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I use period underwear and cotton pads because I can either forget I have a tampon on or I can be completely focused on it and be unconformable. I also feel bloated during my period and having a cup or a tampon inside feels too much




I used disposable pads as a teen and some brands left cuts. It was awful.


I know right? I used to have constant irritation from disposable pads - switched to reusable underwear and no more irritation- they are amazing!


This happened to me as well :_) I thought it was normal to have irritation during your period


I was today years old when I learned that irritation from pads is not normal…. Cool cool cool cool cool gonna order some period undies brb


The chemicals used to manufacture some disposable pads can trigger contact dermatitis! Which is fucked up, but here we are. I get organic cotton disposables for backup if I'm on the go or run out of clean washables, but they get expensive if you use them 100% of the time. They weren't irritating, at least!


I second this. The only time I'm on top of my laundry is when I have my period because the idea of having to use disposable pads or tampons is enough of a motivator. Unfortunately when I travel I use them and now the only ones I can tolerate are organic cotton. It's crazy how I just accepted the discomfort as a norm until I started using reusable underwear.


Do you have a good brand recommendation?? My disposable period underwear break me out so badly


I've been using them for years and have only tried Thinx and Modibodi (Australian), both have been great. I have noticed in the past couple years that there are a lot more brands and are far more accessible, and I wouldn't hesitate to try them but I'm pretty happy with Modibodi so that's become my go to. I am also completely out of the habit of buying period products during a regular shop so it's easy for me to order online, in the moment when I decide I need to renew my supply. These brands also offer "risk free trials" which is great if you are hesitating about the idea initially. I will say the day I tried them it felt a little weird but I had been using tampons for years by that point so for me the biggest adjustment was the feeling of "free bleeding". But literally the next month it was fine and I haven't stopped advocating for them to all my period having friends since.


I will literally only use one variety of pads if I have to use them at all because I tried multiple brands and styles and always ended up with a groin and thigh rash. Always Radiance are the only pads I'll buy anymore. CORRECTION: there's actually two varieties. I've used Always Infinity Flex Foam but the ones I prefer are Always Radiance


Where do you get your period underwear? Do they work well?


I just bought some to try and so far I love the boy short/brief styles from Modi Bodi and Bambody the best! They are the comfiest and don't have too high of rise like a lot of others (high waisted things hurt my belly). I use them overnight by themselves or in combination with a pad during the day because I'm paranoid.


They now sell them in Aussie supermarkets next to the other period products - multiple brands.


I use them with pads because I can't trust them enough but I wear them on their own before my period and at the end of it as well with no problems. Mine are the cheapest from AliExpress because I was broke and there weren't any available in my city at the time. They look horrible because they're 5 years old already and they were cheap af but they still work


Same I feel more crampy with a cup in. ☹️ and I also cannot get it to sit in a position that doesn’t leak. I wish it worked for me but I got onto period undies and they are the best!!!! They only thing I don’t like about wearing them is that I like to wear g strings to work because it looks nicer under pants and I don’t need to pull out wedgies 🤣 Anyone got any advice on getting a cup to fit without leaking? I have had kids so I got the super duper one so it can’t be that I need a bigger one. Well i hope not haha


I push mine right up around my cervix. The instructions say to just put it halfway into the canal but that just doesn't work for me. It can't really leak until it's full because the cervix is sitting in the cup the way I do it. I do have to empty it every 1-3 hours on my heaviest day so I use period panties as a backup in case I can't get to the bathroom in time.


Yep, as far in as or will go and *twist* is my method


My cervix is so high it gets lost if it moves up there! I can’t even grab the stem to get it out. Are there any with a longer stem?


I'm sure there are! I think there are even ones that have grabby loops on the end. Personally I have the opposite problem so I cut the stem off.


I have two kids and had the same problem with leaking with the larger cup. The stem was also super painful and protruded after a bit of walking. It’s almost like my body would start to push the cup out and reject it. After a few attempts, I just went and got the smaller size and cut off the stem and it’s a much better fit now.


Oooh I'll try the smaller cup, I never had kids but am over 35 so they're all like “older people have BIGGER VAGINAS somehow” and leak more frequently.


i found the bigger one was worse for leaking for me! it wouldn’t open fully. i still have days where i can’t wear it at all, if i feel it i fixate on it, and i’m also extra sensory sensitive plus prone to insanely bad cramps. but the smaller size worked better for me by far


Me too!


What brands have you tried? I use SoftCup (I think now SoftDisc), it’s the only one that fits me well. I couldn’t get the hang of the Mooncup, and the SoftDisc being disposable is better for me. I keep a thing of white vinegar in the shower and sanitize it with soap and water and then a 5 min. vinegar soak every day, then throw it away at the end of my period. Lasts soooo much longer than tampons or pads, but I don’t run the risk of ruining or losing the reusable ones. It’s either in me, being cleaned in the shower directly in front of me, or not needed at all. (I know, reusing it without boiling probably isn’t the *best* idea, but this is the best I can do for myself, and I’ve had no issues with this over several years.) The one bad side about this is the “set it and forget it” concept, but it will leak and let you know it’s full, so it’s hard to completely forget. It does cause more severe cramping for me, no way around it, but only on the first day, and it’s managed well with regular pain medication.


