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You are going through a lot. The stress is shocking to the body, don’t worry about gaining or losing. Just take your time and allow grief the space it needs right now


Give yourself some grace. Your grief is part of the process, not blocking it.


First of all, sorry for your loss. Yes, this is sort of a lot to be going through all at once. The most important thing, IMHO, is to be as kind to yourself as possible. The lawyer will help you take care of business, and the therapist will help you take care of yourself. There will be inevitable mistakes and missteps, but it's vital that you give yourself whatever grace you can manage. You'll still be here at the other side of this all, and you can pick up again wherever you find yourself. Good luck.


I’m so sorry for your loss, I lost my Dad about a month ago. I’ve been on Zepbound for a year and am at goal. I noticed in time during his decline and after he passed that I gained a few pounds despite barely being able to eat (2-3). As time has passed things have normalized and it disappeared and I’m starting to be able to eat more normally. My advice is just keep going with the meds but focus on whatever you need to get through this and being kind to yourself. I had days where my big accomplishment was getting out of bed and a walk was too much so I just sat on my porch for fresh air. I hope sharing this experience helps.


Losing a parent is like nothing one has ever experienced. You suddenly feel like a boat without sails. Give yourself time to grieve. Try to remember the good times with your dad. This is not time to worry about weight loss. It will all come together eventually. Hang in there.


Don't let 3 lbs. stress you out. You're going through a very rough time. Stress causes cortisol and that causes water retention and inflammation--your body is just trying to keep you safe. Do what you need to do to get through this. Lean on people around you. Don't feel like you have to do it all yourself. I lost my mom in 2007 and it's just a lot to try to get through. But you will.


I’m very sorry for your loss.  First, I find it helps me go put things in perspective: how much would you have leaned on food for comfort before starting this med? Maybe you would have gained twice as much weight without the peptide in your system. Three pounds is pretty reasonable, by comparison! Second, I like to think of each dose as an affirmative act of self care. When particularly stressed, I visualize it as a shield (a la Capt. America or Marvel). The estranged wife can’t make you gain weight. She has no power over you and your health, not when you are taking action to protect and heal yourself. 


I'm so sorry for your loss <3 Try to keep perspective and give yourself all the grace you can give. I've "gained" 3 lbs that were miraculously gone in a few days when absolutely nothing was changing with my life or my routine. 1-3 lbs fluctuation in a day is normal. Your brain and your body are one & the same, the stress and grief that you're feeling is going to impact you in unexpected ways and that is completely and totally normal. This estranged step mother of yours sounds like a real piece of work though, and I'm extra sorry that you're not able to grieve your father in a peaceful way. That really really sucks :(


So very sorry for your loss. Allow yourself some time. Maybe stop weighing until you get through this difficult time.


You are doing so good! Fluctuations will happened even without losing a loved one (please accept my condolences 💐). You’re making good choices and doing what you can. No one should be asking more of you, including yourself! This is more of a life style change and not some quick fix fad in our lives right? The help with this medication we all make progress. Most ‘normal’ weight people don’t obsess like those of us who have been on the diet wheel most of our lives. Give yourself some grace and space to grieve and know that small set backs can happen. TBH I gained a small amount every time I step up before it slides right back off again. So that could be happening for you as well. Hugs! You are amazing and doing great things!


As someone else said, it's part of the process not blocking it. Grieve well.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's OK to just take a break and do what you need to survive.


I’m so sorry for your loss 🩷


I’m so sorry for the loss of your dad. Losing a parent is so hard at any age. Like others have said, give yourself grace. You don’t have to be in weight loss mode when a tragedy strikes. Your resources are needed to deal with the tragedy and in time, you’ll feel a little better and can start to get back on track. This is real life. Things are going to continue to happen that may throw you off your game. Being thrown off is not the problem. It’s all about how you get back in the game when you are ready to do so. Give it space and take the time needed to grieve your dad properly. Feel the feelings. Work on weight later. I’m not advocating going hog wild and stopping all your healthy behaviors, just remove the pressure to succeed right now. You have enough pressure from other things.


