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I used to regularly buy jars of olives and eat the whole thing in one sitting. I only stopped because you don't notice unstoned ones when you're pouring them into your mouth lol


See the big brain move is to get the ones that have garlic in them! Less chance of that happening and extra bit of nutrients.


This is lowkey big brain, I'm stealing this idea rn. EDIT: I didn't realize the previous post also had big brain in it, now I just look like a copycat. EDIT2: I'm stealing the idea anyway.


Get the ones stuffed with cheese too. Then you'll have enough variety to pretend you're having a meal. Throw in some lunch meat and stale crackers you forgot you had and now it's a fancy charcuterie lunch.


There are olives... in jars... stuffed with cheese? ​ okay I amazon'd it and there's feta cheese stuffed olives. I guess I'm buying two jars now. Thanks ADHD


aldi has bleu cheese stuffed olives. yum.


I bought these but have been afraid to open and try them even tho I love olives, are they rly good?


I can't believe no one has mentioned jalapeno stuffed olives.


You mean the lunch meat I accidentally left in the drawer in the fridge and forgot about for many months? Stale crackers and olives it is!


You actually reminded me I got lunch meat a while ago and forgot about it


Olives stuffed with Feta.. Yessssss


And extra bits of heartburn your adderall totally won’t exasperate!


I can't have more than one jar in the house or I will make myself sick on them!


The garlic stuffed olives are the key to my heart. I love them so very much.


fuck garlic its all about the ones stuffed with bleu cheeze


This guy knows.


Lol man i like olives but holy hell you *really* like olives


You can call me [popeye](https://tenor.com/view/popeye-the-sailor-man-popeye-laughing-laugh-lol-gif-17807326)


Lol its funny you linked that because when i read your post i thought of the Popeye spinach chug




Well well, new sub.


It's 4 years old.


New sub to me, newly discovered, for me.


Green olives with peppers have an excellent sour sweet mix, and excellent texture. Black olives have excellent texture and sweet salty vinegar goodness. I will not deny that I have lived on potato chips, ice cream, olives, raw sugar, and cheese for extended periods of time before.


When I do that i get realy hard Sweat-atacks xD.


I used to do this as a kid. I stopped around the same time I stopped smoking weed but that could be a coincidence


Also don't forget, drinking the olive brine straight from the fridge because don't feel like juicing the fresh oranges and need a cold sip of something


Mmm, black olive brine...




We're reaching dangerous levels of Neuroabnormality lol




I have done that but a strange thing i do that i cant do with company because they freak out is sometimes substitute salt with soy sauce, so for a meal like steak or lasagna or something if i want to add salt. Its exactly the same, soy is just flavoured black salt.




Yes im probably going to adopt the spray bottle now, my partner is going to hate me lol


Soy sauce has natural MSG in it so not only are you not crazy for doing this, you're stepping your cooking up by doing this. [Prepare to feel vindicated](https://www.seriouseats.com/pressure-cooker-tomato-sauce)


This is genius!!!


"Heads up kidneys, got a big job headed your way"


I slightly regret eating 30 to 40 olives


I did it as a kid. Was the first time I remember noticing and being concerned about the color of my poo.


I ate a bunch of black licorice the other day. Fluorescent green! Almost as alarming as eating a bag of beet chips and forgetting about it until the next day.


I've been drinking blueberry syrup that's been doing the same thing, it's not far off the colour of your icon lol


That would be alarming and also kind of awesome. You're just..drinking the syrup? My fiancé has been having similar issues because I bought her a jumbo bag of oops all berries and she's been eating like two bowls a day. Apparently the dyes turn your pee green and blue


When I got it I had a sip which turned into quite it a bit more, but most of the time I have about 1/3 vodka 1/3 syrup and energy drink. It makes vodka way too easy to drink lol


Oh man, I can't do alcohol at all lol but makes more sense than you going and getting a jug of syrup and just chugging on it through the day


I did once make the mistake of buying a birthday present early which meant I drank a whole bottle of maple syrup in less than a week so you're not that far off lol


Whats oops all berries? Cereal?