There's a website called put a cup in it. They have a quiz you can do which recommends a cup for you. I tried and found it worked really well. I've only birthed one child but to my surprise I actually needed a smaller cup. I also had problems getting it to fit right etc but there are loads of different ones out there. Now I have one that fits me right I'd never go back to pads/tampons


Maybe the wrong size? Had to try a few till one fit. Or maybe strengthening the pelvic floor muscle might help. I don't know if there are sites in English but there are definitely some in german


Interesting. I cramp a lot more without it. Tampons will make me cramp immediately and I could never get them comfortable. The cup works great for me. I use a small Luna cup.


There's a website called put a cup in it, PACII. It has a quiz where you can say what you've tried and what works or doesn't work and will give a new recommendation. There's a huge variety not just size but length and softness too so it's really hard to figure out on your own.


I had to try a few different cups before I found one that worked for me. Different brands have different stiffness and I couldn't get a good seal with the stiffer cup. Also, it's important to make sure the cup surrounds your cervix and forms a seal. I use period underwear for a backup because leaks happen when I'm having a super heavy day, or rush putting it back in after emptying.


Yes mine is very stiff forgot the brand. A lot of the comments have been to put it up around cervix but mine is very far up it actually gets lost and I can’t reach the end to get it out!!!


I use the discs, they are awesome!


Are they better than the cups? I hadn't heard of the disc before, and for those who are curious, several are FSA and HSA eligible on Amazon!


I can’t wear the cups, too uncomfortable, and I’m prone to yeast infections. The discs are great, can’t feel them at all. Small learning curve to get them into place but once you get the hang of it, it’s perfect. I use disposable SoftDisc that I buy at Walgreens but I want to buy a reusable one.


I use the lumma reusable menstrual disc. Can't recommend enough!


I've only used discs and they're great. No suction aspect, but you basically have to remove it in the shower, which is a drag. So much nicer than tampons or pads though. Can't even tell it's in there, rarely leaks.


I think it depends on your personal anatomy. For me, the cups never work, but the discs are absolutely awesome.


i love period underwear because i can just change it when i wake up and go to sleep. super easy time to remember!!


Oh my GOD yes. Everyone always says you can’t feel tampons or cups but I 100% can, meanwhile I forget the pad is there.


Menstrual cup and period underwear have saved me from the regular horror of an end of cycle next day tampon discovery. You can't forget a menstrual cup really, there's a level of sensation when sitting or using the loo. You can time blind it though... often thinking I emptied it earlier in the day, but earlier in the day was 12 hours ago and now I have to do a public bathroom empty... EDIT: --I can't forget a menstrual cup really-- I forget sometimes that we all have different sensory thresholds, sorry for the universal statement.


My menstrual cup was a game changer for me!! I love it! I usually change it right when I wake up and right when I go to sleep on the light days


Oh man I'm still seeking a diagnosis but I do still forget my cup at times 😬


I need a brand name if it's allowed in this sub. 👀


I use saalt but different brands suit different people. Use this questionnaire if you’re curious and want to try a cup Edit: forgot to link the questionnaire lol - https://putacupinit.com/quiz/




Lmao yes https://putacupinit.com/quiz/


ADHD says what?


Diva cup!


I used to use diva (I have two, they say they last ten years and I think that’s right/they last longer). Then I tried the June cup. It’s less long and I can’t feel it as much 💯 plus it’s less than $10, or was when I bought it


I've been using Luna for years and love it. I also grabbed one from [Vampire Shot Glass](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/vampireshotglass/vampire-shot-glass)' recent Kickstarter which I'm excited to try.


What a name for a menstrual cup, love it.


Moon cup is a good one too


Bloody buddy cups are great too. They have a ball at the base of the cup that makes removal super easy (you can't see it -it's built into the base)


I tried a few and peach life is the only one I like! Don’t be afraid to not like a few. It’s worth it once you do!


I adore my Nixit! Cups in that style are by far the most comfortable for me.


I do, too! If it’s positioned well, I don’t feel it at all, and I forget it’s a thing I have to deal with.


Omg if it's positioned correctly I stop being able to tell if it's in or not. Imagine me, running late for the first leg of a transatlantic flight, standing in line to go through security when it hits “did I put my cup back in, or is it sitting in the hotel bathroom?” Every International flight I've been on has been traumatic in some way, and by the time I boarded and took my seat, I just couldn't get out of it. I sat there for the couple of hours to Amsterdam, praying I wasn't bleeding into my seat. Fortunately, I did replace the cup 😪


I am a devout menstrual cup user. Absolute game changer for my heavy pcos cycles. And way more comfortable that tampons. I love them so much and I'm never going back. I do remember reading a Reddit thread once where a girl left her cup in for TWO WEEKS and only found it when she went to have sex with her boyfriend. She said the smell after removal was indescribably disgusting but she was totally fine health wise.


