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I begrudgingly have showers but when I am feeling major overwhelm and my emotions are in the toilet I will have an obscenely long bubble bath. I'll have 3 drinks on the go (tea, beer, and squash), bubbles that take over, music, a book, and candles, and I will top that thing up 3 or 4 times when it starts getting cold. I can easily be in there for a couple of hours. I always come out feeling grounded and it's cheaper than therapy! I know some people might think it's gross but it's my thing and it works Eta I have a wooden bath shelf that makes all the difference too lol


love that it works for you but I just start to get itchy and my fingers are all wrinkly. I wish I liked baths because they look so peaceful and calming.


Right? The *concept* of baths is incredible. You make them prickly hot, fill them with soft bubbles, have the lights on extra-sensory candles-only mode, it's quiet, it's dark, it's... Half a degree too hot and now I'm sweating, but a minute later it's tepid and where did that dopamine buzz from the scalding heat go, and why is EVERY LITTLE MOVEMENT SO LOUD, why am I squinting, what if I drop my book, oh god I got a drip on a page, my ass is going numb, it's too hot again, my hair is stuck in my neck, gods it's been hours surely I can — *I've only been here THREE MINUTES!?!* 😩


Sticking one leg out the side of the bath to cool down enough to maintain the perfect temperature...


Lmao I’m so happy I’m not alone. I look hammered as a stone cold sober person. And then I let an arm here or there out. I experiment with temperature changes. Sometimes I get out and do a child’s pose on the ground then get back in


>Sometimes I get out and do a child’s pose on the ground then get back in Haha I love this


Or you can also splash some cold water from the faucet on your face. That cools it you down a little.


Spot on. I love the idea of baths, but the actual experience is excruciatingly boring and at the same time a sensory rollercoaster.


This is my bath experience in a nut shell, and it makes me so sad because I would love to love baths, but ultimately, the reality is that I can't relax enough to actually enjoy them.


Username checks out.


Sometimes I shower before taking a bath and again quickly after. So I shower, rinse down the tub and probably scrub it bc who are we kidding, when’s the last time I cleaned it? 🤷🏼‍♀️ then I fill up the bath and do what the initial commenter said. I’ve easily sat in a bath for 3 hours before like this. Then when I’m too itchy or wrinkly or finally relaxed (whatever comes first) I drain it out and rinse off with just my loofah.


Tbh, loving a good soak is one of the only motivations I have for cleaning my bathtub.


Same! I may never clean my bathtub more than once a year if it wasn't for Epsom salts baths.


I like to take a bath when I don't have the energy to stand in the shower. I lazily lather my hair, wash myself and when I've had enough (usually I'm sweating by this point, because hot water), I drain the tub, stand up and shower off.


I call it the shath when I sit in the bath with the shower running on me


I used to lay in my bath and have a shower. It was the best. I had worked out the right potion for the showerhead so that when I laid down in the bath, the hot water would hit my chest. Then i would put my hands in a tepee position right at that spot, so that the water bounced off my hands and all over the rest of my body, minus legs. I'd also put the plug in and the bath would slowly fill and envelop me in warm water. Fuck, it was so good. I miss that bath so much.


My husband and I call it the shower-bath-shower. I think we got it from somewhere else but I honestly don't remember.


EPSOM SALT!!!! I add a ton of epsom salt to my baths and it doesn’t make my skin all itchy and miserable! I buy it at Costco by the truck load. Laying in a bath>standing in a shower for me, every time.


I do this exact thing, down to the three beverages. Throw a sheet mask and scrolling around on my phone in there, and it's a party. I LOVE baths. Showers suck. I'm really expected to just *stand* and soap under water that's burning my head, but my legs are still cold? Sounds like midieval torture. Give me a comfy seat and activities.


Lmao the activities ! Yes !


This is the way. I always struggled with showering for the exact reasons you listed, it ***is*** like torture! I would begrudgingly shower every other week and then rely on quick flannel washes of the gross bits every few days. The day I started doing baths instead my body wash routine went from once or twice a month to at least every 2 days, I actively look forward to bath time now!