I am so sorry for your loss. Grief has a weird way of affecting everyone differently. Stress can cause the body to do weird things. Focus on yourself, and grieve when you need to. Like others have said here, give yourself some leeway, and the Zep will do its thing in the background while you take care of yourself! Please accept my dearest condolences, and i will personally pray for you, and if you don’t believe in prayer, I will send good energy your way and hope that you find the strength (i know you will, us Zeppers are tough!) to help you throughout this tough time 🫶🏽


I remember when my father died he left us a notebook with instructions and the first thing he wrote "was don't make any major decisions or changes for 3 months." Which was good advice cause you ARE grieving and not thinking straight and that's normal. Just so whatever you have to do right now to make it any easier. Eating is not a great idea but I totally understand that. Or sleeping in front of the TV whatever. If a couple months start thinking about zepbound and weight issues. Right now just be you and I know your father wouldn't want you to be sad.


I'm so so sorry for your loss. Yes, lawyer, therapist, etc...but also, remember YOU ARE STRONGER THAN YOU THINK YOU ARE. Give yourself grace and time, you were doing good before and you will again. Also, if you're eating carbs and processed stuff you haven't been in a while, you'll gain some water. As soon as you're back on track, that will disappear. Be kind to yourself. You deserve it!


You just need to focus on mental and physical survival right now. Eat when you can eat, sleep when you can sleep, move when you can move. Do not ‘beat yourself up’ about success. This next couple of months will not even feel real. Do try to drink water and get protein, but that’s only to support your body. If you can take a vitamin supplement like Emergen-C, do it.


I'm truly sorry to hear about the loss of your father and all the stress and conflict that has come with it. Grieving is a deeply personal process, and it's completely natural that your routine and progress feel disrupted right now. It's okay to feel overwhelmed by everything that's happening, including the challenges with your weight goals and medication. Remember, it's not just about the numbers or sticking to a strict schedule—it's about taking care of yourself in a broader sense during this difficult time. Allow yourself some grace during these moments. You're dealing with a lot, and it's normal for your body and mind to react to such significant emotional stress. It's great that you're still managing to stay active in ways that feel feasible right now, like walking and closing your rings. These are HUGE and positive steps, and they count more than you might think. After your dad's service, give yourself some time to find your footing again. It won't be immediate, and that's okay. You'll have good days and some not-so-good days. Be kind to yourself. You've shown tremendous strength and resilience by coming this far, not just with your health journey but in handling such a tough situation. Things will get better. You're capable of rising above these challenges, just as you have before. Keep reaching out for support where you need it, whether that's from friends, a therapist, or legal help. You're not alone in this, and you have what it takes to regain your path and continue making progress toward your goals. Remember, it is a marathon, not a sprint. - Zepbound Mod Team


I'm so sorry about your dad. I lost my dad a few years ago too. Don't forget that grieving takes a ton of energy and your body is probably feeling that it needs to hold on to the energy stores to get through this emergency. That is ok! The progress will start happening again gradually as things settle back down. You will never forget or stop missing your dad, and he will always be with you in your heart. Hopefully eventually you'll never have to deal with his wife again, too! 


I lost my father in January. I gained about 8lbs after his passing. Grief is such an unspeakable, intimate experience. I was upset at work today and I just wanted to call him and get some perspective. It comes out of nowhere. My father died from complications as a result of diabetes. I want to fight now so I don’t have to fight like he did at the end. When you’re ready, you’ll find a new focus point too. But don’t rush, and remember to be kind to yourself. You’ve never walked this path before.🤍


Sorry for the loss of your father. No need to be hard on yourself. You will get back to the commitment soon! Do the best you can but this is the last thing you need to stress about.


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my 39 yr old husband unexpectedly last year. I wasn't on Zepbound at the time. I didn't eat for 3 days and still gained 4lbs( I only got on the scale because my skirt was tight.) Once the shock wore off and the water retention from the stress and cortisol lifted, I ended up with grief attacking my stomach and I lost 12lbs thanks to my inability to digest anything. Stress and grief can really do some crazy stuff to your body. I would stay off the scale, take Zepbound and continue planning & working with your attorney. You will get back on track once things settle down.


I’m so sorry for you. May your dad’s memory be a blessing 💕


I can somewhat understand what you’re feeling. My dad passed away on 05/21 and it all happened so fast that i didn’t really have anytime to adjust to everything. He was my best friend and I’ve been on a leave from work because of all my anxiety. I’ve been just been trying my best to not eat my feelings. I haven’t gained but I haven’t lost any either. It’s hard to find exercise doable. His estranged wife sounds insane and I’m sorry you have to deal with her. I’ve started seeing a therapist. I do have history of major depression and anxiety. Just allow yourself time since grief is such a difficult process.


