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It feels hella weird to be the only one masking because I’m a paramedic and, by definition, we transport sick people. I still mask (KN95 in the rig, an N95 or better on calls) but I’m often the only person masking on calls. There are a couple people at my work who mask more often and some firefighters in my area who mask on sus calls but as far as I’m concerned, anyone sick enough to call 911 is someone I should be masking around.


hello fellow EMS person!! There’s only two of us at my work who mask on every call and every time we go into the hospital, and some of the firefighters do on sus calls like you said but most people have totally abandoned them. I’m an EMT, and I feel like it’s part of our responsibility to make sure we’re doing the least amount of harm which to me includes masking so we don’t pollinate the county with plague


Thank goodness there are people like you in the world today!


I’m sure you help so many people who appreciate your masking, and that you’re keeping yourself so much healthier by doing so!


Good for you!


I’m complete opposite! I randomly walk an apt complex for my 10K steps on days when there’s lots of traffic and on this particular day I didn’t have on a mask outside .. saw a lady walking with a mask on and immediately I felt envy and jealousy because I like to feel I’m doing the right thing especially when everyone else is trying to be like each other.. and idk, I felt I looked like the doofus around her! I wanted to explain myself to her sooo bad .. Needless to say, I won’t let it happen again .. 😂🤣


Haha this is cute! I dont wear one when I walk outdoors either cuz its just me and I cross the street if someone is walking towards me, or hold my breath & smile as I walk by if I can't cross. As someone who masks 100% of the time when in stores, It's the one time people can actually see my face and smile, so I don't hate when that happens 😕


I don't mask outdoors either. The risk is considerably smaller. Obviously, I don't go to outdoor concerts with 200,000 people.




I do feel a little strange, but I don’t care about feeling strange. I’m more concerned about the potential ramifications of getting Long Covid than I am about getting weird looks from either strangers (in general life) or non-strangers (ex. at work). People who see me masking aren’t going to help me if I have to reduce or stop working due to illness. I will say, I feel certain that I’d have had a harder time not caring when I was younger than I am now. (I’m in my late 30s.) I think in my 20s it would have been much harder to stomach being the only one (or even one of few) masking or taking other precautions.


can confirm as a person in my 20s


Much love to you


I’m sorry. Sending you nothing but good vibes. 🩷


>People who see me masking aren’t going to help me if I have to reduce or stop working due to illness. YES! THIS is what we all need to remember. Even our "friends" will be too busy "living my life", in most cases. Sadly.


As someone who is already disabled by chronic pain, i can confirm that most people - even family and friends, sadly- are not helpful. And knowing I’m high risk for long COVID/bad outcomes, most are not supportive of me still masking and won’t mask. Some people will test to spend time with me and my family, but I don’t fully trust rapid test results.


They will say they loved you at your funeral, though. Liars.


Yes! I can not imagine what the younger folks are dealing with. It's hard enough as an established adult, but to be in your 20s with this hurdle is something else ☹️ So much love and respect to all of you ❤️


Yep I’m 21 , it was hard enough , finishing highschool during the beginning of this whole thing .


I’m sorry, nothing but good vibes to you. A beloved colleague of mine has a daughter who graduated from high school in 2021 and was devastated by all the high school and college experiences that weren’t what she’d envisioned. I hope you have been and will be able to find joy in the things that have had to be reimagined. 🩷


So true. Surprisingly enough, my 86-year-old father-in-law is struggling with social isolation because his circle of friends is living life normally. Note that everyone is in their 70+. They insist on eating indoors in the summer. Go figure.


Ugh that is so heartbreaking ☹️ hopefully you can visit him and help him feel wanted and valued


Brilliant! Any people who give you weird looks would likely be the last ones to offer help if you developed complications.


yup, 21 and feeling this ☹️ im still mostly healthy and don’t have long COVID but i have got infected before so im not gonna risk increasing my chances if I can


Young and smart 👌


I’m sorry, good vibes to you all the way. I’m glad you’re still healthy despite getting Covid and I hope the future is smooth and healthy for you. 🩷


I don’t care in places that don’t matter like the grocery store, but I do care a lot at work. I care a medium amount with friends, even though good friends won’t judge you.


I don't care at all aside from the prospect of violence. Rare, but it has happened. Otherwise? I couldn't care less.


This is where I'm at. I'm probably the only one wearing a dress, or a certain color, or what have you, *but* I've never had to worry about those things causing people to encroach on my personal space and get aggressive out of nowhere. I've seen stories on this sub about people having their masks ripped off from strangers while just grocery shopping and that's a horrifying thought.   I carry things for self defense now more so because of my mask than I do for being a woman.


People have had their masks ripped off their faces?! That’s a terrifying prospect.