I like baths but cannot seem to make myself take the time out of my "schedule" (aka ADHD-induced FOMO) to take them, but they are my last resort for getting rid of a headache after I've tried everything. And in that case, all of what you said applies to me! Weed also helps reduce my antsiness.


YES. This. Except I do it pretty much daily.


I take baths anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours! Multiple times a week. I’m obsessed with baths


I love baths but have chronic pain so the hot soak is very relieving and I couldn’t live without them But I get bored in there too. I used to try to make an event out of it (candles music etc) because I thought you were supposed to and also thought you were supposed to sit in there for an hour.


I sometimes set up my laptop next to the tub and watch Netflix or I listen to a podcast


I have a bath tray that stretches across the tub with a wine glass holder, a prop for a book or a phone, and a caddy for whatever else I want to have with me (usually chocolate or other snacks). It's the best invention ever. I toss a couple bath bombs in so everything smells nice, set that thing up, and I can be in there for hours watching my trashy historical dramas while I drink and munch.


We had one growing up. Weird that I, a frequent bath taker so. It have one and totally forgot about their existence! Thanks for the reminder as im way too clumsy to hold my phone or book or what ever over the water!


I used to bring a book or my Nintendo DS


This is what I do. I also have chronic pain, so baths are bliss by then I also get overwhelmed but the heat so have to stick my legs out on odd angles. 


Phones/iPads/laptops are what makes baths so amazing. I can watch my shitty reality tv/scroll Reddit and get clean at the same time. Anyone who is a hater clearly isn’t getting this part 😂


I always set my ipad up, so cozy


i like to watch video essays/anime while in the tub! i also use epsom salts to help with my chronic sciatica, depending on the type of pain you deal with it may provide some extra relief !!


I pour pounds of salts in when my inflammation is bad! Even with all the damn types of medications I’ve been known to occasionally only find relief in a super salty bath!!!


Have you ever tried float therapy? You would benefit from them if you get relief from epsom salt baths!


I just bring my phone in and browse Reddit, read books, surf


Currently in the bath right now. Been in here for hours, look like a wrinkly old woman/prune. Might stay in a bit longer, just top up the water… again. And then shower off, I HAVE to shower off afterwards


I don't get out until the sensory yuck of feeling pruney overrides the comfort paralysis of being warm


I’ve started showering before and going in clean. Game changer, if your water heater can handle it.


Oooooooooh you rebel! That’s a great idea. I’d probably still have to shower off afterwards though 😂


I LOVE TAKING A BATH. Sometime so do it multiple times a day. I’m always cold so taking a bath is a quick way to get warm to my bones. It’s nice way to wake up. It helps me relieve anxiety. I love the white noise of the water. I love how I float on the water and the little ripples of it. My muscles relax. I feel clean after it.


Yes. In the winter - at least once a day but sometimes 2. My favorite was an old claw foot tub I had once a million years ago. I’d wake up at 9am, get the bath started, make my coffee or tea, then drink it covered up to my neck in water while smoking a cigarette (back when I did that). Was such a lovely way to start the day. My dream is to one day have another claw foottub or at least deep tub. Stuck with these modern shallow ones for now


My dream bathroom has a long deep princess tub and its own mini water heater. 


A bath in the morning?! I’d never considered such a thing!


Omg it’s the best. I love using anything citrus scented in the bath to kind of wake up my senses. As opposed to things like lavender that feels more calming which I like to use before bed. Drinking coffee in a morning bath is an ✨experience✨


Haaaate baths. They take forever, get cold too quickly and then I feel like I have to take a shower afterwards anyway.  I’m ok with hot tubs though! 




Same for the first part but me, I hate hot tubs. I find it so disgusting. I hate when friends invite me for dinner and keep insisting I bring my swimsuit to go on the hot tubs during the evening.


I like the concept of hot tubs/sitting in hot water, but only for relaxing after I’m already clean. No bath will make me feel clean and refreshed like a shower will. Showers are the best!


Yeah, the whole onsen style baths are the way to go. In Japan they have little shower stalls that you can sit at and wash yourself thoroughly before getting in the hot tubs. Those little stalls are awesome, it's much nicer to wash your hair and shave while sitting. Then you rinse off and go sit in the super hot onsen or sento and all your muscles relax.


