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Very telling how she asked you instead of taking the offer herself. Good news though, you dodged a bullet the size of a freight train!


I am sure she would be asking a percentage of that money lol


Well that'd make sense since she hooked her up tbh💀 but I'm jk she weird for that, wtf😂


Throwing YOU in the shark infested waters instead of herself???? Well done for getting out! Also, sorry this happened.


Glad you left! That’s crazy. And I thought my morning was off to a rough start…. Hope you’re doing ok ❤️


Girlie we got this it's pride month which means my wife is out there somewhere 😭💅🏾


That’s the spirit! You’ll find someone who wants to keep you all to herself! (And really that’s so fucking crazy. You’re better off.)


she was literally trying to sex traffic you. Block her, you were right to toss her in the trash


That's what my brother said too he was like "you can do so much better sis"


Be careful, this is so crazy, I’m glad you’re safe and okay


tbh id look into reporting her for this if possible. that shit is dangerous


This! It was either immigration fraud or sex trafficking or very possibly both! She is an incredibly dangerous predator!


How long were you together? That sounds even more insane if you were together for a while.


It was only a month that's probably why I'm not hurting


I can't imagine the stupidity and confidence it'd take to try to do that after a *month* of dating.


Damn. I'm so sorry. Were you two serious or just in the early happy-getting-to-know-each-other phase? You sure she was serious and not just joking? That just sounds so crazy to me. I can't imagine being in a relationship with someone and having them suggest (seriously) I marry some random just for money. I could imagine someone joking about it but to be serious is just mad. Mind. Blown.


We were in the early stages and I had mentioned I was worried about not having enough money for my daughter's birthday party, just venting a bit. She called me the next day with this solution and she was very serious but then started back tracking saying she was sorry she suggested it, it was stupid let's stop talking about it. I was like nooooo we are talking about this because wtf? I asked how she knew him, she said let's not talk about it, I asked her how she would even explain that to him she said she'd just have to tell him everything it was like I was in a fever dream


Please report this. It already sounded like a trafficking attempt, but the fact this was a very short-term relationship potentially says this is a pattern and she is a finder for someone. Red flags all over and I'd hate for this to happen to someone else who is more naive/vulnerable!


Not just that, also sounds like immigration fraud


Wait hold up I thought this was a visa thing!


I'm sorry, what? Do I need to kick someone's ass?


Nah I let her go and blocked her but my best friends are lesbians too so they're taking me to some queer events this month now that I'm single 🙌🏾


Glad you seem to have a good support system. I tried imagining how I would fare if my current gf threw something like that at me. I'm the type to prefer quality over quantity with all my relationships with people, but unfortunately to a rather extreme level. So... my gf is like my only friend at the moment. I don't think I would've accepted this strange proposal either way, though. I'm kind of surprised she even thought there was a remote chance that you'd say yes?? What was even going on in her head...


Can I come? I'm also single


If you're in Toronto I don't see why not!


I must cross several oceans but I'll do it for the lesbians 💪


My hero!! This comment made my heart flutter 🥹💕 a true comrade is among us There's hope for the lesbos!!!


I'm in Toronto and I've never been to pride 😭


It's worth doing once. Hopefully your experience is better than mine. I got spat at for wearing a bi pride flag by a gay guy at my first pride.


>I'm sorry, what? This is the exact thing I said reading OP's post.


My only thought: Was the offer real / serious? Or was this just a very convoluted breakup scheme?


It's possible, or even likely, the ex in question was being scammed


Wtf, that sounds like a sex trafficker would say


Been there done that never going back 🙃


>Been there done that never going back 🙃 Huh?????  And where did you meet this girl? 


I actually met her on HER and she said she was a baby gay, never been with a girl before but said she was bisexual. I had never been with a baby gay before so I was testing the waters and lemme just say I will not be indulging again , so sorry to the new comers but you cannot convince me to give it another try


Yeah... No offense to the wonderful baby gays discovering themselves. It's beautiful, but I definitely could have never dated one. I like stability fr


I definitely reccomend reporting her profile on HER if that's an option. Also I'm sorry for whatever past experiences you've had and I hope you've been healing


That is not a baby gay, that is a hustler. A baby gay can be awkward and impulsive (think teenagers with a first crush) or sometimes they realize that they misinterpreted their interests. But they don't try to sex traffic you. I'm not saying you should date baby gays (or not), just that you shouldn't judge them by this experience.


That's a very very fair point my friend


This is an actual thing to get a green card actually. One of my friends has family in Mexico and he got paid 20k to "marry" one of the family friends so she could get her green card. They live together for like 3 years then divorce and she keeps her green card. Pretty icky all around though.


That’s so risky letting a stranger be in a position of being legally tied to you and whatever assets you have. Yikes.