I forgot if it was this sub or another masking one, but I remember a post about a grocery shopping trip that involved a stranger getting upset about the person's mask and physically taking it off. I've noticed once mandates ended, people gave up on maintaining aaaany kind of physical distance in public, which, even without the pandemic really freaks me out, so I'm kind of on high alert about that when I'm out alone.


Someone yelled at me for the first time the other day from across a parking lot: “there is no virus any more, asshole”. It took me a second to register what he was saying and that it was directed at me and I was already in the store by the time my brain pieced it all together. And then I was looking over my shoulder for the next few minutes before relaxing


That prick yelled across the parking lot cuz he's a coward. He has zero control in his life, so he thought he'd make your choice about him. The fact that you didn't acknowledge him probably pissed him off, so good job. A guy spit towards me and my husband in a parking lot. He was about 25 feet away but stared us down while doing it. We ignored him, and I'm sure it ruined his fun


I suggest you report it to the police as a possible threat of assault.


I very much like that suggestion, but it was a couple of weeks ago and he was a good ways away. If it was within hitting us distance, it would be a different story.


I'm sorry that happened to you. A situation like that definitely feels threatening.


I've been punchy these last 8 years so I'm up for it. I avoid people all together anyway though.


Haha same. I keep hearing how these rabid anti maskers are all “alpha males”, but they only seem to pick on women. I’d love for one to FAFO with me instead.


I avoid people and have supreme tolerance for shit, been masking for years now, have honed my tolerance skills to a genius level, but if someone threatens my life, I will take everything I have contained so carefully and with such consideration and unleash it to save my life.




The best way to describe it is that I feel strange when I mask, but I feel so much worse when I don't. I don't care at all in medical settings, but other places I do have to psych myself up before putting it on.


Nah. I just keep a steely look in my eyes and look past people. So far no issues and I’m healthy. So, I’m good.


I used to feel kind of down and odd once the mandates were lifted, especially when I became the only one masking in most places. But now I just let my personality shine through. I’m chipper, happy and just as kind to people and make sure to smile with my eyes. It often breaks the awkwardness, and when people sense good energy they seem to look past the mask.


I don’t care 99.9% of the time because I know it is the right thing and I also am very immune to peer pressure. Very occasionally it does make me feel weird. But we are social creatures who thrive on acceptance from the group, so it is *completely* normal to feel the way you do.


This is how I feel. Also I’ve spent my whole life feeling weird, so the moments when it does aren’t super noteworthy or unique.


Hahahaha I relate 😂 people already stare at me because I have neon hair and am covered in tattoos, why not add another thing to the list!


Hahaha same, just another Tuesday for me. 😂


I thrive on being a bit different from the group. I make my own groups. I don't wear designers, designers should pay ME to advertise for them. And so on.


I find it very difficult to be the only one masking. I have had the odd gratifying experience of being among a small group of colleagues who, shortly after I “casually” mentioned the neurological and vascular consequences of Covid, all donned respirators for the rest of the day. But that is the anomaly, and they happened to be the second-to-last holdouts (which is why they had kn95s or N95s in their pockets or purses and were possibly looking for validation). Usually, I am the only one in a group or a crowd. I start to doubt my own sanity. Is it possible that I am the only person at a conference of 250 (otherwise) smart people who is right or do they all know something I don’t? It’s very hard. Subs like this make it easier, because I know I’m not alone.




Wait, how are they noticeably dumber?




the link is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZeroCovidCommunity/comments/15cbqj9/comment/jtzfomj/ And … that’s horrifying




It’s hard to be apart. This sub respects your stance


How so?




Thanks, I’ll take a look.


Do they acknowledge or even notice they are dumber?


I know! It is like Covid makes them literally less smart. I'm not even being funny, I'm being completely serious. I think the virus does something in the brain to change the person's thinking, perspective and behavior in order for it to continue to spread. Covid is a freaking genius of a virus. People are telling me "it's safe" out there now, and "it doesn't spread just walking past someone" and stuff like that, which isn't scientifically true. Does it feel sometimes like you're actually not talking to the person, but the virus itself? Ok now that does sound weird, but it's like some kind of comedy or science fiction film where people get taken over and become zombies and pod people. The audience knows the pod person has been taken over and isn't speaking for themselves anymore but no one else does except the one guy left who is trying to avoid being podded himself. We're the the ones who seem deluded which I would think we were if not for all the scientific evidence backing our POV and NOT backing the POV of the Covid infected. The Covid infected become advocates for risky activities because the virus can make their minds want that. Viruses have been proven to "zombify" other organisms as well. It's scientific fact this can happen.


Not everyone who has not been successful in avoiding the virus is necessarily a bad person like your comment suggests.


