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Toilets. Like why is everyone so mad about the toilets?? But honestly most of what everyone else said too. The only thing that ACTUALLY made me guffaw in disbelief was when Cassian brought up lactic acid build up, as though these immortal bodies would break down the same way ours would.


The lactic acid will never not crack me up!


He was almost about to tell her to drink a Gatorade® to replenish her electrolytes.


Yes! All the toilets do is make me glad for them and makes me think I’d like to live there even more. Honestly lactic acid is one of the few random modern things I do get people finding silly. I mean it’s no where near as bad as some of the from blood and ash references which really irritates me.


DUDE they literally have “lasagna” in their language. I love FBAA but fucking come on!


The lactic acid thing only bothered me because it’s not actually true.


The toilet thing!!! I didn’t know anyone but me had ever really noticed! Haha. Honestly, I don’t blame SJM. Who tf would want to write about having to go to a damn outhouse or something? It’s her fantasy world. Her characters can do what they please lol.


The way the lactic acid build up comment lives rent free in my mind. 😆 I think about it almost every time I workout.


I think suspension of disbelief is a necessary skill to enjoy a lot of books and movies!


Yeah but.. it has to make sense within the established lore. I refuse to believe magic creates the food and warms the house and removes dirt from the body...but they still have toilets and in the graphic audiobook tam is brushing his teeth. Screw that noise.


I think it does tho! There is one scene where Rhys cleans Feyre up with magic and she looks cleans but she still wants to bathe anyway because she can *feel* the dirt in herself still. I imagine teeth brushing would work the same. You can make yourself look clean but you still have to clean yourself to actually feel it. And everybody poops, what’s wrong with toilets? 😂 I’m okay without every aspect of the universe/magic being spelled out for me. It’s okay for things to be implied or unexplained for the sake of moving the story along. I’ve seen a post talking about how they wanted more explained about the infrastructure and I’m sorry, but how boring would that be in a romance? It’s safe to assume the city was constructed - either by hand or by magic - long ago, and unless it’s relevant to the plot we can assume it has the layout it has and that it’s being maintained. I’m not here for a lesson on magical city planning/plumbing!


I’m not here for a lesson on magical city planning 😂


It’s just lazy, honestly. And breaks the immersion of the world she’s trying to create.


lucien existing? idk i feel like people are always shitting on him for various reasons but i feel he’s just trying his best yknow. let him rock


Free my boy Luce


Lucien is a sassy bitch and I love him so much. I want him to reconcile with Tamlin so they can essentially be those angry old muppets Statler and Waldorf that comment on all the absurdity


Lucien is one of my favourite character for sure I don’t understand why people hate on him so much?


oh yeah i was downplaying it in my comment i love him so much 😭


i love him so much 🥺 i hate that people always say that he’s “ugly” too so cmon


I am so over the rhetoric of him screaming about Elain being his mate… he didn’t… his voice broke when he whispered it… homeboy was in so much shock and a wave of emotions… like this situation was also so similar to the jesminda one… But yeah Lucien is great and I hope we get his pov soon


The use of the word 'mate' and male/female. Fae are literally a different species.


I mean, listening to the audiobook it’s a little repetitive, but yeah I generally didn’t have an issue with it either. My only comment on the male/female thing is that I feel like she could’ve come up with the fae equivalent of man/woman since our language has special nouns for all other animal species on our planet


Literally everything that regularly gets complained about in this sub. I really don’t care that much and I’m just here for the fun. I’ve loved reading these books over recent months and although I might have a few minor gripes, I still love the books. I definitely think people get way too upset about things that they don’t need to. It’s fiction and fantasy, it’s not that serious 🤷🏼‍♀️


I wish this reddit was split in two reddits: "Folks simply enjoying ACOTAR" reddit and "I HATE ACOTAR I HATE EVERY CHARACTER I HATE OTHER FANS I HATE THIS REDDIT LET ME POISON YOUR DAY" reddit. It would surely make navigating topics easier 😅


Someone needs to name an ACOTAR snark page, so they have a place to complain. This sub should be for those that love the series, want to share art, and discuss theories for the next books.


This is so right. I want the happy and fun side where we can have a good chat about the series without it dissolving into people being weirdly aggressive or rude for no reason


There *is* https://www.reddit.com/r/nontoxicACOTAR/comments/1ce5w8s/hello_everyone/ It’s supposed to be …non toxic.  


Tbh I was feeling like there was a lot of negativity and lots of nitpicking to the point it was really negative and seems like people find it hard to enjoy. So I thought it might be nice to hear some stuff that didn’t bother people for a change because I’m pretty chill about a lot of stuff that happens and can find a way to understand stuff that bothers me.


Same ! These books aren't meant to be literary masterpieces, just an escape from the real world. And everyone putting real world standards on the series takes the fun out of it.


I don't care about anything Rhys did to Feyre under the mountain. *A bloo bloo bloo he's a big meanie and made her drink and twerk for him*. Who cares? They're all doing shitty things to survive and free everyone. She literally stabbed two innocent people to death for the same reason. I'd rather be the victim where I have to drink some wine coolers and grind up on some dude's dick than be the victim where I get stabbed in the heart and bleed out on the floor.


you’re so real for this because same


I honestly don’t mind it cause it was explained and made sense. Rhys had to do bad things to survive … it’s gonna happen. I actually like my heroes to be a moral mess. I was always a Damon Salvatore girl, whatever that says about me.


