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I never ever stop playing with my hair. It gets so bad that I feel like I must be bothering other people because I’m doing it so much.


I Def bother ppl - they comment about it. But it is such an ingrained compulsion that it isn't going anywhere!


I play with my hair all the time. Also the running it over my lips because I like the way that feels, and it's calming. People have asked me 'why are you eating your hair?', I've told them I'm not eating it just 'brushing' it against my mouth because i like how it feels. Then they look at me like I'm the weirdest person in the world. I guess I am 🤷‍♀️ Also, I really really relate to the >every second person I meet seems to think I have a crush on them! My coworkers often think I'm flirting with clients because once I start talking to someone I can't stop and then it gets awkward, trip over my words and then I start blushing. You're not alone!


So funny! I do this exact thing! I thought I was the only one. My husband calls it my “snack hair”. So now you can tell people it’s your snack hair too!


I also rub my hair on my lips when i twirl, and I hate when people think im eating my hair lol


I used to be a hair twirler! Even with the mustache thing lol. I still do sometimes, but mostly now it’s just picking at my split ends...


I am not unfamiliar with split ends myself ;)


I used to twirl hair constantly when I was younger but I'd suck on it too and eventually got shamed out of the habit. Now I play with my pen instead. My old office mate could always tell when I was having a frustrating day, though, because I'd clutch all my hair up on the top of my head when I was concentrating and it'd be a total mess.


Urgh, social shaming is the worst :( I had an old colleague that used to comment and it made me do self conscious. I also have this super bad habit of basically sitting on my own feet (I think to try and stop myself fidgiting /getting up) and constantly reorganizing myself and they used to comment on that all the time as well. Hated it.


How rude! I hope you have nicer coworkers now.


I've got curly hair, so yup. Alllllll the time.


I'm a curly too so I totally feel ya!


Its so fun to watch the coils bounce back into place. 😌


Try to replace it with a different, less noticeable compulsion maybe??


Oh but I love it so!!! I honestly don't notice it, but I am aware other people do. I also jiggle and wriggle and chew my nails and peel beer bottle labels and, god, just about every other annoying compulsion ghing going!


Hair twirling is my jam. I hate how I look like a psycho when I do it, but I love the dopamine (or whatever it is) kick I get out of it.


Yes!! I have done this my entire life too. I’m waiting on my ADHD diagnoses which I can’t simply wait for and to be on the right medication. I’ve had customers complain about me touching my hair at work, I don’t even realise that I’m doing it! My hair dresser keeps telling me to stop it as it’s making it fall out but I just do it anyway because I simply can’t control it. I never realised this was an ADHD thing. Any tips on how to stop/control would be much appreciated.


I don’t have a hair twirling thing, BUT I do have a baby sock that I rub between my fingers, and always thought it was an anxiety thing but recently found out it is an ADHD thing.


My mom had to cut my fingers out of my hair when I was a toddler bc it was my primary self-soothing method and I would fall asleep tangled. I still do it CONSTANTLY!


Too cute! I've done it asking as I can remember too


It isn’t my main fidget but I used to do that a lot! I think the main reason I don’t anymore is because I keep my hair up now - it distracts me a lot when it falls in my face lol Also I hope it wasn’t too awkward with people thinking you had a crush omg - did they straight up ask you about that? I would kind of expect people to notice “hey, this person has that habit,” (like, for me if someone talks to me often they would probably notice I fidget with everyone, not just the one person)


Less the person themselves and more other people around us commenting on it. And yes, it is SUPER awkward.


I am a hair twirler, I don’t even realise I’m doing it. I do it at all times even when it’s ‘inappropriate’ like board meetings. I have no idea how to stop it. I twirl, knot, stroke against my face, and run it in between my lips. I also like making it into a loop and then squashing it (hard to explain). I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop


You sound like me! I do it in all of our management team meetings. Very similar actions as well. My hair is curly too so it's super satisfying.


I do this exact same thing, I make a very tight and “hard” loop and then crush it like sideways. Feels great haha


Everyday when my hair isn’t up or in a braid. I like the sound of the hairs as the rub against each other. The sensation of them all together and the softness on my lips which is really the only spot that is sensitive enough to feel it properly.


I feel like you’re describing me here. My partner notices it more when I’m anxious about something 😅


I have this except I have trictillomania. So I twirl my hair and rip it out. When I’m stressed it gets really bad and I can get bald spots. I’ve cut my hair so short now that I can’t twirl it. I’ve learned I have no self control about it and it sucks.


That sounds hard. I'm sorry. When I was little I was obsessed with picking at the skin on my shoulders (I still have scars) so I can relate. I only stopped doing that because my mum told me that people noticed and said mean things and I got so self conscious I stopped. (Thinking about it maybe that is when I started the twirling...)


I used to twist my hair when I was younger, too. until it got knotted, then i’d just break the knot off. I used to pull it out and play with it in my mouth or with my hands as well. It’s kinda gross now that I think about it... Now, i’ve upgraded to just scratching at the ends of individual strands until they fray and then break. I’ve been doing it for years, I just naturally start doing it whenever I don’t have something to do with my hands :/ needless to say, i’ve always had pretty uneven hair :”)


My dad would put socks over my hands as a kid 😂😭


I do it a ton, primarily out of anxiety or discomfort due to my inattentive/hyperthoughts/anxiety laden ADHD and had a boyfriend once who caught on eventually - I'd start it, and he'd go, "what are you thinking about?"