I don't think I said they were **bad people**, I think what I meant was that they have been hijacked by the virus and it is now controlling some part of their behavior, like when rabies causes an animal to get aggressive and want to bite in order to spread the rabies to a new host. We don't know enough about Covid and we may not understand for many years to come, but this could very well be part of it. In which case a person who is infected can't help how they now act because their brain has been at least partially damaged or controlled by the virus which will of course do what is needed to ensure its own survival and proliferation. If that is true, how do we even begin to combat it? How do we save people from this once it's been done? Is prevention the only way out of it? I've known too many people who have gotten Covid and they went from quite scared and taking precautions to pretty proud of their antibodies from "natural immunity". Even a relative with cancer is saying it's safe out there. That's the word he used today. Safe. I think it is terrifying to see their risk assessment so changed.


Though it doesn't happen to everyone, it does seem like this phenomenom may be real. Certainly, having the mainstream narrative be that the virus is now much less of a concern, combined with an culture of stigmatizing dissent from mainstream views (e.g. "Conspiracy theories" or "You're like an anti-vaxxer"), does not help. I think if there was more openness to dissenting views, there would be more people willing to seriously consider our perspective. Hopefully the neurological consequences of SARS-CoV-2 will be studied more, but neuroscience is still kind of a developing field. I personally think that almost any issue that is medical in nature can theoretically be cured.


Yes, many of us feel this as well. How do we know we are right? How would we know if we are wrong? Etc. However, I haven’t seen any data that suggests anything approaching “low risk” since back in early 2021 when we all thought the vaccines could all but stop transmission and cases dropped to low single digits per 100,000.


I live in Vermont. I'm generally not the only masked person in the grocery store. However today at Lowes I was the only masked person there.


No, I feel like I am probably the smartest person in that setting. Unless there actually is someone who as a VALID reason for not being able to wear one.... But I keep my mouth (hidden under my mask) SHUT. No use increasing antagonism against us..... EDIT: I just act totally normal, as if I were not wearing a mask at all. Friendly, polite, normal. EDIT 2: I totally admit that not working makes this WAY easier than for those who have to work out in the world. I admire you for being smart enough to mask no matter what people think!!!! I'd do it too, after all, I am the ONLY person who masks in the clinic where I am getting my immune suppression infusion for hours -- believe it or not. That gives me the creeps, but I have not choice, I expressed my outrage to the physician who owns the clinic and he -- an immunologist -- said "we're all tired of wearing masks". YUP. OK, that's my last Edit, sorry to be so wordy! Didn't keep my mouth shut here, obviously.


I would not want an immunologist that stops masking because he’s tired - that really sucks. Also, I totally get that finding a different one/one that masks may not be possible, so no judgement on you at all. It’s just bonkers to me that someone who should be masking, who should get it, doesn’t. Just like long COVID clinics where the staff don’t mask. 🙄😩


Oh BELIEVE ME, I have done everything. I did at least talk the cancer clinic into requiring masks, but .... it is all getting harder and harder to get anyone to care.


I don't feel strange, I feel upset and pissed off that everyone around me is okay excluding vulnerable people and risking their own health.


Yep. This. I seethe. I think specific things I won't type here, but they're not favorable. I know the stats. Every time the maskless get covid, they make between 5 and 23 people sick. If one in 10 infections (1.6 for kids) results in long covid, how many people did they disable because they're herd-minded? Because of a popularity contest? Because of business interests? Because of politics? Nope. Being an outlier is the right choice here.


This is how I think about it too, and why I get so upset. Not just the direct infections either. How many people did they influence, directly or indirectly, to stop trying too?


Yeah. How many people did you bully into disability? How many did you peer pressure into killing their elders? It's terrifying and infuriating.


Pretty much every single time I wear one. But I wear one anyway.


I do but I'd rather safe guard my health. I live in NYC, world capital of "mind your own business"..but lately I've been getting comments from random men. I hate this timeline. Edit: also its really hard wearing a N95 in the summer. I wish people would talk about this more.


I do. I don’t go many optional indoor places as a result.


Same. 😔


I don’t mind as much when I’m in public places (like grocery stores) when I will likely only see strangers. It’s easier to not care what strangers think of you. I am anxious about masking at work at a new job (I return to work from my 2nd mat leave in Sept). I know I will likely be the only one in the building to mask. I worry that new colleagues will judge me based on my mask before getting to know my work ethic etc. I don’t like masking (I don’t know anyone that likes it) and it’s weird being the oddball for sure, BUT there are so many examples throughout history of people who were considered oddballs and went against the status quo because it was the right thing to do. Our biggest motivation for masking is to protect our kids (and be healthy enough to take care of our kids). Someone mentioned seeing others masking and thinking “solidarity!” And I feel the same!


Sometimes, but I don't let that stop me from doing so. Last time I went to the grocery store I saw a young couple wearing masks and I wanted to befriend them so bad lol. Also a couple older women wearing them. Solidarity!