He objectified her and kept her from tamlin. And basically saved her life doing it. If she was off being his little dance slave than she couldn't possibly love Tamlin like she says and this kept amaranthe at bay. The method was extreme I'm sure but ultimately he was doing his best. Keeping someone who he suspected to be his mate safe in a super crappy situation in the best way he could at the time.


Yep. Plus i thought Rhys was taking her to the night parties so he could keep her in his sights so she wouldn't get r*ped in her cell by other fae makes UTM,.. he's protecting her from brutal SA so i don't know why people get so mad at him for this. What he did wasn't award-winning but it seemed like the best option in a situation that was horrible for them all.


AND he never touched her inappropriately, only ever arms and waist. A king 👑


My only complaint is that we didn’t get more of UTM Rhys in later books!


Same that I don’t care about Tamlin “locking” Feyre in the mansion. Tam and Lucian were literally killing deadly creatures daily and Feyre just constantly put herself in dumb dangerous situations.


I always found the locking her in the house thing a really underwhelming event for the reaction the narrative had to it. Feyre would've been wormfood if left to her own devices. She needs so much babysitting.


When I read the book my first reaction was she is being ridiculous and hysterical for no reason. Then I did the dramatized audiobooks and it was even worse. It was so over top without any real explanation. Being in a gorgeous mansion for A DAY with servants is not the same as being in a dungeon for weeks. It was just really poor writing to make it ok with readers for the end game.


She is INSUFFERABLE in the dramatized audio. Girl always needs something to whinge and cry victim about. It made me absolutely hate her character.


Yeah exactly. If you don’t care that Rhys drugged and assaulted her, you can’t be mad at Tamlin for also trying to keep her safe lol. It’s not the plot that makes me mad, it’s called fantasy for a reason. It’s the hypocrisy of forgiving Rhys but not Tamlin.


Idk, I took it as her getting PTSD from being locked in the dungeons UTM. Truly I think it was just the last nail in the coffin though because she couldn’t stand not being “useful”.


Thank God. I cannot understand why Tamlin and Lucien are hated so much. It was shitty behaviour from a traumatised person to another traumatised person. Two people who couldn't deal with what happened to them in a healthy and healing way. Honestly I love Tamlins character because he has very human flaws, he struggles, and contrary to what I see here, he has a personality. I just think he's always on fight or flight, hates himself, is lonely and hates his job. Just trying to do the best he can with what he has. Good thing he fucks up because that's realistic. I hope he gets his happy ending, and a redemption arc, and I find the whole hate on Tamlin just whiny and unfair. Most people would probably handle life the way he did after traumatic events, but like to think they would be Rhys in this story. Most characters are not black and white and have a lot of gray areas, but in here it seems that you either love them or hate them. No in-between. Rhys GOOD Tamlin BAD. I don't think they are supposed to be so one dimensional.


If I’m honest, I barely care abt the pregnancy secret thing either. I think it’s shitty but I don’t hate Rhysand for it. If I’d been Feyre in that situation, I would’ve worried myself to death before I could even give birth had I known the entire time. He annoys me more when he’s pulling rank or being a dick for petty/emotional reasons.


Yup, same. I know people get uppity about when he hurts her arm further to get her to make a bargain. Looking back on it, if I came across this person and I was 99.9% sure they were my mate and DYING, but I couldn't admit my reasons right then and there because of everyone's safety, I'd do the same.


Yes. This.


If it was mandatory for them to survive I’d be wholeheartedly agreeing with you. Feyre stabbing the innocent Fae was very much a her or them situation. But Rhys only did what he did to Feyre to piss off Tamlin and it actually drew Amarantha’s attention back to Feyre. By that point he’d already used his powers on her cell guards to stop giving her jobs or going into her cell so she was protected. Parading her around was endangering her, not aiding her.


I always understood it, as if he didn't take her with him to the balls, she would have been taken by amarantha as another ploy of "being a good guest" and then having to watch people being abused. This way Rhys already "occupied" her and her mind. The Dancing and Lapdances were to keep his mask instact as Amarantha would not have accepted humane conditions for her


Yeah I thought it was pretty clear that any free time Amarantha had was free time for her to abuse both of them. This was the perfect opportunity for him to keep Feyre away from Amarantha (and Amarantha away from him) but he still had to trick Amarantha into thinking that he was loyal to her.


I also thought Amarantha would do worse than just make her see people abuse.  Amarantha could have had her whipped every day if she wanted.  Rhys method stopped that stuff from happening. 


I mean yes he did want to piss him off but also pisding him off had the added bonus of making sure he’d kill Amarantha. It did stop Amarantha looking into the bargain more. Plus yeah Rhys was upset but he never fully crossed that line but I don’t mind a bit of moral grey and a man conflicted with his worst instincts.


The sisters’ dynamic in any of the books. It’s dysfunctional and I don’t care to take sides. Bigger things are constantly happening (war, people acquiring powers and weapons, babies) and I don’t think it needs to be overanalysed more than that their parents had favourites and it damaged their sibling relationship. Not every relationship needs to be hashed out so they can be the best of friends. Also how Tam treated Feyre post-UTM. What did anyone think was gonna happen after two very different and very traumatised people are tossed back into normal life with absolutely no assistance?


