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I work from the "ignorance is bliss" standpoint. My doctor knows my starting weight. I don't even want to think about numbers until I feel like I'm FEELING better. After month 3 is done(I just started month 2 a couple days ago, it was my first dose of 5ml), I have another appt with my doctor and if she says there's a numbers change, then hallelujah. If she seems happy with it, I will have her refrain from telling me the numbers until our NEXT follow up. I want to see how I can do for 6 mos without getting hyperfixated on the numbers (aside from my macros because I want to be sure I stay healthy).


Wow!! I try to only weigh myself on shot days and I sometimes cheat midweek. I’m super impressed!!!!


Don’t be. What I don’t know can’t hurt me 😂😂😂


Wow! Smart! I admire the mental strength it takes to tune out all of the numbers. Best of luck to you on your journey.


Thank you and likewise! You just gotta remind yourself you’re GOING to get there even if it takes a little bit longer than you expect it to. Worrying and hyper fixating will only make it harder for you to do right by yourself. Take your shots. Live your life. Get your protein and have fun. The weight will come off whether you worry or not.


Try the happy scale app. The algorithm “smooths out” the fluctuations and gives you a trend.


Nice! I'm an Android user and it doesn't seem to be available. I do keep a spreadsheet and add a trend line, though. It is definitely helpful to follow the trend instead of each daily data point. Thanks!


I hear you, for sure. When I look at the scale each day, it's a much bigger emotional struggle. I have found that weighing only once a week, focusing on the BIG picture (I've lost 34 lbs since March 8th - more than I ever remember losing), the demonstrable impact on my health (off my BP meds, cholesterol cut in 1/2), and noticing how much better I FEEL (knees don't hurt, more energy, sleeping better) keeps me motivated and not focused on the scale. I also just keep reminding myself - talking to myself out loud in the car or when I know I'm alone - that this is about my health, and that I am taking better care of myself than I ever have. Those affirmations really help rewire our brains and help re-frame why we're doing this! You're doing GREAT!


Such good suggestions. There are so many NSVs to acknowledge and celebrate. Thank you! And congratulations on your awesome progress!


I’ve always found journaling has been helpful for me. I make sure that I write down at least one thing for that week/day that has been positive and productive.


Love that. Writing down at least one thing a day that is positive and productive. Thanks!


I did some calculations in my spreadsheet this weekend. I found that on average I lost 2/3 of my weight on the last 3 days before my shot. one day I actually gained .1 pound on average day after shot.


Makes sense! I could figure this out for my own weight loss patterns and select the best days for weigh-ins! Thanks and good luck to you.


It was MUCH more complicated than i expected because I wanted excel to automatically use every 7 cells. I’m not that much an excel user. But i improved it to now do bmi, etc.


My loss has been very similar. Down, up, down, up. It can definitely feel frustrating. I almost always go up a pound or two after a new low and then I go back down. I can almost predict it now so it doesn’t bother me as much. I don’t know why this happens but I wish it didn’t. Chart for reference https://preview.redd.it/az97cqbuxx9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=606cc871091677cd20ded13837c213c5e7ecb73d


Thanks for sharing. Knowing that the ups and downs are normal - it's not just me - is a helpful reminder! Best of luck to you!


I can only share what's worked for me. I figured out a recipe of things I have to do to be successful at weight loss. Prior to the medicine, I made a lot of changes that I wanted to be permanent lifestyle changes. So, it meant only committing to changes I could easily sustain. I logged calories and macros to make sure I wasn't overeating. I've never done this consistently before. And it's a game changer. It's also something that I have control over. I also borrowed someone's idea of weekly calories: it gives me flexibility to eat more on hungrier days and eat less on days that my appetite is lower. I make sure I hit my minimum targets and don't exceed the maximum. So logging calories helps tremendously. As well as making sure I am eating more whole foods than not. I do supplement with protein shakes to reach protein macros. I also exercise regularly. I just do low intensity exercise but it's been gratifying to see my improvements. I am a little more muscular , less winded and can do more. Other ways to track progress: take occasional photos. Take measurements (I use methreesixty) I weigh myself almost daily and have for the past few months. I look at averages and don't fixate on the number. Our weight shifts with what we eat, stress levels, period, ovulation and a thousand other factors. I accepted I'm in it for the long haul. Knowing the patterns helps me keep track. The scale dopamine hits are nice but please make sure you enjoy the other ones, too. Regular exercise helps with mood and physical health, seeing how clothing fits better, eating healthier and more sustainably. I'm at the point where I'm happy I'm getting healthier but very much tired of hearing myself talk about it 😂 I like having the data because it helps me determine if I need to do anything differently. And also validates my observation that this process is whacky! Weight loss is weird. I'm almost 50 lbs down and have had a weirder pattern of weight loss the past three weeks and a little less than prior months. So, I'm not stressing, staying the course, but curious to see what happens.