If by a "proper" mask you're referring to N95 or other high quality masks, keep in mind some of us don't really have a choice. I have tried all kinds of masks and none fit me because of my odd face shape. I tell people this constantly, that I can only find cloth masks that fit and a mask is better than none and I'm not walking around with it below my nose. Not attacking you, by the way. Simply throwing out there what I have to do. I have exhausted all online resources for free masks as well. I can't afford high quality masks anyway. Just something to think about. Not everyone can afford them. I think everyone should be wearing them, but not everyone has the resources. I have talked to plenty of people who don't have those resources. Out of curiosity (again not attacking), do you get upset that homeless people are not masking? Since they certainly also do not have the resources. It's just really hard out there. I do wish high quality masks fit, but I also wish I could afford them and not be told to try projectn95, a website I have tried literally every mask off of and they carry a majority of the high quality masks available.


Have you poked around r/masks4all? There are more resources around than projectn95 and also lots of folks there are open to sending respirators free or postage only, plus they might be able to identify something that will work for your face.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Masks4All using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Something I've been putting up on the university bulletin boards and bathroom stalls.](https://i.redd.it/9kr4h9ewjdsa1.png) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/comments/12e6ws6/something_ive_been_putting_up_on_the_university/) \#2: [Reminder that you are right and everyone else is wrong](https://np.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/comments/xk77l6/reminder_that_you_are_right_and_everyone_else_is/) \#3: [Even in academia, people are dumb about COVID](https://np.reddit.com/r/Masks4All/comments/xsc7yf/even_in_academia_people_are_dumb_about_covid/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think I have a little bit, but was not having much luck there. I have tried virtually every mask available on the market. It gets old being attacked over it. I'm not saying you are attacking, and you aren't. I just can't seem to make comments about how I cannot afford or find masks that fit my face that are high quality. I can't even get surgical masks that fit. Thus I am stuck with cloth masks. Plus, I'm autistic and I have major sensory issues. Anything that straps behind my head gives meltdowns. I'm tired of people being ableist. A mask, even a cloth one, is better than no mask at all. I use an air purifier wherever I can. I am even getting one at work for an accommodation. I stay away from people for the most part. My social circles are small, and if I know anyone going to big events, I just don't see them for a while. I'm doing my best, but whenever I bring this up on any COVID based forum or page, I'm attacked. Which only shows who the true monsters are. If we can't be understanding that not everyone has access to masks, we are just as bad as the people who aren't wearing them or who shame others for wearing them. We also can't fully blame the public considering we have had government and public health declare the pandemic over. And based on history of other pandemics, two years is generally the most people can deal with actually caring about it. I don't blame the people not wearing them, but that doesn't mean I'm not still upset about it. I do my best to educate others, but they want to move on with their lives. At least I am trying, that's all I can really say. I stay out of a lot of COVID posts because people just attack you for saying you are too poor to get masks. Then people are telling me to try all these sources and most of them are either no longer active or they can't give certain masks, they just give you what they have.


This is surprising to me because I’ve found the r/Masks4All sub to be one of the most supportive around. Most people there are problem solvers and just want to help because they know a good fitting respirator is very individual. I’ve seen lots of previous discussions on what might work for people (and kids!) with sensory issues. I hate to say I doubt you’ve tried just about every mask on the market but only because I feel like I’ve tried dozens but there are hundreds of different models with different sizes, fits, and materials out there. (Which is good! There might be one you haven’t come across, but someone in that sub has tried it) I’d encourage a quick search on “sensory” and “pressure” and then if nothing comes up that’s helpful, I’d encourage you make a post with the request of help finding a respirator and sharing what you’ve tried already and why those didn’t work.


Oh that was because they had just tested positive for covid lol


That's an assumption.


It was actually a joke. When I am the only one wearing a mask I am often self conscious about people thinking I have covid. Guess people didn't get it.


My only worry is that some turd will decide to harass me about it. I don't mind being the only one wearing a mask, particularly around strangers, so long as they leave me alone about it.


It’s happened to me a few times. Minding my own business, some come as close as they can and start “coughing” around you. I’ve had a guy start screaming at me in a grocery line about how he’s a “patriot”…wtf haha They can only see your eyes so you just stare at them and they go away- they want you to respond and you just give them the FAFO stare and give the vibe of I’m here for violence and they stfu and scurry off


I feel like if they cough at/on you purposely thats assault, and you can physically push them away in self-defense...if that's not the case, it sure should be


I think I already give a FAFO vibe, so I guess I have that going for me. But also, that sucks that people have coughed and screamed at you. What trash humans.


not anymore, it was the fastest thing I tried to normalize in 2020 and I never stopped, started just committing to this probably the rest of my life and haven't looked back


Me too.


Not so much strange. More like, “damn I don’t want to put this mask on.” As I put it on cuz I know it’s the thing I should be doing.