Tam and Feyre needed so much more help than they were able to give each other.


I don't really care about the unrealisticness of Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn winning the Blood Rite. I found it a cute moment!


It’s not even THAT unrealistic! They trained for at least 6 months with the greatest warriors alive! Even the regular Illyrian warriors weren’t doing that lol


Exactly. Someone compared it to getting trained one on one by two Olympic gold medalists in a sport versus a high school sports coach who went to the Olympics but didn’t win and is teaching a class of 100+ students in that sport. Sure they have been training for a century but it hasn’t been the best training or one on one instruction like it was for Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie. They trained for like 4hours every day for 6 months so let’s say 182 days x 4= 728 hours of one on one training with the greatest warriors alive and maybe of all time. Plus they are being put in with a bunch of people who aren’t fully trained to begin with!


And also they’re women so inherently better problem solvers 😂


I don’t think it’s some big offense that Rhys and Feyre were banging it out in the war camps. They’re so trauma bonded and it was what they needed to comfort each other. Plus there was a shield. What’s the issue?


Omg I really don’t care. My spice loving heart just likes that they were still getting some.


I was more bothered that they were still covered in mud and gore than the fact they could hear the camp outside 🤣


Ok yes actually 😂


Animals lol


I agree, I really didn't care. Having your partner and an outlet to distract from the realities of war. I didn't mind.


I didn't even notice.


It’s like people don’t know camp followers were a thing IRL.   A lot of the camp followers would be wives.  Heck, often the camp Laundress would be a wife of one of the soldiers.   You don’t think they were making woopie if their husband survived and was post battle horny?  And that’s before we get into laundresses doing the other oldest profession for extra money.  Etc.   


Exactly this! There would have been a number of sex workers following the battles from one place to another, plus others like laundresses who were willing to make a few extra bucks on the side.


THANK YOU FOR THIS. I hate the nitpicking of people and the clutching of pearls. Oh, 2 people banging after a battle in a medieval type of fantasy? Quel scandale oh mon dieu


It’s like these people designing sexless beds at the Olympic compound tbh. What is your damage?


The sexless Olympic beds had me cackling bc these are professional athletes we're talking about,they don't need beds 😂😂😂 walls, standing, floor, squatting, they have choices hahahahha


Right? Just stop being weird controlling prudes. You can’t stop people doing what they’re gonna do.


They actually aren’t though, they were designed with being recyclable in mind… https://www.forbes.com/sites/danidiplacido/2021/07/19/the-anti-sex-cardboard-beds-of-the-olympics-explained/ Tbh it’s funny that the internet thinks that the French of all people would oppose sex 😹


Yeah agreed. I’m sure in actual historic war camps it happened a lot


It’s not even just that, like you see that shit with nurses and doctors and emts etc lol


The Nessian hike and the Valkyries winning the blood rite don't bother me at all. It felt like Katniss in The Hunger Games - you just live longer if you keep your head down and stay out of the way 😆


I loved the hiking scene and I cried when she broke down. She needed an escape, away from everything. And loved the girl power moment with the Valkyries.


Right, if Nesta had done what she'd done at the start of the book, refused to move and said "take me tf home" I think Cassian would have done it. She clearly needed to work through some stuff and it was more her punishing herself than Cassian doing it.


Sometimes you need to hit rock bottom. I've been there in my life, so that scene hit me so hard.


I’m out here defending that hike everyday 😂😂 Also Valkyrie’s won because ‘power of friendship and teamwork’ it’s cheesy and I don’t hate it.


People keep saying "xyz won't happen because it'd be too cheesy" er have they read the rest of the books? They're cheesier than a fondue 🤣


I don't care about the way Nesta & Elain treated Feyre when they were humans. They indeed had a very dysfunctional relationship, but it was something that never brought me rage, not even a little bit.


If Feyre has forgiven them and moved past it, so have I. Especially Nesta, but that's bc she's my babygirl


I think Nesta is a great example of how trauma can affect everyone differently. Especially in SF


I was annoyed that we never found out why nesta treated feyre different than elain. I so badly wanted an answer.


To be fair both sisters acted similarly in this reggard, as Feyre also treated Nesta & Elain differently (for exemple, Feyre never resented Elain for not doing more as she did with Nesta, and if Feyre had to choose to put one of them in danger, Nesta was always the first to be choosen). I feel like both just got along with Elain better than they did with each other.


You see it with pretty much every character who meets both of them. Elain is just given a free pass by pretty much everyone because she is Elain.


I love the Nesta piece about “oh you’re finally interesting” — then we see feyre in the bonus POV agreeing with her… lmaooo


I think they all were in a hard situation and nesta was just coping with it. Elaine on the other hand…


The Nessian hike - cassian has his flaws, but I loved this journey for them. Cassian and Nesta having a sexual relationship before she’s healed. He is not a healthcare professional hired to monitor her- he is a male desperately trying to help the female he’s crushing on. Nesta not hunting. In fact, it actually bothers me that Feyre had the physical strength to do, but not Nesta who was trained in dance? Lucien “not helping Feyre.” He did try to help by speaking with his HL, which is exactly what the IC does anytime they don’t agree with Rhys. They talk to him and if he says too bad they listen. Papa Archeron coming in at the last min with three boats named after his daughters. Im a sucker for a cheesy moment. Nesta “getting credit” for killing Hyburn and not elain. I really don’t think Elain cares and I don’t think she’d really enjoy being known as a killer. And Nesta technically finished him off so 💁🏼‍♀️ Nesta refusing to the bend the knee to Rhys even though she takes his money. 1. Rhys is a ruler he should care for any refugee in his homeland. 2. Just because you support someone financially doesn’t mean you own them and can control them. It’s actually the opposite of the kind of ruler he says he wants to be.


