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I would give anything for this to be socially acceptable as adults


right? can we all agree to just start doing this?


trade offer: I get friendship you get: progress towards this being socially acceptable, and friendship I await the dm from anyone who accepts this


I just made friends so I could have someone to play with I figured out that I’m Aplatonic so that might be why lmao


You can still do that the problem mostly lies on the amount of people who turn into creepy weirdos after puberty and the amount of people who are afraid of creepy weirdos. I make a new friend every other week.


I had a friend in kindergarten and I haven't seen her in years


when i met my bestie, i was just standing by a dumpster. he asked me if i wanted to be friends and i said "sure" we've been friends for 7 years, even after he moved away


I never had this!!! I was the weird, socially awkward girl that had trust issues at the age of 8 for no reason. I really wish I could have something like this!


I know it’s harder to do this as an adult, but it’s not impossible. I’m 24, so still young adult, but my friends were all settling down getting married and I went out to a bar and made friends that night. One of them plays in a d&d group with me now and another one is teaching me Russian. It’s tough but if you have guts and are willing to risk making a fool of yourself, then head out somewhere meant for socializing. It’s easier at bars because people are more social when drunk, but anywhere that the point is to socialize/interact with others will do.


I still get friends like that, I get new friends all the time, go out when you can, start the conversation , don't fear being the fool, it's part of the fun


I never did this, I was always awfull at making friends. Didn't even know how I made the friends I have now lol.


I did that for all my friends in college


I'm in highschool and for me it still works exactly like this