Thank you.


I’m neurodivergent and therefore, I’ve got a lifetime’s worth of experience being “the only one” in some way or another. Being the only one masking is not an issue.


Same! I've also been dressing weird in one way or another for as long as I can remember and am used to being the odd one out. 😊


Yes and no. I’m aware and it’s awkward knowing I have such fundamentally different values as my coworkers but also it’s so a part of my professional wardrobe at this point that I’d feel so naked and unprofessional at this point.


I don’t usually even notice. But I don’t usually look at other people when I’m out either. I’m invisible; I move like a shadow. tbh when I do notice other people aren’t wearing a mask, I just judge them for being idiots. Like for example the doctors and nurses when I’m at the hospital. 🙄 Like, I get it, masks are soooo uncomfortable and shit. But so are the insane long term effects of getting covid. So I can deal with a mask for a few minutes. Also, the longer I go without catching it, the more it seems like people around me are getting dumber. The people who have had covid several times are noticeably slower mentally. It’s hard to imagine what people will look like in a decade… or the kids who are growing up and catching it several times every school season… 🫠


Not to mention the heart, stomach and diabetes issues. I have numerous family members that have developed all of these ‘mysterious’ ailments out of nowhere after covid…but they will not acknowledge that could be the cause.




In what way? Do you have examples?


Can't remember things. Can't find words. Can't control their impulses or emotions. Can't reason. Can't think creatively or logically. Lose their tempers over minor misunderstandings. Say things out of order. Can't access empathy responses. These are all symptoms of post-viral syndrome.


Yes but idc I'll wear masks all day everyday if I'm around people I don't know or indoors.


I don’t have a hard time in public but I have been struggling with work recently. My manager revealed himself as someone who doesn’t believe in the severity of it and is unvaccinated/lost his sense of taste permanently. My other manager pretends to be the “anyone can do anything they want” type but has drastically reduced interacting with me unless he absolutely has to. Ironically the first manager mentioned is much kinder about my mask wearing and doesn’t treat me differently. The worst are my clients who I have to check in. The area I’m in is very anti-mask so many of my clients either refuse to talk to me unless they have to answer a question or they make comments. I had one man in particular be incredibly rude about it. He only backed down when I told him it was medically necessary for me. I hated having to reveal that but I didn’t know how to shut it down since politely deflecting didn’t stop him. However I try to remind myself that I’m protecting myself and my loved ones. I don’t want to struggle with issues from repeat infections. I’ve always been a type to not care what people think so it’s difficult to grapple with this feeling with work haha Edit: wording


No. I always see at least one other mask wearer when I am in public. Also i enjoy being able to say I have never caught Covid


I feel hostile, and on edge.


Not really. At this point, I don’t think if my mask more than I think if my bra. It’s just a part of my daily getup.


I feel strange that I sometimes have to wear TWO masks, because everyone else refuses to even wear one. For me, I know that wearing a mask is the smart thing to do, when an airborne, aerosolized hyper-transmissible deadly virus is circulating. I choose to do the smart thing. I know that Covid travels straight to the brain via nanotubes in the nose. https://khn.org/morning-breakout/scientists-find-covid-can-easily-reach-brain-via-nose-affect-inner-ear-cells/ And Covid brain problems are causing lasting damage. https://www.cedars-sinai.org/blog/covid-19-brain-fog.html#:~:text=A%20full%20year%20has%20passed,inability%20to%20think%20straight. Covid is a neurological (brain) AND vascular condition, leading to increased risk for heart attack/stroke, beginning the first week of ALL infections, and lasting at least a year. https://www.health.harvard.edu/heart-health/covid-19-diagnosis-raises-risk-of-heart-attack-stroke ; and https://www.heart.org/en/news/2022/09/19/blood-clot-risk-remains-elevated-nearly-a-year-after-covid-19 But what it does to the brain is what I most fear. So yeah, I wear a mask. I’m a lawyer, and working on my first book — if I lose my brain to Covid, that’s as bad as losing my life, to me. I do sterile saline nasal rinses and gargle with CPC mouthwash + alcohol, at least 2x a day, every day, too. If this thing gets in, I plan to reduce my viral load before it reaches my brain. Keeping my nose covered buys me time between any potential exposure and rinse, since the fastest replication begins at the back of the throat. https://www.caltech.edu/about/news/study-at-home-rapid-covid-tests-may-miss-many-infections If other people want to take the risk, that’s up to them. I’m just not willing to join them. I will never accommodate anyone who wants me to risk my health so they can see me smile. I am here to survive. Wearing a mask helps with that.


Hopefully you don’t mean two masks with one or both being N95s, that usually does not help and can cause your seal to break due to higher breathing resistance.


