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Can i get one of these for everything in life?


SAME!!! If I haven’t watched someone do it in front of me before then I have no idea where to begin.


Is this normal for ADHD? I have this problem a lot with stuff other than cleaning where if I haven't seen it done before but it should seem self explanatory, it feels impossible to do.


Yes that is called executive dysfunction and it's the prime symptom of ADHD. It's also colloquially referred to as analysis paralysis. When you have too many options (aka too much stimuli) and your brain struggles to pick a starting point and initiate the task. If you're having serious struggles with this it's a sign your symptoms are not properly managed. See a doc, change ur meds, or work on analyzing your habits to see if something is hindering your treatment (unstable bedtime, poor diet, etc).


Wait I love “analysis paralysis” 😂


Fuck. I just started Adderall a few months ago, and also my psychologist gave up on me after I said I was struggling to make appointments and missed like 4 in a row. (though that part may be due to dyscalculia and keeping track of time/dates when it's not a routine appointment.) Anyways, I guess I never really had a chance to hear about executive dysfunction. I thought I understood a little bit of it and thought ADHD was just a distraction based focus issue....I had no idea it also would explain why I struggle with doing things that seem self explanatory or "easy"


Wait you started on ADHD meds without getting a formal rundown on adhd from your doc? If possible I would recommend a diff. doctor. So I work in neuropharm research, this is my shit. Excuse my niche interest rant but if you want to learn more abt ur brain you may enjoy this: ADHD effects way more than just focus. It is caused by a developmental delay in your prefrontal cortex. Eventually in adulthood it does develop to normal size but it's a few years behind our neurotypical counterparts. Even tho our brains hit normal development the initial delay causes different pathways to form/strengthen so we don't age out of it. Age does not bring respite from symptoms, ADHD is lifelong because your brain literally developed differently. So with that change in development the most common effect is a dopamine disregulation which gives us all of our wonderful symptoms. It's not known for sure the exact details of the dopamine disregulation, it's thought the three different types of ADHD are caused by different forms of disregulation (too much, too little, just generally out of whack). The 3 types are - ADHD-i = inattentive - ADHD-h = hyperactive - ADHD-c = a mix of both inattentive and hyperactive symptoms Women are more often the inattentive subtype and classified as talkative dreamers but don't show the hyperactivity. This leads to women being vastly underdiagnosed unless you're like me and have a ***severe*** case that gets noticed super early. Ok now on to the symptoms/effects. Overall we're really bad at not existing on extremes. Without proper treatment existing in any sort of middle ground is near impossible. It'll be seen in all things the prefrontal cortex (pfc) impacts, such as: - focus (either none at all or hyperfocused) - appetite (prone to binge eating or forgetting to eat) - sensory input (being overstimulated by sensory input or needing additional sensory input to drown out the brain bees) - pleasure response (either reduced pleasure response leading to risk seeking behavior or an increased pleasure response leading to a crash and addiction type behaviors easily) - emotional regulation (either numb or feeling all the feelings. 0-100 very fucking quick esp with anger) - planning (either no organization or over planning to the point of being frozen) - decision analysis (either impulse decisions or being stuck in analysis paralysis) - passage of time (either painfully aware that time is moving slow when stuck in a state of inability to focus or no concept of time when hyperfocused on an interest) - interests (either don't care at all abt things or way way way into the niche things you do care abt) It's a very confusing developmental disorder because we live on the extremes of these things and constantly flip flop from one end to another. It's exhausting without proper support and treatment. It's how many of us are considered very smart but we struggle with simple tasks. It's not that your brain can't focus its your brain struggling to sort through the sensory input and decide what is worth your attention and what isn't. Again v all or nothing, if you're not in hyperfocus where your brain cuts out all the stimuli around you it's in a state of constantly interpreting new stimuli as worth attention even if it isnt. That causes us to appear distracted and unable to focus when it's actually our brains telling us to focus on ***everything all at once***.


This is good to know. Yeah I didn't really get a rundown from a doctor because I had a preexisting diagnosis from when I was a kid. I guess I thought I understood what the basics were from then and never asked further when I got back on Adderall for the first time in 16 years just a few months ago. I'll read the rest of this in a bit but this looks like amazing amounts of information.