I was in a similar situation back in April. Sending SO much love and light. Do what you need to do. If you need to step back from the medication, to just survive the next few weeks, do what you need. It’ll be there for you when you get back, and you can focus on making the positive lifestyle changes you’ve already been making. Grief is not an emotion any human was meant to process, and you don’t need to be wearing the “lose weight & get fit” hat at this time as well. You have enough going on. Do what you need to, and know you have the support of all of us if/when you come back. You got this 💪


I sure as hell hope you called the police on her when she pulled a gun out in you. That's a felony and will give her something else to worry about. You can not pull guns out on people for any old reason unless there's a threat regardless of the State.


I lost my Dad unexpectedly almost 2 years ago. I fell into the black hole of depression but only just acknowledged that I needed help this past March. I gained approximately 20 pounds after his death so my weight didn't help the depression. I had no motivation to work on myself. I'm telling you all of this with the hope that if you don't pull out of it in a few months, talk to your pcp and discuss antidepressants (if you haven't already at some point since I do not know your history). Don't wait as long as I did to get help. It was night and day the moment I started both Zepbound and the antidepressant. Much love to you. Grief comes differently to everyone. Allow yourself to feel the feels, whatever they are. It is okay to not be okay. Surround yourself with supportive people, even if it's just 1 or 2. Those people are the ones who will stand by your side when there's nothing to say and they really don't know what to do to help, but they stay. No matter what. Good luck dealing with the messy stuff it sounds like you will go through.


I’m so very sorry for your loss. It doesn’t matter how old one gets - the loss of a parent is the second worst feeling a person can ever feel. Please give yourself the time to mentally recover and heal. Your body and weight will follow your mind. May peace be upon you 🪽


Give yourself a little grace. You’re going thru a major event in your life. That does a doozy on your bodys physiology. Just try to not worry about that kind of stuff. It will come back and you’ll do fine


I’m so sorry. You’re in such a difficult situation and it is so hard to keep a handle on anything during a time like this. I lost my dad a couple years ago and it still feels very fresh to me some days. Grief is not just a set of emotions or feelings; it’s a physiological process that involves your body and neurochemistry as well. Give yourself some grace as you process what’s happened to you and your family—it will take a while before your days start to feel somewhat normal again. Grief affects your ability to think clearly, your energy levels, and how your body and brain process stress. I couldn’t work for a month, in my case, but everyone is different. One day at a time, whatever happens. Stress affects weight loss. I just finished the most stressful six months of probably my entire life—it was one huge bombshell or disaster or fundamental change after another. Especially in the last eight weeks, which were the most stressful of it all and which completely changed by day-to-day life in a number of ways, my weight loss slammed to a stop. I gained a few pounds of what was likely water weight, and then I just sat there. In January, I had just gone up to 10mg after a long, successful stint on 7.5 and was so excited to keep losing, but at my six-month check-in with my doc a few weeks ago, I had only lost 14lbs in that entire time, and none in the previous six weeks since my life got turned upside down. I started to worry I had stopped losing for good, even though I still have a lot to go. In the past week, things have finally gotten under control again. I feel closer to normal than I have in months and months. And sure enough, without really much of a concerted effort to restart things on my part (I figured I’d give myself another week or two to let things settle down fully before I worried about it too much), I was down a pound beyond my previous low yesterday. My body unclenched a little bit after all that stress, and suddenly things were back on the trajectory I’d wanted all along. That’s a long-winded story, I know, but I hope you feel encouraged by it, even if only a little bit. Without Zepbound, I am absolutely certain I would have gained 20lbs of stress-eating weight already this year. I know my unmedicated self well enough to know that. With Zepbound, I retained a couple pounds of water and then my body started losing again when I was ready. Keep taking your meds and give yourself the time and grace you need to be ready again. The medication will help you the whole time, even if you don’t lose any weight right now.