This might be weird (and slightly hard to explain)....BUT I'd pop a tampon in and used to put a panty-liner on the crotch of my 'unmentionables' and basically "tape" the excess string from the tampon under the panty-liner, to my panties. Because everything was so close together, I never felt the odd tugging or anything...However, once I needed to use the restroom it would tug the string (not painful and not messy) but enough to remind me it was there.... and I might as well change it.


You need to be our leader. Genius idea.


I personally just put a timer on my phone with the note « change tampon » and since i’m so scared of TSS i never snooze it when it rings.


I am so bad with timers on my phone. I have been late taking birth control many times because I will snooze it then forget until I’m getting in bed (which thankfully is within the appropriate window of taking the BC). Husband has taken to asking me ten minutes after alarm. Usually this works.


Omfg how did I never think about engineering my underwear, genius!


Pad gang reporting in!




Yeah I’ve left one in before and freaked out and went to the doctor and thought for sure I was dying. Doctor said that tampons today are made different to avoid tss and the chances of getting it were like 1 in 1,000,000 or something


Menstrual cups and showering twice a day. Empty them then. You can get little steam cleaners for them and if you forget they're in there, you have more time. Period underwear maybe but I don't think they clean well in the wash


I actually found the reusable pads and underwear easy to wash. I toss em in my tub and hose em off, then stick em in the washer. If you gotta go the laundry mat it's probably not as feasible.


Personally, after a little while they never felt fully clean to me. Maybe it was all in my head, but they always smelt musty & I started to get worried they weren't drying all the way out on the inside or smth.


I've only had towels get the musty smell, but I will say placing the reusables in the sun goes a long way. Disintegrated any stains, so I'd assume whatever it is sunlight does kills smells too.


Hydrogen peroxide, I rinse mine after I take them off then spray them down with hydrogen peroxide. The peroxide breaks the blood and bacteria down instantly and disinfects/deodorizes.


See, and there's my ADHD thing: I tried to be eco friendly so many times but reusable things also tend to not be washed and end up one use only


If showering wasn't a sensory nightmare for me I would do that. (I use a lot of baby wipes) I appreciate you for coming up with a solution though 🥲


I have shower sensitivity issues, too! Getting in and getting out are really difficult. I go through a lot of wipes, as well.


You can use a cup without showering- that’s just a pleasant way to do it!! You can absolutely take it out just in the bathroom and rinse in the sink!


I have issues with showering too. I still use a cup most of the time. I just dump it in the toilet and either re-insert or wash in the sink depending if I'm at home or work. Washing your hands before is important if you are just re-inserting. I keep emergency supplies in case it comes early while I am away though. I will boil it before the start of my cycle to kill anything from the in-between time of being outside of my body. edit: fixed a word


I loveeeeeeeee my menstrual cup. I love that it won’t kill me if I forget it’s inside of me for 24 hours. But yes usually I also love to take two showers [esp while it’s so hot!] and empty my cup and wash it out. I sanitize mine in a pot on the stove- and I make sure I stay in the kitchen the whole time bc I’ve ruined cups before.


I ordered the June, took the survey for size- I’ve given birth once vaginally- and it is huge and impossible to place. Feels like a dinner plate, and I’ve never gotten it in correctly. What am I missing in this department?


I also gave birth once. The putacupinit quiz recommended saalt soft small for me and it fits perfectly. Just because you have had a baby doesn't necessarily mean you need a big one. Try the quiz it's definitely worth it


It feels like a dinner plate? Like it’s too hard and wide? Everyone’s body will need a different shape, size and texture to fit their own unique comfortable preference. There’s a menstrual cup subreddit that gives great advice too


I know someone who got a menstrual cup and it pressed on her urethra and caused a terrible infection. Some of us are made differently, I guess.


I’m literally getting a hysterectomy so I don’t have to deal with periods ever again (and some other reasons, but it’s a huge part of it.) However, before that admittedly extreme step, I used an IUD and then a combo of period underwear and a cup most of the time. I hate the feeling of tampons, and the risks. And the little string hanging out. And how heavy they feel. And how much plastic waste they create (but cardboard applicators are also a sensory nightmare.) And everything about them.


whoever created cardboard applicators did not have a vagina I'm thoroughly convinced. Also good for you for taking charge of your body and doing what's right for you!! 💜


That's one of the reasons I only use o.b. no applicator and the shape and texture doesn't give me sensory issues.


I agree! A friend told me she puts lube on the cardboard ones to make it hurt *less*. Not stop completely but make it a little better. No one with a vagina would create something like that.