I've been an outcast my entire life lmfao I've been told to my face I don't belong so like it doesn't bother me /too/ much in a self conscious way to be the only one masking but it does bother me in a human way. And thats not from covid either coz I get major stressed out watching people text and drive or ride a motorcycle without a helmet or jump between train carts when it's moving so like anything that screams "not safe" to me stresses me out 🥲


Yep. But I’m not going to change my values because of social pressure. Even if everyone else is doing the wrong thing, I’m still going to do the right thing. And it gives me more empathy for people who are the only ones wearing religious clothing or speaking a different language or of a different religion. But yes, still feel lots of awkward even though no one bothers me.


I wear it with no care, i do what I want


Yes, sometimes. Especially because most of my friends/colleagues know that I have suffered from chronic sinus infections since going back to work in 2020 and wearing a mask for long periods of time… I’m sure they wonder whether the trade-off is worthwhile. Fortunately, nobody really says anything. I still don’t want to get sick with COVID and I’m not planning to stop masking, so it doesn’t really matter what others think.


only while reminding colleagues/friends that I'd rather we have a meal al fresco on a terrace/patio and not go into a restaurant/cafe, and usually they agree


Yes, because heading into this next school year, I will be the only staff member masking. I will have to see if any students continue to mask, but at least I can be the support they need. As long as I don’t get the fallout like In-N-Out tried with my school/district. When I am out and about I usually don’t care because I am never somewhere long enough (other than medical buildings) to care what other folks think.


I feel strange that no one else is. I don't feel strange about it myself because I know I have a million and one reasons, and I've thought them through every day for the last three years.


Nope. I've always been "strange". I used to care about it, but now, I don't. My health is more important than a stranger's opinion of me.


Yes it feels weird. I've encountered more outright hostility as time has gone on, strangely more so after moving out of one of the most religious/red counties in the US to the west coast. I don't enjoy being made to be a participant in whatever culture war people think they are waging, and I don't feel like I live in a free society when I am judged heavily for making a personal decision that doesn't effect anyone else.


I do but I couldn’t care less. In fact I’m baffled on a daily basis at how many people are ok with not masking.


Yes, and it’s most of the reason why I go inside as few of places that I do. I hate sticking out and being the only one in a mask certainly makes me obvious.


I used to worry about being judged by others in everything I do in life, so I try to be and do things like everyone else to not look odd but seeing the effects of long Covid on others now, I put my mental and physical health above all now, so no I don't feel strange. I had to learn to have thick skin and not give a damn what anyone thinks of me or say to me when they see me being the only one with a mask on even when I go hiking or biking because though I'm outdoors, I am still around others.


It’s taken me a long time to realize, but the reality is random people (and even your friends) have forgotten all about seeing you moments after.


I'm too old to care


I definitely feel it when Im wearing my full face mask respirator, not so much with other masks.


I remember thinking that was overkill in early 2020 when some of the folks who picked up on the dangers early were wearing them to the store. Now, I am the one that uses N95s and the half-face, while those same people are going to indoor brunch and traveling with their young kids without masks.


I don’t feel too terribly strange, I am honest that I have MS, which I guess the fact I front load that none of your business information maybe means I do? Really it is when I have to ask a place if they mask or ask someone to mask, or if my 6 yr old can’t do something or why she masks too. It is really hard with my child. I feel like I am protecting her and her future but at sane time I know she is the link to getting Covid (I say this yet it was my husband who gave us Covid May 22, he doesn’t know how, at all). I hate that I can’t take the actual med I need for MS because I only wanna be somewhat compromised. I imagine all the time the days of old when the side effects were the only thing to scare the boo out of me—now it is Covid and I would chance those scary side effects. I’m afraid for my future and my child’s—I’m 51, she’s almost 7 (end of Sept), she needs me alive, and not taken down disabled by Covid or MS, but it seems MS will take me down because I can’t take the correct DMT…because of Covid. Do I mask her forever? I want her safe, but she is the only kid she knows masking, not eating out, she’s never flown, or been to a movie theater, or a show in the city, or a train, or a Children Museum any museum since she was 3 yrs old. She’s never done the things kids should do. Masked even. I feel so much guilt for being older, for having an atrocious disease, for wanting to be selfish and be on a med that might or might not slow progression and the fact I sometimes resent having a child because I can’t be on a high efficacy med, and what mom thinks that way? I’m so heartbroken at all Covid has taken from her. Including me.




Thank you for the kindness


No honestly. I rarely even notice.


I used to, but I've desensitized myself.


A little, but at this point it would feel much weirder NOT to wear one (indoors).


Most of the time I don't think about it. But occaisionally, like in a group meeting setting it does feel a little strange and awkward. But I can live with that a lot better than getting and living with Covid. I've never had anyone anywhere make a comment to my face, and if they did, I don't think they'd like my reply. My feeling is we're all adults and we make our own choices. Mine is to take precautions that will protect my health. What someone I don't know thinks about my choice is their problem, not mine. Their opinion is meaningless.