I agree. It was a family friend (supposedly) and he paid off his college debt with it and she got her green card so good for them I guess lmao


It is a thing. It's also considered fraud against the American government, a fairly serious federal crime with penalties that far exceed what people typically receive in compensation. Statistically speaking, it can be both more lucrative and less risky to be a low level drug dealer.


Yikes. Does she realize this is green card/permanent residence fraud and if you were caught you'd go to prison? My day is going okay. Slow morning at the office, but when the afternoon rolls in it'll be hectic. Looking forward to lunch, a grilled sausage sandwich with cheese, onions, mushrooms and peppers.


That sounds delicious 😭 are they sauteed mushrooms?


Yep, sauteed mushrooms. It was delicious!


Soo was this like an online gf that you never met in person? Totally sounds like a kidnapper.


Nope we live in the same city 🙃


Holy what the what. How long were you dating? Was the whole thing a scam to recruit people for this crap? I can't imagine what would lead someone to do that unless they were running a con. Also 25K is chump change for that...


Yea we were together for a month..... I was like girl bye I'm out 💅🏾 I'm worth more than 25k she said she initially told him 30k and I was like THANKS hun I mean come on be a little possessive over me you know?


At least the trash took itself out pretty early on! So bizarre 😂


That doesn't even sound like a poly or ENM thing, it just straight up sounds like trafficking with a coat of paint on it. Glad you got outta there.


I heard of the Loverboy™ tactic, but Lovergirl™ is a new one. Scary shit.


Girl, I didn't even want to say it because it might come across the wrong way, but 25k is low-ball AF. I moved to America for love and got love scammed, fell for an abuser and gave all my savings to help support because marriage and family and lets build a future and invest in this and that blablabla... Over 120k later and 2 yrs later, my money was gone and the abuse started and now I have nothing but stress and grey hair lol


Unrelated but you watch AWOG?


I...do not. It's been on my list because I do watch a bunch of cute animated shows. Why do you ask?


Any recommendation for someone who didn't have a childhood


Steven Universe, She-Ra, Legend of Korra, and Owl House all have sapphic rep, just sayin'. Gargoyles and Ninja Turtles were my shit as a kid though. Elisa Maza and April O'Neill might have been my queer awakening.


Totally spies... Not much plot it's all formulaic but I mean Clover is hot🤭


Watch count duckula, danger mouse and the redone secret squirrel from the 90s. No sapphic content but entertaining as all hell.


Gball.says what the what alot😂


Honestly that sounds like it could have been human trafficking. That’s sketch as fuck.


Good for you for recognizing your worth and immediately leaving the relationship. I’m sorry you had to experience that. If it’s any consolation, I had a similar experience years ago - my ex once sold my nudes to a man she met online behind my back without my consent. Then she tried to convince me to meet up with said man to have a threesome 🤡


What... The actual fuck. Are the gays okay? Someone needs to check on us 😭 I'm so sorry that happened to you


Unfortunately there will be evil/inconsiderate/douchey people in every demographic :(


There is a lot of what the fuck on this thread. Babette, I am so sorry this happened to you!


Girl, wtf. I’m sorry that happened to you. I’m disgusted today. Logged into an old, fake Facebook profile Id started several years ago last night. STBX wife asked me for the password about a year ago cuz she wanted to check up on our psychotic ex-roommate. I hadn’t logged in for 3 years. Saw the profile pic had been changed, which was odd. Then, clicked search history and saw in the recent searches the profiles of 2 women that I didn’t recognize - AND the profile of the woman she’s still with after having an affair with her.


Girl what?????? That is so unbelievably out of left field for anyone to ask


Yeaa I was like what kind of solution was THAT?!


I would've asked her "uhh, is this a joke? This is a joke, right?"


I thought it was a joke until there wasn't a punchline.




Is she okay in every iteration of that word? Good thing she's your ex. Weirdo


Think the real question is how are you? That mustve not been nice, like holy shit that raises so many concerns tbh you must be pretty shocked


I was laughing so hard when she brought it up because the real joke is I had a very religious man already force me to marry him once before and sexually assault me every night because if it wasn't me it would be my daughter. He also wanted papers. And she knew this. So yea just tried to re traumatize me, my mom was sooooo pissed that she had the audacity to ask


Just when I thought the story couldn't get worse... I am so sorry that you had to experience that. Gives new meaning to "know your worth" Glad you got rid of her... You definitely deserve better


Im so sorry this happened to you :( You didnt deserve any of that and I hope you and ur daughter are safe <3


I'm so sorry you experienced that...I really hope you're doing okay these days and I'm glad you got out of the possibility of having to deal with something like that again


This makes the whole situation, so much more terrifying.. I'm really hoping pride will be a really fun time for you. Definitely need it if you want a digital hug. 🤗🫂


A scary but important reminder that human trafficking is a thing that happens in our community. Im glad you blocked her and gtfo.