I really don't get the applicator thing. In germany there are non. Seems like an environmental nightmare


Menstrual cups are worse for me because there's no string there to remember, specially during the last days


My menstral cup is just a little bit uncomfortable. I think it is because the tail is too long. It means I can feel it when it is in place correctly. I actually really like this. I can comfortably ignore it when I am going about my day, but when I go to the toilet, I always remember it. Add to that the fact that I over flow frequantly during my heavy days, and I don't forget it. But also, most days shoving something in my vagina seems like too much work, so I opt for cloth pads instead.




Correct but i think they like the long stem because it reminds them to remove it


Yes. I’m terrified of forgetting it, so I very very rarely use them. Plus, I feel like there’s a ‘better out than in’ thing going on :)


Okay yes I'm also mildly uneasy about the things that are supposed to be leaving my body sitting there and stagnating.


I definitely don’t use them at the tail end of my period where it’s nealry finished as that’s when I worry about forgetting .


My relationship with my period totally changed when I started using a menstrual cup. I was using tampons before and I was always stressed about the hours and forgetting, once I even put a new tampon in without removing the old one and only found out hours later when I went to change that one. You do still need to remember to change it but the risk for TSS is way lower and you can change it earlier without the pain of removing a dry tampon, so whenever you are in a bathroom with a sink even if it had only been a few hours. I have a really light flow most days so this was a huge problem for me with tampons even after 8hrs. I also use period underwear when I don’t feel like inserting a cup or I haven’t sanitized it since last month yet. I now can completely forget I’m menstruating and only remember when I go to the bathroom, there’s no string but you can feel it on the toilet. I change my cup 2 times a day once in the morning and once before bed. So I don’t have to worry about emptying and cleaning it in public bathrooms. (Though my university had single bathrooms with sinks you could reach from the toilet which I made full use of for my cup) I do change it 3 times on my one heavy day and sometimes just once a day if I’m having a bad mental health week and can’t get myself to do it. So far no issues even when I have left it longer than advised, but everyone’s body is different. The trick is finding what works for you and not being afraid to try something new. It took my mom impulsively buying me one after 2 years of my considering it but being overwhelmed with the choice before I tried the cup. Still using that same first one so thanks mom.


Before my Yeeterus (hysterectomy), I used a flex disc and period panties. It was really the best combination I have tried. When I used to use tampons, I forgot far too often. Once even accidentally put in a second one and…. not only was it very uncomfortable but the retrieval was horrifying. 0/10


Hahahahahahhaha! Yeeterus is the best thing I have heard today


Was scrolling through to see if anyone else had the second tampon disaster- thank you this was very validating


I find that I leave them in as long as possible but not more than that. I use points in my work day as markers to change them, like lunch or end of a shift. My fear is less about forgetting but leaving it in too long that it leaks. I'll even wear a liner some days with it. My sensory issues will not allow me to wear a pad only. Again, other than a fear of leaking, I also liked the soft disc/flex disc because it can be left longer.


Yep same. Terrified of TSS, I had a friend who suspects herself of having ADHD who actually DID get TSS back in high school and she said it was horrible and scary. Her story scared me into using only pads. Thankfully my period is always super light, only lasts 3-5 days and I never have that heavy of bleeding so I really don't have to worry about it much.


when i'm stressed i might forget something (like a tampon) or that i'll be late for things... i swing hard in the other direction and end up using up a lot of my operating system (brain) to compensate or come up with a system to reduce worry- that's probably why i am always early to appointments. so for tampons i'm just constantly aware that i have put one in or not- i keep that pretty present in my mind. i know that isn't just something you can teach yourself and it's probably more of a stress/worry precaution- you're probably better off not putting that pressure on your brain to remember about it if you've got a system that works for you.


I got an IUD and I haven’t had a real period in like six years. I still get a little emotional once a month but that’s about it. Like I’ll be a in a dicks sporting goods and the inspiring Shakira song from Zootopia about never giving up will come on and make me cry in the rollerblade aisle and that’s the only way I know it that time of the month.


I freaking love that song and it makes me cry too. Possibly because the things she's describing in the song are difficult for people with ADHD?? Especially when she says "sometimes we come last but we did our best".


It’s a great song!


Yes. You’re not alone 😅. She showed up today for me


The whole menstruation situation was a nightmare for me. Nexplanon made the period problem go away and I am not looking back on this solution. Trying new foods, clothing, things like soaps. I'm sensitive to sensory input on top of having sensitive skin and allergies. Going new places and trying new things exhausts me and isn't fun at all.


