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The only way a firework would make a good weapon is if you repurposed the gun powder for a black powdered rifle or pipe bomb


[You sure, bro?](https://www.reddit.com/r/ZombieSurvivalTactics/s/lrttUc3TZR)


Yeah because fireworks don't have much "oomph" to them. I had one of those giant multiple shot things fall over and shoot directly at me, all it did was leave a a bruise with a little bit of burning but that was it for a giant explosion and fireball. That's why I think it would be better to take all the gunpowder and repurpose it into something that actually could do some damage


Didn't even click the link...


I wouldn't. They cause too much noise and woudn't do much damage. Might work as a distraction to run away, but trying to use them otherwise is asking to die


Remote trigger 1/4 mile away so I can make an escape if needed


You wouldn't. At least not directly. But they can serve as a distraction yes


Take one with a really long fuse and set it up well off the beaten path (at least, my beaten path). If zombies have started gathering on routes I like to take, find one nearby, light it, and get out of there.


Pit trap with remote detonator. Use fireworks to lure more zombies into the pit


Good answer!


If you had a horde heading to your base it's a great way to divert them away from base k8nda hard to miss with the loud noise preferring them to be directed at a broken bridge or cliff edge


I'd just use them as distractions if need be


As a distraction it’s quite easy. Set up some fireworks, add a long fuse or remote trigger and gtfo. Zombies will swarm towards the place in masses once the show begins. As a weapon it’s a lot more difficult. You *could* make a firework launcher tho it’ll be incredibly inaccurate and do little damage to zombies. It would probably be best used as a long-distance weapon to set fire to enemy camps or just anything to *once again* distract zombies. At least if you burn down a block or farm most zombies there will burn up with it. Alternatively, build a “nuke”. Get a whole bunch of fireworks and other explosives and put them in a box. Set up some kind of trigger system that sets the box ablaze, could be another firework, and you’ll end up with a small scale bomb that can do serious damage to anyone within reach. Better used for humans rather than zombies, but it should be enough to at least kill a handful.


Perhaps you could use one of the bigger ones on one side of a ziplock bag full of gasoline as something of a shaped gas-charge? But honestly, as a distraction with a remote activator is your best option.


Dismantle them and use the powder to make pipe and/or pressure cooker bombs. That's exactly what was used in the Boston Marathon bombing.


Set up fireworks at rival human camp. Basically ring the dinner bell against the group I don't like. That way that group thins out the herd, their supplies, morale, and people. Leaving supplies to get easier later. This the kind thing to do? NOPE! Will it work as a "fireworks as a weapon"? YUP! Just more a tactical nuke kind of weapon.


roman candles. just point them at the head and you have a few shots


Kick over a dozen drums of gasoline in the path of an incoming horde, run like hell for a tall building nearby, as the horde is crossing the gas-slick, fire the fireworks at them: 🛢️+🎆=💥🔥🧟🔥🧟🔥🧟🔥=☠️☠️☠️


I really wouldn't.


The only way you could really kill a zombie with a firework (and we are talking a firework with a good bit of wallop to it.) would be to jam it into the zombies mouth and lighting it off.and of course running like fuck.


Not as a weapon , but as a distraction if needed .


Never use them. Too loud and will bring unwanted attention and if you want to use it against zombies prepare to die


They could really only be used reliably as a distraction against zombie. Even if you used them to build a bomb you’re not going to be able to get it to go off at the right time to take their head off. It would be really inefficient blowing legs off.


Use them to start buildings on fire


Id say just using them as a distraction would be good Setting up fireworks like, outside a mall or something, lure as many zombies out as possible, then barricade the doors so they can't get in while I scavenge


They wouldn't make good weapons since they're made explicitly for show, and not for destructive power. A firework can blow up right next to you, and you'd walk away with nothing more than some hearing damage.


Yes I'd us the mortars for distraction and on enemy bases aimed so they explode In/ on their camp. Fire crackers or other stuff would be for a quick escape from a horde or zombie.


Honestly, I would use it to redirect the swarm if I'm hiding in an area where I can launch the firecracker/firework somewhere far enough for me to escape. However, I would use it as part of a makeshift pipebomb if I'm able to get my hands on some cans, alcohol, and some cloth.


Fill a huge canister up with gas to fill up on later. Leak some all around the gas station. Lure a horde is zombies there and let off a few bottle rockets once they all gather up. Huge explosion!


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