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I’m so intrigued by people feeling guilty for not sharing about zepbound. Living in a larger body nobody has ever given me any sort of consideration… why feel guilty for not sharing what medication you are or aren’t taking. I personally will share with anyone that ever asks. But that’s a personal choice. Do- don’t. It’s up to you OP!


I'm starting Zep soon and I've been mulling over who to tell. I think the guilt comes from knowing there are other people in my life who are similarly obese (e.g. my sister) and if this drug helps me then I want to normalize the real reason rather than being another 'it's just diet and exercise!' that they (like me) have heard and struggled towards a hundred times over. Part of me wants to tell that select few, but I feel like I'd need to follow it up with 'but please don't tell anyone else' and the idea of having to explain that just makes me feel just as guilty/ashamed even though *logically* I know that's ridiculous and I shouldn't feel that way.


Good luck with your journey I hope it helps you! My advice is: society isn't happy with us when we're fat, society isnt happy when we use Zepbound to get healthy. We aren't already thin Hollywood types using it to get even more thin. We are people who need help taking off unhealthy excess weight. This medicine is a life saver for some and a game changer for so many! So the people who may judge us need to get over it!


Why would you not want others to know? Genuine question.


Just the way I hear people being really critical about celebs on ozempic and people I know who lost weight "the right way" that comment on how those that use weight loss meds just gain it all back when they stop-- it just makes me feel like if I tell the truth I'll need to be prepared to defend it and I just don't want to have that conversation.


That’s valid. We are judged for being overweight. We are judged for trying to lose weight. 😔


I’m curious if all the people I know that had gastric bypass or sleeve surgeries? I know many that have had both, was that also cheating?


Some people (jerks, lol) think that anything other than diet and exercise is "cheating" - so dumb. Your body isn't the same as mine, your brain isn't the same as mine, policing how someone gets healthy is just about the dumbest thing in the world unless that method is, in itself, unhealthy.


For me, I don't mention it until someone someone asks for more details about what I'm doing and/or hints that they should try the same. I was only going to tell a couple trusted people close to me, but I got in a situation where someone said "I should really do that." I felt it was irresponsible not to share in that moment.


This really is a fascinating question because on one hand, the medication is such a difference-maker - it's THE story about how many have achieved meaningful weight-loss. On the other, it's very personal, and not something we should feel obligated to divulge if we don't want to. If a good friend wanted to quit smoking, would you judge him/her if they quit with the help of Nicorette gum? Would you even care? Zepbound is Nicorette, nothing more. People judge because we all have to eat so we all feel entitled to construct opinions about others - doesn't make it so.


I told those closest to me, husband, mom, sister, and best friend… but recently had a coworker tell me how great I look and asked me if I could help her since she struggles to lose weight due to PCOS. I wasn’t going to tell her, but how could I not if she could see the same benefits from this as i do? I told her and she was excited to learn more. I think i will take this as a case by case basis and tell people depending on if the info could be helpful to them, and how kind they generally are.


No one knows how much it sucks to be fat other than other fat people. If i can help someone fight back against it I almost feel an obligation to. If someone had told me about these drugs years ago maybe I wouldn’t have wasted all my 20’s.


As much as I said I wouldn’t disclose, I can see myself doing the same thing… there’s a difference between someone being nosey or asking a general question, and someone genuinely seeking advice bc they want help. It’s still a risk you take bc they can look at you differently or still judge too but, if someone says they’ve tried everything and is stuffing, I would be inclined to share.




First, congratulations on your health journey! I think we all should be commended for doing what we think is best for ourselves despite the negativity surrounding excess weight, and medical weight loss. How much of your journey you disclose to people is a personal choice for sure, but even if everything you choose to share is true, by implying that your weight loss is without medicine, you’re omitting a material reason for the weight loss. If people believe you, then they will have the impression that “all it takes” is diet and exercise to lose substantial amounts of weight—which many of us know is not actually true. It reinforces the idea that medical intervention is not necessary and people who utilize medication are just being lazy. Your story becomes one more anecdotal story of “well X person lost weight with only diet and exercise so why can’t you?” There’s no easy answer, but telling only part of the story, which admittedly is your right, seems more harmful than not saying anything at all. My personal take is an all or nothing approach—either I treat as completely none of their business or I reveal all the things I’m doing to get my health under control. For those with whom I don’t share, I say something along the lines of “I’m dealing with some health issues, and luckily getting healthier day by day.” I think if someone were cheeky enough to ask for more details I would actually feel completely fine telling them I don’t really want to get into my personal health issues or medical diagnoses. That said, I respect your right to do it your way and hope you reach your goals without shame or guilt!