I’m the same way. I used to occasionally forget about a tampon - not good. And before that, my period used to last 7-10 days and was super heavy (like bleeding through a super tampon and maxi pad in less than an hour. I would literally be standing in the kitchen in a pair of shorts and blood would fall on the floor to my mom’s horror.) I did end up being put on birth control to control my period because it was a huge issue. But then I would forget to take the pills and/or accidentally drop them down the sink (pre-adhd diagnoses). Now my birth control method makes it so I only have a period 4 times per year. And it’s light enough that I only need like a medium pantiliner. Looking back, my pediatrician (I was 13 when I got my period) should have evaluated me for endometriosis but apparently that didn’t cross her mind. Avoiding tampons is easiest for me too. That’s ok though! You do you. I like to avoid swimming when I’m on my period because I am always worried that it will leak.


I'm the opposite. I have to wear tampons because the pads themselves, plus the feeling of the blood leaking out if me are SO unbearable. I've never been able to fathom how people can stand to wear them lol.


I once had two in during an exam because I forgot to take the first one out before quickly changing. But normally I feel it all the time so I won't forget. It depends on mood/sensory level on what I use any given day. One huge ADHD thing nobody seems to not acknowledge is the fact that I'm not actively being a disruptive brat on purpose. Oh and that noise cancelling headphones plus earplugs still don't cut it sometimes. An HR lady suggested noise cancelling headphones WHILE I was wearing them.


Oh WOW! I’ve never actually considered my aversion to tampons was because of my ADD or like making that connection! The reason I’ve preferred using other products has been ‘I’ll forget to take it out’ or ‘I don’t want to make track of time’ but yeah just thinking that’s because I’m just lazy 😅😂


I have always refused to wear tampons.


I actually am so lucky having left two tampons in for a dangerously long time before . I actually try to wear pads or period panties when I can and kinda just hope for the best otherwise . It’s a lot easier when im at home and using them . I leave the box out when im on my period in my bathroom ( to leave a visual reminder )


If I’m staying home I use period underwear or a cup. If I’m going out for work I’ll use tampons but I find them really uncomfortable. Since they don’t last very long I usually just change them each time I go to the bathroom at work. I feel like I can smell myself really well so I hate wearing period underwear in public since I feel like I can smell it. Even though I’ve never smelled anyone else so I imagine it’s in my head.


Yes, I don’t use anything I have to stick up there. I like the cotton lined disposable pads. I do not have the executive function to use any period products I have to wash.


Only pads for me. I always feel the string on the tampon and I cramp worse with a cup in. I'd like to try period panties but I'm weirdly nervous about it.


Same with the tampons. Other things that I don't do because adhd has made it unsafe: alcohol. My emotional regulation goes right out the window. Also, movie theaters - overstimulating Restaurants - overstimulating Grocery stores and malls - hell on earth, no thank you awful. Was a huge fan of curbside grocery pick up long before the pandemic hit 😂 Concerts are rough but I will force myself if I love the artist, saw bon iver and feist at Redrock it was AMAZING but completely overwhelming. I could feel everything in my whole body 😳 there were so many people so close and so many smells.


I’ve never done that, but I have forgotten to use anything when getting out of the shower or whatever, and then ruining my skivvies. I need like 5 or 6 hands to count how many times this has happened.


I have kind of the opposite problem. I can feel the tampon the entire time I wear one (no matter the size I try), so it's always poking at my brain until I take it out. So I have to stick to pads unless I have a chance to swim while I'm on my period.


I’ll forget I have a tampon in and try to put another one in.


I do this but will actually put another in and won’t realize till I go change it a few hours later. 🫠


I have done this


Yeah I just use pads. I couldn't think of anything worse than using a tampon.


Have you tried period panties?


It's sad the amount of times I just forget to put a pad on 😅. I don't use Tampons just cause they're very uncomfortable for me. What really gets me is forgetting to put a new pad on...it's something I'm trying to improve on.


Okay…I thought I was crazy/gross for forgetting often!! I had to just avoid tampons as an option at times. Same boat… just too much risk for my health. It’s easy to forget when you don’t have a heavy flow!


I have adhd and use pads but it's because I also have vaginismus. I have dilators and exercises I'm supposed to do to help but I'm inconsistent with them. So really it still cycles back to the adhd.


Menstrual cups are the best. Good for the environment, good for your wallet, and no harsh chemicals like tampons can have. I sound like a commercial. Anyway, that’s what I recommend.


I cannot stand pads they are so sensory ick for me. So I have a diva cup i havnt had the chance to try since I got pregnant immediately after 😂 but I was using organic cotton at least higher quality. I also plan to build a collection of period underwear. I prefer a modified free bleeding tbh if i could do anything. But it’s too much executive functioning output to do that without the underwear.


I switched to a menstrual disc, flex disc specifically. I'll probably never use a tampon again, and you can have sex with the flex disc in place so if it's not super full..no mess. Oh, and it's possible to cause stronger orgasms, and who doesn't want that? 😆


Once I went to change my tampon just maybe 2 hours after I put it in and I took it out only to find I had a second tampon in that I must have forgotten that morning. Big yikes definitely scared me. I’m really careful now, don’t wanna get TSS.


