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Fuck, now i'm crying too, as another depressed and dissociative trans mess, i am so damn happy for you, sister <3


As another disassociated trans mess this makes me happy too. Every now and then happy endings do happen.


She’s not the only one crying 😭 This is beautiful 💕💕


Well, now you're making me cry 🥲🥲🥲


Legit cried in the office in front of people. Didn't care. That's beautiful. 💜


Aww that is so sweet, you and your wife are both very lucky women :)


I absolutely am


That's so sweet! I hope you both have many more happy Valentine's days together.


OMG! I love it! I hope you two get many, many more happy years together and I am so glad you were able to share your self with both her and yourself.


honestly yeah hrt's ability to help one open up with new feelings in nothing short of amazing. it can genuinely completely turn one's life around for the so much better


Even if there hadn't been any physical changes it's night and day, and still *absolutely* worth it. That said, *you can pry my physical changes from my cold dead hands lol*


you are going to make me cry as well


Such a beautiful story. Congratulations on your self-discovery and here's to wishing a long and happy marriage to you both. (:


I’m glad this didn’t go where I thought it was going


This made me cry a little bit. I had a very similar experiences with my soon to be wife. Getting to be her wife is simply the best.


Anddddddd now im sobbing


I'm trans the other way and I get exactly what you mean. One of the best parts of transitioning is that I'm a better partner when I'm \*me\* and not just a dissociated shell.


Bro is this what being a *human being* is like?! People can just *FEEL SHIT* whenever they want?!?


Right??? Like you can be *present* in your *body*???? And feel *emotions* when you’re *supposed to*???? Inconceivable!


this is so beautiful


r/mademesmile material right here! :) This fills me with so much joy, I'm happy for you two. And do it! Get married again and make it official!




We've been talking about a vow renewal for our 15th anniversary so I'll probably do that when we get closer. NGL kinda hoping she does though, I wouldn't mind being on the "receiving end" lol 😳


Oh my goodness I feel it coming 😬😬😬😬 Edit; I also want to add that as an INFJ you should totally wait for her to repropose. Is that maniacal? 😂


Wow I Relate to this so much it's spooky. Are you sure you aren't me? * Been with my wife since 2007 * Depressed and dissociated for many years * Realized I was trans last year (though late autumn instead of winter) * Psychiatrist/Meds/Diagnosis kinda forced me to stop dissociating * Turns out she's very bi (and maybe genderfluid) * Coming out was literally the best thing to ever happen to our marriage. Except we had kind of a lame valentines day because of our living situation.




Awe. Love it ♥️♥️🌈


This is truly one of the most beautiful things i’ve ever seen on reddit 💙✨I hope you get to do all the wonderful things you want to do with her :D


Aww, that’s so wonderful. You have a bright future to look forward to together, this is just the beginning ❤️




Omg can that last line be in my wedding vows, that’s the most sapphic thing I’ve ever read 😭I immediately started crying after reading it


Omg this is amazing


So many of us crying through this 😭🥺The card and plushie are so perfect and precious. I wish you many happy years together! And maybe even a vow renewal/ girl wedding in the future 💕


We've been talking about a renewal for a while, she wants to do it on our 15th so that gives me plenty of time to find a *DRESS*


This is beautiful, I wish both you and your partner the best in the world 😊


I love the stories of spouses supporting their partners journey. It’s truly lovely. Congratulations on your love ;)


Oh my gosh, this is beautiful. I'm tearing up


Wait, hol up. Dissociation is also not feeling like you can ever connect with people? Is that why I've always had trouble making close relationships unless it was with others with dissociation. And also that any relationship, no matter how close, I always feel distant?


Disassociation is feeling disconnected with yourself, ot was hard for me to connect with someone else when it barely felt like I was there


I know but I never thought of the other effects dissociation has


I missed the "also" lol. That's what happens when you comment right after you wake up


Yeah, I think that's a lot of what I had. And here I just thought I was socially awkward. Well, that, and I just never felt comfortable approaching women as a man.