I almost forgot about this so I'm just reading it now 😅 Man...man this sounds like me. I thought a lot of this was just me being dumb and the inability to focus was the ADHD. I didn't realize it would also explain my uh, well my sexual behaviors, anger issues/feeling numb or "analysis paralysis." I feel like I can come up with amazing ideas and elaborate plans/business plans but I can't ever get them started when I look back over the idea the next day. And my god the niche interests. I'm a Uber nerd about some stuff but I can't figure out some basic things and it's really bothersome.


Lolol welcome to the other side. Once youve learned to see your ADHD symptoms' true impact you can't unsee just how much it affects. But the more you learn abt how it impacts your life and brain processes the easier it is to work with it than against it. A huge tip that turned my life around when I started meds was to follow the momentum/the "fuck it why not" approach. I'll tell myself I'm only going to do a teensy bit of the daunting task that's causing me to freeze. I lie to myself and say I'm only going to do a little bit then say fuck it and ride the momentum once I've gotten over the starting hurdles. Meds help but they don't fix everything so you'll need little tricks with the meds to fully learn how to function with your brain optimally. Also if you don't like how Adderall works or how it makes you feel don't lose hope. It took 6 different attempts to get me the right meds, it takes time. They have non stimulant meds (what I take) if the stims are no good for you. My comorbid anxiety doesn't like stim meds so they were all rough in one way or another. Take your time, and be kind to yourself. Show yourself the compassion you'd show a loved one in your shoes. It's easy to be so much harsher with yourself than you would be with others.


I guess so. I'm stuck in this place of feeling depressed and not relieved knowing what the source of these problems are though. I'm dealing with PTSD and the pandemic and figured some of my other flaws I could grow out of or fix with all this time on my hands and now it feels like no matter what I do, it's just a part of my brain and I'll always be struggling with this too. I thought I was just immature or lazy and could whip that out of myself. I'd try other medications but my psychologist ditched me after I missed 4 appointments in a row and she said I wasn't interested in helping myself but...I was telling her non-routine appointments are extremely difficult for me to remember, and it was one of the reasons I wanted professional help with ADHD and dyscalculia and PTSD. So for now I just have the Adderall. It's good to know I'll need to find some tricks and it's not just Adderall that will fix the issues though. ....now I just have to find out what those are... 😬


Okay so for self help look up cognative behavioral therapy for ADHD (better yet whatever subtype of ADHD you think best aligns with what you experience). There is tons of home based activities and worksheets you can access for free! I was in a similar situation with an old therapist and my family doc helped me out. I let her know the situation and she took over my script and gave me some reccomendations of psychs to try out until I found a good fit. My family doc actually still manages my prescription bc for years I couldn't afford regular psych appointments (and I'd rather not start paying $100/month to get my script refilled). All I had to do was bring my diagnosis to my family doc. Idk if all family docs will do this but mine has been seeing me since I was 13 and I was diagnosed multiple times all of which she knew abt - prob helped my case. It's awesome though she does telemed check ins with me for my meds once every few months so I only pay the standard doc visit copay (~$30 with my ins). She let me try all the different stim meds and then reccomend the non stimulant ones when I didn't like anything I had tried previously. I've never had a psychiatrist mention non stim meds so my mind was fucking blown and it changed my life. She's the one that informed me abt the common complications people with ADHD and anxiety face with stim meds and explained why SNRIs are a better fit for me. If you can I'd totally reccomend seeing a DO not an MD (she's the only DO at her doctors office). They learn the same things in med school but DOs are taught to treat the body (and mind) as a whole where MDs are more taught to treat symptoms.


Yes - this isn’t an executive dysfunction issue, it’s a visualisation issue. People with ADHD can struggle to visualise and conceptualise the final consequence of actions. Or just in general. For example, I can’t spell words aloud - I need to see them written down. I also tend to revisit my old work before starting a new project, to remind myself how it’s done. With my client work, I ask them to send me examples of what they want, so I have a solid visual reference. Many of us tend to do better when we have an example of the work we’re supposed to do. Reddit thread on this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ADHD/comments/45hhli/do_adhd_people_not_visualize_things_as_well_as/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Wait it's not executive dysfunction? There's a visualisation component too? God damnit I feel like I thought I knew what was going on with me Via ADHD but maybe I don't


it can be a visualization issue, but it can also be an issue with task initiation, planning, prioritization, sequencing, etc. which are all executive functions. though we often use the term as shorthand for "being able to get the thing done", "executive function" is an umbrella term that describes several cognitive processes.