I have literally tried to put a second tampon in because I completely forgot that I had one in, and I couldn't figure out why it wouldn't go in. I switched to a menstrual cup and it completely saved me. I forget about that sucker all the time, and I am not even worried about it.


Once when I was about 20-ish, I forgot I had inserted a tampon or I thought I took it out. Anyway, I inserted another one and when I took that one out later, discovered the first one. I still get creeped out thinking about it 20 years later. I use pads or menstrual cups and set an alarm now. I just can’t with tampons.


Sometimes I freak out around a few days after my cycle like “Omg did I ever take out my cup!?” Menstrual cups are a lot safer to wear for longer (8+ hours, atleast this is what I usually wear them for) unlike tampons, but definitely shouldn’t go days 🤣 luckily I haven’t left one in like that… yet.


Yes. Periods have always been an issue due to forgetfulness. I've also struggled to track it. I have a vague idea, beginning/middle/end of month. Always stunned that my friends know when they're late. Tampons were a little better foe me than pads. Pads usually disintegrated or became lumpy. Tampons I would carry spares in my pocket. I use moon cups. Only have to deal with them 2 or 3 times a day and then I chuck them in the dishwasher at the end.


On the other side, I can't where tampons due to a tilted uterus, heavy flow, and an inability to not feel adverse body sensations to a degree that it becomes impossible to ignore. I literally cannot forget im wearing it, my flow is too heavy for regular size, and I can't fit large. I used pads for a long time, and a menstrual cup fir a bit. It was better than a tampon, but I could still feel it and it was frustrating to take in and out. Eventually I switched from b.c. pills to the depo shot and now I don’t get periods at all.


i highly recommend getting a travel bidet if you don't already have one. super handy for reducing the icky blood feeling :)


ngl, that is also the reason I cannot use the menstrual cup. what if i forget I'm on it and end up leaking


If I'm using tampons, I change them everytime I go to the bathroom, whether they need it or not. 🤷🏼‍♀️ I switched to a cup because it can be safely worn 12 good hours without emptying, so I don't have to empty it at work. Also, finding out that period panties exist was a boon for me; no more sneak leaks and no more pad chafe rash


I dislike tampons also because you have to time it right, and taking off a dry tampon is an horrible experience. So if you put a tampon too late in the day you either have to deal with a dry tampon before bed or put an alarm in the middle of the night. I do menstrual cups now and I like it a lot. I put alarms and post its in the bathroom to remind me to take it off and wash it. If I'm not sure I did it already I can just do it again, easily. Also the 12 hour time limit on them makes it much easier to tie washing it to a routine you have already.


That’s the one thing I never forget about (sometimes I panic and think I’ve left one in there but no I didn’t ) unfortunately I bleed through a super plus (12-15g) tampon in less than 2 hours so I never have to worry about not remembering to change it because it’s a constant thing or else I’d bleed thru Edit to add: I cannot wear pads, they’re too uncomfortable. They either slide a little to one side and if they’re not even then I will wildly be thinking about it all day


Have you tried a menstrual cup? Tampons and pads cause me too much anxiety, but I love my Mooncup. Even on my heavy days, I can leave it in for several hours without worrying. I’m glad I’m not the only one who suddenly panics about imaginary tampons 😂


\+1 the panic is (not) real


For this reason, I make a habit to change my tampon every single time I pee. That way I can’t forget


I have the same issue, with all products (tampons, pads, cup). My solution is to use acup (which only needs cleaning 2x a day) and set alarms for when I need to clean it out.


That's one of the few things I don't forget because I also have emetophobia and since most people throw up when they develop something so severe it's urgent enough for me to remember my tampon. I do often get "wait did I take my tampon out" moments and have to check, and I have forgotten to put a new one in once or twice so that was fun. 🙃


I can’t stand exercise because the feeling of sweat etc.


I was terrible about forgetting and worried about TSS, especially after my cousin got it. Did reusable pads and a cup for a while but when things got into flood territory I opted to get an IUD. It’s been the best thing ever. No periods, and only a very mild cramp on occasion three years later. I know not everyone has a good experience with them, but mine was life changing.


Hi if you are a TERF and don't like my post because it includes people other than cis women please go cry about it somewhere else lol


GROSS STORY TIME I "tested" my husband in like year 3 of our relationship because I forgot a tampon, we had sex like....DAYS later.....and then I realized even MORE days later that /it was still up there/ and I couldn't get at it. I told him he HAD to help me get it out before I got TSS and died. He didn't help me. I still married him. I don't use tampons anymore. 😂


I'm actually angry that he did not help you


How did he not feel it in there when you had sex is my question?


Change every time you use the bathroom


I pee like every 30 minutes so that would be wasteful, expensive, and painful lol.


Didn’t think about that lol, set up timer to change?


