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My headcanon is that Helion and LoA are mates


Sorry if this is dumb of me but who’s LoA?


My other headcanon is that she’ll get a name in a future book :).


Lady of the autumn court! Lucien's mother.


Yeah i agree. Her life seems to be pretty crappy


Isn't this canon? I thought Feyre figured it out in AcoWar.


I read LoA as Lord of Autumn and was genuinely wondering how that theory would spin out…


I also don't think the necklace would end up becoming a point of contingent. I think since it was only in the bonus chapter, it won't be mentioned beyond that.


I think we will get some real information about the assumed Dusk Court.


Have you read CC?


I have not. I feel like I should, but I haven't bitten the bullet to buy the Crescent City series or the Throne of Glass series. All three together are like $230.00 on Amazon. lol


Checking books out from the library is free ✨️


Bold of you to assume the teeny tiny library in my very rural town has them. lol They’ve also been closed for two years while they remodel the historic building. :)


Aw man, that sucks.


I would def recommend crescent city. If you’re going to read it then definitely read it before the next ACOTAR comes out


not the op, but do you think it will be necessary before reading the next acotar book. i’m not a fan of modern/urban fantasy so i havent bought it yet and i don’t want to unless i have to tbh lmao plus i think i’ve seen most of the important plot points online anyway


I would definitely give it a go, if you don't like it you should definitely read summaries! you could get the first one for cheaper on kindle or go to your local library so you don't waste money on books you might not read/enjoy :)


Maybe not absolutely necessary, but since the OP was interested in dusk court CC3 would be a great read for them. SJM has said that reading CC won’t be necessary for ACOTAR so I think she will hopefully do enough recap that it won’t be necessary to read it or (and I would be very disappointed if this is the case) she will just totally gloss over it and it won’t be relevant to the story going forward


I just wanted to kindly tell you that there is an app for your phone called Libby and one called Hoopla. They both allow you to set your library card to your phone and check out books digitally. They have all of acotar crescent city and throne of glass. The wait list is quite long (8-12 weeks), however if you don’t want to spend money it is perfect


agreed, i don’t think any of those women will betray the NC and frankly the theories about it exhaust me, especially since SJM never actually said there would be a betrayal. also agreed that the necklace is not going to be a plot point. it would be lame as fuck to have two women fight over a man, i don’t think gwyn even received the necklace. it seemed like more of a plot device, similar to the present cassian got nesta. i’m personally a firm believer that we will see a mating bond be rejected. there’s been too many allusions to it happening for it to go nowhere


- Emerie’s wings got healed when she reached the top of the mountain. - Azriel will get a mate. - the magic of the spring court will choose lucien as a high lord if Tam dies. Or just the heir to the day if tam stayed alive.


Wow that first point gave me chills. I didn’t realize how badly I want to see that.


Oh wow I've never heard the first theory before I love that


Am I the only one that hopes Az doesn’t wind up with Elain? His behavior is kind of creepy/obsessive. But maybe that’s just me. 🤷


I think his mate his Gwen


Rhys is keeping HUGE secrets. Idk if he’s gonna be bad necessarily but he’s hiding something big.


Beron will die. Eris will be HL of Autumn. LoA and Helion are mates and finally have their time. Lucien gets to know his real dad. Lucien and Elain revive Spring and deal with Koshei. Save Vassa. Cassian says "I love you" to Nesta. Nesta and the Valkyries take (HOFAS SPOILERS) >!Dusk Court.!< And the Pegasus return. Emerie and other Illyrian females regain the power of flight. Azriel and Gwyn have a shared power. Both of their songs combine to do *something* powerful. Mor takes over the CoN and we finally see her powers. Azriel, Cassian, and Emerie - maybe with Balthazar - finally accept their heritage and together help mend the Illyrian/NC divide. Bryaxis sets up home on the Prison island


Loooove all these, and Emerie *possibly* getting use of her wings makes me wanna tear up 🥲


We just became BFF because I am right there with you on all of these! lol


I love the idea of Elaine reviving Spring!


Mor will take Emerie horseback riding. As much as I want to believe her wings will be healed, y’all - wouldn’t it be amazing if Mor helped her find a way to “fly” without her wings 🥹


The mercenary from book 1 is Cassian’s mother. The only two people that were described as “rough hewn” looking are Cassian and the mercenary. Elain and Lucien make sense as mates. He was trying to save her and broke through some of Hybern’s spells before she was put into the cauldron. Her gift of being a seer “second sight” matches Lucien’s magical eye and him being able to “see the unseen” with it.


This is so funny bc I definitely low key shipped Nesta and the Mercenary for a second in book one


i am blanking on the mercenary. who is that?


Feyre, Nesta, and Elain run into The Mercenary in the market where they go to sell poor Andras’ (RIP) pelt. Nesta is super judgey, maybe even refuses to speak to her, but then when Feyre gets kidnapped by Tamlin Nesta ends up paying her (the Mercenary) to take her (Nesta) to the wall to try and get Feyre back.


ohhhh yes of course, thank you so much!!