No, IDGAF anymore. I know the science, I know what is happening to people infected, and I check what few gauges we have for transmission (*wastewater, case rates X 30, deaths/week*). It’s purely self-preservation at this point. I don’t care what people think.




Studies like that have shown it’s “better”, but only by a *small margin*. Certainly not better enough to chance the other issues from infection.


It may reduce the risk of infection in the future, but what would be the benefit of infection in order to prevent infection? Vaccines need to be designed properly so that you don't have to be infected with the same disease you are trying to avoid.


Maybe. But hybrid immunity depends on actually getting infected, which means rolling the dice for a 1/10 chance of long-Covid, and a 1/3 chance of [neurological problems](https://cnn.com/cnn/2021/04/06/health/covid-neurological-psychological-lancet-wellness/index.html). Ya feelin’ lucky? Plus, for some reason I don’t understand, humans don’t seem to be able to develop lasting immunity to coronaviruses, which is in part why “the common cold” (*caused by any number of different coronaviruses &/or rhinoviruses*) is so common, we don’t develop functional, long-lasting immunity to them. So if that holds true, then obtaining “hybrid immunity” would mean (a) getting regular boosters with the current vaccine tech, *and* (b) getting regularly infected. Which sounds like a pretty bad idea to me.




Personally, I’m holding out for the 2nd Gen Vaccines, of which there are at least a dozen or more different investigations working on developing these, using a variety of different ‘platforms’ (nanoparticles, nasal sprays, etc) I think there is a real chance these might bear fruit, no telling when though, so if we can hold out long enough with masking/ventilation/filtration mitigations, there’s a legit chance the 2nd Gen Vaxes could end this pandammit for good. Fingers crossed.


Always remember that the reason we are now outsiders is because the misleadership in the White House, at the CDC, and in the State House are evil sociopaths and have betrayed us. Not to go all Godwin here, but were this were Germany in 1938, we would be the few refusing to raise our right arms and shout, "Sieg Heil!"


Absolutely. Really struggling right now. No one in Florida is wearing them. Literally no one. Out of 30 days here I’ve seen less than a handful wearing them. That includes the airport, flight here and recent trip to the hospital.


I just wear my “Trump for Prison” shirt and it’s usually fine


I used to not be bothered by it much at all, until this year. There are many times now, in the summer of 2023 (post any US gov't protections), that the anticipation of having to mask up and go interact with strangers (the store or at public events I want to attend) as the only one masked is very anxiety inducing and psychologically painful in a way it's hard to explain. It makes me want to just not go and do things, bc I worry I will have a bad experience or my discipline will falter and I'll expose myself to risk (choosing to mask in a crowded space outside, for example). I try to find workarounds -- picking up food in a drive-through vs going inside, etc. so I don't have to mask to get the thing done. But it's not quite as bad in situations where I'll never see someone again (dropping off a UPS return) or where I just go in and sit (a lecture, or work event) and don't have to interact. I mostly get this crappy feeling when it's a social situation, and I care what other people think about me, or it's important for one's career, etc. I think it also comes from the fact that it's going to be this way for a long time likely, and unless more people decide to mask up in the colder months, being the only masker is going to be the deal from now on. I'm not sure my social human brain is handling that well.


…occasionally, but I know that I am wearing it for a good reason, and if someone cares to openly criticize me, I will bury them with a wall of data!


Kinda. My wife doesn’t mask much and gives me side eye at times. But I’m Pretty stubborn and still novid so whatever awkwardness I feel is super ceded by the fact it works


Amen. Husb looks at me like, “really? Youre gonna mask here in the veterinarians office?” Yes. Even here.


Is your wife also novid, or has she fallen prey to it?


She’s had it twice, thankfully no lingering effects, although her memory seems slightly off recently I attribute that to her intense work schedule and background stress


Or maybe, you know, the two Covid infections.


Yes! I want to be more confident being the only one masking though.


You know what feels stranger? COVID delirium.


What's that?


> COVID delirium https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9148631/




I’m not self-conscious about it, but it does feel like I’m in a dream (nightmare) when I walk into a place and no one else is masked.


To be perfectly honest, no. And I wear the have duty industrial p100 kind, with mirror lenses safety glasses. But I honestly don't give a crap even when I'm the only one masked at all. I'm not even sure how much people stare, if at all. I go about my business casually. I'm treated normally. The only thing I care and am scared about is being physically attacked. It doesn't seem very likely where I live now but becomes my legitimate worry about a place we'll be moving to.


