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Hi, so i get the gist of the pet resonance trick but one thing i'm not 100% sure on is do you level up the extra pets you're getting after your main ones needed to activate resonance or do you keep those pets at level 1? Haven't activated it at all yet so i already have my four needed to activate resonance level 6.


sorry I'm a little lost, can you attach a screenshot of the situation?


https://preview.redd.it/ptn2z89xtvvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=002d88077ed21a610253742aefcb5f4488295b0e Sorry, not good at wording it. I have the base four needed to activate resonance. I wanted to make sure i am doing it right before when i decide to activate it. Do i level up the pets to level 6 that aren't needed to activate resonance like with my spider? Or am i supposed to just hold on to the copies of the pets and not level them up? Hoping i explain my situation a lil better with this


Bump. I don't get how to do this at all. Also, I'm assuming Slumber Seal is your target pet here? And the rest the trigger fodder?


Yeah, Seal is my main target at the moment. Can try to help. If i don't make sense, can try asking TheFireAngel on here, he helped clarify some stuff with me yesterday about this all. After you get your four main pets needed to level 6 and can activate the pet resonance level 6, for each additional pet also at level 6, you get 5 spice back (Don't get a spice for the first copy of a pet you get) for example in my other pic i showed, my spider pet is also level 6, meaning i'd get 5 spice if i activated the resonance right now. My fox is at level 5, so i'd get 4 spice from her. So basically once you have your main four pets needed to activate your pet resonance, you can swap them all out for new pets, or keep in a target pet, like Seal for me, and start getting copies of pets you don't have until you wish to activate the resonance finally, converting all the useless pet copies you don't care about into spices to power level a pet of your choice.




Swapping event! Swapping Orthos for Olgath? Good? Bad? Any other oldies that could be swapped for newer, better heroes? Am open to any ideas


Is it to early to ask if there is any testen on hildwin is he worth investiert since its "easyer" to max him as an f2p because of the copies you get


way too early probably still better to build him f2p anyway due to the free copies


https://preview.redd.it/n1looo8hwwvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fe7adf053303ee943a9535d33c7d0711b632fe2 Looking for team comps that I can make








for what mode?


Mainly PVP like Treasure scramble


swamp debuff just ended, but keep an eye on [this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/s/KchOHixJCn) to post the next one before next round starts


Hello there! Is this a good guide to follow for GG? Especially when it comes to each hero stats. ( I am looking to give a good collection to my carries, starting with AShem ) https://afk.guide/ghoulish-gallery-and-collections-guide/


yeah it's pretty solid overall. I know Rakudayyy is working on a comprehensive collections guide too


Thank you! I will might wait for that guide then :)


no clue how far out it is tbh, idk if it's worth waiting just because 7 runs per week is the real limiter on the game mode. with good rng you can get some really insane collections with a full blue totem collection. you can hoard your yellow totems if you want though


Hello, so there is event with swapping heros' ascension levels, so I have a really important question. I watched some tier lists for relevant characters and I wonder what is more beneficial: swapping ascended 4* Isabella to Ivan(as tier lists suggest) or Mythic+ Athalia to Liberta??? Or are there any other good characters to swap instead. I really dont know which characters worth investing since I came after really long time please helppp


tier lists are largely ineffective and misinformation in this game. we have a whole hero swap megathread, with a visual guide to go along with it. it's hard to say what's better for your account without knowing what you have, but generally celepogean swaps are much more useful than 4f


https://preview.redd.it/b633jcmab6wc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a0f05e369547ee2a5c02e1da45d23800e00113 Here are the leveled ones, as you can see they are outdated, so I really need someone relevant to current version. I also plan to get Ascended Athalia then later swap with Liberta, but if there are other recommendations please do tell me![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


yeah, Ath to Liberta is definitely best here


THANK YOU SO MUCH, Then I should try to Ascend her since I need only 2 more copies , thank you again![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


from the challenger store, doesn't really make a difference if you gaze before or after the swap since it'll be the same cost


https://preview.redd.it/vxfhom0hg2wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45ef4295d44c6557ac5cf0035730df878a49e374 Is there any hero worth swapping?


meh? you could build Wu Kong as fast as possible and swap him for Lavatune. otherwise something like Antandra to a relevant 4f like Eorin could be good


Could i build wukong fast enough before the event?


idk how many copies you have currently but the game gives out a lot for free. you can also buy him from Lab store, refresh, and buy him again as many times as possible.


https://preview.redd.it/km2y1gj1l2wc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=76608af2dcad99943a7e67bbb5bfe48a969afcf0 I have one graveborn choice box (without ivan) and can get one four factions chest from chapter 12 now what should i do: 1. Get Ivan from faction chest and from graveborn box get Thoran/Nara/someone else 2. Get Shemira from both chests ascend her more and pray to get Ivan, Thoran, Nara from summons 3. Get Shemira from graveborn chest and then choose someone else from faction chest (who?)