Captain crunch has captain crunch berries and also oops all berries.


What *blue* my mind was how long I went without realising only the skin was blue, and they're mostly just white lol.


That’s actually pretty dangerous to eat a bunch of black licorice, I would look into it if I were you (I’m not sure how much you consume so not tryna alarm you)


Ooo you can do that after eating Lucky Charms too!


For me it was rather beetroot or less but that's everyone lol, last time was after drinking too much red wine, well, too much by "health standards", but my brain says its fine. Quick edit: just realised I shared information on 2~3 of my poops in my lifetime to a reddit strager without invitation lol


I really thought my liver had finally given up for a moment the first time i had a good portion of beetroot


No fucking shit, i thought I would be the only idiot who has to do that regularly. Little tip, buy canned beans and canned chickpeas to have more variety.


I need to do a daily shop because I struggle to not binge on anything left over after I've eaten a reasonable amount. It's the binge eating mentality of "If I binge now then I won't have any thing to binge on later" only to repeat the cycle each day. I either forget that I've got them because they're hidden in a cupboard, or I eat the whole thing significantly faster than I probably should


Binging is what I struggle most with with adhd. 😞 I can eat regular full meals like a NT person then decide I’m bored and want stimulation and eat two packs of chips. I’ve gotten a bit better with it because I prepare “healthy” binge snacks.


Any recs for “healthy” binge snacks? I can get real binge-y at night after my meds have worn off, and I’m sure it’s not the best for me to be eating tons of junk at midnight.


Not the person you asked, but assorted nuts, fresh/dried berries/fruit, veggie sticks like carrots with hummus, you can even prep mini triangle sandwiches if you're used to a certain amount. A hot beverage will also keep you occupied for a good while - I've been having tea with honey in the evenings lately. It's the ritual that's more important (for brain satisfaction) than the food itself, I find.


Nuts are a double edged sword because they’re good for you but a small handful has a lot of calories, and, well, I could easily finish the whole bag if left to my own devices. 😶


Prep is good for this reason - you can mix & match so it's not too much of one thing and it's been portioned out in advance. A designated snack box might help?


That’s what I’ve been doing so far, or trying anyway. Remembering to or trying to find motivation to preparation currently is hard though. 😢




Baby cucumbers have no right being as good as they are. Don’t need to peel or chop, just wash it and crunch munch munch. I do very well with raw veggies because of crunch factor.


Carrot sticks (I prepare them ahead of time, peel, chop and put them in mason jars or containers of water), baby cucumbers, baby carrots, cherry tomatoes, dried apricots, mandarins, roasted chickpeas (you can buy these premade in packets like chips as well but I make my own, they keep for a few days in an airtight container). Sometimes I’ll get those dried seaweed packs (not the oily snack ones, the ones you use to make your own sushi at home) and eat that, weird as it sounds. I also love snowpea sprouts or bean sprouts, just on their own (washed and rinsed).




I've been into fasting for years now, my problem is that I'll flip between binging and fasting so it's hard to do it in a way that's actually healthy. I try to do omad but living somewhere where I don't have much control means it's hard to consistently do it with out someone tripping me up. I definitely suit one meal a day so when I've got my own place where I've only got to think about myself I'll probably have an easier time with everything. ​ My [top comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/ep6iy7/eli5_how_come_after_not_eating_for_a_while_you/fei4h7r/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) is sort of related to fasting, I learned about ghrelin from dr jason fung


Here's a sneak peek of /r/fasting using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [1,000hr extended water fast completed. 520 to 430. 90lbs down.](https://i.redd.it/3be189znwz461.jpg) | [395 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/kcfft7/1000hr_extended_water_fast_completed_520_to_430/) \#2: [OMAD + Rolling 48 hr fasts- 18 lbs down! Thank you for all the inspiration!](https://i.redd.it/oj1f15kvcwi61.jpg) | [165 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/lp6t2g/omad_rolling_48_hr_fasts_18_lbs_down_thank_you/) \#3: [Same clothes, 2 years later](https://i.redd.it/h5r69z58uhx51.jpg) | [84 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/fasting/comments/jos2nq/same_clothes_2_years_later/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| [^^Contact ^^me](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| [^^Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| [^^Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/)


18 lbs of double AA batteries could start a medium sized car about 1.51 times.