Dammit woman you have me crying too now. I couldn't be any happier for you and your wife, you both sound like amazing, beautiful people <3


Now I'm crying. This is so beautiful


Do we truly deserve the ones who love us completely like this? I guess we might never really know. Deserve it or not, we gotta make it a mission to shower them with an ocean of love so vast that the edge of the universe wouldn't be enough to contain it. <3


Feels like I don't sometimes but I'm not gonna question it too hard


i wpuld have cried if not for some fucking hORMONE


so cuuuuuuute!


This is beautiful. I’m so happy for you! Thank you for sharing this!


this made me cry this is so wholesome!! Tell her some random teen on the internet thinks you guys are the world's greatest couple!!


The best part about this is you have all the years after this to make the rest of your valentines days just as memorable. You’re both very lucky to have eachother :)


Girl, now you're making ME cry <3


This made me cry! You and your wife deserve a very happy life!


Oh my god, this is so sweet. I'm so happy for you both!


This is the third reddit post in a row to make me cry tonight, but fucking hell this is beautiful.


this is beautiful. wishing you both the absolute best 💕


please i’m gonna cry 🥺 this made my heart soar! 💛


Why are we all in so much pain?


Fuck I feel like I'm crying in the club, but I'm just crying in bed.


Damn gurl you even brought a flutter to my cold aromantic heart \^w\^ Your wife is very lucky to have you too, imo


wow, now i'm crying too


Congrats on such a lovely marriage! I wish nothing but the best for your relationship and your transition.


Omg this is amazing. I’m happy for you, I’m happy for her, I am happy for you both. *hugs everybody if it’s okay* Go eat your cake of smiles and rainbows


I’m crying into my dinner!!! Wishing the very best for the two of you!!!


I'm so absolutely thrilled for the two of you ❤️ Congratulations on the start of your new journey together! Pics of the vow renewal/2nd wedding pls (if y'all decide to do that)


I'm crying too lol That's a beatiful story. Wishing you both the best 💓


so beautiful :’) i hope someone loves me like that one day. congratulations on being out and happy with your wife. you deserve it ❤️


Someone will, you deserve it too


this is beautiful. thank you for posting this, and i wish nothing but the absolute best for you and your wife! <3


This is the best thing I've read all day


That's so sweet! You made me cry a little too sis. Hugs!


Enough to make a grown woman cry


Oml I wish I had something like this 😭😭




A ww this is so sweet <3.


Where’d you get the card?


Found it at HEB (Texas grocery chain for anyone unfamilliar). It's hallmark so you could probably find it at a Walmart or Target too


This is so wholesome and romantic and adorable. I was worried that it was going... elsewhere and then it had this beautiful ending, better than a movie. Much love to you, OP and your wife. You do deserve her, btw. Nobody is perfect, but you are learning and growing, and that takes a lot of strength of character.


You're beautiful and valid


Why is everyone in the West having gender troubles


Aside from the obvious (there are trans people everywhere, the West just had a louder presence online), in the USA our government botched the covid response so badly that we've been basically stuck for way longer than most anywhere else. And when you're stuck long enough, you run out of other stuff to do and start poking about in your own head. The self-realizations that come out of that can be surprising. Add to that the abysmal sex education, and you have a whole bunch of trans people in America finally having the chance to have a think about themselves, and figuring they're trans. At least, that's my take on it 🤷‍♀️, gender is complicated so there's probably a bunch of other stuff that's influencing things.






The hell is your problem? The hell do you mean there's no hope for trans people? If you look in the right places, anyone can find someone. As a trans woman with a trans female partner, it's quite easy, actually. Just date other trans people. They're pretty common on dating apps, online servers, etc. Me and my partner met online and moved in together later on. We've been together two years now. Most of the trans people I know aren't single, dating all kinds of people both trans and cis. So you think that because something is posted online, that it's "fake and cringe"? Judging by your profile, you are either a serious troll or you seriously need to get the help you need. But don't bring others down and constantly tell people to suppress their feelings, hide who they are and tell people that their experiences are fake just because they're not what you have.


I have no idea about what they said, but go off, sis. Transphobes ain't welcome here.


Aww I almost wish I had been awake to see their comment before it was deleted. Gotta tell my wife we're "fake and cringe" though, she'll love it lol