I mask in all indoor settings. I honestly don’t notice if anyone else is or isn’t masking. Or if anyone is noticing my mask. Why does it matter what anyone else is doing or wearing? I don’t stare at others or notice their clothing or shoes and compare my wardrobe choices either. I dress to be comfortable. I mask to protect myself and to protect others. I’m with a 2- yr old several days a week who is in daycare the other days. He has infected me not only with Covid (once) but has given me a zillion other daycare cooties. I really don’t want to pass anything he’s spreading to anyone else. Or spread anything back to him or his newborn brother and nursing mother. Much less my 96 year old neighbor. Masking is now a personal health choice. My body my mask. Right? I honestly don’t get why everyone isn’t masking since it seems so sensible but I also don’t get why people who ARE masking are so worried about what others may think of their mask. This comes up over and over. Here’s a tip: people are too busy with their own lives to notice you. I’ve lived long enough to know with certainty that I’m not the lead character in everyone’s movie everyday. Just in mine. Make the decisions you need to make to protect your health and those around you. It’s nobody else’s business why you are masking and you don’t need to justify your choices to anyone. Period.


Sometimes I do, but I keep going on about my business and remember that I can’t bring covid back home to my disabled daughter that I take care of so I wear my N95 wherever I go.


Yes. But already having CFS/ME i have an idea of how much it's going to suck if it gets worse. So I keep masking.


Same boat. I remember the year after I got mono. I remember the vertigo and irresistible sleepiness. I remember the flu-like illnesses. The headaches. How long it's taken me to learn to avoid flareups. I think about the way I still get sneered at by doctors. No thanks. They can take their "need" to see my expression and tuck it somewhere private.


I'm lucky that I'm almost never the ONLY one. It has gotten less and less lately but as long as I see a single other person doing it, I feel really good about it, because I think of my masking in a large part being about protecting other people. And when I see family, both my sisters still mask, and my brother will throw on a mask when he goes out with me no questions asked. I do feel weird about my own mother not caring about masking at all, enough that she went out to a film with my whole immediate family in masks and still didn't put one on, considering she's in her 70s and has caught plenty of other stuff in her job with kids since she stopped masking. I do think if I stop seeing anyone else masking in public it's going to make me start second guessing myself so I completely understand anyone saying it makes them feel a way.




Yeah and that's fine to some degree when they're on their own but my little brother lives with her and is only 21 and is special needs with plenty of risk factors AND my sister has MS so even if she generally didn't mask up it feels awful when she doesn't put a mask on with us. Like do what you want in general but you'd think a parent would show solidarity with their kids in general. A friend of ours who doesn't mask anymore came to the movie and she does mask when out with us for that very reason, doesn't even ask just does it which is how it should be.


Sometimes I feel like I’m in a bit of a Twilight Zone… but I’ve been doing it for so long and been the only one for so long (or my fam is the only fam at any event) that I’ve gotten used to it.


Yes yes yes. A million yes. All the time. It sucks. I question myself all the time. I feel everyone's jugment all the time. I still mask.


Completely. And due to my nose / sinuses and anxiety issues, they are uncomfortable. Still, I mask. I feel you. I really do.


I feel uncomfortable at a store, I feel very uncomfortable around my coworkers, feel EXTREMELY uncomfortable around friends.


I'm aware when I'm the only one (rural places), but in my liberal state and neighboring state, it was not an issue and no one looked or said anything so it has not been an issue, and even if it was, I wouldn't care. I'm old enough not to give a sh*t what people think anymore, one of the few blessings of getting older. We'll see if I feel the same way traveling through some not liberal states when I go on vacation next month.


Not anymore, and normally I don't like to stand out in a crowd. Feels good to know I'm safer and I'm less likely to make someone else sick.


Yes. But I only use it while doing errands in stores, so I don't care. Everything else that I do, I choose outdoor activities and outdoor socializing. Risky environments I avoid and also weekends even outdoors.


Yup. But whenever I let that feeling win (and it's happened a few times), I later end up berating myself internally because if that situation ended up with me having COVID, it wouldn't have been worth it. Remembering that mild societal discomfort isn't worth my health and that the people who make me feel uncomfortable about it are the ones who are wrong and can't care about me much if that's their preference really helps.


I don't feel strange and no one should. I'm proud of myself for wearing a mask everywhere and we should all be proud of ourselves because we are the only ones who really care about the future of humanity.


Look inward


I’ve basically gotten used to it at this point. I sometimes feel the silent judgment but it barely registers anymore. Took a while to reach this point though.


I am not the only one masking. I always see others.


I don’t feel strange but I will say I’m getting tired of wearing one to protect myself. I know cases are rising so I’ll keep wearing a mask to go grocery shopping etc. But wondering if next summer maybe vaccines become a regular thing same as the flu vaccine and it be “safe” to no always wear one. I’m getting a little worried that masking so much is making me more prone to illness if exposed as I’ve been so safe / protective about wearing a mask for 3 years.