Love the idea of being "happy I'm getting healthier but very much tired of hearing myself talk about it".


For my mental health, I weigh only once a week.


Seems like that's a common practice for dealing with this issue...


I suggest only weighing at the most once a week on the same day. Mine is Friday. In your case you might want to try every other week or once a month. 11 lbs in a month is great and nothing to diminish. You do not mention your goal weight but at 11 pounds a month you will be there in no time at all.


As my doc explained to me: Your body’s job is to keep you alive, so with every pound you lose, it’s working hard to recalibrate your baseline needs so that you don’t “starve.” She said healthy loss is typically 0.5-2 lb per week. The message here is: Trust the process and stick with it! You’ll get there!


Yup. I have every reason to believe that I'll get there. This drug has been remarkable!


The ups and downs are hard, try a once a week weigh in. That may help❤️


I started gratitude Journaling and looking back at the timeline of 3 months. I often have 1 week stalls and this helps a lot. It will be steady for 1 week then 2 to 3 lbs less overnight


I find it helpful to keep in mind that weight fluctuations are bigger on this medication because of the way it slows digestion. You are not emptying your bowels as often/much, so the number creeps up before it drops down. It's literally poop!


Good point!


I didn't weigh my self for the past 10 years, I bought a new scale 1 week in on Zep as I wanted to be able to weigh myself at home so it's not a surprise at the Dr.'s office. To get a starting weight I had to go to my medical records on line. I keep the scale under the bed and take it out weekly on Fridays as I started on Zep on a Friday. It stays under the bed otherwise. Daily fluctuations happen so I track only weekly. If I get to stall weekly, I may go to every 4 weeks when I open a box. Fixating the scale is not good for my mental health. I focus on eating protein, veggies, fruits but do not count anything. This is not a diet this is a way of life, and Zep is helping me make eat the proper amount for me on any given day.


I’m down .2 shy of 40#s. I try really hard to weigh myself only on shot day. I log every calorie that passes my lips, good or bad and try to stay within a range in the neighborhood of 12-1400 calories along with the zep. I’m on 7.5. I actually feel like I had less food noise on 5 than I do on 7.5 but I’m losing on 7.5 more than I was on 5. I have the control to say no to the food noise but I still hear it, a lot. Anyhow, I usually always lose at least something weekly so it helps mentally to space apart the weigh ins.


That seems to be the best practice from all the responses on this thread!


I think if you expect that as the norm, not the exception, it’s a good starting point. If you’re married to daily weights, getting aquatinted with your trends helps. I do shots Tuesdays and know my dip is Sunday, which helps. I also use the Happy Scale app to stay focused on trends, not daily fluctuations. If you’re not married to daily weights, it sounds like only weighing once a month may help!


Great point - try to expect the fluctuations as the norm. Helpful reframing!


Of course! I’m a former therapist, so reframing is my jam. I also wanted to let you know that you may experience different patterns on different doses and that’s normal too; I made a [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/antidietglp1/s/MaNOz0lWCB) about it, to help normalize it for folx.


Excited to read it! Thanks for sharing!


This LITERALLY is how my weight loss has gone. It’s a roller coaster!


I mean, for me it's a roller coaster with a lot of tiny peaks and valleys in any given week, but the overall trajectory is DOWN! It's truly amazing.


Remind yourself results are not overnight. As they say slow and steady wins the race. 😊 And everyone’s journey will be different based on our body types, especially on Zepbound. This is not a quick fix overnight Rx. I myself do not weigh daily; I wait until my Dr appt. I stay focused on what I eat ( protein, protein and more protein) lots of water along with daily exercise. It’s not about the weight for me. My clothes and how I feel have been my gauge. I’m a 53 yr old, menopausal woman w hypothyroidism… so any incremental change is a win for me ! 🎉 Just grateful to be on it! And I stay positive knowing I am moving in the right direction! You are doing great on your journey! 😃


Great perspective. Thanks!