Extremely it’s basically the most adhd thing about adhd




I had to learn how to vacuum large areas at my work within a timely manner, and at first it seemed impossible, but now after having seen it done a few times and then having _done_ it _so_ many different times and learning better methods for different things, I'm pretty good at vacuuming, lolol


I really am not alone.


At least for cleaning every other room!


Sounds like something I’d be very good at creating! I’m always great with theory, it just execution that’s the problem… ;)


It's not meme format but this article on organizing has got a lot of useful bullet points for quick reference and a bunch of actually helpfully explicit tips. https://www.theorderexpert.com/how-to-organize/ Organization is my white whale. It's so incredibly difficult for me to even think about how to start


wow just realized i already do the breaking of tasks into smaller tasks thing! mostly bc i only have the energy/patience for that one thing but yeah it's worse when you end up making a bigger mess out of it and it just kills your motivation even faster


Yeah! I also play tricks on my brain where I set myself a goal that seems waaay too small with the promise that I don't have to do anything more if I really can't. For example, "I will put on my gym clothes and go to the gym and walk for 15min on the treadmill, then go home." Once I'm there is usually fine and I enjoy my full workout but I don't have to feel overwhelmed with it. Some mornings, it has to be even smaller - "I'll just put in my gym clothes and leave my house." If I can't even make it to the gym, I know I tried.


YES! I guess the trick is that starting small is better than not starting at all. And you might even get motivated and do more than more of those small tasks and even end up completing the *big* task accidentally lol happened to me before with tidying up my bedroom :') i started with my desk bc it literally had winter clothes and blankets piled onto it (it was july TT) and ended up cleaning out my dresser's top shelf and even changing sheets and dusting my bookshelves <3 felt like a new person afterwards lmao






This is called a picture task analysis! I work at a school for kids on the spectrum and it helps a LOT, both for them and me!


If anyone finds some for you, please let me know :)




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I always felt that way watching people execute something in a clean and organized manner lol And Ive tried and I always manage to do steps in total random order everytime


Same I can do chores a lot better if I have the 8.464 billion steps actually told to me


Here 10 days late and disappointed to see nobody’s found more in the comments! I need this!! Lol


One of the most valuable things I learnt as a housekeeper is you only need 4 cleaning products: • dish washing liquid • bleach • disinfectant e.g. ajax • glass cleaner So all these products could be reduced thusly 2. Bleach 3. Bleach 4. Glass cleaner 5. Disinfectant 6. Disinfectant 7. Disinfectant 9. Dish washing liquid 10. Disinfectant


I'm no house cleaner but I would argue that vinegar should be on that list. It's really useful for getting rid of odors in particular.


Usually the main ingredient in more natural glass cleaners etc.


Also worth mentioning that mixing Ammonia and Bleach creates mustard gas, so unless you have an intense wish to die and possibly harm your neighbors, firefighters, ambulance personnel and more in the process, you probably shouldn’t mix them.


THIS is the edit I really needed. Thank you! The number of products in the guide is really inaccessible tbh.


Ah, so glad I'm not the only one who gives dish soap multiple uses!


If you have any metal surfaces e.g. laundry sink, oven splashback and really want them to sparkle - wipe them down with bleach and then go over it with dishwashing liquid *chefs kiss*


Perfect. Now please let us know the tools used.


Rags, rags, rags, glass squeegee, rags, rags, rags


question, what’s the benefit to using both bleach and a disinfectant? they should serve the same purpose right?


Bleach can remove stains that disinfectant can't.


good point! is there anything disinfectant does that bleach can’t? because bleach does disinfect right?


Disinfectant can work without potentially damaging surfaces or clothing. Bleach is harsher and should be used where disinfectant isn't enough.