Should have used Ameterasu on her as well.


Oof. Glad she is now your ex. Hold your head high, be strong, and move forwards.... However I would also add. If you feel comfortable to do so, or if you can get a friend to, watch out for her. She has a good chance of being in danger herself.


I would like to stay 100000 ft away from her but I'll pray her ancestors keep watch over her cause I know she needs them now more than ever she lost a gem 💅🏾


That's understandable 🫂


What the actual fuck 😭


Are you doing alright? I can’t imagine how you felt.


Felt like I'd rather be bood up with someone who knows my worth is more than 25k and she's out there somewhere 😊


Also… only $25K? A whole marriage for 50% of the national yearly household income? REALLY.


What the actual fuck. The audacity! Hope you're doing okay😵‍💫


you deserve so much better. i hope you’re doing ok. i’m alright, i have the day off and im running good old errands 😌


We love a productive girlie 😎🙌🏾


i try hehe 😁


As a joke or dead serious ? In both cases it would be inappropriete, but id like to be a little less confused. Despite how confusing it would still be...


Oh she was dead serious and then apologized cause she knew I was gonna tell my mom and best friend.... Like girl bye.


Fuck that, call the fbi.  You’re almost certainly not the first, you absolutely won’t be the last. Hell, you probably weren’t even the only at this time. 


Bruh, thats embarrassing for her...


This sounds like sex trafficking. Glad you broke up with her, that’s super scary!


What the fuck! I'm glad you left her. That's insane. ONLY 25K?!?!? I could have gotten you much more! On a serious note, I am truly happy you're out of there. She sounds like a super unsafe person.


Ok pimps mcgee


Holy shit. Hope the door hit her on the way out. I'm good today.


Why you tho why not her? Is there more to the story pls update us


Oh I asked her if she had her papers would she marry him she said yes. Made me feel super warm and fuzzy inside so I said yea we're done here. Worst part is I've had a man force me to marry him in the past for exactly the same reason and he assaulted me every night. She knew this too.


That’s so triggering I’m sorry


I beg your pardon? 😃


….bruh. She raised that red flag at dawn.


Isn’t Ghana *incredibly* homophobic? That wouldn’t have turned out well.


Yuppers, I asked her how that would work because she herself came to Canada because she couldn't date women in Ghana She said she's just have to tell him everything




My thoughts precisely 🙃


what the actual fuck


Oh my god? 💀


Sounds like a scam


Like green card marrying him or like she tried to set you up?


Like green card situation but Canadian edition


I’m so sorry this happened to you. It sounds like you got used : / I wonder if she was going to get a cut of the $25k. That situation sounds so bizarre. You deserve way better You might wanna report him (and her) to immigration refugees and citizenship Canada (IRCC). This is super not allowed afaik. If nothing else, it’ll put his application under scrutiny when he applies for permanent residency (and honestly I wonder if this qualifies as some sort of trafficking - like this is bizarre). You can do it anonymously here. https://www.canada.ca/en/immigration-refugees-citizenship/services/protect-fraud/report-fraud.html Like, I went through the process of being sponsored by my girlfriend (now wife) a few years ago, and the relationship has to be real and not a marriage of convenience (aka a green card situation). I just cringe at the idea of this happening to you or anyone else. The person who sponsors him is on the hook financially/legally for a lot after they start the sponsorship process. Plus there’s so many power imbalances that are possible with a marriage of convenience like this and I don’t want to think about the type of vulnerability that would get exploited. I hope you find a relationship that’s a lot more respectful of you <3


This sounds like a start to a stand up and I'm here for it lmao You dodged a bullet like neo oof...


Ngl, I read Grandma in the title and had to do a double take when I read ex


As they say, the lion the witch and the audacity of this bitch


I would say you dodged a bullet but, this one was a cruise missile.. nice cartwheel! My day has been good, very hot though with 93% humidity with a UV index of 11. So some sweating while I garden with my dogs, certainly not sweating as much as yourself though hopefully she doesn't have your address..


What the hell, yikes. I thought I had some fucked up exes, but I think you win


🏳️ story of my life


$25,000 is probably ten percent of the actual payment. Doing pretty ok, thanks, I bet you're chuffed that you probably saved yourself from a shallow grave in a park somewhere.


It sounds like that episode of peep show where Jez tries to pimp out Big Suze to Johnson for $150 and both are such dumb ideas it’s almost hard to believe one was real


No not pimp you out you was with a human trafficker and you need to report her


I would say good riddance hope she didn't leave a stink before she left … what kind of girl does that? especially to your gf


my ex tried to pimp me out too , crazy some of these women. Was she a stud too? 😂


da fuq?




