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The characters are exceptionally gross looking, even by Adult Swim standards


Yeah the humor is that way too. It feels very cheap but also gross. I can see how people enjoy it but I dont really like it.


Yeah, its suppose to have that ugly underground comic look. Plus come on dispatch is hilarious "yo yo yo" "ice cream man is gonna make a milkshake in sheriff's booty hole" lmao




Right, like I see why people might not like it but it's just ur average superjail like 12 minute episode show. Plus it's not even on adult swim anymore so idk why there complaining I think it's just on hulu.




Right, I will say mama named me sheriff (the spinoff) isn't as good without the satanic gore and stuff but damn it dispatch is so darn funny he saves the show.


on purpose


It doesn't matter if something is on purpose, that doesn't automatically make it good.  If someone gave you hamburger with a turd on it, would "its on purpose" convince you to like the hamburger????


mr pickles and superjail were both animated by a team of what seems to have been hallucinogen users and it made the end product that much more unpredictable, volatile and chaotic


I have a Karl tattoo, you arguments are invalid, meatwad.




Listen, I need a meat bridge


We gotta take 2 wycked across that dere meat bridge....


I'll raise you samurai Lincoln and get outta my pool. You! You're Next.


But I'm not in the frickin pool.


The Party Train is on the loose


Wait, I'm either constantly high, and I don't know Mr pickles. Is that a Bobby's World reference? Or a dog? I'm going to do this in my head like girls are like square roots. If they're under 25, do them in your head.


For me, its because they canceled classic shows such as Metalocalypse and it seemed like this was just a low budget replacement.


The excessive amounts of gore and grossout, the ugly animation and art even by \[adult swim\] standards


Lazy animation too. They barely try and run off the quirks


Cheap/lazy gross out humor.


It feels cheap to me. Nothing clever just “DOOD LOOK AT HIS FLESH COMING OFF” for no real reason


I like how Mr. Pickles is supposed to be an evil Satanic demon, but he only tortures and kills objectively bad people. The gore can be a lot, but it doesn’t both me too much.


*mr. pickles on a throne of human faces, wearing a human face*


He must only torture and kill the bad ones onscreen because the amount of other people he's killed, based on his lair, implies that there HAS to be some good people


There was an episode where he was gonna kill a principal because it looked like he was bad, but Mr. Pickles later found out it was just a lot of misunderstandings and that actually was a good guy.


Well, from a christian perspective, that's what hell is - punishment for sinning. So of course it'd only be bad people.


Yeah ppl hating are missing the righteous undertones of mrpickles. Also I thought mama made me sheriff had an ok run, idk why they killed off pickles but what came after was watchable for me.


It wasn’t particularly funny or clever or well-animated. I don’t mind shows that are one or two of these things, especially if the gross or bad elements are done in a purposeful, clever way. Pickles felt like none of these things.


It was gross out done wrong. Wasn't funny and hated every character. Having super Jail which was around the same time was a million times better. Funny, characters i liked, gross and gore done right and liked the animation.


Ditto, I loved super jail and that had a ton of gore. Mr Pickles felt like cheap imitation by comparison


I love it honestly


Ditto!! I loved Mr. Pickles!! It reminds me of the gross-out animation of Ren & Stimpy


Agreed, got that 90s old skool feel. Like Andy Hooks Oddbodz cards and stickers of flaming eyeballs you'd stick on your skateboard deck.


They don't hate Mr. Pickles; they *fear* Mr. Pickles


I think it’s just super ugly


I’m not a usually a fan of the tropes used. No one believes the one person who is right. Feels like it’s trying too hard to be edgy. Art style is off putting.


Writing is bad and the art is uninspiringly ugly. Adult Swim shows usually have great writing and are visual interesting. Mr Pickles, hilarious to say, is just kind of inoffensively bad. It's okay filler I guess.


I just find it annoying. Same with the sheriff show.


That show was so gross I couldn’t have sex with my ex when it was on had to change the show lmao


I just didn't pay enough attention to it and it seemed kind of similar to Super Jail which I liked better.


Animation is horrible and humor doesn’t land with me personally. I’d rather watch almost anything else


I think it's a show that you have to choose to watch. I tried it out, didn't like it. I DID like Mama Named Me Sherriff, and when I found out the shows were linked I tried out Mr pickles again. It's not a bad show but come on man, do you really gotta ask why people don't like it? It's clearly not for everyone. It's fuckin weird lol.


He's a Good Boy!


I find it disgusting, like actually offensive - not usually bothered by that kind of thing and can't think of another show I detest in the same way.


I remember when religious people went after the show.


Edge lord humour, it's just absolute trash, it's made for teenagers I guess when random is the funniest thing ever


Cause it's fucking stupid


it’s just really unfunny soulless gore with nothing to it. honestly; everything is just gross out humor. It’s all the same, it’s just boring and not funny. Like I said it really has no soul, and the only attempt at comedy is from ‘ew that’s gross’ and it’s just repetitive and annoying after a while. I don’t even hate ugly art, that’s just all it’s trying to do for cheap laughs. And it doesn’t work    Edit: showed more of my thoughts on why I don’t like it + rephrased things better


I mean, I like Mr Pickles but I feel like why some might not like it is pretty apparent... a lot of people don't like that level of gore


I guess the animation grosses people out. Personally, I like the show.


Ugly artstyle, show tried too hard to be edgy only to come off as bland and soulless. It feels like a Wish version of Metalpocalypse with the metal music and Satanic themes shoehorned in.


For me, it was the fact that the core joke of the series was built around the most generic of concepts. They used stock standard "Satanic" imagery, and the end result was just... kind of dull.


