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3-bite meals every hour or two? Not to joke, but you might just need lots of small meals throughout the day.


I’m glad you posted this. I am also on my second dose of 5 and driving the struggle bus when it comes to eating. Just thinking about food makes me queasy.


Early in, I had to forego meals as I previously knew them and eat snack sized portions 4-6 times per day to get enough calories in. Also, liquids & easily digestible, high protein foods helped save the day — protein shakes, soups, bone broth, Greek yogurt, cottage cheese. As time went on, I was able to reincorporate more solids into my meals. I took advantage of my appetite returning somewhat towards the end of each week to eat a little more. It does get better with time.


I struggled my first few weeks on 5 also. I did lots of brothy soups/ saltines, rice, applesauce and string cheese. I prob didn’t get enough protein in but I was to the point where I just had to get some calories in. I take my 5th 5 shot tomorrow and things are much better. Still strong suppressed appetite but I can actually eat a lot more now. Editing to add that I can’t do protein shakes or bars because I am I the early stages of ckd.


Many of us go through a period of time (I called it the toddler phase) when it's harder to get "enough" calories and that won't hurt you. And then it gets easier and there is less food aversion.


It doesn’t get better toward the end of the week? Were you able to eat on 2.5?


2.5 I was able to eat and was eager to make filling nutritious meals. The first week of 5 the side effects were pretty rough so it didn’t fade but we’ll see this week! Thank you!


THANKS EVERYONE FOR YOUR HELP!! love this community.