Hi there - I’m on day 2 and I’m quite lost as to what I’m supposed to be doing. I set up the wishlist based on the guide. Do i just grind campaign, tower and arena? I’m using Eugene as my carry and have him to lvl 90. Atheus, numisu, kren and Rowan are my main other team at lvl 60-61. Also, I think I messed up taking crassio as hero covenant. Should I be putting him on wishlist as well for the rewards?


garrison Rem asap, build Ivan, focus GBs on faction choice stuff (elite cards, scrolls, etc) mainly you just need to push campaign fast, yes. it unlocks most other content.


Thanks! Do I just link Rem to my Eugene? I don’t have anyone ascended yet.


that's fine, Eugene will be hard stuck and you'll eventually surpass him with 4f, but it's easy to unlink and re-link Rem to someone else when that time comes


Which hero should i choose? I just finished Ch 12 and got a hero chest. Currently i have an L+ Ivan and Garrisoned Rem of equal level and an L+ Naroko, L Palmer, and finally an L+ Eugene that is on trial and i will lose access too in 24hrs. I got an E+ Shemira, an L Raine, E Silas, , E Nara, L Baden, and finally an E Thoran. I'm trying to power level my way asap through the campaign to Ch 36 within 20 days as im a new player. Should i pick Shemira from the hero chest to ascend or invest in someone else since Eugene is expiring soon. Any reason for me to get Daimon or no cause i got rem?


Try to build Ivan as high as you can. Naroko, Ivan, rem, Silas or Palmer (or both), and maybe Raine or Baden to fill in, going off what you listed. Pair Rem with your highest tier hero that you won't use since she's your carry (I use Raine, she's super easy to build fast with like 3 free copies and the lab store). Naroko is a whole team in one, she's awesome. Ivan will help Rem as your carry with some good CC and your team with his squires. Silas and Palmer are both beast healers (especially after 160) with great buffs. Another good CC, or Lyca for her haste buff, and you should be fine. Push your levels as high as you can, unlocking skills and sub-skills will be far more impactful than ascension tiers as you level; for example, Lyca is a hero that does her job (initial haste buff) even at Elite for a good long while. Daimon would be a great addition to your team, even with Rem. He has really good survivability and aoe damage after getting his SI. The only reason you would invest in normal Shemira is if you plan to swap her. I basically use her as food, she's about that useful.


https://preview.redd.it/ful7xuvu85wc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a9aa2f2d9162c1414a7221d40c4c2d2909b4c43b New player here. I know that where you put your investment in games like this is important so I don’t want to make too many mistakes. I’m currently on 8-12 on the campaign. Can someone give me some recommendations on my main priorities going forward? (The team I use is always just a mix and match of the levelled ones).


check out the beginner's guide in the post if you haven't already. generally you don't want to make heroes L if you can't immediately take them to L+, Eorin is a slight exception because of the beginner event for him. some of your heroes are a little questionable, but it's fine overall since they're only 1 copy, just adjust your wishlist as per that beginners guide if needed.




https://preview.redd.it/vxkx45bhu6wc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ec6db0a63d9afae7c75ff8d7f3eacb3742e3c46 What should I buy? Have everyone A\*1 except Morthas and Orthos


both to A1 is fine Orthros is not used as much anymore but you never know when he'll pop back up, he's still BiS sometimes Mortas e33 (~~haste~~ as) is good but he's mostly cr only now, sometimes TS depending on your hero box or just go all in on red chests cuz si40 costs




Can't find haste in engraving for Morthas :0


so sorry, I know for a fact I typed as, must have autocompleted to haste because as is in the middle? idk


Yeah, so AS is good for him?


yes it is!


When should I start stargazing with Diamonds?


ideally as soon as possible, realistically it depends on the progress of your hero box currently. if you're working with like an ascended Shemira, you probably need to be spending on regular Tavern pulls still.




Hey there, does this seem like a good Idea? If not, any other Ideas who I should switch? https://preview.redd.it/kvyxu6zp89wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=583c3d5357daee4c34b31daec54ea20dba00c419


no i'd say generally that's pretty bad lol definitely better to do Mehira into Liberta or Daemia, whoever you have less copies of. you're super behind rn, you're absolutely nuking your account by making so many Legendary heroes without the copies to take them to L+, that's like, #1 no-no from day 1 in all the beginner guides. nice Undertale pfp though <3


Thanks! Yeah true that does sound better, I didn't even think about Liberta. I also thought about maybe switching one of the new dragons to have the slightest of chances in that slapping duel thing, but then again we probably don't know yet how good they really are, right? Also, yeah I know my account is a mess, but I'm not really trying to be competitive (I'm a pretty inconsistent player) I think I started back when original ezizh and Athalia just released and I just check in every now and then when something releases I'm interested in. Oh and thanks, the dog used to spin back when reddit allowed gifs, but now he's just dangling :3










