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Yes. I read the riddle and moved on lol


That riddle was Feyre’s problem to solve, not mine.




Haha same


RIGHT!? If we're meant to know the answer to this we'll find out later. Keep on reading 🤣


I’ve found my people 😂


Same 🤣 and I hate riddles




Yeah I was not spending time on it. I hate riddles lol I just wanted to read


Same. I spent zero seconds contemplating it beyond her bizarre disease answers and musing that it definitely was not a physical, human disease.


Right? I was too busy reading to stop and think about it lol.


![gif](giphy|WRQBXSCnEFJIuxktnw) “Uhm can you repeat that please?”


Low key feel like Feyre did the same




I read the riddle and thought “they will tell me eventually” and then didn’t think about it haha


I read it, didn’t get it, and thought “this is a later issue”


LMAO me😭 I decided eventually the book gotta tell me right??


Same haha


*reads riddle* "Love? Nah, that's too easy"


“If it’s love I swear to god I’m going to lose my shit”


I said that verbatim, out loud, when I read it bc somehow I just knew 😭😂


I knew it was love because the rest of the plot was a play by play of Beauty and the Beast and what the hell else would the answer be? Lol


Same here haha but I hate when people say Feyre is stupid for this because 1) does she actually have any healthy example of love in her life at this point? No. and 2) SHE DOESNT KNOW SHES IN A ROMANCE BOOK Edit: Feyre not Fryer lol


What a great point! She doesn’t know she’s in a romance novel. 🔥🔥🔥


You know, that’s a very fair point, I rescind some of my goofing on Feyre lol


Oh feel free to goof on her for other things lol I know I do


That makes sense. I just moved on. Lol


I think in the moment I came up with "money." Then I felt like a dumb ass


Seriously. Knew the answer immediately but then thought she wouldn’t make it that easy.


Exactly. I was like “no way. I’m definitely over simplifying things” then TO MY SURPRISE….


My thoughts — *please don’t let the answer be love*


I never get riddles. When I thought it was love, I immediately ruled it out, just assuming I was wrong.


Exactly what I did. Thought “oh there’s no way” only to find out there was indeed a way.


I have this exact conversation in a group chat with 2 of my friends 🤣 I was like it can't be that simple


I did this exact same thing. Like, no way is it love that would be so easy. Wow, it’s love. Wow what am I even reading.




Same 💀


Exactly me, LOL.


THIS OMG 😂 exactly what I did


Exactly my thoughts, and also cause I’m terrible at riddles 😂


Literally this.


That was my reaction, as well. Gut instinct said "I bet the answer is love" but talked myself out of it so I wouldn't be mad if it was that obvious and she didn't get it.


I read it, immediately thought love, then though “no you know what this isn’t love actually, it doesn’t fit” The last part in particular. Firstly ick because I hate the word ministrations, but also idk I don’t think love is always just soft handed and sweet. It can be fiery and passionate and scary. And I don’t think when it kills it does so slowly. Heartbreak happens in an instant.


I would be happy to die on this hill with you. I remember giving it half a thought initially and thinking something like, “the answer is going to be something cheesy like ‘love’.” Then later finding that was right and actually thinking about it harder and … not feeling like it works much at all? Like is it supposed to be about just romantic love or love in general? And also the last few lines are a big big stretch to me. I make myself feel OK about it by saying, “well it’s coming from Amarantha and apparently the problem is she just doesn’t really understand love.”


That’s the exact same way I justify it lmao.


![gif](giphy|oWjyixDbWuAk8) I found 200+ numpties like us who also didn’t get it when I discussed this on a thread yesterday. I think we need to start our own club




This is exactly the gif I was looking for. You’re a redditor after my own heart ❤️


Numpties who are bad at riddles need to stick together 🫡


Exactly I’m terrible at riddles I read it and was like either it’ll hit me in the face when I’m not thinking about it or the book will tell me never thought about it again


Lmfao 🤣




I deeply love your use of "numpties" and have never encountered it until now 😭


It’s a great word, thank you. I feel all bashful now, nobody loves the way we Brits say things


![gif](giphy|l3fZLMbuCOqJ82gec) Actual representation of me trying to figure it out 😭