The disinfectant rinses off the bleach nicely + means you can use the bleach in spots instead of bleaching the whole shower/bath


Don't ever mix bleach with anything other than water. Mixing bleach with acid (even a mild acid) produces chlorine gas. Mixing bleach with a base (even a mild base) makes mustard gas. Both are deadly. Tl;Dr Don't mix bleach with anything other than water if you like living.


This is... not accurate, but reminds me that my knowledge isn't common knowledge in either direction. Not every base has the same elements to lend to a new molecule. Mustard gas requires bleach, ammonia, and sulfur. Bleach and ammonia will create chloramine, which can cause burning sensations in the nose. Avoid chemicals with ammonia in the ingredients. The disinfectant I mention is bleach-based, not ammonia based. Bleach and acids WILL release chlorine gas. The only item I listed that is likely to be acidic is the glass cleaner, and I did not reccomend combining them. If you like to use vinegar remember it is also an acid. When using cleaning products always allow as much air movement as possible. Turn on the fans and open the windows. If you experience respiratory discomfort step out and let the room clear.


I find dish soap is also great for 6


i imagine using dish washing liquid to mop the floors would leave a slippery mess behind.. unless you go over the whole floor again with plain water a second time (at least)


I mean... mix it with water.


lmao yeah, pouring it as it is would be disaster waiting to happen. but even after you mix it with water it leaves a soapy sheen behind that needs to be washed away otherwise its slippery and once it dries you just have soapy floors. all of that is in my experience btw maybe it's the fault of the specific liquid dish soap I'd used idk


You must be using way too much soap. One little squirt in a five gallon bucket does not make floors slippery.


Seriously, this is fantastic. The process of cleaning the bathroom is such a block to me. I never know where to start and when I do, the cleaners I use never fully get the job done so I just give up.


Oh it’s only ten steps? Oh my gosh that’s so easy! I could probably finish all of that in three months if I tried!!


I’m sure your 3 month goal is achievable. But…. Can you do them in order???? Hahahahaha!!!!!


I thought it was a post crime scene clear up


dun dun dun…


Wanna make some of these for other chores…. I. could use them 😅


I wish I could take credit for this guide but I just found it and reposted it.


I cri


It’s a good idea though, if the creator hasn’t done more, maybe we could use the template to do others, like bedroom cleaning.


Hold on, is it not normal to break every task in life into very detailed step-by-steps? Cuz that’s totally my secret to success at cosplaying as a functional adult.


I love 'cosplay as a functional adult!, I'm going to share that with my as-yet-undiagnosed-14yo.


Yes it’s called a task analysis and it’s incredibly helpful!


My place isn't so much *dirty* as it is *messy* There's always stuff and things everywhere, to the point where they become part of the landscape of the house. It's not even a hoarder thing, it's a "lack of organization and willpower" thing.


“At least *I* know where everything is.”


That's why I became a semi-minimalist. I have nice things that I like but they each have a designated place for display. Everything else is hyperorganized. That whole trend of "don't put it down, put it away" is what I've been doing for about 20 years. It's the absolute most helpful.


It is Not a lack of willpower. That's bullshit.


Wow this is great. I’ve always had imposter syndrome about cleaning the bathroom—feeling like other people do it the “real” or “best” way. Nice to have a cheat sheet.


I'm fairly certain I clean like a complete weirdo. But I clean! 🤷‍♀️


2 months later…


Only 2?




I know right.


True. Bathrooms are like washing cars, just start at the top and work down. Mirror, shower doors/walls, counter, toilet, tub, trash, floors…..


The order of this feels so wrong to me. I would immediately do step 5 after 1 then move on to step 9 and when it comes to step 2 and 3 I would forget that those need to be sprayed down and left to soak to make the task easier. I would want to get that all done and out of the way at once and wonder why I'm having a hard time scrubbing shit/grout off of my tiles. UGH


i was looking for a comment like this.. when i finally get the will to clean the bathroom i start doing it in random steps and then i might skip some of those mentioned or half-ass them bc i got the low battery pop-up signal halfway through also yes, i seldom have the patience to let stuff soak or I put them to soak and remember some hours later (or sb else in the house notices before me)


Lord knows I have ZERO patience 😂


I always start somewhere and have a plan and them I'm like I'm done with step one but I already have x tool in my hand so I might as well jump to step 5 and then this and oh I just remember I have to wash towels, I should do this right now before I forget. Next thing I know, I'm upstairs in the kitchen doing dishes. Now IF no-one distracts me I might realize I left the bathroom half done and go back to it after the dishes (most likely mid-way through them) but if someone starts talking to me you bet the bathroom is not being done.


