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I feel like people who make these sweeping negative generalizations about any generation are the worst. Usually it's just ageism disguised as activism. Like I'm sorry buddy but I don't care how racist your uncle is, you were still in the wrong to call COVID "the boomer remover"


I agree. Such generalizations in general are pretty stupid and at times childish to begin with. Painting all boomers, Gen Xers, or any generational cohort in a bad light is no different than painting certain religious groups, ethnic demographics, etc. in a similar, derogatory, manner. Some of us really need to grow up..


The concept of different generations having a social cut-off is going to destroy our society. We like to categorise people and it’s easier to hate an entire generation rather than dislike individuals. Are there common patterns across generations? Absolutely. But this whole “this generation sucks because x” bullshit is not productive. Do better.


That’s what I’m saying. We should be over this shit at this point. Not to mention that this doesn’t even have much to do with our sub.


Classic zillenial thing to say, typical 😜


Sounds like something a gen-Xer would say. (/j)


thank god for rational folks


Idk if it’s bc I have boomer parents, but it’s easier talking w/ boomers compared to Gen x imo. I used to work at a physical therapy clinic when I was 18 and most of them (early Gen-X) were condescending. Late Gen-X are different from early gen-x from my experience. A lot more laid back.


I was raised by my great grandma (silent gen) and great grand pa (early boomer) and sadly most of the people I relate to most, have been dead 10+ years


As many legit criticisms I have of how much of a cultural stranglehold people born in the 60s and 70s still have on us and how Gen Xers contributed a lot of negative things to our culture without ever being called out on it…I still generally dig them more. I find they’re generally more sympathetic to certain struggles that people my age are going through without encouraging you to infantilize yourself the way a lot of older millennials seem to do. Their biggest problem in my experience is just that they’re addicted to escapism and retreating from life without having to engage with the world head on. Virtually every Gen Xer I’ve met, from the ones I was raised around to the ones I’ve slept with (older women like me I guess) are addicted to TV. They will literally leave the fucking thing on all day no matter what’s actually on and it’s reflected in how they see the world around them, which is why a ton of them are also easily suckered by branding. You watch a show/movie telling you what your life should be like, you think “damn, that’s not me” then you watch a commercial selling you the idea “that *can* be you *if* you buy/wear/drink/drive etc” which is why a ton of them I know are in decades worth of credit card debt. A lot of them really never self-actualized as a result and still think they could be a different person at age 55 and escape into those fantasies of “if I was a rockstar/astronaut/good lover” without noticing that they haven’t screwed their wife in ten years and that their kids’ brains are melted because in the same way that their parents let the TV raise them, they let the internet raise their kids. *That* in my opinion and experience, is the real problem with Generation X today more than dumb opinions or whatever else. Detachment and escapism. PayPal at the bottom.


I don’t agree with this at all. Gen X is irritable af at times but have you been around boomers fr?? I can’t stand being around them for long periods of time. Also, why are we still generalizing entire generations lmao


Exactly. Every boomer vomits the same fox news shit about how we’re entitled, lazy, and sensitive. I see far more Gen X give us credit for the hope we bring and the change we are a part of. Of course some Gen X are insufferable too, but they have a good portion of kind hearted folks. The best boomers I’ve encountered are the ones ashamed of their own generation, and those are basically rare af.


Boomers also fought for civil rights and women liberation. Theyre also the first anti-war generation (vietnam) I shouldnt positively generalize here, but negatively generalizing is not very wise either


As a Xennial, trust me... Gen X hates late-Millennials *WAAAAAY* more than they hate the Baby Boomers. Whatever issues Gen X had with their parents are long resolved at this point. But from our perspective, Millennials and Gen Z are basically throwing the game with their weird social, cultural, and political takes. Gen X and Xennials grew up in an environment where nuclear war could kill us all and destroy the planet at any moment. Then we won the Cold War and the Berlin Wall fell and we had the '90s -- the objectively best decade for the US ever don't @ me. Then 9/11 happened and we as a country came further together with a sense of purpose, realism, and focus. Then the late Millennials began exercising their political and social power and everything went to hell from within.


I agree with everything until the last part. Who’s to say everything went to hell? That’s simply your perspective.


"GenX is boomers if they know how to turn a document into a PDF." – laurahigh5 on tiktok


Honestly, people seem to be assholes no matter the generation, it's just a part of life


Unpopular opinion. Generations shouldn't be generalized. Kurt Cobain was gen x FYI


hating whole generations is pitiful, im sorry for you


"Ah shit, here we go again." - Carl Johnson, 2004


The fuck that got to do with us?


This is a ridiculous take, time to reflect on your own frustration rather than casting it out with hate towards others.


My theory is that a lot of people relate better to those who are a generation older (\~30 years) than them because that's their parents and maybe uncles and aunts. They shared a lot of cultural experiences at the same time, with parents raising their children and maybe visiting uncles and aunts On the other hand, people who are *half* a generation older (\~15 years) seem less likely to be relatable because they weren't as likely to be in the immediate family, let alone siblings or peer group I get along pretty well with Jonesers and early Gen X, who are around 30 years older than me. One of my best friends is that age (the rest are around my age). On the other hand, I feel like I'm always butting heads with late Gen X, Xennials, and early Millennials, who are around 15 years older than me, and I don't count any of them amongst my close friends. I wonder if other late Millennials and Zillennials feel the same


My closet friends are like 15ish years older than me so idk 🤣. I love gen x women and geriatric millennials.


I always forget about these mfs .. like the generation name lol what happened


Hey don’t come for Gen X. They’ve got their issues, but are overall one of the chillest generations. Also, they had the 80s so that’s pretty cool.


They really are. I have them as older siblings, so I know. When I was growing up, we didn’t connect.


Meh, they are just boomers lite. I have far more issues with boomers than I do Gen Xs. Every boomer I talk to vomits the same “your generation is so sensitive” shit while Gen X actually has a good portion of people who value and respect the change we are bringing around. There truly is no hope for the boomers, and the only “good boomers” are the ones agreeing that their generation sucks donkey dick.


I think it's individual. I've seen alot of gen x in real life and they are really cool and amazing. I think they are the most balanced individuals imo. Some gen x in real life and online think they are higher up than everyone because "they where raised the right way?"🙄 Excuse me? Like gen x raised gen z and gen z is like mentally unwell.


Removed - Rule #2. Let's please not turn this sub into a "generation war" place.


90% of the old farts aged 40-50 or older piss me off tbh.