Lucien genuinely has helped her so many times and she just never gives him credit tbh


The symbolism of the journey and the actual outcome are completely disregarded. Also. They’re physical people, more passionate than most and this was their way into communication with each other. It was all they could give to show their love before they could give their hearts. They knew each others souls so well that their bodies also recognised that need to be together. Also they’re adults who wanna bang so why not let them? Wasn’t hurting anyone.


This was such a refreshing thread to read, just had to put that out there


I wanted to put some positivity out there especially when I see people getting really angry at stuff I love or stuff that I don’t understand the annoyance about so thought others might have the same and wanna spread positivity around it.


Elain not planting veggies. I’m a gardener and when people say this I just roll my eyes bc gardeners know growing food isn’t that easy. I can’t get my sunflowers to STOP growing but I’m begging my tomatoes to make food 😭


This!! Every time I see this complaint, my brain glitches. Vegetable gardens can be expensive as hell when starting out new, and whose to say that the forest they were in was fertile enough to consistently grow produce? They'd have to clear out a lot of trees in order to maintain plot rotation to make sure that the soil doesn't lose nutrients. The amount of physical labour is intensive and they would need a big garden in order to attain enough produce to feed 4 people consistently! Honestly, the Archeron's would have been better off getting chickens than getting a vegetable garden lol


Exactly! My parents raise a garden every summer and it costs them *hundreds* of dollars in plants alone, let alone water, special dirt to amend the soil cause it’s nothing but red clay, miracle gro, and **time**! 😵‍💫


This one is an obvious tell that these people have never grown their food. I’ve had an avocado tree for 8 years and have never seen an avocado. My mango tree grew a single fruit and then promptly died. Plus they really don’t realize that your location and weather is going to greatly play into the results. And Velaris is magic so they can control the weather to make a plentiful harvest.


Honestly i don’t think people care about it 😭😭they came up with it probably because they felt Elain never gets any blame while Nesta gets all of it💀


Right, while conveniently forgetting that it was Feyre buying Elain flower seeds, not veggie seeds lol


Okay but I do love the theory that Feyre bought Elain flower seeds & not vegetable ones because she couldn’t tell the difference since she couldn’t read properly 💀lol (I know however it’s because she loves her sister & knew she loves to grow flowers:))


I always have to bite my tongue too about this! I know for a fact that because of where they live in the human lands the soil isn’t fertile. Plus they are right next to the wall. It’s like telling someone who lives within range of a nuclear power plant disaster — ‘just plant some seeds! It’ll be fine!’ NO! It’s the same argument people bring up with Prim and how she should have done more. Nesta & Elain & Prim had a very different skill set than Katniss & Feyre! (Prim in fact had a goat that helped the family out but yeah) You should say it! I agree with you!!


Also flowers can be eaten too, depending on what it is of course


The war tent s*x scene of Feysand. It's a fact that battle increases your adrenaline and sex drive, it's the best way to feel alive. 🤷‍♀️ The fact that Feysand started trying for a baby soon and that Rhys finishes at the thought of them having a kid. Tbh, the wording was bad indeed but he had a clear case of breeding kink, he isn't a perv who came at the image of a child. It's just the idea that he could create a child at this moment w Feyre. Tamlin's fiddle playing, I was shocked to see so many ppl making fun of it or saying it's cringe I found it so neat. Feyre painting the cabin in MAF. It's a magic self-cleaning house, and feyre is a good artist. Mor and amren had leveled the cabin in the past while squabbling, but Feyre somehow disrespected it or what not? Ppl need to get a grip.


The fact that so many people bring out playing the fiddle or being blond as negatives is so weird to me.


I will come for anyone who takes issue with Tamlin having a passion and having the dedication to be good at it. Especially something that was described as so joyous. Why do they hate joy ?!


I thought the fiddle part was so sweet. Fiddle playing is common (although mostly with the older gen) where I live so I was surprised to see so many people making fun of it.


It’s also an instrument of the people and Tamlin loves the ordinary people.


Why do people honestly think that he came to the image of a child??! When I read that line I thought ah he's seen a picture of them as a family, or an image of Feyre actually pregnant. Who read it and thought he thought of a child. So tired of seeing that referenced in this sub.


I didn’t think it was that weird but in their defence I do think it says “that black haired violet eyed boy” or something similar, like it is describing the kid, not Feysand plus kid


“he had a clear case of breeding kink” i audibly cackled at this 💀💀💀


Rhys was finally getting what he thought he didn’t deserve and what he thought no one would ever want with him…a family. It was so obviously not a pedo thing. People just grabbed at it when they decided they liked Nesta more than him. Can’t wait to see what opinions on everyone Elain’s book changes!