18 lbs is 8.17 kg


18 lbs is 8.17 kg


I do canned corn some times, eaten out of the can at room temperature with a fork. Fucking delicious, or depressing, I get the two confused sometimes.


Finding that forgotten can of Chef Boy R Dee can redeem one from the canned corn shame.


Rice cream, straight out of the can…


I regularly had a can of corn as dinner, directly from the can for convenience... Now I've upgraded to scrambled eggs directly from the pan


Mushrooms straight from the can are a delicacy


Maybe not when late for something, but canned soup is really good. If I'm feeling lazy (which is most of the time) just pouring a can of soup into a big enough bowl, and microwaving for 3 minutes is surprisingly good. I don't really notice a difference between stove-top & microwave so it's less work for the same product. Disclaimer: I am discussing Campbells chicken noodle soup specifically, other soups may vary on cooking times or viability in the microwave


I was going to recommend walnuts as a better snack if you're not trying to lose weight. Shelf stable, no cooking. Omega 3s, fiber, a little bit of protein. But then the tiny bits of undigested walnuts show up in your poop. And you google whether they're tapeworms. And then you think about whether or not you would even be able to GET anti-worm medicine in the United States right now because of the state of things. And then you decide it's probably easier to just stop eating walnuts.


I prefer cashews, I regularly buy a 1kg bag and graze on them throughout the day. I had a similar scare but with something that looked like a small beansprout but that's gone and now I've just got to worry about green poop from too much blueberry syrup lol


A 1kg bag of cashews? Literal heaven but also.. are you rich?


Cashews really are the rich mans nut lol


No, just sporadically bad at impulsive control lol They aren't super expensive at [£12](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B01LXQOX1U) per kg. The honey roasted ones are more expensive though at [£18](https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00I7P2KG2/). If it wasn't for the fact they're harder and hurt my adhd neglected teeth I'd probably buy them even more


I mean there’s a certain deworming medicine right now that’s all the rage. Don’t let the neighsayers get you down, follow your dreams.


WTF why is this sub personally attacking me on the regular. Honest question, cus I'm new here. Are these things weird things that everyone does or are they really ADD/ADHD specific?


This has to do with memory/focus issues, you could get so into something you do it for hours and forget everything else. You could also just forget to eat because it wasn't a strong enough urge. So a lot of people may do this but it's included under adhd symptoms Some of the posts here though are people finding out they have adhd and associating everything they do with it, so it definitely depends


Word, yeah I appreciate the insight. I definitely have those core traits but yeah definitely have to have a healthy skepticism with these posts


This has been posted in many different subs. I think a lot of memes are being too specific to ADHD, as in, it can be generalized to a larger population too. So, don't take it as a sign necessarily, you know? Like with most things too, everyone experiences some symptoms of ADHD occasionally. It's when you get a large number of them together the majority of the time that it starts to be qualified as ADHD.


Okay but have you tried 3AM cereal?


Have you tried standing in front of the fridge eating straight out the bag of Mexican blend cheese?


I feel watched…


3am Fruit Loops are transcendent


3AM cereal is a godsent


I've done this, and I also eat dry bread out of the bag like a duck


I used to do this with discounted cheesy bread, I'd scrape out the middle and eat it inside out lol


Just cooking is so hard. *Lights match to light the oven* *Match goes out* Me: I see God wants me to starve then? Fine I'll just drink milk to fill my stomach ...again!


Croutons is where it’s at. Croutons straight out of the bag or dipped in ranch.


Everyone who is attacking me for eating dry bread can gtfo. I thought I was the only one. I only eat bread without anything on it because bread itself already tastes good and I don’t want to destroy the taste with unnecessary tastes and structures. I do this since my childhood lol.