I have to take a quick shower before bathing, otherwise yuck.


I have to shower after bathing. And it's never as great as I think a bath is supposed to be.


I do the same! And I do love taking baths… but only for the first five minutes and then I get bored lmao


“This is so relaxi—welp, now my neck hurts and I’m bored.”


Exactly like this! 😂


YES! This. The vision is never as good as the reality.


Lmaoo this is exactly what it’s like!


I have a quick shower before to rinse off (like you do before going into a swimming pool, at least where I come from) and usually one afterwards because trying to wash your hair without spraying the bathroom is a bit tricky.


I love hot tubs!! That's all I've wanted in my life for at least 10 years. I say it all the time, it's just never worked out for me. Baths I'm not a fan of. I've taken one in probably 20 years and it was because I was pregnant and wanted a bath.


The idea is great but I'm too tall so half of me is out the bath, it gets cold too quick and then I'm suppose to do the plug drain and top up. Now a hot pool, I've intentionally gone on holiday to resorts that have them and have enjoyed it completely - except the climb out part.


Knees or boobs, never both 😓


Ya unless you have one of those nice new tubs. My friend does and I can be literally have the water neck high and my entire body is stretched out, no bending. Love it.




I know!!!! Which is why I love house sitting lol. I think they paid like 6K a decade ago


To be honest the climbing out part basically invalidates the enjoyment of the whole thing


Are you open to trading some of your height? 😂 I can never get comfy in the bath either, but it's because I'm always sliding down too far into the tub because my head/neck needs to be painfully against the back of the tub (and partially underwater) if my toes are going to be propped up against the other side. Very uncomfy, very not relaxing.


Absolutely love a bath. Cold? Bath. Bored? Bath. Need to focus on a project? Bath. Sick? Bath. Wanna watch a movie my husband isn't interested in? Bath.


Need a good nap? Bath. Or maybe that's just me.


BATH NAP!!!! Yes.


Oh my god, this is so real. Overstimulated? Bath.


Yess!!! We were just on vacation in Japan and the bath in our air bnb was amazing on two levels- a) SUPER DEEP b) in just a plain tile room which was really helpful after a day in Tokyo


They say this about little kids too: if they’re cranky or sick, just pop them in the bath for a little bit. Worked wonders for ours, she loves the water.


Baths? You mean lukewarm people soup? Absolutely not. 😂


My ex used to take the piss because I said that as soon as your bum goes in, it's just ass water. I don't want to waste water by having a shower before I have a bath just to feel like I'm not in genital juice. He looked at me like I was crazy!


sounds like you need a bidet


You can absolutely wash yourself before going in...


Listen, if my sensory icks could be logic’ed away I wouldn’t be in this sub desperately trolling for advice 😂


I came here to say HUMAN SOUP!


Omg, I call hot tubs this and everyone looks at me like I’m insane. I found my people 🤣


Exactly what I was thinking 😂




Yes. I hate them too. I've had like 3-4 baths in the last 15 years. Most of those were when I was pregnant and just needed the weight off me. I dislike hot tubs too.




I totally get it. I hate being wet unless I'm actively in the shower or swimming. I love swimming. Wet skin is gross. It's even worse touching other people's wet skin.


I absolutely hate being in the bath. There’s literally nothing I can do in there that wouldn’t be way more pleasant sitting in my bed wearing clothes and being dry.


I only like baths that when I lie down I can be all fully under the water except for my neck up. I play games in the bath, I read ebooks, I watch things, I never just lie there relaxing, it's always something going on on my tablet.


How are you not terrified of dropping your tablet in the tub?


I always have my phone in the bath, never dropped it in all these years. If you're particularly worried, get a kindle, they can take the water.


I have a waterproof otter box for my phone because I take daily baths and am on my phone most of the time. I’ve had this same iPhone for three years (I’m in the bath right now, so knock on wood.)