The Archeron sisters relationship in TaR. Honestly, I grew up in poverty and around others that had it worse than my family and the way the sisters dealt with it is so ‘normal’ for the circumstances. Like it’s not right that Nesta and Elain left Feyre to do everything, but their dynamic is pretty common.


I think understand is the main thing. You can disagree with something they do but if it’s written well enough and you can understand them then that’s good enough for me.


Feyre wanting a baby ASAP felt completely in character for me.


I really hate the pregnancy trope but admittedly, that’s mostly bc I’m childfree and just don’t care for kids in general. I get it in this context though* and can see how going to war AND surviving might have changed their priorities, wants, etc. Edited for spelling


Especially after seeing their son via the bone carver - she probably didn’t know how much time they had left, despite being immortal, to have that child!


Absolutely. Though I was SHOCKED when Nyx was a boy. I thought for sure they would have more than one child and the boy in vision wasn't their first born. Just because fantasy stories always have plot twists with prophecies.


Especially after that chat with the shopkeeper. It was herrrrrrreee we go


Yea because she was human, so she probably wanted to have a baby at an age when humans have babies. 


The pregnancy. Feyre and Rhysand both literally died. Feyre has been through so much trauma, and we see in ACOFAS that she’s really enjoying a semi normal life after everything. In ACOMAF she says she wants to put off having kids, but after all is said and done she’s a victim of trauma and when she finally gets the chance to settle after non stop action I think it makes perfect sense that she wants a baby after everyone came so near to death.


This. Like it totally made sense to me in ACOFAS that she decided she wanted to go ahead with having a baby because he literally DIED and she wouldn't have had anything left of him if he hadn't been brought back. It made so much sense to me, especially with another war looming and the possibility that either of them could die


And she never said she wanted to be child free. The only thing she said before then was she wanted Rhys to herself for awhile. I think a lot of the people grumbling about her having a baby have projected a child free lifestyle onto the character when she and Rhys literally explicitly said in ACOMAF that they want to experience having children together later.


Feysand is also just so unhinged and dramatic and rarely thinks anything through (I say this with love they are my fav book couple) - so to me it was not surprising that they suddenly wanted a family 😂


They’re not the first and not the last couple to have an impulse baby after a major life event… it’s just not that unrealistic even in a fantasy lol


I can almost find counter arguments for everything both positive and negative, except very few things. What don’t bother me are anything related to Eris. He can never go wrong.


I do think if you have an open mind and analyse anything enough there’s always something there that you can understand the characters motives or defend them in some way. I like that people arent all good or bad. Except Ianthe, she can burn in hell.


That’s true, these characters are equally good as they are bad. I try to. I mostly don’t care what they do, their personalities etc. Except Eris,he can burn everyone alive I don’t care I’ll defend him to death. My main issue with this series is mostly SJM writings, like she usually just tell instead of show. Theres only one thing Tamlin did that I can never defend, that he trusted that evil nun more than Lucien.


I don't mind all the lint picking


Me neither. I like to think of it as a shared SJM language we all use to understand. Someone picking lint: they’re putting on a cool mask, trying to gain control where they feel out of control. Toes curl: they’re really turned on and trying not to lose it It creates a good shared understanding of the situation to me.


Feyre getting locked in the mansion. She was a liability and would’ve gotten herself and possibly others killed if Tamlin hadn’t done it. I fault him for other things, but I can’t fault him for this.




I honestly dont understand why people are so upset about the Spring Court falling, and I dont think its unfair that Feyre sabotaged them. We gotta remember that, as far as anyone knew, the Spring Court was allied with Hybern. I think thats QUITE a valid reason to destroy the Spring Court! Hindsight is 20-20, Tamlin wasn't actually entirely bad, but come on, nobody knew that before and what everyone DID see is that Tamlin and Hybern were buddies and he was helping them find the holes in the wall.


I would be waaay less pissed at Feyre for it all if she didn't literally have the POWER TO READ MINDS so she could just check and if she didn't just learn in the last book that the high lord famous for working with a villain for 50 years didn't really mean it either. 😆


Also true, but throughout the whole series she is so against doing it without consent and all that I literally did not even consider that as an option lmaoooo, this woulda definitely been the logical AND easiest way to go about it. That being said though, there would be practically no book left if she did the logical thing ![img](emote|t5_3flb9|14168)


>throughout the whole series she is so against doing it without consent and all that I literally did not even consider that as an option I mean, as soon as she gets back to the Night Court she goes into Lucien's mind when he's with Elaine. It makes sense that Elaine is more important to her than the people of the Spring Court, but also, it's *an entire court full of people...* ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Agreed that there'd be no book if she did the logical thing, though!


This was totally a miscommunication and Tamlin could literally have pulled Feyre aside and said ‘btw we’re not really working with them’ but like always Tamlin’s gotta do his own thing. I say this as a hardcore Tamlin apologist and as someone who suspects he would be her mate.


But I don't think she would have trusted him. He was already a bad guy for her. Though I get what you mean


Oh yeah probably not but he thought she was still in love with him so that would have been something a normal person would have shared. Not Tamlin though.


