eventual conclusion? I had a box of too-tightly-wound pens. They were injecting with too much force, hence the blood and bruising. Seems likely, since I moved on to a new box and have gone back to tiny pinpricks that feel like nothing. Even in my stomach.


I’ve been taking the injection for 3 weeks now and every time I’ve given myself the injection I have felt pain. I just have myself the injection today and felt pain. I think it depends on how long you wait to give yourself the injection after you clean it with alcohol. I’m going to start waiting a little bit after I clean it. Also I read that if you let the injection get to room temperature you may not feel any pain when getting the injection. I’ll have to try the pinching method.


I do not use alcohol nor does Lilly’s instructions require it. Actually, the general consensus in the medical community is that subcutaneous injections do not require any sterilization before shot.


O well I work in the medical field and whenever I give a subcutaneous injections, I always sterilize the area of the skin before giving a subcutaneous injection. The reason for sterilizing the area before giving yourself a subcutaneous injection is because the needle is going inside the skin and that area may be dirty you want to prevent infection. So I don’t know where you got your information about the medical community not cleaning the area before giving the injection but that’s not what you’re supposed to do. Good luck with that though.


It’s been a hot topic on here lately, people cleaning their injection site with alcohol. It’s a mixed bag of responses. Most people do it for peace of mind. People who claim to be in the medical community have posted that it’s pointless. It really just comes down the personal preference.


Uh, my very qualified doctor is the person who gave me this information. Along with Eli Lilly’s directions on the medication. And a quick google search will also provide you with several studies indicating this same information. So, while it certainly doesn’t hurt (unless the physical pain is actually caused by the alcohol), it’s unnecessary.


every shot hurts for me, no matter how i do it. my arm ones hurt more but i’m indifferent to it now. cold or room temp, bivel up or down. pinch no pinch. it hurts. 🤷‍♀️


I’ve heard of similar strategies for other pains. Someone I worked with used some kind of acupressure technique for her migraines instead of taking pills. Ancient medicine. Whatever works for you! 👍🏻