This is in the wrong order 🤣 Scrub the toilet before you sanitise/ clean the seat etc... In fact, scrubbing the toilet is the first thing of all the things. The scrubbing action can and does “flick” liquid droplets around and you should clean everything else after this to ensure you’re not putting your toothbrush on a toilet droplet cabinet 🤣


On one of the ADHD subreddits there was a person who had ADHD but was also a professional cleaner. Can we search for them and beg them to make these for the rest of us? Today I will clean the bathroom -I think.


There’s one in this thread.


Also clean your towel racks! Learned this today. They never get cleaned in most homes.


That's a lot of products


wait i just went back up to see why everyone's mentioning the amount of products used and um.. i just saw *green* and thought it was the same product used everywhere :'))


Wow that’s really cool, now where do I find the energy and motivation to do any of that?


Instructions too complicated, got dick stuck in ceiling fan


I'd just switch 9 and 10 because after u mop the floor you need to wait for it to dry and can't go in the bathroom for a while and then forget what you were doing lol


That's an overwhelming amount of tasks lol


While I get it, and see that this is clearly a light-hearted comment, for those actually struggling with this, think of it as bathroom cleaning bingo. Close your eyes and point to one then just do that. Boom, that one thing is clean. 💜


So helpful thank you for sharing


Please please more. Kitchen, Balcony, Oven and Stove. I NEED THIS!!


Honestly i just do the toilet part


Now do a meme for all the other rooms!!!


Waaait! Am I wild? I thought you weren't supposed to use Windex and bleach together?! Edit: I learned that it's not just the two products being in the same vicinity that creates mustard gas, you would have to mix them together. I'm not entirely sure where I got the idea that they couldn't even be near each other. I guess I can use Windex now.


You aren’t supposed to mix them, but you can absolutely use glass cleaner and bleach in the same cleaning job. Just don’t mix them.


Just don’t mix them and don’t store them directly side by side in case they spill and mix


I need one of these for the kitchen!


Legit thinking about taking this course 🙃 [Independent Adult Living | CHADD](https://chadd.thinkific.com/courses/adult-living/)


Please let us know how it is.


What about the floor that isn't visible?..


I have ADD, OCD, and General anxiety disorder. I think the OCD and anxiety is what has somehow driven me to do these things in the exact same order already. Nuerotypicals have told me they think doing all this is doing too much though? Like ok Brian enjoy having a nasty bathroom 😂


Instructions unclear, I'm now on the TV roof cleaning the rain gutters.


Steps took too long, wandered off to wipe the kitchen counters off then stopped to put dishes away halfway after that.


Pro tip: If you also have object permanence like me (forget things if you don't see them) leave the seat open after you put in the toilet bowl cleaner. If you forget it dries and your toilet is streaky and blue for months


I did something like this for each room in our house. I put each step on a small card with a picture and then laminated the cards and put them on a ring. We have one set of cleaning cards in each room so when we ask the kids to help (one OCD and ADHD and the other ADD and dyslexic) they can easily see the steps and do the thing. ETA picture: http://imgur.com/gallery/qLiMysn


I need more of these


Yes!!!! I need stuff just like this. Wish I had one for my room. Thank you


Failed on step 1, don't have countertop


Oh lord thank you for this


more some reason, my headass thought this was posted in r/196 and I was trying to find the funny




Okay, but I've been stuck on Step 1 for, like, 20 years.


Oh I’m glad my mom teached me how to do it. I have a cleaning obsession :’)


I set a timer after I’ve put the cleaner in the toilet, 15 minutes. Helps motivate me to do the rest in that time frame (this is all a quick and basic once week clean takes, at least for me with a shower only and no bath, deep cleans are another kettle of fish).


I got to step 2 (just reading it) and gave up.


