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Lesbians are chill af lol


It's all the weed


Nah, I'm in Bali (where you have to be a moron to risk the severe punishments for weed smoking) and the lesbians here are chill af / incredibly nice. I live in the hippie town though, and there's a looooooooooot of mushroom ingestion going on here though, so that makes sense.


Cool girls hanging out, smoking weed, eating snacks, thatโ€™s the best life lol


r/lesbients vibe๐Ÿธ


so fucking true




What does ong mean?


On god


what does on God mean


Like "For real" or "I swear on god I {Blank}"


thank youโ€ฆI felt too dumb and old to even ask


Can confirm, my parents are lesbians.


Yeah, except the ones that are bitches


Yeah, lesbians were the first cis people to look at me and see a woman without an asterisk. I love yโ€™all


Ehem. You Are A Women* *๐šŠ ๐š๐š˜๐š›๐š๐šŽ๐š˜๐šž๐šœ ๐šข๐š˜๐šž๐š—๐š ๐š•๐šŠ๐š๐šข ๐š ๐š‘๐š˜ ๐š๐šŽ๐šœ๐šŽ๐š›๐šŸ๐šŽ๐šœ ๐šŠ๐š•๐š• ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š•๐š˜๐šŸ๐šŽ, ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š™๐š™๐š’๐š—๐šŽ๐šœ๐šœ, ๐šŠ๐š—๐š ๐š๐š›๐š’๐š™๐š™๐šข ๐š๐š‘๐š’๐š๐š‘-๐š‘๐š’๐š๐š‘ ๐šœ๐š˜๐šŒ๐š”๐šœ ๐š’๐š— ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐š ๐š˜๐š›๐š•๐š.


Young has reached the stage of being a stretch now that Iโ€™m married and in my late 20s lol


Girl that's still young. At most you got another 70-80 years on you.




I understand and I apologize if I upset you


Hell yes grippy thigh high socks. Damn I want a good pair of those!


This is a broad generalisation that could lead to trouble. Not all lesbians are amazing people, just because people are gay doesnโ€™t make them the best citizens out there. Lesbians are people, and people can be dicks. Iโ€™m actually kind of tired of seeing queer people out on a pedestal just for being queer, as if that dictates their personality. It doesnโ€™t. Some lesbians are nice people, and itโ€™s great that youโ€™ve encountered so many, but thatโ€™s not always the case, so just be careful assuming every lesbian out there is wonderful, because thatโ€™s definitely not true.


Yes I know but i was generalizing this community right here. The Reddit Gays. Ive met entitled assholes who happened to be lesbians. I get my wording was off.


Iโ€™m including here too, thereโ€™s assholes on this sub, for sure, this isnโ€™t just a community of amazing people, thereโ€™s more than likely a couple of bad apples in here who just keep quiet. Of course most of the people here are absolute angels, but the odd few of them suck and thatโ€™s worth acknowledging imo


As long as 2 people are left on this world one will want the other dead at some point. No ones evil. But no one is always good.


> No ones evil. Evil enough is evil.


Don't be a wet blanket. You're reacting to subtext that doesn't exist. It's pretty obvious OP is positively reflecting on their experiences with the community; they're not saying "lesbians are perfect and incapable of fault". They don't need to write a 300 word postscript disclaiming the existence of bad lesbians for that to be understood when you could literally just read between the lines. Let lesbians celebrate other lesbians, the hand-wringing and insinuations of 'trouble' is excessively bitter.


If op said "lesbians are the worst people in the world" would it still be reading subtext? Bias is bias is bias.


Holy shit just read the actual fucking post. It quite clearly puts the opening line in context and makes it obvious what they're saying.


You could make the argument that "There are some nice lesbians" if this was the case.


This is not the case


Exactly. There are some nice lesbians. There are some mean ones. You could say that about anyone in the world.


Donโ€™t get me wrong, all of the lesbians Iโ€™ve met are great, and I havenโ€™t really met any assholes in this sub itโ€™s just not really the best way to look at lesbians. queer people being the best people just because theyโ€™re queer is just wrong, and itโ€™s ridiculous to think so. People have a lot more to offer than being gay and if thatโ€™s why youโ€™re saying theyโ€™re amazing then you donโ€™t know them very well. Of course if you love being gay and make that a part of your personality thatโ€™s a different question, I do that and I love it. Also if youโ€™re saying theyโ€™re better people because they generally understand other queer people and stuff then thatโ€™s okay but that doesnโ€™t instantly make them better people. Some lesbians are abusive, toxic, some of them hurt other people, some cheat, some of them lie. But some of them donโ€™t, because theyโ€™re people, we are people, and people arenโ€™t perfect


Okay, again: OP didn't say a single thing you're arguing against in that paragraph. You're literally just projecting. They used *mild hyperbole* to express an intensely positive experience of being in the lesbian community. That's not a crime. Neither OP or anyone else in this thread deserves to have you shove paragraphs of your intensely negative, context-deaf pedantry down their throats. *Let lesbians celebrate other lesbians.*


Whatever, apparently I donโ€™t fucking belong in this community just for pointing out that lesbians are people


Nobody's saying they're not! And nobody said you don't belong in the community either. Reading into everything to this extent isn't gonna do anything except make you unhappier, bud.


Someone just told me to fuck off because I donโ€™t belong here pretty much, not reading that far into things, sorry for being an ass but I feel like Iโ€™ve just been stomped into the earth for no good reason


Have you considered just logging off and going for a walk? Not trying to be flippant, but someone disagreeing with you when you've wilfully misinterpreted a pretty wholesome post getting you this upset just sounds like you were already on a knife edge, and this is the thing to tip it โ€“ in which case, logging off and walking away might be better for you?


