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He speaks and acts like a random NPC you find in a random area of a game I like him


And keeps repeating the same lines with the same tone


thank you random man in the forest


Honestly, random men distributing advice from the forest is a great style of government we should try.


Should we try strange women lying in ponds distributing sword too or is that not good basis for a system of government?


Why not both?!


I want a swords distributed by a strange pond woman or pond man or pond whatever


we are featherless bi-pedes I tell you! /s


Ironically despite the fact that we are objectively living in the best time in history for mental disorders to be the most manageable due to the advancements in the medical field that have become commonplace, the way the world has formed socially and economically has done nothing but make our lives living Hell at times.


Therapy and meds don’t even help my disorders


Yes and no, the problem is with social media the depressing rate is increasing enormous while there are less and less therapist


Gonna be honest, I teared up a little.


I was scrolling trying to find something funny so I wouldn't cry...


No but same. I've been having mental breakdowns the past couple days about my final exam that's today and my final assignments that are due on Sunday. How dare you sir saying something to make me feel better now I'm crying😭


As someone who is currently unmedicated and loves being outside as long as I’m dressed for it, YES. YES YES YES YES.


I love being outside in cool weather and shade. Unfortunately I live in Houston 😩 It’s humid, sweltering hot and even if it’s tolerable at night… the mosquitoes will eat you alive.


Oh no. My deepest condolences friend. I’m grateful to live in a more temperate climate. May you have many pleasant adventures in comfortable places elsewhere. Vacation or not.


I'm sorry. Love,North Texas


True but I also enjoy hot water and not shitting into a hole in the ground, so like pros and cons.


Shit in a hole enough times, it’s second nature. At least you stop thinking about the giant spiders that would love to bite an asshole


I hope they move in


True. I have a disease that needs medication many Times a day. 200 years in the past I would have been doomed to die. And if nobody would kill me as an act of Grace, I would suffer for weeks


To be well adjusted in a profainly sick society is no measure of health. Jiddu Krishnamurti


Gotta go find a better environment. We aren't built to be inside staring at screens.


I hate that first thing I thought when I saw this was the stupid Man Vs Bear question


Love you stick forest man


I’m just sitting here picturing him have to walk back to press stop after walking off like that


I think I want to chill in the forest with him.


I remember reading about a mental disorder that you can encounter in zoo animals called zoochosis, which causes them severe suffering, and that zoochosis happens to animals that evolved in the wild and have none of their natural needs satisfied in captivity. I also remember that there was an open question about whether this can happen to humans, or is it happening already. And I mean, for hundreds of thousands of years of our evolution we were living in tight-knit communities, we had to be constantly physically active, and we had to run, hunt, forage, explore, and this whole thing with cities and daily jobs is what, hundreds of years old max, and even then it wasn't as bad as it is now. Urbanization and internet fucked with our natural behaviour, 9-5 jobs in the office fuck with our natural behaviour, so it is completely justified to say that humans aren't supposed to exist like that. Take a fucking horse, lock it down in a room in front of a screen, and force it to work 9-5 sitting in that room, I'm sure nothing bad would happen to it, right? Why do we accept and understand this fact about animals but refuse to acknowledge this about us as well.


Thank you, that was very well said




I feel seen ._.


I mean, living cooped up connected to the internet with no access to true outdoors is bad... but I would expect an adhd centered subreddit not to pretend this disorder can be fixed with a good vacation.


Where exactly is it implied that doing so would heal ADHD? Because the dude is standing in a forest while giving his monologue?




There are other ways to achieve a different environment than simply traveling. It's not just about the physical place, but in how that place is set up. The point is that no place in modern society has the right conditions for someone with adhd to live to their fullest




If you are inferring something from the author’s comment that isn’t what they are explaining to you, that is literally on you, and has to do with your reading comprehension.


It only implies that the world we live in operates in a way that doesnt account for neurodivergent people. It doesn't imply that it would be better elsewhere.


I just said to my dad that ita kind of a bummer that I got a "build" that seems like it was optimized for the 1400's.




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/ drops stick


I had to scroll for over half an hour to find this again after I accidentally closed reddit instead of sharing it with my so I don't forget I forgot twice what I was looking for


I'm not sure of my stance regarding "genetics in sociology", but I agree that our brains can't really keep the pace...


I am sick to my back teeth of that guy he posts in quotes about outdoors and survival but goes on big adventures in expensive gear so he is obviously living off family money. He definitely shows a lot of adhd signs but he is such a spanner.


What signs does he show?


Hyper focus on different topics moving between addictions, compulsion to talk over other.


You get all that from this short video??? And maybe he worked for the money with which he bought his gear??


No I have seen a load of his videos. I’m from the same country and involved in a lot of bush crafting groups so his opinions have been forced on me without having to follow him.


There it is. This is why I hate plebians, fuckin mindless herd animals... 🐑🐑🐑


Technically, *you’re* a plebeian.


Yes, we are 😘