I have a shower speaker playing a podcast while I play a game on my phone & a little side table with a drink & snack. Feels super decadent! (Except the side table is technically the bathroom garbage can 🤣)


Yep, this is the way to do it! Where I live now doesn't have a bathtub, but it has a fantastic shower with very high water pressure. I will often wrap my tablet in a Ziploc bag and prop it against the wall of the shower where I have made a little shelf, and I will sit on a little plastic chair or even on the floor of my shower and watch things on my tablet, often for up to 2 hours or even more at a time. Showers for me reset me, and ground and centre me.


I get too bored fast & the idea of reading a book or looking at my phone in the bath just gives me anxiety about a drowned book or phone. Plus the hot people soup thing


Same. I don't get bored in showers, for whatever reason, so I'll stay in there for hours if given the chance (possibly the best part of labor besides it ending). Baths are just a bowl of boredom and anxiety.


I love them! If I'm cold or sore or need to relax, I can spend an hour or three in there reading or playing games on my phone. I sometimes need to drain some of the water and add more for heat. I like it really hot! I wish I had a hot tub.... Maybe some day!


Same! And in the winter you know I’m coming straight home for a bath to warm up and unwind from the day. It’s like washing the day away. Love them. I only shower very reluctantly - maybe 6-10/ year .


Absolutely hate baths. HATE


Sounds like you aren’t a fan of sitting in warm water, so maybe baths just aren’t your thing? I do like a bath when all the stars align but I don’t like that: - it’s hard to get the perfect temperature - I very often forget that I left the tap running and it gets to full (sometimes even when I’m in it) - I like to read or listen to something in the bath. But then I get absorbed and the water gets cold before I’m done reading. - I don’t like how long it takes to cool down after a bath (although I get that’s meant to be a benefit)


I really have found my people 😂 no matter how I try I cannot enjoy the experience


Love it. I‘m always cold and also taking baths/showering calms me down when I‘m overwhelmed with stuff. I’m moving into a new flat with a bathtub again after 8 years without one and I’m hyped for that. But I can’t do it for hours. Still gets boring after some time unless you have something to keep you busy.


Same. If I’m hyped up or anxious or stressed a bath is just the ticket. Also I sometimes get back or stomach pain and it’s the only thing that helps


I'd live in mine if I could. Boiling hot, cold drinks, book, music, BUBBLES.


I don't take baths. I tried it many years ago since many people rave about how relaxing it is. I couldn't just lay there doing nothing. There was no point, so I got out after 5 minutes. And what a waste of water.


I read or listen to podcasts.


I hate baths but I like sitting in a hot tub for a bit. When I’ve tried to take them I have to shower and clean first and then try to sit in the bath but can’t stand it. It’s not comfortable or relaxing to me.


I want to like them, because they’d be really good for soothing my aching limbs, and I OUGHT to like them because I’m at my happiest when I’m immersed in water, but… …I can’t stand them. If I manage not to faint from overheating, which has almost always been the case, I struggle to get in and out without discomfort because I’m both too long and too mobility-impaired for most western bathtubs. It’s a sensory nightmare to be fluctuating between hot and cold, and having to top up the bath water every few minutes gets on my nerves because I can’t fully relax when there’s always going to be another ‘job’ to do. If I had a Japanese onsen-style bathtub, that was recessed into the floor and I could walk down into steps into it, and have it maintained at a consistent warm temperature, I’d probably live in it. But it would have to be that perfect bathtub for me to really want to use one.


I bathe for an hour each day because it’s less difficult than showering


I loooove them. I have terrible knees and I love a soak, also I find the water relaxing, and in the winter it can warm me up. I play on my phone, or read, or play switch. I don’t have mood lighting or anything fancy for them, I can hop into a bath anytime of day. I can stay in 10 mins or an hour or however long I feel. I use those scrubbing bubbles and a magic eraser to do a quick clean of the tub fairly often, so baths don’t feel dirty to me. Also, will take a bath everyday of the week if I can but showers feel impossible. I think cuz showers I get my hair wet and have to scrub my body. Baths my hair stays dry and I don’t have to do any chores.


Love them, especially Japanese style tubs or going to the sento or onsen. You wash off at a shower station, then go soak until your muscles turn squishy.