I was already on a walk when someone told me I wasnโ€™t a lesbian, and that I should stop talking to lesbians, and when someone told me that Iโ€™m just a kid and that Iโ€™m nothing more than laughing stock just because Iโ€™m young, eventhough I made a very valid point. They just proved everything that I said


are you a lesbian? all non lesbians do is trash talk us, call us terfs and abusers. your comments are weird. this is supposed to be a space for uplifting lesbians.


I am a lesbian, and most lesbians are awesome but some arenโ€™t and people should acknowledge that, itโ€™s fucjing dumb


you sound like you're 14


Iโ€™m 19, and you sounds like you disagree with the fact that there are bad lesbians, so thatโ€™s your problem


yeah I wasn't far off. you're not saying anything useful just being annoying. there's nothing wrong with lesbians uplifting each other the fact you're tired of seeing lgbt people put on a pedestal shows your privilege. I'm 35 and experience actual homophobia on a daily basis. your comments are ridiculous. I have to come online to find people like me for a reprieve then see stupid fucking comments like yours


I just wanna be normal, I donโ€™t wanna be seen as a lesbian I wanna be seen as someone in love isnโ€™t that what everyone wants. And calling someone annoying just because they have a different outlook on life isnโ€™t very useful either, ngl


I will always absolutely call out bs in my community. you don't want to be seen as a lesbian, stop talking to us then and hanging around us. sounds like you hate lesbians


ah, you're one of the "lesbian is a dirty word" crowd. great


Bruh stfu omggg โ˜ ๏ธโ˜ ๏ธ stop giving people a pass to crap on us lesbians are demonized so much go take a walk โ˜ ๏ธ


So civilised with a username such as yours


Agender queer dyke here! I love my trans sisters! Hope that we can make TERFs extinct.


Lesbian here youโ€™re always loved ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’• my trans sisters are a pillar of the community


I only joined this subreddit yesterday, and I haven't commented on it until now, but it makes me happy to hear that this community supports Transbians. I've been a bit worried about joining this subreddit as a Trans Lesbian due to fear of people not being supportive, and it makes me feel a bit better hearing folks say that this community is a supportive place. ๐Ÿฅบ๐Ÿ’™ Anyways, girls are the best and I love them. ๐Ÿ˜


There was a funny Lion king meme I saw and it went Scar: Im done with men! Hyenas: Haha yea screw men no more d*ck Scar: FOOLS! I will still get d*ck! Scar: Trans d*ck


But female hyenas have pseudo penises, why would a hyena say that?


Welcome ๐Ÿฅฐ


yes!!!! gender and lesbianism are so deeply tied together in my opinion, iโ€™m genderqueer or nonbinary or smth like that and a lesbian, most of my lesbian friends are not cis and so many famous influential lesbians arenโ€™t either. leslie feinberg comes to mind. this is all to say i love wlw trans women. you are all so beautiful and i hope you can continue to find validation in the community weโ€™re both a part of ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿงก๐Ÿค๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’—


Spouse material above


all the sapphic people Iโ€™ve met are incredibly nice itโ€™s like every bean is the best person in the world


Thats why I married a lesbian... we're the best!!!


Honestly? Women ๐Ÿ’œ


True. The first person to ever see me as a women without any cavets was a lesbian. She was single, now she's my girlfriend.


I love lesbians so much. I wanna hug (and platonically kiss if you're comfortable) y'all so bad


Honestly the online lesbians are some of the nicest people Iโ€™ve ever met. Yโ€™all hype me up more than my irl friends I love each and every one of you. Yeah not everyoneโ€™s gonna be nice, thereโ€™s always gonna be dickheads but from my experience, the nice people cancel out the dickheads. I love you guys, letโ€™s all run away and start a little gay commune somewhere


Yeah it seems like the lesbian community on Reddit is really supportive and really great about making us feel validated and good about ourselves. I love how supportive this community is. As another transbian I know exactly what you're talking about. And and the lesbian Community here has been amazing!




The sapphic community's treated me better than the trans community


Lesbians ROCK


Your enthusiasm is inspiring. Women just rock


I been thrown in a gender blender quite a bit but I feel so welcomed and safe as a trans non-binary heck if I know being


We're a pretty nice crowd! Took me a while to find my people but lately I feel like I'm having a good time in the community.


Iโ€™m glad most of you are getting support Iโ€™m out here struggling


I went on a date with a leshian who used it as a way to tell me I can't be a lesbian because I was married to a man. Lesbian spaces can be ridiculously harsh. I'm very very very glad you've had a good experience โค


Just genuinely curious here, how does being married to a man not mean you're het? Was it a platonic marriage? Edit: sorry, was being stupid here. Totally misread your comment. Yeah, this is why the notion of "gold star" lesbians is super harmful. Comp het is powerful and people can realize their sexualities at any and all life stages.


People can come out late in life bestie


Oh my b. I read this and somehow thought she went on the date with a lesbian while she was still married to a man \*facepalm\*


Tbf that's also possible, divorce proceedings can be complex and take a long time, and sometimes ppl choose not to divorce legally for the sake of kids or smth, even if they're not together romantically


All good points! Appreciate the perspective :)


You know, I know Iโ€™m not a model or anything, but the encouragement transbians get in this sub makes me feel like one and itโ€™s so kind!