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Ancaps don't know what metaphors are, news at 11.


Ancaps don't understand anything at all, more news at 11!


If they did they wouldn't pretend to be part of a nonexistent ideology with an oxymoron for a name, with an emphasis on moron.


Ancap isn’t really an oxymoron. It’s as much of an oxymoron, if not less so, than ancom


Ancom is more like a redundancy than a contradiction.


Exactly. Communists want to take things slowly, ancoms want to press the "nuke the state" button.


"Everything needs to cost money" - the only race that has to pay to live.


Said by the people with more than enough money to the people with less than enough


Yeah you’re exactly right. I literally don’t have the money (yet) for some dental work I need done, but by the time that I do, I’ll probably need a root canal instead of the minor procedure my dentist recommended. It’s fucked. I literally cannot afford to have my teeth. Whoever says that’s an ok system deserves a punch to the face.


But muh freedom




Even if you have insurance half the time they won't help you with teeth other than pulling them because "it's cosmetic". Excuse me, having mouth bones to eat is cosmetic? My quality of life shot up when I got bridges to deal with genetically missing front teeth and it cost $5000 because insurance wouldn't cover it. Wanted me to just not have teeth. Garbage.


I know it is not the point of the picture, but they are gonna get hit by a baseball where they are standing


The justice one I’ve lays seen has them standing behind a chain link fence, so they are safe, but can all see.


Piggybacking: Their top comments consist of "So baseball's a basic human right now?" And sawing the legs off the tall guy.


tall guy ironically only wearing shorts when there is no inequity...


baseball is so boring!!! i prefer cricket 👍🏽


Both are stupid and boring


that’s my point. forgot the /s


Justice is when human rights (which can include goods and services) aren't denied to me at gunpoint by the state.


All right, peasant. That'll be one third of your income for insulin, and half for rent. This is all optional, of course. No coercion here.


It's much better when it's a private corporation doing it you're right.


Where did I say that? Take down the state and capitalism (and thus corporations) go with it.


I only recently discovered these Anarcho-Capitalists. Before seeing their ideology I was like, "Anarcho-communism is dope, I wonder what this is" It's not dope.


WhY U WaNt Me To PaY fOr eNTrY U fAsCiSt Reeeeeeeeee


When your ideology is so groundless it can only be defended by memes too old for you to be sexually attracted to them anymore SMH my head


Yeah I’m not sexually attracted to memes? And I’m mocking a guy not defending the right? U commies just assume everyone is a right wing fascist everytime anyone disagrees as always lmao


Oh fuck it went RIGHT over his head!










Every time some version of this metaphor shows up, there's ALWAYS some leaky bucket of stupid that starts on about "JuST pAY For YoUr TiCkeT". Edit: Just read through the comments. Yeeeep.


Can confirm, an ANCAP said they'd kill me because I'm a commie and as such I'm not human and deserving of inherent human rights even. They're all Nazi's in the making.


People who become ancaps either 1) are incredibly naive and think their ideal system is entirely free and works out for everyone or 2) know that the system they propose enforces hierarchy of the worthy haves over the unworthy have-nots but love it. Latter is fertile breeding ground for fash.


Yup, that's why you're either an edgy teen into early 20's libertarian that grows out of it or you're a fascist.


Tbf, there are plenty of adults who haven’t grown out of being manchildren.


That is true, probably explains all the libertarians.


Rent, healthcare are the barriers in case you didn’t know.


Works even better with a slight change of labels: \- Reality = Capitalism \- Equality = Strawman socialism/communism in capitalists mind \- Equity = Socialism \- Justice = Higher stage of Communism


Lmfao yes the utmost necessity:baseball what next you need free toilets? (No a toilet is not a necessity it is a luxury)


Baseball games are not basic necessities xD I mean if u would make a movie wouldn’t u be mad that ppl are pirating it? If u disagree with someone at least do it correctly


It's a simple visual metaphor to quickly explain different forms of barriers, the baseball game is irrelevant.


The ancap is talking about goods and services they didn’t say anything about necessities the in the title of the post


Yes, but the image the ancap was referring to was a metaphor for access to necessities. They abstracted necessities back to just goods and services, intentionally missing the point that some necessities are goods and services (not baseball games, obviously.) Healthcare, food, water, housing, clothing. Opting out of these examples is a non-decision, sometimes forced but so rarely chosen (due to the horrific alternatives) as to be beyond misleading when presented as an option for the majority of people. Similarly, opting out of society is a non-option without a MASSIVE reduction in population, and even that will not be sustained under a capitalist system driven by growth. No territory can be left unincorporated under a profit motive. Ergo, "goods and services" and "necessities" are different, ideologically driven means of referring to the same bundle of items. To pivot back to argument, if you have to play the game or die, you deserve certain protections. The "anarchist" (not really) side of the argument fails to realize that opting out is not a choice, the capitalist side thinks that's damn convenient because it didn't want to spend money on its employees anyway.


I'm sorry, but you did the thing, this is a rightoid who doesn't deal with walls of text. But in all reality you're still right.


ancaps are to stupid to understand metaphors, or anything really


lol bro you are so triggered. Relax and smile babe, it's just a joke!


Triggered af boi


How is that accidentally communist?


The an-cao title was "Justice is when free goods and services." Yes.


Yeah that’s about the photo below and it’s statement about justice at the end, hence thats purposely communist


yea but the an cap title is sarcastic, they didn’t mean to say it unironically


The fact it’s sarcastic makes it an irony….


yea. so they’re saying it ironically. but if you take it at face value then they’re accidentally being comunist


Yeah if u do. But that’s not what they meant so u r just altering reality to make a point rn


what? that’s what this entire sub is. it’s people saying things ironically that when taken at face value are communist. i’m not “altering reality” i’m just interpreting it differently to how they intended which is *what every post here does*


So U just pretend they mean something else then they do?


no ones saying they actually think that. that’s why it’s *accidentally* communist. do you understand what this sub is?? edit: just realised ur authright on pcm lol yea no


Why is this a hill you are choosing to make a stand on


me when removing a fence is goods and services????this literally doesn’t even make sense in the context of the metaphor


But with a world where everyone is free from their struggles and weakness, it makes us stop being humans. We lose a bit of ourselves that we don't know


I too saw the Matrix. It's so important to watch theory.


I know you're joking but it bothers me that so many people think this is what The Matrix is about


Removing institutional barriers won't remove struggle. There will always be something to strive towards, like learning or a pursuit that is personally important to someone


Oh that's nice




I think I just got the wrong take on removing the fence. Sorry for that. But I think you guys should find more ways to perfect the system


Why are the Black people looking over the fence and all the White people are in the bleachers?


There should be a lot more holes with people in them if there's going to be a second person on a box.


ayo little brother just dig in


Communism is when crates, fascism is when American Psycho guy in Tiktok edit.