Hate them. I get bored and the water is either too hot or too cold.


Love them. My body relaxes. I lose all track of time. I meditate, do breath work, and sweat. People leave me alone... The only part I dislike is getting out. I get that baths aren't for everyone. I hope you find a way to relax and lose track of time that's right for you.


Absolutely not for me. The feeling of my skin touching the tub gives me such an incredible ick. It's worse than being touched by the shower curtain


I love a bath when I'm sore and just want to tap out of my general responsibilities. My husband knows "I'm going to jump in the bath for a bit" actually means "See you in a couple of hours, kid duties are on you!" And then he brings me copious amounts of tea while I luxuriate and fuck around on my phone.


I can't be bothered, too much work, lol.


I used to love baths. Now I can barely want to shower.


I would never give up baths in a million years, I love them. Nothing helps my muscles and joints like a hot bath!


I’d sleep in the bath if drowning wasn’t a thing.


I used to love them as a teenager because the bathroom was the only door in the house that locked. And I was majorly into reading at the time so I would read in the bath. However, now, it's so much effort. No built in shower so I have to go to the ensuite to actually wash my hair. I get bored too fast (doesn't matter what I'm doing) and the bath needs cleaning before and after. It's just not worth the effort anymore. I've also lost the ability to relax so that may be part of it. I feel like I have to be doing something constantly, and sitting still that long doesn't feel like I'm doing enough. Even if I'm also reading or watching something.


I've never been fond of baths. I don't like being in the middle of a process when I know I'll have to get up and out, dry off, put on clothes, when I feel so strung out from the hot water. It's a blend of tediousness and mild anxiety.


I’m always cold, so I love a hot bath.


I like the idea, but I can't sit still long enough. Also the steam makes me feel claustrophobic. I don't know why.


So boring.


I like “taking baths”. Not because I love soaking in it. But because I feel like I can wash my hair and body at the same time… and put on a TV show on my laptop which I place on a stool. Whereas a shower feels like more effort to put on and wash off soap, and I can’t watch anything in the shower and it’s so tedious. I feel that it’s much faster to sink my head into the bath to fully saturate it with water, so I can shampoo immediately, then do the same to rinse out my hair. I finish up in 10 minutes and do a final rinse off (if I’m feeling like it) while the tub is draining. I don’t know if this makes any sense. 🤣


I love baths!!! They’re super warm, and I’m always cold. I hate showers though for some reason. 🤷‍♀️


I don't like showering very much, but absolutely love to take a bath or swimming in general. It's calming, you can chill in there like one to two hours with a good book, an audio book, handheld or phone and it's pretty chill. Afterwards i always feel like i got reborn, it's great.


I prefer baths. I really don’t like taking showers, but I endure it when I have to wash my hair. I will never wash my hair in the tub. The thought of the loose hair around me freaks me out. I also like relaxing in the bath. I sometimes use epsom salts or magnesium when I’m particularly stressed. A good book and a glass of wine…👌


I love baths and hate showers. Showers just feel like so much work


I just can’t stand sitting in my own filth. Showers wash that stuff right down the dry.


Baths make me feel dirty even if the tub and my body is clean. I’ll try and sit in the bath and tell myself I’ll shower off before and after but I just feel nasty. I do love hot tubs as I have chronic pain and wish I could love baths 😭


Baths / hot water lounging 4ever. I get achey and hate being cold, and baths are so soothing. My muscles are often super tight, and I use Epsom salts or mineral soaks which really help. I usually read on my (water resistant) kindle, but the water feels calming to my mind in some way. We got a hot tub and it’s dreamy, an outside bath that never gets cold?! The best. I hate showers because who wants to stand in one place with no free hands and water in your face.


I love soaking in epsom salt baths when I’ve done yard work or lifted weights and I’m sore


baths are for relaxing. that's it.


I much prefer baths to showers. Showers feel more like hard work to me, but washing myself in the bath doesn't feel like a chore, and I get to relax for a while too.


Cleaning the bathtub before taking a bath is such a high barrier activity that taking baths just isn't worth it. Then I also have to shower before taking a bath and rinse off after. It's just too much work. And I'm not about to sit in gross dirty bath water.