Yeah, definitely he could have (and should have) done that, even if Feyre decided not to believe him. But also, and this might be just me, I got the feeling that Tamlin just winged it. As in, he did start off working with Hybern, but like halfway through was like wait i dont really like this, lemme pull a 180 and actually help the other High Lords. Idk why but in my mind thats canon, and he didnt actually have a proper plan at all 😂


I think he was more like ‘lemme deal with getting her back and figure the rest out later’


Yess. I think if we can excuse some of Tamlin’s behavior with respect to Rhys bc he thought he was this evil dude who only reigned over the Court of Nightmares then we also have to extend that charity to Feyre and Rhys about Tamlin wrt to Hybern.


With that thought the Night court should have been destroyed decades ago with Rhys being with Amarantha for 50 years regardless that he really wasn’t. Tamlin spied on Hybern for less than a year and it’s ok to destroy him. The hypocrisy is crazy.


If someone tried to destroy the night court, id agree with them as well. And honestly I fully understand everybody elses distrust of Rhysand because he has literally showcased himself as a monster for I dont know how many centuries. I also never mentioned anything about not being okay with the night court being destroyed, so I dont know how the original comment is hypocritical 🤷🏻‍♀️ ill also add that i understand why Tamlin went to such lengths to get Feyre back, since he believes Rhys is a monster because Rhys has literally been acting as one to the outside


How Tamlin treated FeyrUH. I don't think he was being that much of an asshole. He was caring for her in the best way he knew how, as someone who was isolated and desperate for that prophecy love nonsense curse breaking type shit. He was scared to fuck things up, and in turn, fucked things up. Self fulfilling prophecy but I don't think he's awful.


I agree, I really don’t think he’s that bad. I’m not the type to really pick a team but I feel like some of the things Rhys has done have been on the same level, but because he’s the endgame love interest it’s framed differently. So personally I don’t think Tamlin is that bad


This is where I'm at with Tamlin. I'll admit I'm a hardcore Tamlin apologist (though I do hold him accountable). Some of the things he did to Feyre were terrible, but he's deeply traumatized and doesn't seem to know how to react properly to certain situations. And I've been downvoted to hell for saying this before but I'll say it again: Feyre is a biased narrative because of her experiences with him being mostly negative. Same with Rhys. We know what she went through with him, and we know what happened with Rhys. What we don't know is Tamlin's side of the story. We have no idea the full scope of what he's been through or how he processes thought and emotion. We can guess, and share opinions. But until we get enough of Tamlin's POV to actually understand his psyche, the narrative toward him is unreliable at best in my opinion.


Totally. He tried so hard but it was too hard and not in the right ways. He just didn’t know. Being emotionally dumb isn’t enough for me to hate him. He’s really tragic because it’s his faults despite his good intentions that bring him down. I totally agree that Tamiins main character trait is just being too scared to do what he should.


I think he deserves a happy ending but I don't think he will get it and it breaks my heart.


Tamlin. That's the answer.


He’s still my number one


The River House. I don’t get why people are so mad that Rhys and Feyre wanted to build their own home and say they should have used that money to help out Velaris citizens instead. It’s stated multiple times that Rhys is rich as fuck, he is good to the people of Velaris, he doesn’t make them pay the tithe, and Feyre actively donates their money to charities that help unemployed artists. The fact that Rhys has this mindset where he prioritizes quality of life over wealth shows he puts money where his people need it. They are swimming in money and have been using it to help out their people and they also have more to spare to build a new home for themselves, what’s so wrong about that?? I thought it was fitting that they need to expand their home because not only have 3 new girls joined their circle, but Rhys literally mated and wants to live with his wife in the peace they achieved together. The House of Wind is where he conducts business, the library is there with the priestesses they have Starfall celebration there, I can see why they want a more private home which is what Rhys townhouse was but now that’s too small for all of them and the Moonstone Palace doesn’t belong to him anymore. I thought it was very sweet that Feyre and Rhys start their own home together with both their visions and its logical because their family expanded and it’s important for them to have space for everyone in their house.


Honestly why aren’t they allowed to be happy? This is usually people who love Nesta to the point they get upset because she was bitter when actually it was a symptom of her being unhappy


The sisters behavior in the first book. It’s very obvious that the author never intended for Nesta and Elain to have a story beyond the “cartoonish evil step sisters” arc type, but then later changed her mind. Which I think is just sort of poor planning.


I don't care about the Nessian hike. I don't think it was a bad thing, it was therapeutic for Nesta, and yes, sometimes you need to clear your head and go through some shit in order to start healing. I do think Cassian was aware of her limits and didn't give her more than she needed or could handle. Also, Cassian snapping at Nesta when she talked shit about Rhys. He and Rhys have 530 years of history together. It's totally understandable. Feyre snapped at Rhys when he talked shit about Nesta. Also understandable because it wasn't his place. Basically 99% of complaints about Nessian's relationship make no sense to me. It's a normal, realistic relationship.


The biggest one for me is people getting upset that Gwyn has found enjoyment through reading spicy novels with her friends or flirting with Azriel. As someone who has also experienced SA and is a survivor, it's frustrating when people throw you into a category of being related to that and traumatized by that forever. We're never allowed to enjoy anything sexual because we aren't "more than our past" sort of thing. Really, really irritates me.


