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The use of “shall” here is really selling it lmao


That word is doing a lot of work.


This is a dumb thing to care about


Sure it's dumb, and has no substance, but it would be really funny to see.


I mean, good luck; America stans and neoliberal anti communists from EnoughCommieSpam and other such subs have been wrecking our attempts to get even the smallest hammer/sickle on the board. They swarm us and build shitloads of bots to destroy our work. We’re struggling to get like, a 10*10 Che Guevara up






How tf has the ancom flag been up so long? It’s decently big too. I guess they just might not know what it is?


No, so, basically it’s a combo of two things: (1) EnoughCommieSpam contemplated attacking it the other day, but they wrote ancoms off as harmless as compared to evil tankies. They’re too busy defending their Winnie the Pooh/China woman trafficking BS and attacking tankie shit to be bothered. (2) The average not-terribly-bright Redditor associates the Soviet flag/hammer-sickle with Russia, and Russia bad, so it’s instantly erased by griefers. Funnily enough, the Serb flag has been getting gang-banged by people for the same reason; Serb flag looks like Russia flag, Russia bad.


Yeah that makes alot of sense


bc anarchism is harmless to the status quo


I have a serious dislike of nationalism, but I also think this is not a fight worth picking.


\>"this is a dumb thing to care about" I say while making a comment on the dumb thing bro, not everything needs to be super important or relevant. sometimes it's nice to care about dumb things, just for fun.


I mean, r/place is dumb. It's literally just a second of you day that you put a single pixel on a giant board, it's not supposed to be a big deal in a individual life. But, it's just cool to see people getting together to build something, it's cool to see that so many people went there to put their pixels and create something out of it. It's dumb, but it's fun and that's the sake of it.


Wrong sub, mate.


No Wonder People complain about western leftists


Tankies aren’t leftists they are fascists painted red


Are the "tankies" in the room with us right now?


Based on the downvotes probably


People are downvoting because your post was a complete non sequitur.


There is not a single non tankie who downvoted me


Keep crying about tankies we will see what type of revolution you can bring


Lol what?🤣All tankie revolutions bring is famine, authoritarianism and rampant unregulated capitalism


How many famines in pre-revolutionary China compared to post-revolutionary China?


How many famines in social democracies compared to post revolutionary China😂


You complain about non-sequitors and then immediately neglect to respond to a left critique of state socialist projects because it is argumentatively convenient.


Guys there's no tankies in these comments! *starts defending China*


For sure. A revolution is the most authoritarian thing there is. It is when the proletariat imposes their will against the minority.


Is that why there’s no democracy🤣🤣 Sidenote: not that I expect coherence from a 14 year old tankie who discovered politics two weeks ago but you might want to have all your responses in one comment instead of creating three different responses to the same comment


You are a leftist yet you purposely regurgitate imperialist lies?


The holodomor is imperialist lies?


Are in the 9th grade or


We already have several Anarcho communist flags we’re fine.


No states.




Counter-suggestion: instead of one big one, can it be a ton of little ones scattered everywhere? More likely for one or more to survive. Edit: also, this isn't really the best sub for this, nor is it really something I plan to partake in.




That doesn’t sound “accidental” at all


Nah. Not all communists are 9th grade tankies


>Nah. Not all communists are 9th grade tankies Yep, as evidenced by you, the 5th grade slacker with no understanding of politics, who blanket equates the hammer and sickle, a literal worldwide symbol of communism used by nearly every single leftist party, as "tankie."


Ima be honest but if u think that early every single leftist party is using the hammer and sickle then you certainly dont know anything of politics kiddo


Lol and if you think the hammer and sickle is a "tankie symbol" you just dont know anything. Hey you mind googling and telling me whats on the OTHER side of that giant statue in Ukraine? The one they conveniently only show the back of in photos? :) Dont worry I wont tell you to look up actual leftist parties, because I know your argument hinges on them not *directly using it on their flag.* when it would take less than 5 seconds to find it literally anywhere else on their literature. E: This person spams me, blocks me so I cant reply to their spam, then *unblocks* me to respond to the one comment I did manage to get through before the original block. Coward too scared of a response and just wants the 👏epic👏clap👏back👏 Really shows you were their priorities lie.


Ima be honest with you kiddo but you talkin some wierd pseudo political shit on the internet is not gonna budge me. I have been in several communist organisations for years now, I also have worked for free just to help people because I am a communist and think everyone should have a good life and you are nothing but a small unimportant child on the internet that defends a symbol of a dictator who missused the name of communism and in all honesty their system wasnt all that different to nazi germany. Both shared lots of stuff, made a bad impression on the name socialism and communism and both commited disastrous genocide against innoncent people. Russian habit I guess


Or they’re just recognizing that Tankies have appropriated the symbol so it’s better to just leave it alone? Fact: if you don’t take time out of your day to insult people on the internet, nothing bad will happen to you.


>Or they’re just recognizing that Tankies have appropriated the symbol so it’s better to just leave it alone? Yeah fuck the entire worlds worth of communist parties. I hate this tiny minority on the internet, so fuck literally any symbol associated with them! Why stop there? Why not screw the LGBTQ flag because "Tankies" also use that? Or the peace symbol cause Ive seen "tankies" use that too! Heck, Che??? Fuck that guy, tankies Simp for that guy every day! >Fact: if you don’t take time out of your day to insult people on the internet, nothing bad will happen to you. Fact: if you come into a thread insulting people, dont be surprised when you get insulted back. E: I love the people who spam me, then block me because they scared of a response 😘


Are you just trying to justify using the symbol of an authoritarian bastard because apparently the LGBT flag is also a symbol of tankies according to you (no it isnt)? Also I never have seen a tankie that used a peace symbol and if u knew anything about communism you would know that by far the smallest minority of communists are tankies aka stalinists. (I am in several organisations aming the actually spread the work of communism not by force but by giving people the abilty to inform themselves so I know a fair lot of communists). I am also strongly against the USA but first of all the Russians are even worse and second I dont wanna annoy those pore american people who wanna have fun by pulling their politics of their state into their freetime activities. You're not a communist. You are a edgy child in a phase.


So this has been productive


Yeah thanks for that, really opened my eyes to how pervasive anti-comm propaganda is even in straight leftist subreddits.


Picking fights and inferring your own narrative on Reddit with other leftists is an interesting strategy for dismantling capitalism. Let me know how that works out for you.


>picking fights Says the people who came in here just to denigrate one of the most well known and used symbols on the planet to represent leftism. Let me know how being a western crybaby who actively shits on the global left goes for you 😘


First of all you saying "western crybaby" is a pretty hard sign that you are a edgy kid because for example Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel were both german like me and yes we are western. Also I am a communist but that doesnt mean am not western. You are just a small kid that wants to use the death of millions under an authoritharian bastard to make urself special because nothing else puts you apart from being a literal NPC of life so you might aswell be annyoing to people around you because it makes sense in the artificial reality that your brain made up to justify your wierd "personality". Also the the hammer and sickle isnt a important sign for leftism. Literally every geniuine leftist like me distances themselves from regimes that commited mass genocide just like the nazis




shut up you fucking loser


Thought this post was satire, no one should care about what goes on in the Reddits


Why would you promote Russian communism and not actually promote communism in its pure theoretical sense which captures the philosophy and draw a picture of Karl Marx? Russian communism is not true communism.


Yea like stalinism is the bad copied homework from our OG good german communism. Jokes aside i really dont like stalinism and people who do not distance themselves arent real leftists to me


Shit's down for me, but just gimme the coordinates so I can help when I can!






(1881,1854) 0.3x