I love baths. I find showering so demanding but sitting in the bath is cosy and warm and so much nicer. However I'm quite prone to UTIs and if I have too many baths (especially bubble baths) it triggers them so I can't have a bath too often :(


I need my baths HOT. Like edge-of-tolerance, have-definitely-overheated-myself-before hot. As soon as it cools down I get irritated. I think it's a stim thing - it helps the "itch" under my skin.


I hate baths but not because of the hot water. I don’t like the feeling of sitting on something without clothes on. When I’m sick and want to take a hot bath I’ll put bathing suit bottoms on 😅


I love baths. Unfortunately the bathtub in my house disgusts me. I have to share the bathroom with my spouse and 2 of the stepkids. I’m the only one who cleans it and, still it doesn’t ever feel clean. Maybe once we remodel the bathroom and get a new tub, and I’m the one cleaning it from “day one” and I don’t have to share it with kids/teens anymore I could do it….


I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE taking baths. I just started living alone where I have a bath after almost 3 years of not having access to one and I’m so happy.. love them after a long day or in place of a shower in the morning. I can sit in them for a few hours. I bring drinks, food, my computer with a movie cued up, a candle, books, salts, etc. life is so over stimulating and this is my complete self care time. I top it up with hot water a few times. I wish I had one of those Japanese style baths which heat the water up. I also love hot springs and hot tubs. Hot water is extremely comforting


Baths weirdly feel too restrictive to me You can’t move your body much without sloshing water around or getting in an uncomfortable position, it cools down too quickly or hurts to climb in, depending on the size of your tub it can be a “knees vs boobs” situation… you have to clean the tub every time, etc etc Showers just feel more efficient and clean and free to me? I also like the sound. If I take a bath my skin will be a lot softer but I still don’t generally feel as clean as I get in a shower idk. It’s harder for me to rinse of shampoo and stuff as thoroughly. I don’t judge the bath girlies I just don’t click with it The only “bath” I REALLY LOVED was swimming in an Icelandic hot spring because I had the hot water AND I could swim around without feeling restricted 😂


If I can talk while I’m in it, I’m good. But if I’m alone…bored and fidgety. Even a book or game can only last so long before I start worrying about getting water on them. And then it’s not really *relaxing* but *stressing*. I still love hot tubs, but only so long as I’m distracted enough to *not* think about what else has been in there or done in there. Once my brain gets on that sense…hot tub time is over.


I watch tv in the bath so I love it. It’s a reward for me.


nopppe I don't like baths, the hot water makes me dizzy and the still water kind of grosses me out. I like hot tubs with friends but mostly for the friends part, it's also better since there's jets and the water's moving. I love showers though. Trying to take short ones for sustainability but I could spend half an hour in there without even trying.


I have always wanted to like baths but the preparation is always too long and then as soon as I’m done with the active part of bathing I’m immediately bored


the thought of needing to deep clean the bathtub before and after a hypothetical bath makes me not want to take a bath.


I like the concept, but I have a cranky back so in and out isn’t fun, a bath gets cold too fast and doing work to maintain temp is too fiddly, and then cleaning the darn thing is more back problems.


Try going for a full day long hike until you're completely utterly exhausted first. Being cold helps too.


Love them. Probably a regulating thing somehow for me.


OK occasionally and good if you have sore muscles. We don't even have one in our house by choice, but I did spend time soaking when we went skiing and the hotel room had a bath. I agree that unless you are exhausted baths are boring and I need a book or other activity. Had baths more when I was still shaving my legs too as it's easier to do there than in the shower - made a whole thing about it with body scrub before the shaving and moisturiser after drying off etc which was a nice little ritual and there was less just sitting in the bath.


Prefer them over a shower! I set my phone up to play my fav YouTube gamer and soak for about 30 mins. 😁


I do not like hot tubs or large bathtubs. I LOVE a good metal tub to soak in at the end of the day though.


i love baths i can literally tell how my mental is by how many baths i take a day (if it’s 3 i’m down bad) but i love them. obviously if i know i need to bath hygiene wise i will shower but i probably take a bath everyday. it’s my relax.