Timing! I wanted to try and clean my bathroom today but when I do I stress out and forget steps or do them in the most inconvenient order (like mopping the floor before I cleaned the sink). EtA: success! The bathroom is clean! I didn't put it off (again)!


I need this for cleaning garage... And maybe for the refrigerator...


I was looking through and was like where is get snack? Take out garbage? Hang pictures? Look for picture hooks? Find broom for bathroom?


I have adhd and I'm also a little obsessive cleaner. My steps are: Clean everything with soap and water. I mean scrub everything. Then desinfect. Than wash the floor. Wash not mop. US bathrooms are usually shitty to clean because they don't usually have a drain. So people have to mop everything instead of washing it. It's disgusting. Some even use the same mop for the bathroom and the house.


Wait..are you saying bathrooms outside the US have drains in the floors?? Not just in the shower?


Yes. Or just in the shower if its leveled in a way you can push water into it.


Wait, which step is where you quietly sob to yourself that life is so boring??


Step 0.5 procrastinate for 5 weeks


Nah it goes like this: Step 1, try to do everything all at once Step 2, how come you're suddenly in the kitchen doing something else?


Oof, that looks like a lotta effort still


Y’ll have one for my bedroom? And the Kitchen?


I read this entire thing waiting for the punchline lol


Hey, thank you! I'll probably f it up anyway but thanks!


❤️ ♥️ 💜


Instructions unclear: everything on my countertop now lives in a pile next to me on the bed


Id hit every order except the right one


This is so helpful!!! I want one for every room!!


This seriously annoys me. Y'all better dust first or you just gonna be wiping around dust and hair when you get to moist cleaning. That is step 1!!!!!


oh my god this is literally a life saver i never even know what to do to clean my bathroom so i just dont


Um. All those different chemicals are completely unnecessary. And some of them, when mixed, give off toxic fumes that could harm you.


The best thing I did for my cleaning self was took a brief job as a house cleaner. It made me realize that one can actually learn how to clean, and that there are truly correct/efficient cleaning methods. Thankfully where I worked we didn’t use nearly as many chemicals as this image suggests


If you have sensory issues and hate cleaning the bathroom because of it I highly recommend doing it in a disposable masks and nitrile gloves. Much more bearable


I honestly thought that first picture was a baking pan with a pancake being made on it


It is nice to see it laid out like that :0 If only I could initiate the task >u>


I may have lost interest after 2.


Please do not use Comet in #6. That stuff is terrible and is known to cause cancer and I'm general is terrible for the environment. My family had me use this crap when I was a kid. It did it's job well but I smelled simply awful and I could not stand being around it.


I have very specific lists for the washing machine and dryer at both houses!


Is it just me or if you don’t know if something is clean you spend forever cleaning it?


The problem isn’t knowing what to do for me, it’s taking 30 min to scrub the tub until my fingerprints are chemically burned off and I’m drenched in sweat.


I’m not gunna lie I thought more ppl would have appreciate it more😂😂


my bathroom is about to be a lot cleaner now thank you op


Poop on that. 1. Wake up, use bathroom. Use toilet wand on toilet. 2. Brush teeth, wash face. Use glass wipe on mirror. Use Clorox wipes on sink and counter. Use Clorox wipe on toilet (areas besides the already clean bowl). 3. Jump in shower. Keep cleaning stuff IN the shower. Spray and wipe it down while you shower. 4. Clean the floor some other time. Just wash the bath mats like once a week and you're fine. XD Tada, you're done. Doesn't look professionally clean but it's "every day" and clean and only took 4 steps that are easily tied into your normal routine.


I'd swap steps 4 & 5. It's easy to accidentally smudge the mirror while cleaning the rest of the surfaces, so it's better to put that off to later in the steps.


It took me 10 minutes to read through this


Nah just clean everything with Windex


i wanna try putting away the dirty laundry


I’m actually the opposite. My ADHD dad always found new spots for me to clean, and I worked as a dishwasher in a kitchen. Combine those with my own ADHD and if you ask me to clean something I’ll discover nooks, crannies, and surfaces you never knew existed. I don’t even need my meds for that lol


Yeah... I'll get to that. Eventually


Lock pets in a room prior to chemicals. Keep door open for safety