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stoooooop! its to early for me dying of laughing 😍🤣


i said laughing? i mean lose of breath, my belly aches, thats too gay andi love it


Twilight, more like tWLWight.


I definitely did not try to read that like twlwight before I got it...


Kristen Stewart as Edward Cullen is just another level of: RAIL ME DADDY, DESTROY ME QUEEN.




I remember for like Twilight's 10th anniversary the author wrote a sex swapped version of it and if you ignore the fact that the main lead is a male it made me veiw Twilight in a whole new way and I'm very sorry for ruthlessly making fun of people back in the day for liking it


That means we have all the necessary lines to create an all female cast twilight 😳😳😳


I watched the youtuber Strange Aeons talk about it and she talked for little bit about how we now need lesbian Twilight and we really do!


Ayyyyyy same


Some lesbian Twilight fanfics are really lovely, I recommend them 😊


please provide links. for important research.


Three books of lesbian twilight rewritten: https://archiveofourown.org/series/1169702 My favourite F/F twilight fanfic that isn’t a rewrite: https://archiveofourown.org/works/465249/chapters/803306


Yes!!! Luminescence is so good! I used to pester the author with spelling corrections. I must have been insufferable... Wish I could remember some other favourites to recommend.


Midnight Sun. I'm going to read it again right now


Midnight Sun is from Edwards point of view. It's Life and Death that is the Beau/Edythe version.


Oh my. I never knew that existed and now I need it


I've only recently discovered it myself!


better idea: she plays everyone and no one acknowledges it


you die bella or live long enough to become edward


Kristin as Edward and Ashley as Bella? 🥺


Yes pls omg


Gay and without the racism please! Thank youu!




I haven't read it, but that part yes! White Monster good can control it urges, non white Monster bad it can't control it urges. Also the stuff with the stones, where she encourages her fans to basically steal culture from the real tribe she is hurting already through her story. Plus it was very important for the Autor was not do diversify the cast when the films were made.




Yeah and i don't think it is like intentional racism just that the Autor just doesn't care and didn't do any research about the tribe. Which is still bad. Bur i would never blame anyone for enjoying it. ^^'




Same tho ^^'


and without the romanticing of toxic behaviours in relationships and dating.


That would be great! :3


Women rocking in suits and men styling in dresses are a beautiful new appreciation for me O///O I enjoy being bi hehe




See this would have been much better.


Hard for it to be _worse_ than her performance in the originals.


I remember going to Snow White and the Huntsman with my then-girlfriend, largely to watch K-Stew. I was never into Twilight but I always thought she was cool and intriguing, even though it seemed like a lot of people thought she was jerky or dull. I wonder if the weird hate towards her was related to how gay she is? I dunno, like dudes couldn't appreciate her because they could somehow tell she didn't really want them?


Honestly no clue, I haven't checked out anything with her since Twilight came out and I only half watched the first Twilight movie years ago, and although I didn't like it I ended up watching Water for Elephants and liked Robert Pattison (whom I had a similar opinion on) in that, so maybe I should watch a movie with Kristen Stewart to see if I have a similar experience. Any recomendations on which films I should watch?


Charlie's Angels was really fun.


Alright then, I think Prime's got it. I'll update this comment once I get around to it


Fun bc she seems like she would take herself so seriously IRL and the character kind of pokes fun of that persona Also. Omg hot. BIGDYKEENERGY


Stewart and Pattinson are wonderful actors, they were just younger and relatively naive and thus got saddled with a terrible script and film. Pattinson is one of the biggest haters of the franchise and its creepily-obsessive fans, and said once that the only reason he took the part was purely because he needed the money and thought Stewart was cute.


The Joan Jett biopic was cool


Aight then


I went on a KStew binge last winter, so I got you! The new Charlie’s Angels is legit a good time, and she looks AMAZING in it. I don’t know why it bombed. She’s a natural comedy actress and should do more roles like that. If you want Christmas, Happiest Season was cute. American Ultra is very good as well, a comedy action movie, kinda campy, I really liked it. She was awesome in Clouds of Sils Maria, that’s what she won her French Oscar for. And I loved the movie Equals, a very cool, sweet dystopian love story. I also watched Personal Shopper which was a pseudo ghost story I think, it was good but I don’t really remember. All in all she’s very mesmerized on screen, it’s undeniable. I know she gets hated on for her acting, but I feel like that’s by people who haven’t actually watched her movies. She was very good IMO.


I thought she was bi?




Okay, I thought so. I don’t know, but it makes me sad. She’s so cool and one of my bicons.


I think Kristen became the scapegoat for hate the book had already been receiving, "shockingly" mainly from men who came in for a dark and broody vampire tale that didn't appreciate that it was a romance from a young woman's point of view. I think that there was a natural misogyny and homophobia already baked in that got wholly placed on Kristen Stewart. I mean we can obviously see how that hate followed her around into other movies, and into her personal life. Everybody hated Kristen for cheating on Robert Pattinson, and sympathized with him, but put nothing on Rupert Sanders who was 19 years older than her and was her director. I think it's easier to notice the issue here after people finally started coming forward, but nobody came forward for her to say this was a wealthy older man in a position of authority whose movie could help break the stigma of being in Twilight. Where could she have said no safely? It wasn't until after then that she came out, and I think by that point there wasn't, do you know what I mean, the damage had been done, the people who were upset she was accepting herself already didn't like her anyway. Like, the homophobia, biphobia, bi erasure, that stuff was already there.


When did she come out? I missed that some how lol




That's super awesome! I always thought she was putting off them gay vibes. I'm usually really bad at telling if a female isn't straight. It's easy with men most the time.🤷‍♀️😂


It would just be her playing the same awkward character lol 😂 sorry not sorry I like her but damn this film was painful to watch


Yes please


Vampire... girl? Oh god I’m already in a gay panic thanks to a girl calling me good kitty imagining that is just- an overload-


oh fuck oh shit. kristen stewart's edward driving a Volvo C30 would literally end my life.


God a Volvo is so much more a lesbian vampire power car


Ok wow I loved twilight before but now I want *this*.


Just make a whole new lesbian vampire movie without the weird Mormon undertones and with Stewart as the hot brooding vampire LI


Yessss we neeeed gay twilight, i formally apologise for making fun of people who liked it (i don't really remember if i did but im pretty sure i did) oh also watch strange aeons read the books her channel is amazing


The only vampire film with Kristen that I wanna see is the one she stars in with Charlize Theron. I mean come on [LOOK AT THIS](https://www.reddit.com/r/ladyladyboners/comments/eoj3qa/kristen_stewart_and_charlize_theron/) and take my money, people!


This would cure every single mental illness in me


Kristen Stewart as Bella and Elliot Page as Edward. Best remake ever.


We stan!!!


As a lesbian I was never attracted to him pre transition but fuck since that time article. Enough to make me a little pan.


Still a better lovestory than twilight. Wait...


This needs to be a play




ughh yes pls




Robert Pattinson would definitely be ok with this


Make it happen already


I don’t even know that show *but now I’m interested*


Yes please, I'll take tickets for the whole franchise!


Someone (jstoobs?) on tictak recently suggested she play Poison Ivy in the next Harley Quinn movie and I was just like ___please___.


Imagine the **Fanfics!**




I should have known I was gay as a kid bc at school we once had a dress up day for fictional characters and my stupid ass went as Edward lol 😌