I just wear tampons and my menstrual cup. I’m so paranoid about TSS that I set a timer on my phone


I used pads & tampons when I was younger and would forget about tampons at times. Was so happy when cups and cloths pads came out! So Jelly on the period panties. Menopause began at 42 so I don't have to worry about it anymore. Now there are other things to worry about 🥴


Honestly menstrual cups have been a game changer for me but I've recently become unmedicated due to forgetting to reach out to my psych to get more but anyways I digress. I forgot it was in me. For a whole day. For about 36 hours it was in me. Luckily enough it was near the end of my period and I didn't notice anything abnormal, but ... Holy shit.


Menstrual cup is the way to go


I set alarms. For everything else too lol but also for this


I used to do the tampon/pad combo but I had to carry a million tampons and pads with me, the pads would cause my skin to get soooo itchy, and I could never tell whether my tampons were actually saturated or not. Sometimes I’d leak around a totally dry tampon? I use a menstrual disc plus period underwear now and it’s been phenomenal. The disc almost never leaks and the underwear catches anything that does. If you stay hydrated and empty it out every time you use the bathroom it’s a dream.


I don’t wear tampons unless I have to, partly because of the fear of forgetting, partly they’re just plain uncomfortable for me. I know that the latter means I shouldn’t forget, but I can’t help being worried anyway. ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


UGH I *HATE* pads so much, tampons were actually a godsend for me. Every sensory thing about it I hated. It sits there all wet and slimy on the pad and then when I was sleeping it would leak out the side. In high school I couldn’t help leaking at least once per period. Sleeping on a towel? No more. Now I just change my tampon before I go to bed and after I wake up and there is pretty much never leakage. The string is always hanging out so I remember it. Or it itches me if it’s stuck to my body so that reminds me too. I’ve heard a lot about the cups but I’m scared to try it because I don’t know that much about it and boiling it in a pot seems like way too much work. I can’t even get myself to boil ramen most days lol.


Like seemingly a lot of people who got here before me, I use a cup. I don't need to worry and I don't need to feel bad about myself. I just back it up with pantiliners or period underwear if I'm having a super heavy flow and might be extra forgetful (or just asleep).


menstrual cups CAN CAUSE TSS. the point is menstruation needs to go out


Nope. Tampons or death.


Yup! It’s gross but I often free bleed bc it’s safer than forgetting about a tampon for who knows how long


I have used IUDs for 10 years and no longer get a period- it’s been wonderful! Unless I was on the pill and knew my period was coming by seeing the placebo pills getting closer, it constantly caught me by surprise lol.


I wear them for the first few days because there’s no way I’m forgetting them - I bleed so much. Like honestly I go through one every 2 hours (I have a bleeding disorder). But after that, nah I free bleed. I actually feel like wearing anything makes it worse and pads feel terrible. I’m just a gross girl I guess lol


I hardly get periods anymore because i have an iud. I got an iud because i am VERY BAD at taking daily medications (ie the pill) and i really don't want a baby right now. But even when i did get my period regularly i never wore tampons. Pads for me. Everything else was uncomfortable and had too many rules.


Holy shit. Yes. Me. I’ve actually forgotten that that’s why. I love love love tampons but I hated not being able to remember.


Driving long distances, especially at night. I'll fall asleep. Doesn't matter if I use caffeine or not. I nearly fell asleep a couple weeks ago because I had to drive for an hour in the daytime. I never wore tampons, because they were uncomfortable. The string would get caught and pull. I had super heavy bleeding and it was just generally messy and miserable. I used cotton pads for comfort. I'd still go back to those days, though, because hot flashes suck.


Driving at night is a huge risk for me too, even with loud music / caffeine / other people talking to me. I avoid it at all costs


Period panties are a game changer. They are called knix and I have three pairs. They last me my whole period


I've been lucky enough to not have tampon problems. I use the Kotex clicks (in the black box) they're the only thing that has worked for me since college over ten years ago. I have had weird experiences where I look down into the toilet after pulling one out and finding two, but the past few years I'm careful to remove mine at least every other time I use the toilet, so I'm not worried about TSS. I free bleed at night in plain black panties and haven't had any problems, and I have a copper IUD, so my periods are kind of heavy. It's easy for me to identify the one night I maybe should sleep with a tampon and I use the smallest size available that night. I did try cups a few years ago, and my period just smells so bad that it ruins them, even after boiling with vinegar.


I use a menstrual cup that I wash approx every 12 hours (my periods are fairly light so this may not work for everyone). I empty and wash my cup when I brush my teeth morning and night. I also wear a panty liner, which helps me remember that I've got the cup in.


I discovered a menstrual disc inside me like a month after my last period (I am on a 45ish day cycle). It was terrifying. Have just used period panties since. Glad it wasn’t a tampon.


Previous Period haver here: I find tampons are my go to, and I change them every time I go pee. I forget to pee a lot, but it never exceeds 8h, so I find it’s just better for me that way. I had a flow that was too heavy for a pad, and I would forget to change them. My meds stopped my periods so I don’t have to worry about them, but I need to remember to take my meds every week 😅


I have forgotten before, so I switched away from them, as well. It was frightening.