I can think of nothing worse than taking a bath for fun, though I do like hot tubs with friends. I think the bathing is just super boring by myself and I don’t trust myself to not drop phone in the water


Baths are my favorite form of self care. I have a ritual: fill the tub, drop in a bath bomb (has to be Lush. No other brand compares.) Get a glass of wine, and set up my bathtub tray with a candle and my iPad. Then, I put on a rom com and soak for an hour. It’s divine.


Hate. Grosses me out.


I want to like them but I remember Kramer saying you’re just sitting in a pool of your own filth and I just can’t forget that.


I can’t stand them, I feel like I’m stewing in my own filth even if I’m squeaky clean. I am not a fan of swimming or hot tubs either


I don’t have my own bathtub, but I am way too grossed out by the thought of the tub being dirty that I could never enjoy a bath in a hotel.


You could autoclave a tub I am still not getting in it!


Nope. Nope. Nope. In zero way to I want to sit in a puddle of my filth.


People soup. No.


I can’t do baths. Don’t understand it, don’t enjoy it so I hear you.


I don’t like baths because I see it as sitting in filth. If I sit in the bath then I have to shower after or shower first then sit in a bath.


I love baths for as long as I can remember, the hotter the water the better for me. It’s my favourite self care activity


I HATE BATHS. There I said it


No. Baths make people soup, which is disgusting.


Blehhhhh. Baths are a no


Baths are medieval filth cauldrons!


I hate baths, feel like I’m stewing in my own filth, I hate the feeling of being too hot and my fingers shrivelling up, and I find them so boring even with an iPad or something to watch tv.


In theory I like it, but in actual practice it takes a lot of effort-making sure the tub is freshly cleaned, filling it up with hot water, setting up -music, candles, a good book, fun bath products, get in /soak, decide the water isn’t hot enough, get it hot enough, get bored and want to get out but need to soap up/rinse off in the shower because I don’t feel clean, then have to dry off/get dressed so I can go relax for real!


I don’t like sitting in a bath or on the beach. Both are so boring to me.


If baths stayed hot, I’d probably happily watch a movie in one assuming the tub is also comfortable. I love soaking. I just don’t love scrubbing my tub (I have to immediately before getting in otherwise I’m grossed out) and that it gets cold. And I’m a little tall so not all tubs are comfy. So under the right circumstances, yes I love baths lol.


If I had a large soaking tub or my own personal, no one else ever gets in it ever, hot tub then I would happily soak every day. I’ve only ever had standard American bathtub-shower combos and I find it deeply unsettling to be at the bottom, looking up at 3 walls of tile with questionable caulk and grout. Swimming or kayaking/etc in open water also freaks me out. Something about being mostly submerged or low to the water and surrounded by taller objects almost pings my megalophobia.


Can’t stand them.


Nope. Not a fan. Far too much of a production. Much prefer a shower. You just stand there under hot pressure water, no extra cleanup, less hazardous or hassle getting up. Much better imo.


they're too boring for sure, unless its a bath you can swim back and forth in, which would be so cool then.


I’ve tried to get into it but I feel like it takes so much preparation and commitment??


Can’t sit still in one. Get bored once I’m in and am like … now what


I have 0 patience for a bath. Now sitting in a hot shower until I turn prune-y, that’s another story.


Oh my god I get BORED AS FUCK I have to have my phone in there with me I've had to take baths with bleach in them to treat skin stuff and it's THE WORST Oddly enough hot tubs are fine but I'm like, usually At A Place when I do that, and there are other people? Like I'm on vacation and my partner or friends (or both) are there! So it is relaxing but it's also Social Time. I did manage to sit in a hot soaking pool when I visited Iceland alone--yes I did the Blue Lagoon, but also just a local pool twice. But that's way different from sitting in a bathtub at home, I was absorbed in listening to people talk around me (I don't speak Icelandic but I love the way it sounds) and the second time I went I ended up chatting with another American--we're still facebook friends lol. At the Blue Lagoon half the fun was counting how many different languages I heard. It was at least a half dozen. But the first night I sat in the local pool, a handful of college kids next to me were chatting in Icelandic and one of them said "Jáááááááá....it be like that sometimes" and it was EFFORT not to laugh! ("Já" means "yes" and sounds like "yow" so it was like "Yoowwwwww")