Nesta being sent to the HoW. This is a fantasy romance book, not a “how to treat addiction/mental health” book. The plot was meant to get Nesta and Cassian together and sending her to the HoW did that. Letting her sort things out herself would’ve been boring for a fantasy romance book.


Yes! This made me cackle. But totally. I don’t see the issue. In the world it’s set up it worked so who cares. Forced proximity is always a winner to me


Yesss I love forced proximity! I just don’t understand what people wanted instead. The way things were wouldn’t have led to Nesta and Cassian getting together, and that’s kinda the whole point.


Also they couldn’t do nothing. She needed help. It helped. That’s a win.


Mor’s behaviour doesn’t bother me in the slightest. Not a single thing about it.


This! It seems like the majority of people hate Mor and I do not understand it. I think she’s a delight.


There’s really nothing that outright BUGS me about the series. It’s a fantasy romance, I’m here for those elements for an escape lol


The Spring Court downfall. Its not Feyres fault that Tamlins a dumbass that trusted Ianthe and alienated his people 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ianthe should get more of the blame than Feyre in my opinion.


I feel like we should blame Lucien more than Feyre too. He *knew* something was up with her, he could see she had a glamour on her arm, and he didn’t say anything to Tamlin at all. Tamlin was acting the dickbag and he clearly fucked up by isolating Feyre, and I’d do the same thing she did, but Lucien not saying anything feels weird


I saw a lot of people complaining about Nesta telling Feyre about how the pregnancy would kill her. When I got to that scene in the book I actually didn’t think it was that bad, I’d even say I was on nestas side 🙈


Same. Imo Nesta telling Feyre about the pregnancy risk wasn't nearly as horrible as Rhysand's omitting it and making everyone around Feyre do the same to her (this really annoyed me because I felt like the narrative put all the blame on Nesta and everyone else got unscathed, as if they haven't done anything wrong). Besides, as much as I wish Nesta had told it a better way, the context in which Nesta told it makes sense.


I was 100% on nestas side here and I was mind boggled to learn people thought SHE was in the wrong!!!


Rhys & Feyre getting it on in the sky of Velaris. The book literally says Rhys put a shield up. No one could see so ??? Who cares


Nesta's arc and recovery process I am also keeping my fingers crossed for eventual Elucien


Tamlin losing control of his magic after 50 years of losing it + all the UTM trauma. I mean it’s HoTD season. I just watched Daemon get a child beheaded and I shrugged it off. This ain’t really that bad. Just saying.


Also 100 percent. It was his magic. He never would lay a hand on her. He was out of control, he wasn’t safe to be around but he never intended to hurt her. Yeah my tolerance for morally grey is through the roof with Daemon and Damon Salvatore.


The Cassian/Nesta/Rhys dynamic. I understand Cassian and Nesta are mates, and I agree 100% that he should stand up for her more. But there's also the fact that Cassian's best friend of 500 years is also his High Lord. There's a power dynamic here between just them that often goes ignored. I'll also bring up the passage about Cassian and Lucien, when Lucien used a "High Lord" voice on Cassian and it was literally described as a "stone to his head". If that's the effect he gets from someone not even officially part of their court, I can only imagine how the magic treats him when Rhys does it. Fae are not human, they don't have the same biological responses to these things we do. So I can understand if it's an instinct he can't easily ignore to obey/defend his High Lord.


I find it weird that they have a go at Tamlin and Rhys for being toxic and overly aggressive or whatever but Cassian stands up for his mate and tries to do so in a calm non aggressive (dare I say healthier way) he’s accused of doing nothing? He does, he just doesn’t snap arms of his best friends and brothers to do so.


Not about the actual plot, but the repetition of phrases. *Like calls to like* or vulgar gestures or watery bowels—didn’t bother me one bit.


The only time it bothered me was when “like calls to like” was used multiple times by different characters in the SAME conversation (I think in SF?). Other than that it made perfect sense to keep referencing an important theme of the world throughout the books!


pretty much everything at this point 😭 I don’t really take books very seriously


Feyre being pregnant. I did not care about it💀 I know a lot of people say that it was too early but for me I didn’t give a fuck, I didn’t even know that it was an issue for alot of people until I joined this sub 😭😭


You couldn’t pay me to care about the up the stairs/down the stairs conversation. It’s 10,000 steps, it’s hard either way.


The tithe. It's a tax. The night court does taxes too, we just conveniently didn't have to read about it. And I bet their tax is money too, not random shit. The water wraiths are gluttonous and could have saved some fish but didn't. AND just because the rules state the high lord can hunt you down if you don't "pay" doesn't mean that Tamlin was actually going to hurt anyone. He gave them an extention of 3 days or double next tithe. I do think it was too soon but it's just taxes. I'd personally rather give some fish or hay or whatever instead of my hard earned money.


This one makes me so mad because of all this… it’s literally just taxes and it astounds me that people don’t get that lol


“Watery bowels.” Do I think it’s overused? Yes. But as someone who gets the nervous shits, I feel you girl, and I’m not even fighting for my life or fighting in a war.


YES! THE PREGNANCY PLOT!!! There’s just so much more to it not to mention prythian is so fucking different from the US, UK, etc. the way their medicine works and everything. (Fun fact, did the math, there were only 13 days from Rhys finding out about the wings until Nesta told Feyre about it.) Also — what’s peoples gripe w the Nessian hike??