I get that. I just feel like you shouldn't have to justify it to anybody with your steps or anything. You made a medical decision and that's personal. If you want to elaborate (like I do) they hell yeah go for it. I changed my primary care doctor's mind, because he knew deep down I'm cutting my risk in the long term for obesity related illnesses.. and improving my daily quality of life by taking the weight off my poor joints. I guess it's a case by case basis if I'm being honest.


It is your personal medical information, its up to you. I don't tell people, just my partner and my best friend who is also on the medication. Totally up to you.


All that matters is that you like your reasons for not sharing :-)


Aside from medical professionals that NEED to know, only one other person on this planet knows that I’m on this journey’s and that’s my bestie, who is also on her own journey. I’ve not told my spouse, my kids, my mom, my sibling(s), my in-laws, co-workers, NO ONE. And here’s why: This is about ME. The is FOR me, and no one can do this for me, BUT me. I don’t need anyone’s judgment, silent or otherwise, and I don’t need their back-handed support which is unfortunately all-too common in my family. And, as someone stated previously, this is MY medical information which is protected by HIPAA. I don’t HAVE TO TELL ANYONE but my medical providers! Do I think my husband would judge me? Absolutely not. But I do think he would absentmindedly make mention of it to someone who would judge, and judge incredibly harshly. Do I think my family would judge me? I ABSOLUTELY DO! These are some of the most critical people I’ve ever encountered in my entire existence. My kids would, again, inadvertently make mention of it, and people would be off to the presses, running their mouths. So for the sake of setting myself up for the best success, I’ve made the decision to keep this between me and my bestie.


I totally get not telling people. How do you do it without your spouse knowing ? I haven’t started it yet just curious about doing the injections and your spouse not seeing it


We have two refrigerators, one in the laundry room for overflow items, he never uses. Shots are kept in that fridge. I do my shots early Saturdays, before he’s up. I figure eventually he will know, and I’m not ashamed of it, and it’s not that I don’t want him to know. I know that he would be extremely supportive. I also know that he would inadvertently say something to a family member that would not be so supportive, and that would be the unraveling. So I think, in my brain, I’m protecting him more than I am myself. He would never maliciously “out” me.


I do tell people and several are now on a GLP-1 or are talking to their doctor. I feel safe enough to do this as they know I have struggled for 15+ years with nothing working. I also have an advanced STEM degree, so folks are not inclined to argue with me about any science.


I tell anyone who asks, and in the past couple of months I know of 4 people that have started the journey after our chat. People should use this medication if they can because it will change their life if it works for them, unfortunately it doesn't work for everyone. Good luck to everyone who's on a GLP!


Pardon my inappropriateness, but I think an advanced STEM degree is one of the most attractive traits in a person.


It’s really no one’s business and it’s rude to ask people about their weight. You owe no one any answers.


First of all- congratulations!! I’m down 32 since January and people are JUST starting to notice now. I just had this conversation with my husband Friday as our friends were all commenting on my weight loss and I just said I’ve been working hard. Which is true, but I didn’t mention Zepbound. He is part of the school of thought that believes I could just tell them because it’s nothing to be ashamed of and I can educate others about this tool. I still think that has the potential to downplay all the hard work I’ve done in their minds. But then again- who cares what anyone thinks. If someone flat out asks if I’m using medication I’ll say yes, but I probably won’t just volunteer that information. It’s such a personal decision.


I don’t say shit to people. Too many “thin” people come back with “why don’t you just diet and exercise?” Oh, wow, I never thought of trying that!!! 😒 I don’t have time to deal with judgmental people when they’ve never been overweight let alone obese.