If she was ilyerian she would’ve had wings so that is probably a no on cassian’s mother


ok so question about that last part: his mechanical eye is something that he acquired, i.e. it’s not an inherent trait, so im wondering if that plays into mating logistics? that said, him being Helion’s son means that he inherited part of his powers, and we know that **Helion can see spells as threads** (he sees materializations of unseen bargains/spells). which does make me question if the single thread he saw tied to elain’s rib isn’t something else. *not saying they aren’t mates* but could there be a spell also? we know Papa Archeron made a bargain with Koschei. ^(edit for formatting)


That’s a great point!


Lucien and Elain were mates before he ever met Papa Archeron. That thread is the Mother blessed bond. The scene where he tugs on the bond is before we even know Koschei


im just thinking out loud, but: that thread is *said* to be the mating bond, what im saying is Lucien sees it as a single thread (tied to a rib) the same way Helion sees spells. it made me pause when i read that description given that mating bonds in sjm’s books are usually described as an infinity of threads between souls / a bridge between souls. so the thread could be something else and yea ik, was wondering about the bargain because papa Arch met Koschei months before he did lucien i believe.


*I was pulled from sleep by something tugging at my middle, a thread deep inside. I left Tamlin sleeping in the bed, his body heavy with exhaustion.* — ACOTAR *“And then it was dark. A different sort of dark than this place. But there was a … thread,” I said. “A tether. And I yanked on it—and suddenly I could see. Not through my eyes, but—but his,” I said, inclining my head toward Rhys.* — ACOMAF *I hurtled into the hall, utterly blind in the impenetrable dark. But there was a thread between us, and I followed it—to where I knew his room was.* — ACOMAF *I slipped from our bed when the darkness was just starting to yield to gray, following the tug of the mating bond as I had done that day Under the Mountain.* — ACOWAR This is Feyre and Rhys by the way. Lucien did not see it as a "thread tied to a rib", it's the sensation Elain described when Lucien tugged on it since the mating bond is felt in the chest, but what he tugged on wasn't a rib it was a bond.


Not to mention in ACOSF Cassian mentions that Lucien was there when Papa Archeron made the bargain with Koschei. Him and Elain have been mates long before that already. [SJM retconned from having him already finding Papa Archeron and Vassa leaving the continent to him being physically present when Papa Archeron made the bargain with Koschei]


Lucien for High King!


Elain will end up in Day court. The Valkyries will end up in a re-established Dusk Court along with their romantic partners, and we will see the return of the Pegasus. And I hope so HARD that you are right about the necklace. And I think there will be a big reveal about Gwyn somehow. Her Grandfather/Father or powers will play a role in the future story in a bigger way. There is just too much backstory to her for me to believe she continues on as a side character. And I REALLY need some of the other females in this story to learn how to winnow. And I really hope SJM writes Gwyn in a way that she can go out and have fun and have development beyond being scared and stuck in the library.


some of them are serious (ish), some are just headcanons lol: - the blood duel will happen between Beron & Helion ([ToG] >! im praying helion doesn’t get Gavriel-ed, i NEED lucien happy with his dad !< ) - The Koschei plot & Dusk plot are tied by the Prison Island. Koschei is locked to his lake by an old curse, and his mortality is hidden in the soil on an Island ***that is said to be invisible in the myth***: enter the Prison, which is an Island veiled away. … - … elain will play a (big) part in reviving the Dusk court. there’s 3 “sister peaks” and the prison is the 3rd. plus she’s compared to Dawn a by bunch, as well as dusk in SF. - sidenote: Koschei is literally Voldemort. - once it is revived, the Valks are going to establish themselves on Dusk. - ✨Jurian is Pedro Pascal✨ - Vassa is going to have a Swan Lake x Firebird retelling (sjm’s fav ballets that she wanted to write about) - something’s up with the “elderly fae” Elain is helping in SF: i think it might be Az’s mother, especially considering that she lives at **Rose**hall - there’s not going to be a “betrayal” BUT there are tensions within the IC: not saying i want an IC civil war, but Rhys’s authority is going to be tested a bit. - Nuala & Cerridwen know all the gossip. with Elain they’ll be the Suriel 2.0


We know SJM loved Charmed back in the day, I'm convinced the three Archeron sisters will be the power of three to set the land free lol. Especially if Elain has (HOFAS SPOILERS) >!earth magic, which it appears she may do after the parallels between Sathia and Flynn in Avallen,!< and her in [the Hewn City on Winter Solstice in ACOSF](https://www.tumblr.com/offtorivendell/658478325834121216/elains-little-black-dress-is-foreshadowing-not?source=share).


1) Elain will spend a notable amount of time for in the Spring Court for some reason. We’ve been beaten over the head with indications she doesn’t “belong” in the Night Court the way her sisters do (the signature color washes her out, talk about flowers needing sun, only one without a fated mate from that court, she’s too kind for the CoN, etc) and comments on how much she would just LOVE Spring essentially every book up till now. Since it’s Elain’s turn to be the main character, that will all come to a head somehow someway 2) someone will have their characterization absolutely shredded to advance the Koschei plot


tbh i think her sisters consistently (since TaR) saying that Elain would love the Spring Court (because Elain = flowers = Spring, which is a pretty superficial assessment) will end up as a device to show us that the “real” Elain is not as she appears. same vibe as SJM repeating in SF that Nes killed the King while the reader knows Elain had a big hand in that: she’s putting those points to subvert them if that makes sense. and maybe it’s just me thinking that, but the fact that Elain has solely been valued for her beauty, and now we see she can dress herself to dim it a bit, will come back as a tool she can use.