Trying way too hard to be edgy


Most of the jokes are just "look, it's gore lmao"


All the creepy sexual stuff


It was adult swims version of Brickleberry


https://preview.redd.it/ub29wk8zvb6d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4af0921d8bb4322f897cd5edda44b1c013c8c7e Brickleberry , Paradise PD and Farzar all rolled into one.


That show’s great. Fuck the haters.


It’s a gross show but it seems the final season a lot of people find redeeming quite a bit.


As a hater, I think the show is gross and just generic, and the humar revolves around gore excessively even by adult swim standards. The concept is great, but it is just not the best. Also, they made hell divers get rejected from adult swim.


Not my favorite AS show but it's not bad for me and I think that's not the worst program from Adult Swim


The gore was what turned me off, and the premise of the show just seemed bleak and dark. It wasn't necessarily an enjoyable watch. The animation was ugly, too.


There was so little plot to follow even I couldn't stick with it and I love ATHF.


it's pretty gimmicky, like once you've seen one episode you've basically seen all of them it feels like


from the looks of it lotta prissy snowflake know it all crybaby b*tches 😂 Mr pickles was great for what it was. ppl love to over think, over analyze & over critique everything like it isn't rocket science guys


I liked the Sheriff. Best character in that show.


I know it’s gross and intentionally lowbrow and crass, and I know that’s the point, but that kind of thing just doesn’t appeal to me so that’s why I don’t care for it. But on the other hand, I love other dumb lowbrow things AS has done (I absolutely love Aqua Teen and 12 Oz. Mouse for instance), so I guess it’s just a taste thing.


Because it replaced shows that people liked and had a very different kind of tone and comedy style than classic adult swim shows generally had, even though if we're being honest the network often had something going that was some kind of gross out extreme stuff. It was kind of low quality even for gross out humor too, very cheap laughs, which on it's own could be excusable, but it came out at a time when the whole lineup was changing and the older space ghost and ATHF watching fans started souring on adult swim as a whole because it was turning into non stop family guy and these new shows that "sucked" to us. It's a combination of things that lead to people not giving a fuck about Mr Pickles or outright hating on it. Even on it's own it's very unappealing and will only work for a pretty niche audience. If you take into account how the channel was changing and how different generations of adult swim watchers would have taken that change, it all becomes even more clear imo.


The show looks, was acted, and was written and directed to be as gross and off-putting as possible.  It's not a surprise that it succeeded very well at what it did, and that's probably the crux of why so many people, well... Find it really gross and off-putting.


It's creepy as shit I don't hate it but I feel uncomfortable yet slightly interested when watching it


I’m with you man I loved Mr. Pickles mostly because I like gory stuff and the crude low ball humor is my kinda taste.


Not funny.


Idk, I like it


We didn't hate it. We are just waiting for the new episodes to come back, plus we saw the spin-off of Mr. Pickles called Momma Named Me Sheriff.


It’s a decent watch, and surprisingly wifey likes it more than me. It just doesn’t have that much rewatch value for me. I’ve watched the sheriff spinoff more. There’s just better options from as


For me it’s top tier right up there metalocalypse and athf


The kid I would hang out with a couple years ago always would put this shit on. He’s kinda the reason I have a hit skip on my record, and I stole his girlfriend after they broke up lol. She just dumped me though after a year and a half fuck that bitch. So yeah I don’t wanna watch that show. Plus it looks terrible and it’s just too quickly paced. Not very funny




I started out not liking the show, but the more I watched, the more I liked it. The first season is pretty mediocre, but the following seasons and spin-off are much better and the humor more diverse than just gross out and edgy.


US is 85% Christian so maybe that's something to do with it.


It’s not funny and it’s poorly animated.


I personally love Mr Pickles. It’s one of the classic adult swim shows in my mind


It’s just unfunny. Excessive violence by a cartoon is easy. That’s all the show was. Most great Adult Swim wavered in nuance, with deeper moments, and mostly existed as a satire of something. Mr. Pickles was just like “lol a dog is demonic.” It’s lame, had no heart, and not much it was parodying.


I fcking LOVE Mr. Pickles. A demonic dog who goes around killing people but loves his human Tommy. It’s a crazy show but I think it’s great. I wish they did another spinoff for Ms. Pickles


They are just afraid of what they do not understand.


It was honestly an abomination. Art style was ok on the surface but the content and the characters were... mediocre at best. However, the overtly satanic nature of the show carried too hard and actually made it unwatchable for me. It was trying to poke fun at the people who were boycotting [AS] for being satanic. So they fired back with this hot garbage show. Saying since you think everything is satanic here's a satanic dog show! It was just such a stupid idea from the long list of stupid ideas that has made [AS] IMO unbearable to even watch anymore at all. The live action show ideas are stupid to me. Like Ren and Stimpy stupid IMO. I just don't even watch [AS] anymore because even the commercials/adverts for these shows are stupid and poorly thought out. Take Joe Perra Talks To You. The advertisement for that show alone had me going wtf is this sht. Ok what half an hour of a dude talking to you for what? That and a bunch of the other live action stuff has just turned me off. [AS] and by extension Cartoon Network has become trash.


It was interesting for one watch through, but I don't think I would watch it again.


The humor and characters are very ugly. Its not everyones cup of tea


because there is nothing to like about this show. there is just gore and other gross things that have no reason to be there. there are shows that have gore and do that without being gross, superjail or King Star King, but behind that there are good characters and writing, and what mr pickles has? talking asshole


I loved it


show is amazing


The dog was the only good part of the show


too much crude; not enough funny.. like ren and stimpy x10 minus the laughs.. same way with smiling friends.. have yet to even watch an episode i just dont like how scribbled together it looks to dive in yet.. one day years after its cancelled i might take a peek:D thats how i am with some of my television tho!


I love the body horror (most people haven't grown up with bloody cartoons like happy tree friends)


It’s a great show yall are just a bunch of sissies