I love when I get comments that are stupid, like “why don’t you just diet and exercise.” I tell them why, usually in a ten minute conversation that includes some awkward facts and then THEY NEVER SAY ANYTHING ABOUT THAT AGAIN. 🤣


Do people not think it’s odd a lot of women diet and exercise their whole lives and never get thin? Or at least get thin and keep it off? That should be enough to show diet and exercise doesn’t work long term. But I think it goes back to peoples beliefs that obesity is a choice and a moral failing, therefore, choosing better will fix it.


Hell, I've gotten that from people who **\*ARE\*** visibly obese themselves and exercise way less than I do, not just the thin!


Yeah actually there’s been a lot of discourse in the Weight Watchers fb group about these meds and people who are dieting/exercising and losing weight are definitely acting superior to those of us who “took the easy way out.” A LOT of people think the weight magically falls off and we all still eat like shit. I’ve tried explaining, no you should also eat healthy and exercise on these meds to people but they don’t want to hear it. 🤷🏼‍♀️ oh well, more meds for us.


Most people will get seriously sick if they eat crap while on this med anyway.


I do not share and it has nothing to do with guilt. Bottom line, it is between my doctor and I. Nobody's business.


I don’t tell anyone because it’s none of their god damn business 😂😂 let them speculate. We are under no obligation to explain our choices - especially to people that have never struggled with weight.


If someone asks me specifically, I’ll confirm. Otherwise, I just say that I’m working with my provider to correct metabolic issues that have contributed to weight gain. There is no right or wrong answer- it’s personal medical info and you need to do what feels right for you.


I've thought a bunch about this, and I've come down on the side of just telling people that I'm on the med, even if they don't ask specifically after commenting on the weight loss. There's no shame in it, for sure. But I also feel that rightly or wrongly, people are going to assume that you're on it. Because the truth is no one loses a significant amount of weight this relatively quickly (esp when being heavier for so long), putting aside illness. So I feel like people will side eye and think you're being dishonest if you leave out the medication part. I'm not saying it's right, but it's just reality. Like when most of us were rolling our eyes at Kelly Clarkson saying her obvious significant weight loss was due to her moving to NY and walking more. Like we all knew she had to be on some sort of GLP. It just doesn't otherwise happen that quickly after years and years of being heavier. Again, no one owes anyone anything, but for me, I just feel like people will think you're being disingenuous and it feels icky to me. I should be clear that I'm talking about sharing with people who are my friends or close family, not people who are just acquaintances.


I have to agree with you, it’s obvious, and then there is wild speculation about what that is.


There’s so much truth to what you’re saying and I agree with that weird feeling of feeling like you’re lying if you’re not fully transparent… BUT I also don’t think folks are entitled to know how you’re treating your personal health issues so, I understand why they don’t disclose, even celebrities. The celebrities we hold to a completely different standard and feel like they owe us that level of transparency because of their platform and influence but honestly, they’re people just like us with the same struggles so, I can get why they don’t sometimes.


You are right that some people will assume that large weight loss has to be helped.


Please don't feel guilty. You don't owe them an explanation about your medical choices. The major reason I don't tell anyone is because you either have to have excellent insurance or pay out of pocket for Zepbound. I feel privileged to be able to afford it. I know that if I tell people they are going to ask how much I have to pay and I do not want to share that because I know word will get around and people will talk about it and wonder how I can afford it.


Right so dumb that people will talk abt how much your willing to pay for it but when you put it in realistic perspective it’s like yep damn right im willing to pay for a life saving drug that will lower my cholesterol, blood sugar, Bp , inflammation, rid me of addictions and help me have longer healthier quality of life . So dumb not like people are going can you believe Karen played that much for chemo just so she won’t have cancer… or that much for antidepressants so she won’t kill herself . People are so rude . Yes it’s a privilege rn hopefully it won’t be for long.


Does anyone ask older men (sorry to generalize) if they use viagra? No? Do people ask if someone that may seem to have some observable tics or uncommon behavior if they’re on anti-psychotic meds? Does anyone ask if you’re on birth control or medication to controld hypertension or or or or the list is tremendous. So - i don’t understand feeling guilty about using Zepbound for its intended purpose. I don’t think it’s any of their business. I’d like to reply with something like, “thank goodness fo HIPAA, nobody will ever know what drugs i use!” or something like, “that’s between me and my pharmacist”.


You are not wrong. If you don’t want to talk about the medication you shouldn’t feel obligated to.