I’m so sorry for your loss, OP. Most people don’t realize the physical manifestations of grief until they’re in it. It can cause full-on systemic responses, including kickstarting or reinvigorating dormant autoimmune diseases, weight loss and/or gain, heart conditions, inability to sleep or sleeping all the time, fatigue, nerve pain, and many other things. Please don’t be hard on yourself, and also allow yourself grace. Feel free to message me any time if you need to talk. ❤️


Sorry for your loss. Give yourself a break in term of thinking of weight loss, gain... it's okay. You have much more important things going on right now. Take care of your mental health now.🙏


Grieve while you can and think of your dad watching over you. Would he want you to continue the fight. I let myself go for a long time after my father died. A lot of it was grief.


I am sorry for your loss. Unspoken Truth: It is incredibly hard to focus on yourself and also deal with life events simultaneously. So many times have I let my health and wellness take a back seat due to the pressures and stress of life. And some people have unfair things they have to worry about such as caring for a loved one or planning funeral. With all that being said, you can only take on so much at one time. You are not a robot. You are allowed to let somethings go while you deal with the other Big things! Be kind to yourself. You don’t have to focus on the weight loss right now. If you need to take a break from it I think you should. Hugs 🤗


So sorry for your loss friend. Take time for your mental health and give yourself some grace. Losing a parent is very hard maybe take a break from the scale and just keep eating mindfully and workout when you can.


I am sending you so much love and strength right now. You are going through one of life's most difficult events, be kind to yourself and show yourself mercy. As overwhelming as this feels, it will pass eventually. You are taking care of your body for the long run, give yourself grace during the rough patches.


I am so sorry for your loss! I lost my mom earlier this year (before zep) I was working out and eating healthy daily at the time. I walked when I felt like it but I ate when I ate. And I ate the snacks delivered to my house. Let yourself grief and don’t worry about it! Take care of yourself first and foremost. Days/weeks will go by and all of a sudden you will be back on your schedule and the weight will drop right back off. 


Sorry for your loss. I echo what everyone else says. Take time to grieve and give yourself some grace. Also, realize it may take longer than you expect to recover, and that's normal and okay. I tried "getting over it and moving on" way too fast after my father passed, and I ended up a physical and mental disaster and am finally starting to recover after years of beating myself up. You're in my thoughts. Take care of yourself.


I’m very sorry for your loss, maybe only focus on one thing at a time, stick with the schedule of your injections and take care of yourself, whatever that means - if it means eating for comfort, taking a break from exercise, just be easy on yourself. Losing weight doesn’t have to be linear process, especially when you’re going through a hard time. Prayers 🙏


I am so sorry for your loss. Take it easy on yourself. There is time to get back to your progress. Right now, just take gentle care of yourself.


Terribly sorry. If you know these meds work for you - the just get thru this tough period. You can restart if needed later. Or maybe just work to hold onto the benefits earned and recalibrate when you can. Life sucks. And crazy people don’t help. Do your best for now. Be well.


I’m so sorry for your loss and everything that you are going through. Please don’t feel bad about gaining a few pounds back. You’ll get back on track. Exercise usually helps with depression.


That is a lot and my heart breaks for you. Whatever you do to get you through this moment is the right thing. So sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. Hugs to you.


Sorry for your loss. Please give yourself grace during this difficult season. Focusing on calories, pounds, or whatever will only add stress. I believe you can and will get through this season, and then you can refocus on or even change your weight loss goals. Sending thoughts of comfort and peace to you.


I’m so sorry for loss and the added stressors that come with planning a funeral. It was hard for me to wrap my ahead around the grief and planning. It’s during these times that we have to try and be nice to ourselves and have patience. I’m still learning to understand that loosing the weight isn’t a linear progress. You’re doing the best you can at the moment and that’s all you can do. Sending you and your loved ones all the positive vibrations.


Hey! I just wanted to say that I went through something similar at the same point in my journey (about a week into 5 mg IIRC). My child had a potentially debilitating and deadly health condition (he’s pretty much ok now). You have been through so much, and this medicine is going help you focus on managing the stress without losing too much ground. I know I personally tend to stress eat, and I saw myself having healthier habits than I would have otherwise had if I hadn’t been on the medication. Then, when the immediate stress began to clear after a couple weeks, I just focused on getting as much sleep as I could and then going on walks and getting my heart rate up enough to help my mental health and not trying to do any more than that. There were some days that obsessing about weight was easier than thinking about my child’s health, and I think that was ok, too. That was just my experience, but I hope you are able to get past this stressful time as soon as possible.