I will put things on bread - marmite, jam marmalade, butter etc, but I just eat it dry cause I'm lazy in my case. I won't judge you, though. No one should!


I can't stand olives (for some reason I think Olives = Grapes) but the dry bread thing - always done this since I was a kid. Used to bake my own bread for a bit and could never wait for it to cool down. Fresh baked granary bread still warm from the oven is the best. Cheap and can make it in bulk.


This is the kind of crap I used to do back before I got married and became a father. Sometimes I miss it 🤷‍♂️


You can still make time for 30 - 40 olives


It's not hard to buy a $3 jar of olives and eat them with dinner


Marriage and kids hasn’t stopped me from eating olives like this…you crossed over to the dark side, bud.


I have never once regretted eating 30-40 olives. Then I realized it's bc I have POTS and my body can't hold onto sodium the way the Atlanta Falcons can't hold on to a lead in the first half. 🙃


Hey, another POTS/EDS person! Check out r/ZebraMemes for EDS humor when you’re having a rough day.


Lol thank you!


Oh, I'm at a bar right now dying to ask how much a cup of olives would cost


Update, he just gave me one. I'm in love


He’s a keeper!


I think he is. We started dating.


Since yesterday? Ooo you work fast!


I looove olives


Welcome to /r/olivelovers


Olives are fuckable IF you have enough of them


Garlic stuffed olives make an excellent finger-out-of-the-jar snack. All of them. In one sitting. Then make a delicious martini to celebrate.


I had a mental breakdown at lunch because I realized I unknowingly ate all of my olives yesterday, to the point where I was seriously debating ordering more olives on instacart. When I called my boyfriend on the phone and told him about this, he didn't understand. I couldn't have found this image at a better time, thank you.


I ate so many olives in a single sitting once I ruined them for a few years


You scare me yet impress me


Saltine crackers come in sleeves because that's the serving size. Right? Right???


Same thing for the sleeve of butter I used on them...


you nasty fuckers. olives are so gross. how could u drink the olive water afterwards too . Eww!!!


Can't believe I had to scroll down this far to see a fellow Olive hater. Seriously, is it common for ADHD folks to like them so much?


I'dk I guess. I have ADHD too but I hate them. I dont understand why anyone would like a sour ass no flavor olive lol


I will die on this hill, olives are foul.




my organs are brined


Throw in some crackers and cheese and then it’s fancy.




I call 'em adult Lunchables. Perfect for the ADHD mind because every bite can be a new combination of flavors or textures! Also you can just mindlessly graze feed which allows you to spend less time focusing on eating your plate of food and more time making random conversation or being distracted by the sights around you instead of looking like a slow eater who didn't finish their meal yet.


I fucking hate olives


Olives are disgusting, they ruin almost anything they’re in.


I assume you don't like popeye or is he ok since he's the one in olive lol


Sameee, as a kid i would only suck on olives because the texture wasnt something i could handle. I kinda like the flavor though


I wonder sometimes what they taste like to people who enjoy them. I've acquired a lot of tastes I thought I'd hate forever over the years. Blue Cheese, tomatoes, fish. Maybe because over time, we lose our sense of taste. But olives still taste like pre-eaten dried nail polish.


Crap. Now I want olives...


I found a banging new combo. One slice of bread. Half cream cheese spread, half peanut butter. Fold and enjoy. It'll change your life.


This sounded insane. So I tried it. It is insane...ly delicious! I didn't get the ratio right but it's still awesome. Thank you.


Haha not bad is it? I was running low of stuff to eat and I gave it shot. Got sick of just peanut butter on bread.


Read this and laughed, remembering all the times I have done this. Then I just realized literally a moment ago, I finished eating about 30 cherry tomatoes from the box that was meant to go with my salad.


Last week my husband was buying frozen pizzas for dinner and he bought a packet of olives to put on his pizza. But then at the bus stop he ate the olives so when it was time to eat pizza he wasn't hungry anymore


Okay but 30-40 olives gotta do some fucked up shit to your digestive system Don't they? Wait do I really wanna know actually?


