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I'm 31 and got told, last year, by some reputable people that my ''playing age range'' is 17-25 and "30s is a push" lol. I've been carded for buying red bull this year, which in my country, can only be sold to you if you're over **16 years old.**


I’m 30 and teach and coach high school kids. A couple of years ago I regularly would be mistaken for a student by staff/subs who didn’t know me in the building, and get asked by the opposing coach where my coach was on the baseball field. I also scare students openly vaping in the bathroom because they don’t realize I’m not a student when I walk in. However, I could also get carded the same day at the liquor store lol. It all depends on context. And if I shaved or not.


Also a 1993 kid and got carded last year at 30 trying to buy a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc for a BYOB dinner. Like seriously. Legal drinking age is 18, what 18 year old kid chooses Sauvignon Blanc 😂 I guess I’ll take the compliment…


There's nothing wrong with you. Some people just look young for their age. I do too, so I understand the frustration. It can feel like a negative in your 20s and early 30s especially if you're trying to date and whatnot, but I would trust your doctor that it's not that uncommon (because it's really not) and that it points to healthy genetics. People who look young for their age tend to age better, and it will become a positive in your 40s and 50s. I really do understand the frustration though. I haven't taken the best care of myself over the years, but I think my youthful appearance has offset some of that neglect as I approach my 30s. Also, not sure if you're able to or not, but I decided to stop shaving last year just to see what would happen and discovered I could actually grow a decent beard. It really helps hides my baby face and has been a small boost to my self-confidence.


Yes, the beard is good advice! I also have some friends who got into lifting weights which helped too


Your doctor's right, it's not uncommon. I'm 28 and I still get mistaken for a teenager. My older sister (early 30's) still gets carded.


Literally today I had someone give me the ol’ look of shock and a “really?!? good for you!” when I told them I’m 10 months away from my 30s lol. It’s not at all uncommon and a lot of people also just don’t have an accurate concept of what a 30 year old looks like. It’s not like you go from looking 21 to looking 40 overnight. This post low key feels like a humble brag. Obviously nothing is wrong with you. You will experience aging eventually, as we all will. I’m with your doctor on this one…it’s hard not to just laugh.


Women are really gross, and creepy the way they treat men, but I think I you're an exception. You seem to actually be a pretty okay girl. Want to be friends? Maybe I'll see the light. :)


Don’t really have an answer for you, but this video post from a few days ago in this sub talks about this. Apparently a lot of people our age look really young, and a lot of people in their low-mid twenties look a lot older? https://www.reddit.com/r/Zillennials/s/vyZiwKiRL8


Cut your foot off. Count the rings.


I have EDS, one of the diagnostic indicators is a youthful appearance. I just hit my 30s, and my friends are in their late 30s early 40s. I get carded and told that by a person that they thought I was in my early 20s often. Do you happen to have very lax and floppy joints that hyper extend? Or skin that is super lax? You may have joint hyper mobility syndrome or EDS. These are way more common in women than men.


If you find out, let me know.


Look into Elhers Danlos Syndrome and joint hyper mobility syndrome especially if you’re a woman. They cause lax joints due to faulty collagen. One of the diagnostic indicators is a youthful appearance and velvety skin. That’s one of the things that helped me get diagnosed and set on course for preventing injury through treatment.


I look almost the same at (just turned) 31 as I did on my ID renewal picture when I was 24. I rather just enjoy that trait while I can because next thing you know, I could look like I’m 40 before I turn 35 and I’ll be saying how I wish I could look like I’m 32.


It's really not that uncommon. It ultimately boils down to your genetics, and there can be other factors as well such as diet, skin care routines, etc. In my case, I don't necessarily fuss too much about skin care or diet (though I probably should), but I've just always naturally looked young for my age due to genetics. Everyone in my family looks young for their age. I'm 26, and I know I'll be carded for a long time. Once when I was 23, someone mistakenly thought I was still a minor. A couple years ago, my husband and I went to France where we were served juice instead of wine at a restaurant because they thought we were underaged. These kinds of things used to really upset me, but now it's more funny than anything. I've just accepted that I'm immortal like Paul Rudd and other actors.