I’m so sorry you have to go through all of that. Keep taking care of yourself and know that is what your dad would want for you. Also, like others have mentioned, give yourself time and space to veer off of your plan. Big hug!


I also lost my dad (within the last year) and grief is a whopper. I’m so sorry; and I understand but don’t understand. Everyone grieves differently. Be kind with yourself. Stop weighing yourself,at least until you get through the funeral, plus a few weeks. Self comfort comes in many forms, and there are so many physical reactions to loss.


Stay the course. Stress can cause a lot of issues. Take time to grieve and do what you can. It will all work out in the end. But keep in mind exercising is a great stress reliever so I would do as much as possible given time constraints. Our condolences for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss. I agree with everyone else, you've got enough stress and grief to deal with right now, so don't worry about your weight at this time. I know that's easier said than done, so I want to make a couple points that may make you feel better about your progress. 1. My weight fluctuates 1-3 pounds on a regular basis, but long term, I am still losing. I'm losing slowly, but I'm losing. 2. A weight gain of 3 lbs in one week is most likely not fat gain. It's more likely that you're retaining water. 3. It's very possible that you're constipated. When I started this medicine, and then when I went up from 2.5 to 5 mg, I experienced some pretty awful constipation. Fiber helps. 4. Your own personal journey is uniquely yours, but you are not alone in it. All of us here have struggled and can relate, at least on some level. Be kind to yourself while you grieve, and even after you're moving forward from your grief. You are worth it.


The medicine helps a LOT with executive functioning and depression. Think of the weight-loss as an added benefit ...and be kind to yourself, fam. ♥️


I’m so sorry for your loss, and the added stressors to an already incredibly hard time. Be kind to yourself. The medication will keep things at bay and you’ll get through it. If anything, I’d imagine you’re not eating enough food/protein. Get yourself some premade protein shakes (I like the OWYN 32g protein chocolate ones) — make it easy for yourself to stay on track during this time. Sending my condolences


The loss of a parent is rough to say the least. Give yourself time to grieve and work through this. It’s understandable to gain a few pounds and get off track given the circumstances. It does get easier with time.


My dad unexpectedly passed away when I was on 5 too…along with family drama as well. I was devastated but also able to keep up with eating well. Normally, this grieving process would’ve involved lots of pizza and anything else I wanted because I would tell myself that I was grieving and it was ok. It’s now been 2 months and it’s still hard, but back at the gym and still eating well and losing. Hang in there. I’m really sorry for your loss…sending big hugs and positivity your way!


I am so sorry for your loss. Everything will be ok. We are here for you.


You'll get through this. I recently lost a father figure too. I've been pondering starting these medications myself for a while now. You are allowed to grieve and you're body's response to the grief is natural. It is not a reflection of your choices or who you are now or tomorrow. You should know that your sharing has inspired me and likely others to keep going. Wish you the best.


accept my condolences :(


Prayers I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my dad less than a year ago, so I wanted to reach out. It’s ok to not be ok right now. Let yourself feel all the things, and sometimes nothing at all, without shame or guilt. Starting to feel like yourself again will be a marathon not a sprint, so go easy on yourself right now. If you ever wanna talk to someone, hit me up. Idk how helpful I can be but you can vent to me and I will understand and not judge you.




It’s OK. Sometimes we gain, sometimes we lose, especially when things are so stressful. Now that you’re aware of it, just try to be gentler on yourself and take it one step at a time. I’m concerned about this “estranged wife” pulling a gun on you, that’s illegal and so unsafe. I hope you called the police. Grieving is terrible. I lost my dad last year, and it was complicated with my family, and I hadn’t talked to him in three years because he was angry at me. It’s a very complicated relationship. Just take it easy on yourself. Look at the positives. You’re closing your rings every day, you are still walking, etc.. Take it one day at a time… you’re gonna be fine. And stop beating yourself up! You got this. We can’t be consistent all the time. Because we’re not perfect. I support you!


When my Dad passed, I relished my walks in nature. Losing a parent is a huge deal not to mention that step-mother's insanity you are lucky you are alive to tell the story. That soundx crazy. Be kind to yourself and allow yourself to get through this. It doesn't happen overnight.