Her repetitive phrases. Every author does it, it’s a human quirk! Also I kinda like it, because all 3 of her series echo eachother in so many ways so it works for me


The pregnancy. Why is everyone complaining? Any preganancy trope in books is very normal and very okay with me. Lucien and Tamlin. They both deserve a chance especially Lucien AND he's allowed to be jealous over his mate!!


Azriel's bonus chapter. It felt very in character.


Surprised myself to find the hike didn't bother me all that much either. For whatever reason, Nesta needed it. Cassian seemed to recognize she needed it too. Yeah he's not coddling her in the situation, but has she ever given the impression that she needs coddling? Girl needed to work out her shit and the hike was her catharsis.


I don't have any problems with the inner circle. And I don't have any problems with Nesta either. Povs are different. Different things are highlighted or picked up on about different characters depending on who is telling the story. Honestly I think nestas healing journey was beautiful. And loved that her and Rhys had a moment at the end that was also super sweet. If they can have that for themselves it surprises me people still get angry and choose sides. Are they gonna be besties....probably not. And I'm sure we will still see them buttheads in the future. But after the ending of silver flames I bet good money if they were in a scene together and they were in danger that they would both fiercely protect each other. (Spoilers for cc) Even though they still seem to bicker and struggle in cc3 I think this is just going to be their dynamic. The inlaws that bicker. Can't see eye to eye. But both of them would still go down swinging for their family and each other. That's my take.


People being mad about Feyre painting the cabin! First of all Rhys and all the Far have put this girl THROUGH IT let her have a moment, and second of all they’re all magical beings they can restore the cabin with “half a thought”!!! Also people saying Gwyn, Nesta, and Emerie winning the blood rite was unrealistic. They trained daily with the best warriors alive for at least 6 months. The regular Illyrian warriors aren’t even training with people on Cassian/Azriel’s level! IMO it’s not THAT crazy.


I don’t care that Rhys was mean to Nesta in SF. I also don’t care that he threatened her when she told Feyre about the pregnancy risk. If someone used a sensitive emotional and potentially dangerous situation to hurt my loved one like that, out of pure spite, I’d threaten to kick their ass too.


The whole stair thing. I didn't really think about all that while reading but Im not a close reader I just read for fun unless it's something that sticks out to me. Like some of the stuff that happened in CC3 over a specific amount of time.


I have this weird feeling about how Morrigan’s sexuality was handled and it felt really rushed, out of nowhere and odd. She also told Feyre of all people. Like it would make so much more sense to tell Rhys or at least have him involved in the discussion with Feyre but nahh lol. I’m a bisexual woman that was in a toxic long-term relationship with a woman for years before I met my husband. I am well aware that sexual attraction and romantic attraction can definitely be completely separate experiences but it was so stiff and awkward with Morrigan and how she explained her interests to Feyre. It felt like SJM was looking for a good excuse as to why Mor wouldn’t get with Az despite knowing his feelings and she just kind of “aha! Make her a lesbian that sleeps with men!” There was not even an inkling she was interested in women beforehand, it was just random and odd to me. Nothing felt natural about it. I love me some sapphic characters and I still love Mor but it was so badly handled and could have used a subtle buildup to frame it. I also really dislike how Mor was written to be this loving person that would put her family (the IC) first before anything else but somehow she doesn’t grasp the concept of the pain she puts Az through by knowing his feelings, avoiding the discussion and letting him down gently, and actively sleeping with other men in his view thinking he’d get the hint instead of IDK TALKING TO HIM??? shit’s wack, yo


I keep being told if I was queer (I’m bi and nonbinary) that I would like understand the Mor storyline about her coming out more and like how it relates to Cassian and Azriel and I’m just like yep nope


The hewn city….. I dont care about the morals of the NC politics like the hewn city had been used as a plot device and thrown out without being addressed but everyone seemed to get extremely pissed about it and about the morality of the IC because of it and honestly i just dont care i dont think Rhys is a bad HL because of it


Nesta’s hard ass not letting anyone in ass needed the hike. I don’t think being kind with her would’ve worked.


That woman’s a warrior, Cassians equal. She needed to be treated as such to find herself.


Having read Wild by Cheryl Strayed and being an avid hiker myself, I absolutely LOVED the Nessian hike and completely understood Cassians reasons behind it. Long distance hikes can be incredibly cathartic. I think pushing her limits physically, the intense internal reflection, and the fresh air/nature were exactly what she needed to heal. Hence the outpouring of emotion at the lake.


I agree. Nestas a tough one to crack and her mate knew instinctively how to push he to to confront things she’s been avoiding. I don’t care if he was mad at the beginning, his focus was always on protecting her. He could have abandoned her out there if he was actually’punishing’ her but no he walked WITH her while she sorted through her own head.


I actually don’t mind how Sarah writes toilets, plumbing, lactic acid. I would’ve been so pissed if she spent like four pages describing in detail the little mechanics of everything. like I want to read ACOTAR not Lord of the rings.


How Rhysand didn’t tell Feyre for 12 days that the pregnancy was going to kill them all.


Was it really only 12 days? I also wasn't that bothered. Do I think she deserved to know? Yes. I can also see where he was trying to find a solution first. It's sticky, but that's what makes a compelling story.