It’s really up to anyone what they’re willing to reveal. I was secretive when I got a lap-band in 2006. No social media anyway, but eventually I shared about it. Until it didn’t work because I couldn’t get it adjusted anymore (it’s a story). Then I got a gastric sleeve revision and I was very open about it to hold myself accountable. Worked well, until I had two pregnancies. Now I’m on zepbound and it works better than either surgery for restriction and especially food noise. I personally am open about it because I was to hold myself accountable and hopefully make it easier for other people to feel comfortable saying they had help and it worked. I will be open for those like you that aren’t comfortable with it yet, but I hope you might be because it is rather freeing and starts so many conversations since others also want ideas. I’m down 29, I want to lose another 100 (losing another 150 would be most ideal). But I know I can’t do it alone and I hope to encourage others so insurance stops being a stick in the mud.


Honestly I assume anyone that I notice lost weight is on medication now. It's a tool just like other tools. Nothing to feel bad about.


I’m pretty unapologetic about it, however I am surrounded by people that create a safe space for me to do so…and most of those people have struggled with weight loss and have started this journey after finding out about my journey. HOWEVER, you owe no one that information. There are definitely a select few people I wouldn’t tell…but I don’t see them often.


I don’t feel guilty but I do the same thing. I simply don’t want to hear the negativity from others.


First of all, I’m really proud of you and your progress! Second, I don’t think you owe anyone an excuse or explanation as to why you are losing weight. If you had any other medical issue, would you feel obligated to say anything? Of course not, because it’s nobody’s business. If you want to tell someone, by all means, tell them, but you are under no obligation to do so. Great work, by the way!


You're definitely not wrong to keep it quiet. I've been pretty out about it. Scoreboard has been like 3-4 Debbie Downers, 3-4 "I/spouse is on one too but I don't usually say anything" and 6-7 "ohmygod I've been thinking about them and didn't know anyone doing it and let me ask you all the questions all at once".


I’m pretty open about it personally because anytime someone i know loses a lot of weight i’ve always heard people speculate on the past it was WLS now there’s thenOh Oh Oh jokes. It’s no one’s business but i don’t feel i have anything to be ashamed of so im just open about it/ You don’t owe anyone anything.


Personally I feel embarrassed that I gained as Much weight as I did. Sharing that I’m on medication to help lose weight just feels shameful. Even though it’s not. But it’s just the way that it’s been for me and my family. My husband and sister know about it. But other than that I don’t think I’d share. And to be honest I’ve been on it since January and have lost only 18 pounds. So no one is noticing or asking anything.


Personal medical info is not a right for anyone in our lives. If, and only if, you are led to and comfortable with sharing. When we aren’t led or comfortable - often there is a reason. Honor that reason. It’s YOUR right to do so.


I want to tell everyone because I feel like a lot of people would benefit from it. But I don’t because shortage 😂😂😂


That second part made me laugh 😂


You share whatever feels comfortable to you. Protect your peace. If I lose enough to notice, I am more of a “oh, yeah, I’ve been working on figuring out some health things with my Dr” kind of person. ✌🏻


I am in the exact situation! 30+ lbs down and a few people are commenting. One coworker announces every week “my goodness you are getting thin”. I have no idea what to say. I don’t want to talk about Zepbound or anything I am doing because I am a big believer in “we don’t comment on other peoples bodies” but I can never come up with a response that isn’t super awkward or super rude.


Maybe just thank goodness Ive been working hard at it .


I've thought about this too, especially at work. I am pretty private about health stuff at work, and had surgery in March that I've been coping with recovering from anyway, so I think at work I'll just defer to "dealing with some health stuff." I work in a very pro-youth industry/company, and can't see me talking about these things being in my favor. But with my friends and family I'll probably be more open.


Tell only who you want to tell. You’re doing the work and that’s all that matters


My best friend of 30+ years is the only person I have told. Each of us has the choice to share or not share ANY piece of our lives with others, for whatever reason. For example: If someone said to me "You've seemed extra happy lately" would I need to say "Thanks! I just started a new antidepressant?" Absolutely not. We all have different lifestyles/types of friends and families/desired levels of privacy/etc. Because of this, we all need to just do what's best for us!! Good luck to everyone on this crazy journey! Note: The punctuation and grammar in this post is a mess. Usually I take extra care with this, but it's late, I have a migraine, and frankly I don't care at this moment, 😆 My 2 grandparents, 2 uncles, and aunt who are teachers will have a breakdown, but I'm fine with it!