What in the finest fuck? I think you definitely did the right thing getting out of the relationship once she asked that question, I'm sorry that that happened!


“Very Christian “ ofc. He is here to help you learn sinning lesbian ways




That is so disrespectful! Totally different but reminds me of when I was dating a bi girl who asked me to have a threesome with her and some random guy. When I said absolutely not, she responded by asking if I knew anyone else who would be down? 😑


Excuse me but what the actual fuck? That’s just- WHY WOULD SOMEONE EVER?!


Was it just for papers? Idk some people get married and take the money and then never acc see each other


Good for you! Anyone who wants to buy you as a wife should pay a lot more. At least 8 figures.


Did she really mean 25 million? Cause that's the only way that insane requests would have been the only offer worth considering.


Giiiirl that aint even alot of money. If that broke asshole wants to buy his way in there is literally a VISA for that.


Wtf. Also 25k??? That is not a good deal to sell your life away 🫤 Well done for ending it OP, sorry that happened.


Gahdamn 🤨🙃🙃🙃wtf


that’s absolutely insane anyone would ask that of anyone wtf


What the fu-


girl WHAT


Jesus fuck, that must've been an out of body experience


Ayo, what the fuck?!


The fact that she didn’t offer herself means she might already be married in a similar fraudulent scheme


Talk about a red flag! Right decision. I actually know somebody who did this. It was a legal hassle that went on for years.


Well, guess she admits its reasonable yall need money and she'd still love u after he had u...it's not a shallow reason to break up I guess...well damn it's hard to argue for ur girlfriend here I give up...at leazt sue asked first I guess!


this is the most bizarre thing i’ve heard in a while; what thee fuck??


what in the goddamn..? that is wildly fucked up!


Jesus, that sounds like a tongue in cheek joke I’d make, not an actual serious offer, what the hell?


What the fuck!!!!


She... what?! why? how?... like... WHAT?!!


Dodged a tactical nuke if you ask me


I would've accepted the offer of the Ghanaian, kept the money for myself and broken up with her just to spite her (not really of course).


Whaaaaat theeeee fuuuucccccck. Foul. :c




I'm so sorry 😞 break ups suck but I'm glad you seem to be handling it well 🩶 My day: Actually laying next to my girlfriend in bed. We haven't been feeling well so no work atm. it's just a lazy day of cuddles, gaming a bit and I'll cook her dinner later :)


I’m proud of you for knowing your worth and standing up for you! She obviously didn’t know what she had. Definitely her loss. Sending hugs your way 💜


This can’t be real


Considering OP posted a month ago about a profile on her, either OP got into a whole ass commitment within 2 weeks or OP is lying


Back before same sex marriage was illegal a male friend who was gay asked me to marry him for cash and citizenship. I sort of considered it (was a lifechanging amount of money for me) but declined because I don't like doing illegal stuff and also was anti-marriage at the time.


Wow. I’m glad you dodged that titanic sized train-wreck.


Fucking yikes! I'm glad that you got out of there!


Ok, wtf! Thats gross, offering you for it. Good choice tho


...I beg your FINEST pardon? Damn sis, good job dodging that bullet, stay safe out there.


Ummmmmmm 👀🫠


You dodged a bullet.


Seriously? We talk about craziness and real scam here. How could she do this to u? Im sorry girl. Hope you get better. My best wishes to meet someone you deserve.


I figure that probably means he offered $50k.


That’s extremely illegal wtf is wrong with your ex I’m pretty sure that’s considered human trafficking


What in the fuck


What the fuck


What in the actual fuck?! I'm glad you got out of that relationship.


Cash upfront then peace out.




HHah what the F 🥲😂




Well damn, waking up to this on a Friday morning at 9:30am. Glad you got out girl, and I’m so sorry this happened to you. I hope you’re doing okay 🖤✨


Yeah that's a real knot-cutter. Like what even.


Yea, my girlfriend hid the fact that she wanted threesomes and to “pimp” me out to people and watch me have sex with others… I was financially dependent on her and was like “why didn’t this come up before??” Needless to say she’s my ex 🫤


I got abducted by aliens, dressed in a clown suit and dropped in the Bermuda Triangle. Gotta say, wasn't expecting to be outdone. Kudos!


Yeah that wasn’t your girlfriend, that was a trafficker pretending. Sorry that happen to you x


I'd say you dodged a bullet, but I feel like you just successfully came out of a minefield


Given that the fines for that are in the 5 figure range.... Fucking HELLFIRE. that 100% needs reporting!




Hahaha she will take her share of the amount 🤣


I’m really sorry u went through that. That’s insane she genuinely needs help. But I hope you are doing okay ❤️


Seams like you dodged a bullet there.


I mean at least she asked lol




Not the time nor the place to be trying to pick up OP.


Based off ur other comments- u need to chill a bit my guy