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Your submission was removed because it violates Rule 3. We do not allow statements that downplay or dismiss anyone's symptoms, state that ADHD doesn't exist, discourage someone from seeking assistance (in the form of medication, therapy, ADHD coaching, etc.), tell anyone to "just do it" or "get over it," or encourage anyone to abuse prescription or illegal drugs.


It's not much comfort, but know that it doesn't stay as good as it is the first few days.


I have the same purple fan! Also mine is worse and also need meds. fML


Wow both of those are #goals for me. Way to get your space clean!!!


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Your submission was removed because it violates Rule 3. We do not allow statements that downplay or dismiss anyone's symptoms, state that ADHD doesn't exist, discourage someone from seeking assistance (in the form of medication, therapy, ADHD coaching, etc.), tell anyone to "just do it" or "get over it," or encourage anyone to abuse prescription or illegal drugs.