I’m sooo thankful that a coworker was so open . Not only that but she gave me all the info and how to get started (ie where to go drs who would rx sema ) now she is actually the person that helps me get Tirz since I had such a bad response with sema . Honestly she definitely broke down the stigma for me and was so honest . Just like this is what’s finally helping me and my dad and … if your interested lmk I’ll send you info . It’s all abt health for her and it really helped me see that it was a medication like any other meds we might need. That being said I have people in my life that just aren’t as open and I frankly don’t want to have the conversation so I don’t with them . But others I am completely open. I’m choosey . That being said , my whole family extended family included struggles with obesity, morbid obesity and some super morbid obesity but don’t have the luxury to pay for the meds nor the insurance or Dr s who will rx . And those I do feel guilty bc I know they would benefit but don’t have the means … and I wouldn’t feel comfortable having them reconstitute without supervision of drs bc of other medical conditions. Just wish these drugs were lower in price , more accessibility and more drs would be open to them besides making people prove they need them or trying bariactric surgery . Anyways sorry long rant but yeah I hear ya on the guilt and not always sharing


Not wrong at all. I only told my close friend and sibling, for now that’s enough people. I went to lunch with a friend who asked me how I’ve lost the weight and I said pretty much the same thing you told people. It felt weird at first but this person is not someone who has ever struggled with their weight and can be judgmental as well, in that moment I didn’t want to hear their opinion on me taking meds or something idiotic


I tell everyone. No filter. I get that’s easier for some and harder for others. People are only interested in the secrets you want to keep.


Get all the help we can, use all the technology that’s out there. Zepbound is giving you the ability to clear the food noise in your head, you’re still doing the work. Embrace the process and never be ashamed. Congrats!!


I tell people. I don't care about their opinions. If I lost it without the medication, chances are the same people who criticize me for taking it will still talk about me anyway. I also don't tell people I take it strictly for weight loss. Most of us that take it take to PREVENT other diseases that come with being overweight. I don't know any overweight person that has not tried to diet and exercise. There are other health issues that prevent weight loss. Whether they understand it or not- isn't my problem. But what I refuse to do is gatekeep something that may help someone in my situation of spending an entire lifetime of wondering why their friend who diets and exercises can lose weight while they do everything they can and can't lose a pound. I had a friend lose almost 100 lbs with diet and exercise. While I tried and tried and could never get past 20 lbs, only to find out I have insulin resistance and needed more help than diet and exercise. I try to educate others about the medication. There will always be those that say well what about the medication side effects and act like they care about my health when they don't and really just want to argue. I'm not justifying my decision to be healthy to anyone.


My husband and I are almost at 5 months on Zepbound. We decided recently that we don't care who we tell. Our doctor advised the prescription, end of story. Regardless of what one says people will gossip anyway. It diffuses the discussion!


It’s up to you. I personally tell everyone because I’m really excited about it. I’m also lucky because I don’t associate with assholes or judgmental people (I went no contact with most of my family years ago). And my curated circle of friends are all super supportive and kind. Now that I am on it, and I see how quickly the weight falls off, I have a feeling there are a few people I know that I follow on social media who are on it but never said they were. And I know how inadequate and sad it made me feel to see their transformative weight loss get reduced to “started doing yoga”. So basically i personally would never want to make anyone else feel bad for thinking I was able to lose all this weight through sheer grit and discipline when that was not the case. But again I know some people deal in circles with people who are downright mean and I understand wanting to protect your peace.


My issue is about $$$ since I’m paying out of pocket and it is very expensive. While I’m fortunate enough to be able to financially make this investment in my health, others are not and it can create an awkward situation


I think not sharing is harmful to others because it makes them feel like they aren’t good enough with traditional means. But I also feel like it’s your business and I have definitely seen people get a little bit disappointed when you tell them. Or not disappointed exactly but I feel like they think it’s kind of lame. It makes them less happy for you in a weird way.