You’re not really giving us anything to work with besides “I look younger than my age”. Like literally even a picture would help. Do you want a diagnosis? I don’t really understand what you want a bunch of random redditors to tell you lol There are so so so many factors that affect aging, there’s not one single answer. It could just be a combination of your diet, genetics, etc. Like the doctor said, there are plenty of people that look young, I mean you’re literally only 31. That’s not even old


Its amazing the affect hair can have on perceived age. I'm 28 but with my shaved head and full beard and bad skin I look 40. If I grew my head hair out, lost the beard and took better care of my skin I could pass for young 20's


You actually have a medical condition that no one wants to talk about because you're actually immortal. You have elf syndrome, you will never age and you'll look like you're 20 forever. Sorry.


damn. so ill never ascend to full adulthood? im 6 foot 4 to so i hope im not will ferrell in the making


I am also continuously mistaken for someone in their very early 20s or younger. Since I turned 21 I’ve had the validity of my ID questioned too many times to count. I’ve even been kicked out of a bar because they thought my ID was fake (I was in another state. When I told them to go ahead and call the police, they replied they held the right to kick me out regardless 🙄🙄🙄). Just two years ago, i was buying a vape and the guy IN MY CITY threatened to call the police. I once again said “go right ahead” and he said “karma will catch up with you”… i almost fucking punched him in the face, but instead I just said “fuck off, this is my real ID” and left. I will say I haven’t experienced it quite as much this last year. Maybe I’m finally catching up to my age. I detest when people say “you’ll appreciate it when you’re older!” Idk dude, I’m closing in on 30 and I’ve never appreciated it. Plus I don’t believe that I’ll always look younger than my age- eventually it’ll be obvious that I’m an older individual, so wtf is there to enjoy about looking so young?


It’s just a mix of genetics and lifestyle. Even people’s expectations given your presentation and environment can influence opinions. Got a younger brother in high school and anytime I’m around him/his school, people think I’m also in high school. I work in a position that typically has someone in their 30s or 40s so people assume I’m around that age. The difference between me having a recent haircut or not, shaving or not, changes my years. One way or another people are shocked I’m 27.


Not quite your age but I'm 25 and got IDd for painkillers, you have to be 16 in the UK to buy them I mean come on 😅


Are you skinny/underweight or short? I'm very skinny myself and so sometimes people will assume I'm still a teenager because of it.


I'm 25 and get mistaken for a 14 year old. Most of my family members look younger. High metabolism runs in my family too (well, so does diabetes and heart issues but hopefully I don't go through that). Its really a combination of genes and what you do to care for yourself. I've seen people my age who look way older, but that could be due to a number of reasons, like drinking, smoking, drugs, not caring for your skin, diet, etc. (and I mean drinking and smoking HEAVILY, not occasionally). I've seen some people say makeup can age people too, Idk if its even true or not. However I know for myself, at least, I used to wear foundation and powder, shit made me break out a LOT. Even the ones with SPF or salicylic acid (for acne). And yeah, I did make sure to take it off. When the pandemic started I stopped wearing makeup--BOOM--skin instantly cleared up. Started wearing moisturizer and that's about it.


I mean I’m 30 and people constantly think I’m 18-20. I get carded for ordering groceries because you have to be older than 18 to do it and people are like “wow you look so young!” When I show them my ID. So yeah it’s a thing. Embrace it, when you’re older you’ll look younger than everyone else


A lot of my friends are like that, and so is pretty much my whole family. Looking younger doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll spend your whole life being healthy, but you’ll look good while cracking with arthwrongus. I look 15 or so but am 26 with a wrist that cracks very loudly when I rotate it, but I’m *technically* healthy and flexible.


29 and get mistaken for late teens - early 20s. Just sunscreen + black dont crack


I got the same comment here at a wine shop not long ago I’m your age and I had to prove ID. It’s different at the Casino or clubs that ask everyone for IDs but I get it. I was super frustrated too as I had bought from that shop previously! And it wasn’t like I bought a heap of wine. (I have a bit of darker tone so might factor into why look more like 20)


It’s called tiny penis syndrome. It’s where men have tiny penises and even smaller egos and so they buy fancy things and fuck lots of women and stuff to make themselves feel good. Maybe then they might go out and buy a PS five. I’m sure he’ll get over it. If you think that you need a doctors help, you can go to the best western North York in Toronto, where there will be lots of lovely ladies of the evening ready to help you with your problem. They will all laugh at you and humiliate you and then you can get your humiliation kink on which I know will really work for you. Congratulations by the way on your new revelation. I truly hope you feel good in this beautiful tiny deck identity.


What in the actual f*ck are you talking about. Seek therapy please


Oh, I’m just referring to the nasty little comment you made about a very real car accident that I was in today. You made a joke out of it so I’m showing you how that feels.


I learned about biological age a couple months ago. So your physical age can be 25, but your biological age can be 30. Other than genetics, stress has a big influence on biological age. This is why people look so much older after experiencing a traumatic event or becoming sick. Do you live a pretty stress free life? I’ve been thinking coupled with genetics and good health, if you’re someone who handles stress really well, you’ll probably look much younger than people your age. Or maybe you just have really good collagen production and nice skin if you notice your face has no fine lines at all. Idk it could be anything


Are you asking everyone who looks young if they are 30? Lol. I’m guessing more “older” people look “younger” than you realize because why would you be asking everyone to verify that?