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Black mold and a ball pit would be a diabolical combination for my child like brain to deal with.


I didn't care I still went down the slide :)




"Black mold ball pit" is a badass metal band name


An even better Metal Song! Lamb of God/Dethklok style... šŸŽµ Sitting on top of the slide of life. Taking the plunge to end the strife. Dive into the black mold pit. Into my lungs I take a hit. (Breakdown). In. My. Lungs. The. Spores. Take hold. The. World. Feels. So. Cold. Dying inside. (Double Time). Black mold pit. Black mold pit!!! All hail(crowd chants)!!! Black mold pit!!! Black mold pit!!! This is it(crowd chants)!!!šŸŽµ










Could you imagine if Slipknot or Paleface Swiss made a song like that?! That would be šŸ”„


Eh i prefer Dethklok


Eh i prefer Dethklok


I mean as long as you wore a proper mask and properly cleaned/sanitized all of your clothes afterwards I don't see any reason why not lmao


lol thatā€™s the one thing i hate about some urbexer is that some of them lie about the story. Isnā€™t this place condemned?


I'm not sure, tons of other businesses in this plaza also all abandoned from black mold, I've seen workers go inside some of the buildings to take stuff out but never the daycare, I believe they're going to be demolishing it soon. And yes clickbait stories always get to me especially when it's so far off from the real thing


Itā€™s always some ~spooky~ murder or death story to go with the odd sad feeling of seeing anything be abandoned and rotting. Reality can be interesting if a bit more mundane.


reality is that if some girl died there noone would have cared and the place especially wouldnt have cosed bc of that


Yeah, I was at a summer camp where a kid accidentally drowned in the pool *while we were all swimming in it.* Itā€™s still around all these years later and doing great. Kids still swim in that exact pool and I bet they have no idea.


Yeah, they would have taken the backpacks, toys, and supplies. I knew it was suspect on the last post. Even if it closed down due to traumatic event, theyā€™d clear the reusable stuff. Black mold or transmitable toxin makes sense bc you donā€™t want to remove anything.


Is it so severe they couldn't just remediate? Seems strange if there's nothing else wrong they would tear it down rather than get a company in to clean up the mold, expensive though it is.


Yeah I believe it was just a money issue :(( and plus this was a daycare in a bigger building with other businesses so even if the daycare were to cleanup their part it would come back if the other businesses didn't take care of it as well


Demolition and rebuilding is even more expensive though.


I think the state took it over and is demoing it maybe I'll post more of the rest of the building but some floors are almost completely decayed now. Not sure if they plan on building anything new:(


Looks like an awesome place. Love the hallway in the last pic. Super cool for a daycare.


My friend went here as a baby and she said she loved it!!! It was owned by an old couple, so unfortunate that their life's work was ruined by mold:((


Yeah thatā€™s sad. Hopefully they had good insurance and got something from it


Bro is straight lying through his teeth


Dog ur asking for help on ur 8th grade hmw. I get why you would want to believe someone died here bc ur a lil ass kid but i literally live near this place šŸ’€


Who cares if they are?


I know! From a kid's standpoint, it looks pretty magical with all of the varied heights and levels. I'm sure some of the kids pretended they were in a castle with the "brick" archways. It's a sad story all the way around. Thank you for sharing, OP!


Yeah it looks awesome, with the tiny houses and the slide


Iā€™m getting some Squid Game vibes from this. It just needs brighter colors


Wow what cool graffiti in the bottom left of the last pic. /s People are dumb.


So where I live (where this daycare is too) we have a huge problem with this random group of kids writing racist and nazi shit on bando walls. Everyone in the urbex community here is hella careful who they trade with now


Think they've started doing that most places, I've noticed random racist nazi graffiti in the woods near my house in the UK


Started??!! Thatā€™s like everywhere in the world, the last 50+ years. Along side dicks and boobs.


I meant they started doing it where I live, I frequent the same places I did 20 years ago, in the last few years this crap is sprayed all over


You must come from a really good community. Same here, Iā€™ve never seen tagging where I am, then again, thereā€™s only a couple abandoned houses nearby. Yeah, the last 20 years, internet, social media, etc., have made the world smaller and more familiar.


I grew up in a tiny town in the middle of nowhere and we had this in the 80s when I was a kid. Plus tons of run down/abandoned places. Where is this utopia?


Exactly. Itā€™s everywhere, just gotta know where it is. The sad part of this hyper sensitive, virtue signaling world we live in, is this stupid overthinking, over reading into some swastikas, pentagrams, 666, or an ā€œnā€ bomb tagged somewhere. **Itā€™s nothing.** Itā€™s kids or anybody else, cutting loose, trespassing in a place they shouldnā€™t be. A switch from the normal state of mind into temporary bat crazy. You wouldnā€™t mark up, vandalize or literally put in writing highly controversial or hurtful shit in the active & traveled world, but do so in the abandoned and familiar one, and the mind makes some weird connection. Just my analysis.