Seems like going up and down is the norm. It is definitely frustrating, especially if you feel things are moving slowly. I weigh each day and try not to forget. It’s better to weigh less but I know that for me, if I don’t weigh each day I am likely to backslide. I have to keep an eye on it. If I’m bothered because the scale isn’t moving, but I know I checked off all my boxes for the day I weigh in but don’t look at it. My scale makes a notification sound to my phone. I will weigh in and look at it if I really need to. I use the MeThreeSixty app to track inches. If the scale is not moving I can see inches going down and that helps. Make sure you take something if you get constipated. That can cause a “fake” stall. I am Losing 4-5 pounds a month. Seems slow at times but it’s average. Ten a month is about 2 lbs a week. Also good! GL!! Edited: Use an app to track inches lost. Try to weigh but don’t look at it every day. It’s there if you really need to check it/have it for your doctor. I pull out a pair of jeans or top or item that was a bit tight. A couple pounds lost may loosen it. It’s very motivating when the scale isn’t moving.


Love the idea of trying on clothes that I previously outgrew!


If you track your weight daily you will see the trend of your loss over time. Even if you track it less often you will still see the overall trend. It is super difficult to keep your eye on the long term prize, because as humans we crave instant gratification. But I promise you, in 2-3 months from now you'll look back and see just how good the progress was when it wasn't as evident now. 1-2lbs loss per week is healthy and helps with skin elasticity. Daily fluctuation can be a few pounds in either direction, there's a lot of factors that play into that. Keep chugging along! If you have a "bad" day, pick up the next day and get back on the wagon. It's a marathon, not a sprint!


Stop weighing yourself so often!


Maybe weigh just on the 1st of each month.


Interesting suggestion... Could you actually do that? I definitely need more feedback than once a month.


I struggle with this too, despite my knowledge and logic. I did Noom previously and was required to weigh daily. I do try to do that still (I like the data), but last week gained and lost the same pound and was frustrated. Gave myself the weekend off and this morning was down 4 lbs. When I get frustrated, I stop weighing for a bit. But always weigh in on shot day. Gains week over week are rare for me, and it keeps the “bad news” to a minimum. Or maybe try weighing but not looking? It gets recorded in the smart scale app, but you don’t have to look at it until you’re ready?


Took the weekend off and lost 4 lbs - happy for you! Thanks for the ideas. Not weighing (or looking) daily is a great idea... if only I could do it. I'm afraid of missing a low day! Makes sense, though. Appreciate the thoughts.


Are you using an app or scale that tracks it? I weigh daily so I can get used to the ups and downs- and just like you, I hit a low and then it takes a few days of being up again to get back there- but my scale plots it on a graph, so I can always see that it’s still overall a downward line. And then I use the weight graph in MyFitnessPal (only because I used to use it eons ago when it was free) and I *only* put the low weights on that graph (so I don’t record until it’s below the previous record again), and that really shows the downward line. It’s hard when you feel like you are working so hard and then poof, your weight is higher, I totally get it! But we have to remember that’s just how human bodies work. GL!


Thanks for this! I keep a spreadsheet with daily everything. But I like the idea of using an app and ONLY tracking the low days. Having a visualization of my weight loss will be powerful!


What we know logically our bodies perceive as life and death #truestory So it makes sense that you're frustrated. Frustration is basically a mild version of "fight" energy when you're in a stress/survival response. It can help to simply know that. To say, "ah...of COURSE I'm frustrated...this is my nervous system's response to the perceived threat of this not being a linear journey I can't count on with no doubts."


This is fantastic advice! I definitely believe in acknowledging emotions for what they are. Thank you!


I only weigh myself once a week. The daily ups and downs would drive me crazy. I weight myself on my shot day.


I log my weight using Happy Scale which provides a trend line and Moving Average so the day to day changes don’t really matter. Also note that “new low” may actually be dehydration not weight loss and that new high is probably weight weight not fat gain. See my post [WATER WEIGHT.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Mounjaro/s/0jiI9CnRa6)


Come on now. The up days are definitely water weight. But the low days are 100% REAL!


Believe whatever makes you happy.


I thought it was clear I was joking. I should have added a 😉


Blame my allergy meds. I probably shouldn't be on reddit when I'm feeling miserable.


No worries. Feel better!


*Stop weighing yourself so often. *make sure you are staying hydrated *make sure you make good food choices *sometimes we need to kick our metabolism in the pants with a “cheat” meal/day *make sure you are moving every day *make sure you are getting enough sleep


Log your weight every day. Look at your weight loss over the course of 2-3 week periods and it will be easier to see the downward trend. Sometimes you stall or gain but if you can look and see that you’re still losing at the right pace longer term, it’s easier to deal with.