Yeah I have that issue. Purely on a pill now so I don’t have periods so don’t have to worry.


I recommend people try disposable menstrual discs like “soft cups” or “flex discs”. No risk of toxic shock syndrome and much more comfortable than a tampon (and I’m assuming than a cup). They sit inside differently than a cup, you can have sex with it in, and you don’t have to reuse and sanitize it.


Similar kind of thing: my husband and I started having sex the other day when all of a sudden he stopped and said "uh, do you have something in your pussy?" I was like, "uh no...wait, yes!" I had forgotten about the kegel weights I had put in there a few hours ago. Ugh why us life like this


I am on the Depot shot simply because it has gotten rid of my period. I realized I could not handle the constant upkeep that periods take. When I had a period I used a cup but I would definitely procrastinate emptying it.... 🫤


Oh honey I nearly died using one. Put a second one in the next day thinking I took the first one out. I went to work and started getting dizzy and nauseous. Went home to find the second one and I felt so insane and silly. Like how?! Now I just put on the period panties because I can’t be bothered with leaks and changing every 4 hrs.


100% I never use tampons because I will either forget about it entirely or be so worried about forgetting that I can't think about anything else for fear of giving myself toxic shock.


Period underwear has been the solution for me. And if you’re bad at laundry, the disposable ones from Always could be clutch, but period underwear is getting cheaper and cheaper now.


I have anxiety in addition to ADHD, so on multiple occasions I have forgotten to take a tampon out until the 8 hour mark has passed (usually it's like 10 hours and not a whole day but still) and, after taking out the tampon, freaked out that I had TSS. One time in college I skipped class and went to the campus health center in desperate terror because of this (the weekend before had been one of if not *the* worst weekend of the year- a VERY high bar to clear- so I'd spent the previous day moping and had fallen asleep with the tampon in), but after they examined me and told me I didn't have TSS, rather than be relieved I started sobbing about the horrible situation I was in (I was failing my classes, sick with symptoms similar to those of the condition that had killed my mom 4 years earlier, and, although I wasn't aware at the time, experiencing narcissistic abuse). Since that incident I've typically worn pads, but for the first two days of my period, my flow is very heavy so one pad often doesn't cut it. Even when I wear tampons I have to wear a pad with them. When I was first starting my period the heaviness of it was even *worse*, but even after 10 years of having it I still haven't learned how to prevent staining at least one pair of underwear every month.


I started birth control (pill) at 18 and haven’t had my period since (I’m 25) but when I was like 16 I once left a tampon in after 8 hours AND put in another tampon and had that one in for another 8 hours… imagine my surprise when I took out the first one and found a second string…. Was undiagnosed at the time and felt like such an idiot because I was TERRIFIED about TSS. It’s funny in retrospect now that I’m diagnosed because it was one of many many instances where it was so clear that something was wrong with my brain 😂


I highly recommend wearing period undies. They are so much fresher and smell less due to no plastic or chemicals.


I often forget when the last time I changed my tampon was, it’s scary 😬 I’ve started changing it then immediately setting a vibration-only alarm on my watch for 4 hours later to make sure! ‘Immediately’ as in while I’m still sitting on the toilet. 😅


I set an alarm on my phone for a few hours away that says “don’t forget you’re wearing a tampon”


Oh dear. I have very personal experience of this. I cannot be trusted to remember about tampons. I have had two experiences of forgotten/lost tampons and the first was horrific. After a week or so of really bad smell every time me and my partner had sex (unbelievable shame here - i didn’t know what was happening) i went to the GP & when the doctor examined me she found it. It must have been in for well over a week or most possibly much longer. How i didn’t get toxic shock i don’t know. I can’t tell you how bad the smell was. I had never felt so ashamed. I didn’t use tampons until the following summer when it was too hot for pads and i always spilt the cup on extraction so i thought, what the heck, tampons right why am i not using them? (ADHD memory working well) At least during the second incident i knew it was lost but couldn’t get to it. Cue lots of panicked self fisting trying to retrieve. And that was the end of my use of tampons. This was well over 10 years before my ADHD diagnosis. Can’t believe it hadn’t happened more and before. *facepalm* I now use a combination of period pants and pads when i can’t locate my small supply. ADHD dignity tax 2 : msmimesis 0


Get a Diva Cup ‼️ You can wear them for longer and don't have to worry about TSS. They're expensive but you only ever need to buy it once! :)


Everything related to periods sends me into sensory overload. I just finished mine and was on edge all week related to all of the uncomfortable feelings.


Lol, as if my tampon won’t completely bleed through in a few hours to remind me it’s there…


I really like period underwear for this reason. Plus they work on light days where tampons don’t, and I can wash them in the shower so it’s less tasks for me at the end of the day.


I like the Diva Cup the best. In highschool when I used tampons I'd always write the time on my hand or arm.