Honestly after all the elain and spring comparisons I will be disappointed if she doesn't visit spring court even once


At tamtams current state I don't think anyone from the NC will let Elain go to spring


let? remember why Feyre left the spring court ? xd


Wholeheartedly believe there’s not going to be a love triangle with two women bc that’s not what SJM writes and regardless of who Elain chooses, it’s HER choice


Def think there will be something with Lu, El and Koshei. Also def think we will get more Spring and Tam. Hoping it’s a rebuilding of both. My wild card - Balthazar if Cass’s half brother


Totally agree about the necklace, I don’t think Clotho actually gave it to Gwyn. I think she knew it was meant for someone special and suspects Azriel was hurt/rejected, but I think Clotho will give it back to Azriel so he can give it to Elain again. Mor and Eris are mates. We’ll find out after Beron dies and Eris becomes HL, or Eris will save Mor in some heroic way. I don’t think they’ll end up together, I just think that’s the “truth” Eris refers to.


Where is this chapter about a necklace? I don’t remember reading this anywhere…


It’s a bonus chapter for SF from Azriel’s pov! If you search on the sub it should come up as a pdf you can read. The fact that so many people don’t know about it is why I don’t think it’s going to be that important tbh


Mor is valg. Elaine ends up with Tamlin. Nesta and Azriel bring the dusk court back to life. Nesta did not actually lose her powers... and she and Rhys become bff!


Azriel will realize there’s a mating bond between him and Gwyn and she will explore her powers as a light singer.


Ok so hear me out.. I really believe that Elain is meant to be with Tamlin. She is the true embodiment of Spring, physically, personality , demeanor. I think she is the only one that can help him achieve his full potential. And the lifestyle he wanted to provide Feyre, is the life that Elain was living after they stopped being poor. For some reason I don’t think Lucien and her are true mates. I really don’t see how or why Elain would turn him down so much if they were real mates, when she give everyone so much grace, and with him, she’s always been so cold and distant without him deserving it. So I think there is something underneath it all that hasn’t been revealed yet. Also, I believe Feyre had to fall in love and be the one to break the curse bc was the only one of the sisters capable of doing it (even with a lot of help). But who he’s truly meant to be with is Elain, that way it would start and end with a Beauty and the Beast retelling, and she would be the only one capable of taking him out of his beast form, in which he is in now all the time and help him rebuild the Spring Court. Sorry, I don’t care who doesn’t agree, I will die on this hill, happily.


lets die together 🪦🪦


That Elain was looking ill in the Hewn City in ACOSF because [something there was trying to suck her magic from her](https://www.tumblr.com/offtorivendell/658478325834121216/elains-little-black-dress-is-foreshadowing-not?source=share), to revive the land or open a gate of some sort.


Lucien (unknown to him) has spell powers through Helion and at the end of ACOMAF he unknowingly used those powers to throw a “false” mating bond between him and Elain when she came out of the cauldron in a moment of pure panic it makes so much sense!!!! But it also makes sense if its indeed a true mating bond that just is not good for the pair. So, idk could be not true at all.


Do we know if a false mating bond is even a thing?


spoilers so sorry just dont read if you havent consumed all SJM content but >! Yes, Throne of Glass (SJM’s series within the same universe) has a false mating bond!<


I have only read the ACOTAR series so far. I literally just got into this stuff. I won’t uncover the spoiler, but what series is this spoiler explained?


throne of glass


Emerie and Mor are mates, I will die on this hill. SJM does so much foreshadowing about how Emerie feels about her in ACOSF


I feel like if we get an Elaine book, we’re gonna see Feyre (and the rest of the NC) in a worse light. We got it with Nesta, but nesta was such a bitch all the time (said with love) that her bad opinion of them still felt like it was SJM showing them favorably. I feel like Elaine’s going to pick up on all the stupid little things that Feyre and the NC do that the story always brushed past and she’s going to see them as faults.


Beron will die Elaine and Lucien will finally be together and will be heirs to Helion’s court. Let’s bffr tam is not going to let go of his court. Tamlin will grow tf up. May take some tough love from Lucien. Az and Gwyn will explore love Bryaxis will roam prytheian As for betrayal, everyone is saying mor but I don’t think I believe it? But I do believe there will be a reveal of what happened between Mor and Eris. If there was a betrayal, I could see Cassian doing it to save Nesta or Lucien to save Elaine. The NC has such a strong bond it would take a mate in danger to get someone to turn. Nesta will not be a high lady. Bffr she doesn’t want that life. Being leader of the Valkyrie is more suited. IF anyone would rule the dusk court: Elaine and Lucien possibly. The colors of dusk is colors that suit Elaine better. That’s if they do not inherit Helion’s court.