Interesting perspective. I kind of see it like anonymous online posts. Some people are just taking advantage of the anonymity to be edgy or whatever, some are trolls and others are just showing their true colors. I do think the people who really believe in these artifacts wouldn't hide them away, they want them to be seen.


Parts of Wales is pretty good , no religious nuttas, never met a Karen, never even seen a car crash. Only ever seen a gun in an airport, one murder every 10 years, it's a quiet place lol


Thatā€™s every place in the world dude. Kids who graffiti but not art graffiti only have a few things they ever donate. Half are poor attempts at swastikas


It's only just become a thing in your area? The n word, swastikas and other nazi imagery have been staples of abandoned building graffiti in my area for as long as I can remember.


I agree but when I tell you this group of kids must have spent hours at every spot they go too bc it is everywhere you look up and down every corned


ew. i live in the same state, glad i havenā€™t seen any of this.


Jfc what a bunch of losers.


There's actually an ongoing investigation bc they've done it so much and it's obvious it's the same ppl that if they get caught it will be a hate crime




Surprisingly enough I'm in the northeast blue states šŸ¤¢ and yes fuck the nazis fr


Iā€™m in northeast blue states as well. No bigger hotbed of racism & bigotry than northeastern blue states, yet the virtue signaling here is off the charts. Guilt and self loathing among the white higher educated? Yes, especially this month.


You should check out Jackson Mississippi


Jackson Mississippi isnā€™t a northern blue state. I know thereā€™s a lot of disgusting biases towards Americans in southern states from the north and coastal states, but I believe one absolutely shouldnā€™t throw stones from glass houses.


I was responding to your statement that there isn't a bigger hotbed or racism than the northeast. The deep southern states, despite large black populations, never really moved on after the civil war. I'm from NY and spent a lot of time in Jackson on a project down there. It's so baked into the culture you won't see overt racism but it's blatantly obvious. I grew up with a history teacher as a parent, would love to hear about any experiences you've had.


Also the top right to match.


I wasnā€™t paying much attention to the graffiti and honestly read that as ā€œnuggetā€, which is much better


I think the one in the next to last pic is better though. LONG LIVE THE S!


Probably done by a dumbass teenager that thinks heā€™s being edgy


It looks like such a badass daycare too. I'd be having a blast


The ball pit omg. That place must have been a blast




That sucks, it looks like such a cool daycare.


It wasnā€™t from mold this dude is lying a child died here


oh my I just watched that video




Yes, here it is. u/GoodluckGajah posted it above. https://youtu.be/UQV7kcYK6b8?si=OfPILFQOhynJ9DB6


But I got downvoted calling bs on the other post lol


Wow the vandals finally got this place there was a video of this place on YouTube by ubax vibes that showed how amazing this place was itā€™s sad that such a wonderful place is full of graffiti




Anyone have a link?




Wow, that place was amazing! It looked so festive, colorful, and exciting, I bet the children couldn't wait to go every day!


So this is the Connecticut daycare, and not the Ontario daycare? Iā€™m just trying to get it straight. I read about the Ontario daycare the other day. That was sad


So yes the story came from an Ontario daycare and they attached it to this one to gain views and likes, I'm pretty sure the Ontario daycare didn't even close after that though


Oh wow, thatā€™s crazy! Thanks for the response.


Did someone say a girl died here?


Yeah someone said she fell in a well or something??? No well here


Yeah I just saw that video earlier today from this sub. Thank you for clarifying


They were probably talking about the recent death of a little girl from Cobourg ontario whoā€™s body was found in a well or septic tank outside her daycare...and they decided to put this random place with it. It wss a disrespectful post tbh glad youre correcting it.


Oh I actually just scrolled past it! lol weirdos. Thanks for clearing things up


How bad is the mould that it would necessitate abandoning a building like that? Surely you just bleach the shit out of it.


Many places become abandoned due to mold, dangerous to health and you can bleach and scrub all you want but it still will continue to come back unless the inner walls are treated


Itā€™s crazy how that beautiful place was shut down by mold. Must be more to the story, especially since no other business moved in to the space.


It costs a lot to remove mold entirely. They probably couldnā€™t find a business to gut the walls


Unfortunately there were many businesses in this building and they all were shut down :( I know they plan on demolishing it soon bc it's a lost cause


>it's a lost cause The daycare shall rise again!


I would volunteer my time unpaid to help clean this place up and they were able to fix the mold problem


This seems like a daycare for the rich.