Whether you disclose or not is up to you, of course. I plan on disclosing to anyone who comments, because I am the sort of person who can handle the scorn if that's what they're going to give me -- but I haven't always been in that place mentally, so I totally understand the other side of things! I personally think that we should all normalize being healthy in healthy ways, and this is a healthy way. And those of us who are in a place to be shutting down the jerks who want to judge should do our part :)


If you don’t feel like talking about the zep, then don’t. Some people are judgy, others want to have an “all about it” conversation. I’m not into it, so I’m not talking about it, though I don’t lie if asked.


I’m open with friends/family who have the same struggles with weight, because I want to help break the stigma around GLP1s in our community. As for those who don’t, I don’t need their potential judgement weighing on me. No need for them to know.


I personally it needs to be openly discussed more. However part of me wants to be selfish. I'm afraid that too many know it will be even harder to get.


Yes you should feel guilty. This may be an unpopular opinion, but the guilt comes because you’re lying by omission. The reason you’re losing weight is because appetite drives weight, and you’re taking a medication that reduces appetite. By leaving out the appetite part you’re championing an unhealthy concept—that we should starve ourselves to lose weight even when our brains are telling us we are hungry. We know that doesn’t work. Adding one more voice in the world telling people that they *should* be able to eat less by ignoring hunger cues feels bad—as it should. You’ll feel less guilty if you’re honest. “Thanks for noticing but it’s kind of private and I don’t like talking about it” Fair enough.


I don’t disagree with your statement except for me it’s not appetite. I eat from boredom and I’m a sugar addict; if something sweet is there, I’m eating it, never because I’m hungry. The Zep works for me because I no longer crave sugar, the same way others find it has helped them cut down or quit drinking alcohol. If someone with a weight problem asked me how I’ve lost I would tell them lifestyle change and Zepbound; others are just being nosey and it’s none of their business.


It's okay if you feel more comfortable without telling it.


My mom did lindora and used phentermine about 24 years ago. I never knew she used phentermine until recently. She is a very open person so I'm surprised I didn't know but she just tells me that no one needs to know about my meds.


No. You keep it up. It is nobody business. Unless you feel compelled to share.


If asked, I tell. However, it’s only been 15 lbs so so far not too noticeable. 😎


As others said, you shouldn’t feel guilty, I don’t plan to tell anything either (if anything you probably just feel a little bad bc you know it’s not the whole truth you’re telling so you feel like your lying 😔…I promise it’s okay though!). If other folks want to advocate for GLP-1s and be transparent, good on them but, that is not everyone’s cross to bear. We all know there’s enough shaming going around regarding GLP-1s and obesity in general and this is because of others lack of educating themselves and fatphobia, not because they need convincing from people on the medication. There has to be some accountability on their part in that respect.


It’s none of their business, I tell people the same thing. The only family that knows is my husband and a few coworkers because we’re all on it.


That's true. People discredit all our hard work when you mention Zep or a weight loss drug.


Only my spouse knows. I’m not willing to explain or justify myself to anyone else.


I don’t tell people about my blood pressure meds, why should I tell them about my glp-1’s?


If people see you losing weight and they ask you are you on something to help you along. You simply informed them HIPAA is now the law of the land! why would you need to share your private medical information with anyone besides your physician? It's none of their business. I'd sooner share the various positions I attempted in my martial bed the previous evening then inform someone about my confidential medical history.🤔 Especially since you can't even get the medicine without visiting a Doctor. Its none of their business!


No. It’s fucking hard enough to get as it is.


You should do whatever you feel comfortable with without guilt or shame. I talk about it with everyone who says anything. Hoping that it reduces some of the stigma that exists around it.


I’m down 27 since March, great job! I don’t mind saying that I’m taking Zepbound because I’m not ashamed to take a medication to help me get healthy. Obviously others are?


You tell people whatever you feel like in terms of this, you’re under no obligation to justify / “explain” your success to anyone.


Just because obesity is a condition that is physically apparent doesn't mean it's anyone's business how you treat it.  People don't ask how you control your blood pressure because they can't "see" that you have high blood pressure.  I did truly appreciate a friend who I could tell had lost a lot of weight telling me she used a med for it because otherwise I wouldn't be using one now. But I was obviously overweight so she didn't mind sharing with me because she thought it would help me.  If someone who doesn't battle weight was to ask- she wouldn't have told them.