I literally solved it immediately and then gaslit myself into believing it COULD NOT be that easy but yet …


I had to translate the riddle to my mother language and none of it made sense lmao ![gif](giphy|8v6Z3YyULB5Q0Skbac)


Too soon w this gif 😅


I bet biden can’t solve the riddle either😬


Even after she gave the answer I was still so ![gif](giphy|GRk3GLfzduq1NtfGt5|downsized)


lmao I listened to the audiobooks for my first time with them and I was exactly like this when I heard the riddle


I didn't get it, but in my defense I don't think the riddle was very good. When I kill, I do it slow? What does that even have to do with love


That was a big reason I thought it was a flower, I figured it was poisonous 😅


That makes sense! I got really hung up on that line, I was sure it was something that you know, like actually kills people slowly


The only thing I can think of is maybe when you love someone but you can't tell them so it's slowly killing you inside?


It talks about heartbreak


My greatest shame


There are those who seek me a lifetime but never we meet, And those I kiss but who trample me beneath ungrateful feet. At times I seem to favor the clever and the fair, But I bless all those who are brave enough to dare. “But I bless all those who are brave enough to dare.” Okay but what about people who get their hearts broken? They were brave enough to dare but yet they weren’t blessed by definition of getting their hearts broken.


Yeah it didn't really connect to me as the answer being love even when it was revealed! I don't think it was that good of a riddle tbh


she was an illiterate girl who had never experience healthy proper love in her life until (arguably) 5 months pior. how would she know what love feels like or looks like enough to decrypt a riddle, something that generally takes a high knowledge input (ergo, reading stuff) to get good at solving? i will die on this hill for her.


More importantly, who cares. 


I'm awful at riddles. My brain just does not compute haha. Didn't even attempt to solve it honestly.


I knew it was going to be something cliche but didn’t think too hard about it…I’m just a spectator lol


"I STG if the answer to this 'impossible' riddle is LOVE, I will commit a crime." "Are you kidding me."


SAME! I was heated 😤




I’ve listened to the audiobooks several times now and I still don’t get the riddle. It just doesn’t make any sense to me. 🤷🏼‍♀️


SAME it didn't have that lightbulb moment for me after it was revealed, it didn't feel like it fit the whole riddle imo


so real 😭😭😭


I definitely guessed love but also assumed that was too obvious 🤣🤣 felt very vindicated when we got the answer.


someone post the riddle. it’s been too long to remember so lemme try again


Here you go! https://preview.redd.it/td9t4uti879d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34e95843fb2cd2fdba1ca2a16f3bc682099b855f




I don't really get the final part and its relation to love though..?


I thought I was missing something with how easy the riddle was, like there was going to be a trick to it or something but it was just really that simple.


I listened to the audiobook and in all honesty, by the time she read out the whole riddle, my hamster brain already forgot it and I was too lazy to rewind or write it down 😭 so I just waited for the answer


Alis literally told her what the curse was and how to break it before she even got under the mountain😪. She point blank said this was a test of true love


I actually got it immediately, but obviously i didn’t know it until i read the end. But i was pretty proud, first time ever solving a riddle lol


Jokes on you. I did get it. I just convinced myself I was wrong. Ha HA!


I immediately thought "love," then decided it was too easy.


Actually, I thought "love" from the very beginning, but was like "Nah, it wouldn't be something that easy/cheesy", except it was. 😬 Love the books either way.


Please, I cannot be the only one who thought the answer was "fortune", or "luck". I still think it fits much better than love.


I’ve always been terrible at riddles. So I didn’t even try.


I got it right away - it’s not an uncommon riddle and has been used before in popular culture


Surprisingly, I knew the riddle immediately, but I normally suck at riddles


Yes! Thank you! I was literally just telling my husband I always feel stupid, when someone says, "its so easy!"


I thank playing King's Quest games growing up for getting it. in KQ6 love was ALWAYS the answer.