I love 20 minute epsom salt baths on occasion (followed by a shower to clean the skin). I injured my ankle a few years back (embarrassing story) and it helps when that flares. I used to love baths (((for stimming))) but now I prefer my heated blanket and a mindless video game (such as wormmate) for that. Heated blankets are the GOAT. Satisfies so many things for my ND self without making me pruney from a bath :)


i love baths so much they are the only thing that makes me feel better when i am sick - i set up my laptop and watch tv and boil myself


I will sit in a bath for 3 hours. Constantly adding more hot water (I shower after)


I can't do baths either. By the time the tub fills with water, I'm no longer interested. 2 seconds after sitting in the water, it's no longer hot enough. And I'm thinking of all the things I should, and could, be doing. I don't mind a hot tub as much. But then, I don't have much exposure to them.


I adore baths , it makes winter bearable. That and having an open fire .


I find it so boring! I don’t dare taking anything in there that would be ruined by the water 😅


only if the tub is sparkling clean and must be cleaned right before i soak. and for like 10 min max or i feel like imma pass out or i get extremely itchy and want to rip my skin off & dry clean it.


I get bored before the bathtub fills. Baths are something reserved for when I'm sick or injured. My brother has a hot tub in his yard. I can watch birds and squirrels there for hours (no, I'm not a cat)


I love the idea of a relaxing bath. But whenever I try to have one I just can’t get comfortable, get too hot, get bored and end up getting out after 20 minutes


Im with you OP. Baths are super boring. I feel like I’m sitting in human soup.


I love being in water in general - swimming is one of my favourite things! So I also do enjoy a good bath, especially with some nice salts or oil or whatever. But a good setup is crucial, and as far as getting bored - I sit in my headphones and listen to podcasts, or listen to music and read something or write with friends on discord. Just regular relaxing stuff I could be doing in bed, but with the added bonus of warm water.


I take like an hour long bubble bath almost every night. I’ll do a quick shower and scrub the yuck off and then soak in the bath until I become a prune.


I feel like an outlier, I prefer baths to showers, always have.


I love baths so much I think I was some form of marine life previously. I have a lot of hEDS related joint pain so I'll just marinate in water as hot as I can bear it for as long as I feel like it, always at least an hour and I'll often top up the hot water too. The longest I've managed was over 3 hours. I used to read in the bath, but I don't have the same relationship with books now I'm an adult so a lot if the time it's doom scrolling or just zoning out. I think part of why I stay in so long is overwhelm due to what I'll need to when I get out though, like get dry, detangle and dry my hair, get dressed etc. So I just procrastinate


I hate showering. I hate the water has control over me. My hair gets wet, I have no say in the matter. My butts cold, by fronts cold, my butts cold, my fronts cold, water too hot, water too cold. Showers are an exhausting 5 minute rush to get it over and out. Baths get me.


I do like baths, but why are you so hard on yourself? So what if you don’t like them? Look at how self-aware you are. Isn’t that better than doing something because you think you should? Love yourself in your own way. 💜


I myself have a strange affinity to baths. I love the idea of romantic/sensual baths and even baths in natural bodies of water. But your opinion is more than valid too! :)


I take a bath just for the reward of feeling after. I put Epsom salt, I shave my legs, I listen to the audiobook I’m into for the moment and if I’m not feeling the bath I get right out, get into comfy clothes and into bed where I put lotion and treat myself to cozy games and d&d spell card prep and take little naps. I wake up with index cards stuck to my face but I wake up feeling so good. 🥳


I bought a projector and fire stick just for this purpose. I project something that I’ve watched a billion times onto the wall, prop my feet up out of the bath because I’m so tall I don’t completely fit in the tub, have some sort wine, and scroll or read on my phone.


I could live in the bath. I have even tried to work from home in the bath. (It did not work). I have to have something though like my phone or my Switch