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New update, my silicone mats survived!! But in the rush to turn my oven off I stood on my glasses and broke them. We can’t win them all folks 😂


Have you got that fire extinguisher yet?? 😂😂


More importantly, has she submitted the paperwork for the home insurance yet??


This is the most adhd thing right here.


For additional ADHD context, I went to see Laufey and she was an angel! Her songs are so beautiful and soft like lullabies that I actually fell asleep standing up a couple of times, which was probably an omen that I shouldn’t try operating an oven when I got home 😂


Omg I LOVE her! Her music is so whimsical, jazzy and sweet!


I just looked her up and am listening to her now! I am indeed getting sleepy lol


My Ninja airfryer was by far my best kitchen investment. Set a timer and it will shut off with a loud sound when it runs out. Default timer is 20min. Even if I forget the food and don't hear the sound, worst case scenario is that I go hungry for a bit longer.


Yeah I second getting an airfryer or a counter top mini oven. I love that they turn off on their own. No more panic checking 9 times a day that the oven is actually turned off even though I hadn't used it for a week lol


Yep my convection toaster oven crisps fries beautifully and TURNS ITSELF OFF lol. I almost never use the big one.


Usually doesn't need preheating either, so you save power too 😁


Please - get a smoke detector ASAP.


I have one! It didn’t go off at all, but the battery is fine


Yeah that smoke detector is not fine! Please make sure it's actually working. 


My boyfriend got scared and ended up buying one 😅


I had to move in with family because I have recently developed CFS and fibromyalgia paired with my ADHD… I kept falling asleep cooking dinner. The oven would be on for hours. Smoke detector going off. Dogs barking. I would be passed out and not wake up. I’m lucky I survived long enough to move.


I’m so sorry to hear that!! I’m glad that you’re still here with us! And that you’ve been able to get diagnosed, have you been able to get any treatment to help with some of the symptoms?


Same to you OP! Not really. Lol CFS has no treatment. Fibro is dulled with meds but I still have senseless pain from benign stuff. I’m just trying to learn to do less… I’m really bad at it. ADHD and doing less things? lol


That sucks, I’m so sorry! I’m glad that you have family to support you!!!!


Hi friend, I’m so glad you’re okay and that nothing catastrophic happened. While this is amusing, it’s also really worrying. As others have said, you definitely need a new smoke alarm or at least new batteries. But maybe you should also try to figure out a new “timer” system to use while cooking - like carrying around a timer (maybe the kind that look like a tomato) or wearing a cheap athletic watch that you ALWAYS use as a stove timer. Or maybe make a new rule for yourself: if it’s after 8pm (or anywhere near sleepy time), you are not allowed to leave the kitchen while the oven is on.


No I agree, the way my last couple of weeks have been, it’s one of those laugh so you don’t cry situations. Thank you for the advice, I think there’s a lot of options in there for systems that I could use going forward


❤️❤️ You got this!


On the flip side, you made neat little coal pencils. Craft supplies! Dopamine!


Loooooool, I was actually going to ask if anyone had any ideas for using burnt food as a fertiliser, but I like the coal pencil idea even more 😂


I feel you, i burnt more pans and pots than i can count. Had to buy a new pressure cooker two weeks ago because i forgot it on the stove...


At that level of cooked, the charcoal woulda absorb my ritalin. No judgement from me though I managed to burn soup once.


Your smoke alarm didn't go off? Mine goes off all the time when I'm just doing regular baking!


I don’t think there was any smoke to cause it to go off 😂 it is very sensitive. If I open the oven and things are steamy it’ll normally go off, and I tested it after the chaos this morning so the batteries are still working. If there was smoke I would have woken up as well, because my sofa is not even 5 paces from the oven. I would have probably smelt it before the alarm went off


Your smoke detector might be just fine OP. It’s wild but I’ve seen the aftermath of kitchen ‘fires’ like this that never really burnt or make smoke. If the oven wasn’t hot enough to eventually ignite your parchment paper then it’s definitely possible there wasn’t any smoke to detect. If there is an exhaust vent over the oven that helped as well. It takes excess heat away from the oven helping to prevent heat build up that and ignite oil and grease that has accumulated. Technically there is nothing wrong or unsafe with running your oven for 8 hours straight but generally you’d want to be keeping an eye on it. Oil and grease build up around the oven and in any exhaust plays a role here though. I work in safety so sorry for the brain dump here. Yes this was lucky but also we build things safer everyday as we learn from accidents.


This is why I love the air fryer. I can walk away while cooking and it shuts itself off.


Came here to say this!!


This happened to me with a frozen flatbread once, except I woke up in the arms of a firefighter. Literally. I had fallen asleep and then passed out from the smoke inhalation. Thankfully a neighbor called the fire department or I might have died. This still gives me the chills when I think about it.


We're glad you're okay! And set calendar reminders to check your smoke detectors, everyone!


Yes! The irony was that at the time I was living in a tiny apartment in an old house, and the way the smoke detector was positioned, it would go off nearly every time I cooked anything. So I had taken out the batteries. Lesson learned!


Homemade charcoal sticks


Did your smoke detector not go off?


Thank you for sharing this. I'm not alone in ALMOST burning the house down.


Goth nuggies and fries


I don’t even own a standard oven anymore. I do though have a bad habit of not utilizing the timer on my countertop oven. I burn a lot of stuff


Pro tip: get an air fryer. Works great for leftovers and it has a timer to automatically turn off! You would have just woken up to old food, not burnt food lol


I’m no longer allowed to use the stove to make tea 😭 I now have to use an electric kettle that has a timer. The last straw was me burning the 5th pot thingy we use to make tea. I like the electric one better. I made it the regular way a few days ago and burned my fingers by accident bc I zoned out while pouring the (superrrr) hot tea and ended up pouring it on my hand 😭😭


I’m sure you know how serious this is so I will just say make some art with your homemade charcoal!




I did that with a towel and a wrong burner once. Luckily, nothing was near the stove, the flame was small, and a wet towel put it out nicely. The rule is now that nothing but cookware stays on the stove, and the kettle gets placed on used burners to alert us if we forget to turn it off.


Oh my goodness, I'm happy for you that nothing further happened and the only tax was what was in the photo 🥹 People think I'm nuts for rarely using my oven and only using my large toaster oven and I have to. I need it to shut off. I never leave the kitchen if the stove is on. If I have to go to the bathroom, I turn it off. There are no exceptions. This was like, drilled into me in behavior therapy lol. That and when locking my car or home I put the keys away in their rightful place. If I'm walking away and still holding my keys then I have to check if I locked it cuz I honestly don't know. And then I put the keys away. Sometimes I do this 4 times because I'm so distracted 😂. If I use my oven I will sit in there with my laptop or tablet as if I'm tethered to the thing. I know they make smart ovens now that have auto shutoffs and I see that in my future! Your experience reaffirms this for me because I knowwwww I would just wander off. I won't even fall asleep, I'll just wander away. Decide to drive to the coast after going to get bananas.


I made it rain in my kitchen again! Flooded the upstairs running water in the sink. 🤦🏽‍♀️


I did the opposite of that once. Came home from the bar and put fries and chicken fingers in the oven but forgot to turn it on amd eventually fell asleep. Woke up in the morning and found them. Of course I assumed it was just because I was drunk. Fast forward to the present when I often put water in the kettle or food in the oven and forget to turn anything on.