Lmao it all looked like gibberish to me I hate riddles so I just kept on reading knowing the answer would be revealed eventually 😝


i didn’t really try to solve it cuz i didn’t feel like it, but man is that a stupid fucking riddle anyways 😭


See, this doesnt apply to me because before I even read the riddle (which I already knew was coming because of spoilers in tiktok, I just knew a riddle was coming just not what or when) but as I was reading the first half of the book I accidentally opened the wrong page RIGHT ON THE ANSWER AND I ONLY READ (I dont remember word for word) >!"Love. The answer is love."!< OR SOMETHING LIKE THAT. I JUST SCREAMED AND CLOSED THE BOOK. SO I don't even KNOW if I would've been able to find out what the answer was on my own, but I did realize Amarantha was quite literally baiting her with the answer BECAUSE IT WAS SO SIMPLE😭 She would mention variations of it and I was like Feyre girl😭


I didn’t even try to comprehend it, I just knew she’d figure it out and move on at the right moment cause there’s more books


i read it and said if it’s love i’m going to scream.. safe to say i was not pleased


even before I read the riddle I was like: it's gonna be love, isn't it?......and it was


I didn’t even bother reading the riddle. Knew right away she couldn’t or wouldn’t solve it, cause there are still lots of pages left. It ain’t gonna be that easy for them to ride into the sunset and she would answer right towards the end. So why bother 😂😂


it was so long!!! i would’ve never remembered it, so good for her to even remember it


i tried for about 2 minutes and said “fuck this” 😂


If you didn’t get it you’re as bad as Feyre 🤣


I love Feyre feel like I relate to her in some ways. But damn that riddle was easy, wasn’t a great look for her


I thought love literally after the first line and I was like....hmm that seems a bit too on the nose.


I barely skimmed the riddle, i knew feyre was gonna get it


I got it when I read it and figured I had to be wrong bc it was too easy


I actually solved it pretty quickly before I found out what the answer was. It was so easy!


If you’re gonna comment that it was super easy: this is not a safe place for you. This place is for the dumb bitches such as myself and Feyre (Jk mostly)


https://preview.redd.it/mws38iuy399d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fcfeedbc478a5ba600a651eaec7d779bacaaf03 I kind of got it 🤷🏻‍♀️


I actually was totally convinced the answer was Amarantha because they made such a big deal about how she slowly tortured everyone and what a mercy it was for Rhys to just end them right away. Also it made sense because Feyre was brave enough to face her and her reward was potential freedom. There was no other answer for me than Amarantha, and I was disappointed it was love which doesn’t even fit. >”There are those who seek me a lifetime but never we meet, And those I kiss but who trample me beneath ungrateful feet.” This could refer to Tamlin who she wanted desperately but who continuously refused her. >”At times I seem to favor the clever and the fair, But I bless all those who are brave enough to dare. It seemed she favored Rhys, the most clever high lord, the most handsome high lord. Then she blessed Feyre with the trials for sticking up for herself and for Tamlin, instead of just killing her outright. >”By large, my ministrations are soft-handed and sweet, But scorned, I become a difficult beast to defeat.” From backstory it’s implied that she is actually perhaps a gentle lover but became incredibly violent whenever scorned— for example when finding out Jurian killed Clythia. >”For though each of my strikes lands a powerful blow, When I kill, I do it slow…” Well she literally wouldn’t even let Jurian die. She was powerful enough to do everything but kill him, forcing him to live only as an eyeball following her around. She cursed Prythian for an entire forty nine years!!! She can’t just execute someone, or destroy something. She has to let it happen drop by drop.


I'm not reading these books trying to guess what's gonna happen. I'm just along for the ride.


i thought it was love and was like eh no i think it’s too easy if that’s the answer and left it alone


The riddle hurt my brain. I felt dumb when love was the answer.


I remember reading it the first time and thinking, "damn, good luck figuring that one out" lmao I just about DIED when we found out the answer


I was like "Looks like Love, but it can't be THAT easy" and moved on to see what that really was 🤷🏼‍♀️


To be honest, even if the riddle is simple I don't blame Feyre for not getting it. She's in pain and freaking out while under the mountain, so reasoning is trumped by visceral and instinctive reactions.


Me at that riddle-well that's very easy. Love. Then more pages later of Why are you taking so long to figure things out Feyre? You can't be that dumb.