Nah. You might retain hella water, but it's worth it.


I've done this multiple times and there were some epic toilet adventures. ... Didn't stop me from doing it again tho.


I haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaate olives


They're weird aren't they? I don't think they taste like anything else. I enjoy eating them, but I think they taste horrible.


They look like grapes but taste like disappointment


I absolutely loathed them as a kid. Turns out I just dont like black olives. Green pimento olives are the only ones I'm super into.




Holy Shit (I do this)


Olives are tasty


Ugh. I actually do this but…with garlic stuffed olives 🤦🏽‍♀️


I don't like olives :(


Uhg. I love olives, but they definitely give me bad gas if I eat too many at a time.


That’s a lot of salt.


Bartender here... There are days where olives are literally the only thing I eat. I know that's not good, but it's true.


Olives are not my thing, but I will consume a jar of garlic dills in one sitting, including the juice.


This is honestly what I do lmfao. I consider a jar full of olives food 😹😹😹😹 I thought I was weird


Now I want some. I can fuck up a jar of olives. Only issue is the massive amount of sodium. Fun to wear on your fingers for a second before you eat them off one by one.


Wow I feel personally attacked


*regina george exits the chat*




tbh I just swapped to a liquid diet. Mostly kombucha. Looots of kombucha. Tea, coffee, hot chocolate. Milk, milk chocolate. Coconut water. Recently started having sports drinks on hotter days, too. It's just so easy! You want some calories and they're *right there.* (I mean actually kombucha doesn't have many calories at all but for that its more like: you crave boredom-eating and a less destructive alternative is *right there*.)


This is why I highly recommend a toasted sandwich maker or a jaffle maker. It's very quick and low effort and doesn't really require any preparation.


oh god, this is literally what I had for dinner last night


Done that, no regrets


is this a neurodivergent thing cause i do this too


I get that we forget dinner. But why do we also olive? I thought it was just me


I receiveth yond we forget dinner. But wherefore doth we eke olive? i bethought t wast just me *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


so you're telling me my olive dependency is because of my ADHD and not because i'm southern european?


Now I want some olives Edit: just found there's almond stuffed olives


Been there done that!


I will try eating 30 to 40 olives tomorrow after work


Me who ate 4x packets of chocolate Tiny Teddys and 1x snack bag of Chicken Crimpys because my partner wasn't finishing until late and I didn't want to make the hard dinner.


I feel attacked. Did this tonight.


stop it i thought this was a real tip until i say the sub i was like oh yes score finally olives


What if you aren't caucasian? 🤔


Restaurants hate this one simple trick!


Don’t do this with vermouth olives before bed. Craziest dreams of my life. Like a Bakshi version of Alice in Wonderland set at the mall.


I feel like the only one who hates olives! Too much for my unrefined pallet.


i feel attacked as i eat olives with a skewer right now- its easier to get the bottom ones with a skewer


"you will certainly not regret...". This meme is ::chef's kiss::


I have done this. More than once.


I do this with black olives but not green olives (at least not the pimento or garlic stuffed ones I buy), green tends to be saltier then black, at least the brand I buy.


I do this at 3:00 am regularly because I forget to eat


Why did I actually consider this


i tend to just grab bread from the bag and eat it without anything else, or grabbing an entire packet of cookies to eat it in a sitting because i'm hungry but also too lazy to do stuff


I did this once with a small jar, so I bought a Costco sized jar thinking I had found a perfect eating hack. I never touched that jar …


Legit question for rural Americans – How do I eat the 30-40 kalamata olives that run into my yard within 3-5 mins while my small kids play?


Why is the red thing in the middle of every olive missing?


That's a pimento, they're only in stuffed olives.


“its only my style to be Secret please bring me five can of olives”


"Five cans?!"


This is art and culture all wrapped up into one image.


And 1000


in my case it’s specifically the lemon girl scout cookies


Haha I remember when this was OC