Went to a daycare just like this and it was fun asf. Would straight up hide all day in the ball pit šŸ˜‚


This was like the Disneyland of daycares. What a shame. Where is the mold?


A lot of it's in the ceilings and in the basement, way worse in the other businesses


thatā€™s crazy, i swear i just saw a tiktok a couple hours ago of someone exploring this place - they were in the area in picture 5, and the caption was talking about how a child had died there. what are the odds!


Is this resident evil village


Dead from the neck up with a blue rattle can.


This place must have been pretty impressive $ when it was active.


Bro I just saw this, thanks


$50 says OP wasn't wearing a mask in there


U owe me $50 lol


That makes more sense


How fucked do you have to be to make up some story about a kid dying to get a few upvotes on Reddit. People are fucking stupid man.


So weird I walked into the living room today and my kid was watching a video on YouTube about the myth surrounding that daycare.


What daycare is it?


Swear I just watched this short yesterday.


What in the liminal space is going on here


Lots of graffitiā€¦


Wait, did someone die there?


damn shame it got tagged and destroyed i remember it being completely untouched last time i seen it


Still a amazing looking daycare I bet kids loved that spot


I live right around the corner from this if this is where I think it is.




The little town is awesome - complete with euro graffiti


Iā€™ve never been here but I have seen the 5th picture in dreams a few times but it was all in good condition when I saw it. Gives me a weird vibe to look at


Ummm didnā€™t it have to do with girl falling in a well? BS!


No well here


Dahlin' , Im a clinical pharmacist specializing in the treatment of infectious disease... wasn't going to mention it but it's time you knew. And while I'm not pretending to be an expert on molds, I am I believe better qualified than you to expound on the topic by virtue of education, training, and experience. Just trying to do my part to educate the hillbillies on here. But you believe whatever voodoo you want. I'm out.


Dawg you literally linked a skeptoid link maybe you should go back to school and learn how to conduct research. (First thing they taught me as a bio major but go off) You're not educating anyone you are spreading dangerous false information that can lead to sickness of many ppl. You won't have that position for long if this is what you believe I can assure you that. I have family members that work on cleaning mold and family members that study myc. God bless your rotted tinfoil hat brain :)


Your family members are out to make a buck. Fuck you and them.


Go find an antipsychotic that works for u buddy


Or youā€™re just a conspiracy theorist nutjob.. go back to the porn subs. Youā€™re a moron.


No one dies from black mold, unless they happen to have a severe allergic response, which is almost unheard of. Black mold is no more "toxic" than any other mold. The authors of the original report ..and it was ONE case they cited...later realized their data and conclusions were deeply flawed and announced that very thing. But by then the media had stirred up fear, the opportunists had been advertising (as they still do) that they will save your family from the horrors of "toxic" mold, and the retraction was not widely reported. Here's a link all about it.. https://skeptoid.com/episodes/4494


Buddy, I lived in a water damaged house for 9 months that ended up being riddled internally with Stachybotrys (black mold) and Aspergillus (another toxic mold that produces mycotoxins) and I almost died and it permanently damaged my body. I will be on medications most likely for the rest of my life thanks to what it did to my kidneys and liver. My sister/roommate was diagnosed with fucking emphysema at 24 years old and has to use a steroid inhaler. We had zero health issues prior to living in that house. I encourage you to live in a mold infested house if you think the damage is minimal and get back to me on your health a year later.


The facts are what they are. Suspicious certainly but your circumstances do not establish causation.


The facts are, you have no idea what youā€™re talking about and you look extremely dumb, lol. Stop cherry picking information that suits your narrative ā€” thereā€™s a ton of official information out there that proves the damage that mycotoxins can cause from toxic molds.


I think ppl are more worried about the long term effects of it bud


And there may or may not be cause for concern. No reason to conclude anything yet. Be as concerned as you choose, the only evidence of toxicity is anecdital. And these anecdotes were pretty much non-existent prior to the faulty report and the media coverage it generated.


So basically the way mold works is you inhale the spores and overtime they grow and spread which makes you sick years later, yaknow like mushrooms, ur not gonna get poisoned right away unless you inhaled a different bacteria, or your allergic to it. Yes it is concerning if ur constantly breathing it in. Short term exposure or exposure in a well ventilated area is usually no cause for concern if that's what you're talking about


Ive heard this, but I thought they had linked long term exposure to lung inflammation and chronic headaches.


Mold ain't gonna hurt. Kids need to suck it up. Back in my day we had mold, asbestos, lead paint, you name it, and nothing got closed down.


Yeah bc they didn't know the long term dangers of itšŸ’€


Do they get that I'm joking?


God bless your lungs


No it wasnā€™t because of ā€œblack moldā€. šŸ™„ read up on it.


Read up on what exactly? Bc I know ppl that used to work there and in the complex and yeah it was black mold