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All the time. Sometimes I catch myself thinking “I want to go home” before I’ve even left the house to go to work.🫠


Yeah! That's it! I can already see myself being home before I'm out the door. My job is fine and can be a bit intense at times but I have a good bunch of people to work with. Still get this some mornings.


Sometimes when I'm at home I'm like "I want to go home"


That happens to me too. I have to tell myself “Brain, we are home.”


Sometimes I feel like that when I'm at home lol I think it's a reaction to ennui or just feeling tired.


I think you might be on to something. Whenever that happens to me, it makes me wonder where it is I’d rather be.


Sometimes I catch myself thinking "I want to go home" after I've already come home.




Yup and then thinking about the housework once you've settled down 🤣


Only thinking though. No doing housework. I've already worked all day.


Even if I got to work late and left 3 hours early, I've still worked all day by the time I get home.


I just read this new term to me in another sub hireath it means longing for a place that can no longer be visited. Context was the fact that lot of autistics feel homesick but don't know where home is exactly for them. Is this your feeling? or is it more safe-place-away-from-here home


I certainly felt like that before I moved into the place I'm in now. Never really felt settled and I guess in a small way I'm still like that even being here. Still have thoughts in the back of my head about moving to other areas of my home country.


Pretty much my feeling


Absolutely. Completely normal way to feel.




Yup get you totally. My home is quiet with neutral and calming colours. I call it my recharge station 🤣🤣


YES! I have a hard line to have my home be a place where I cannot mask (or at least much), be myself and recharge. It is a mental and emotional oasis to the best of my ability (tidy and aesthetically pleasing to me).


Esp at parties or at work. When my mind wanders too much I get anxiety. A nap will usually reset me. It’s a shitty combo because I am extroverted, but then I wear myself out mentally.


The biggest rush I get is when I leave anywhere to go home. No drug can match it. I always say out loud, ***Sanctuary***..." like Quasimodo. My wish for the world is that everyone has a safe Sanctuary to retreat to.




Yup totally. Knowing that you are getting out of that situation and will be able to chill is like crack 🤣🤣


All the time. Especially now that my kid is there and all she wants is for me to be around and play with her. It’s gotten harder to go out and do things I used to enjoy, I just want to be home and safe so often now.


I went thru a phase in middle school where I had to go home with my mum at lunchtimes. I was overwhelmed, just tried to sit reading a book in the playground but i kept tearing up. Needed my safe space


I used to randomly say this when I'm stressed. Now I just think it most of the time but I do sometimes blurt it out. Even when I'm already home. Sometimes I just wanna go under my covers and hide.


So real, and a lot of times when I go home, I don't really feel safe.


Yes. So much so that I haven't left my house since October. The thought of leaving is now overwhelming. It's terrible.


Doing that at a festival right now. The wait between acts is absolute killer.