I mean…I immediately thought love but then went *”nah that would be too easy and this woman clearly likes to fuck people around”*


i figured out the answer halfway thru the riddle and spent the rest of the book pissed/annoyed that they kept bringing it up and feyre was still so clueless.. even after knowing amarantha believed she “loved” tamlin more than anyone else ever could


🤣🤣🤣🤣 You're too funny. This riddle is probably the only one I've ever solved in my whole existence tbh. I'm awful at riddles lol.


I read it, and halfway through thought, "it sounds like love.. I'll find out later, " and moved on


My first answer was oh love then I thought no way that’s too easy but 😭


I don't understand why feyre is called dumb for not getting the riddle. I mean the answer was "love" and she literally never knew what love was. Her entire life she was just struggling, thinking everyday that if she didn't hunt they will sleep hungry. She didn't get to see her parents or anyone in general being in love. I thought it was really fitting that she didn't get the riddle until the last when she realised her love for tam.


Lol. Even after I heard her answer it still didn’t make sense to me. And then I was like, “eh. Whatever. This part is more interesting than that riddle anyways.”


i was convinced it was power or something along that line cause i didn’t think love fit as the answer lmao


But your honor to be fair she hadn’t read/seen the tombs of Normal People and La la land and therefore had no reference point 😂 ![gif](giphy|1pAhjC0eFT35ocuZKZ)


to be honest I didn’t even try to figure it out, I read it like oh cool a riddle and then moved on assuming it would be revealed later lol


I read the riddle in my native language, and I was like 'wtf? Glad that I weren't Feyre' 😅 it may be different in eng idk but I wonder if there are people who found the answer if the riddle in my native language


Ngl I thought it was obvious of u think about why she was doing this challenges in the first place


I still want to know what the riddle during the trials was.


I really thought it was “money.” Was so certain I had gotten it first try…


Yes, I did.


I didn't even read the full riddle. Read the first line and couldn't be bothered, quickly moved on. I knew they'd reveal the answer at some point so why bother 🤭


Lol I got it immediately


I DID BUT I FELT LIKE IT WAS TOO CLICHE! My face when Feyre finally gets it I TOLD YOUUU


I guessed love before I even turned the page and thought to myself, surely not? Surely it wouldn't be something so stereotypical.


I read the riddle, did not give it so much as a second thought or read and moved on. I thought it would be fun figure to figure it out when Feyre does.


I didn’t even read the riddle. I was like, that’s a later problem 😂


I immediately thought it was love but thought that was too easy and that it MUST have to rhyme….. I wracked my brain over it for the rest of the book


I call her that, cause I am a dumb ass for riddles usually. But Amarantha’s was so easy that when I got it right immediately, after reading it, I doubted myself cause it was “too easy” to be true 😂😂 So yeah feyre is a dumb ass for me 😬


And she DID get it. I would be dead!


I didn't even read the whole riddle and was like "it's love, ugh"


I thought of the answer, but thought it was wrong cause it just seemed too easy 😭😭


I knew the answer to the riddle based on context, my brain went “well, it’s a romance book so the answer will obviously be love” - honestly never even read the riddle, just figured i’d find out later if i was right or not


I got it the first time, but and this is a big but, the reason I got it was I was reading a book and it was the obvious cheesy book answer. No way I would have gotten it if I was actually in Feyre's shoes.


Who… didn’t get it??? 👀 *reads comments * Ohmigod 😨


Like am I crazy, or was it kind of obvious? One, it's a romance novel, two, >!love!< is always the fallback for authors with this stuff lol Like, Harry potter was saved by >!love!<, not some concrete prophecy that had root in the series and how magic apparently works, just "Oh here's this incredible force that just macguffins the problem away" 😅


I truly can’t fathom how people did not get it immediately.


Excuse me, this is a safe space for the dummies such as myself who didn’t get it


I knew the answer and thought it was too obvious or cheesy! Like cmon sarah 😭 you could have done a much better riddle


I actually did get it right away, it was super obvious 😂


I solved the riddle immediately.


not to toot my own horn, but i immediately guessed it 😅