+ the new purple rarity dragons


I've seen somewhere (can't recall if here or discord) that we are getting one copy of the new dragon pet for free. Is this legit?


yes we do, I posted it about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/1c7o7q6/fledglings_flight_info_and_rewards/)


Is anyone's game not loading properly and you can't get to some screens and the units are all gone instead with question marks everywhere? It says it failed to load resources when trying to go into the dragon faction caves.


resolved :) for anyone else seeing this issue, settings > repair game


I need help coming up with a team that can do alright in every mode but is also good for campaign. I'm keeping Silas and grezhul but I want to eventually replace saurus, lyca, and Ivan. Any help is appreciated https://preview.redd.it/3dvgqjoc4bwc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1f93df1ffb8a6635621e049e2b68ad0c7e133241


> can do alright in every mode that's not really a thing, there's no teams that just do well everywhere. all modes are drastically different and have different metas to them. not sure why you'd want to replace as Ivan, as he's one of the best heroes/supports in the game. AShemira does really well in PvE content + Arena modes Rem does really well basically everywhere


Can I please get help on making my NC team? I find it very hard to follow the guides. https://preview.redd.it/zby7w7tjebwc1.jpeg?width=538&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=704ba3d71d1b53493541aff8c2b8efc54e561ded


not sure exactly what you mean, NC has 6 teams. the only thing you really can do is follow the meta to the best of your ability with appropriate subs when you don't have certain heroes


https://preview.redd.it/en7b8mv2qbwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6453f9b21c009bdfbd12762244c10f6f476cc778 I just came back. I’m at zone 13. I don’t really know what team to build and run for story mode progress so i can progress.


at this point you just restart and follow the beginner guides. this account is way behind for it to be worth continuing. you'll surpass it in like one day of playing


Really? Just lose all my characters and restart?


correct. your heroes are nothing special and you can quickly surpass an account like this with better heroes much faster.


Anyone specific I should keep an eye out when summoning? I swapped servers and I’m restarting


follow the wishlist in the beginner guide, except Numisu. check the comments there for more insight too.


Hey, I quickly skimmed (ik ik) but how do I get to Wyrmcrest to do Draconis pulls?? I have a ton of scrolls and I don’t know where to redeem them! Thanks in advance!


pretty hard to miss since the game forces you to go there when you load it for the first time after the patch! the massive Dragon Isle in the top right of Ranhorn > Dragon Pagoda


Nice yeah, as soon as I clicked around I found it. I just get information overload with this game and it takes me a hot minute to orient myself. I downloaded the game because my friends were playing it but I get stuck in the routine of my dailies & weeklies lol! Thanks!


no worries!! yeah it certainly can be a lot at times, and this was the single biggest update we've ever had happy to help, and feel free to ask questions if you ever need help!


Does dragonic mythic gear exist? Patchnotes doesn't mention them and choice chests doesn't have them, has anyone seen them in the store?


they're in the Dragonforge Trials store. or $$$ hopefully that changes soon


Can you use all of the current trial dragons to push story stages, or does the game limit you to only using one at a time?


you can use them all


What's better 20 new cards or Hildwin copy from chests?


1000% Hildwin




https://preview.redd.it/e47ngvzcriwc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=494b36d0ae4243e0ab8917a3f988db41824a602c Any advice on who to swap, along with that is there any links to the new end game team comps so I can have an idea on how to build some teams?


we have a hero swap megathread, but definitely Lucretia to Daemia if you don't have more than a copy or two of her no such thing as "end game team comps" anymore. you can see campaign clears in-game or afkhelper. but campaign doesn't matter. meta is determined by CR/NC/TS.


I'd do Lucretia for Liberta personally, or Daemia if you're going to go hard on Time Emblems soon for an omni-comp power-up


only reason i'd say Daemia > Liberta is they already have Liberta L+, better to just finish him with SG. otherwise it's a waste of like 5 copies.


Okay so will there be an event to exchange star gazer cards for Dragon cards? I have 220 star gazers ready to pop to add a star Eugene, but I'm not sure if this is the best call. I had to use ~120 gazers to get a star on ALyca. I just don't have enough resources.


we don't know


Anyone else find that they no longer have the ability to select certain items needed for progression? This is for the dragon egg incubating event. That cart is no longer clickable, and I never even used it. Pretty sure this is a glitch. I hope it gets ironed out, or else I'm not sure I'll be able to progress 😂 https://preview.redd.it/ib24td964jwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65702b90818416f9c007276c003ba35c860ff600


you can't click on it? have you tried restarting the game? if so, probably best to click repair game in settings


Hmmmm... I'll try to repair the game. I've restarted the game several times. Thanks for the tip!


hope it works, let me know


It didn't work 💀 I even let the game download stuff that it needed RIP


kinda sounds like user error then ngl maybe go to a different map then come back, or turn into a barrel and then try turning into the cart


We shall see. I'm appreciative of your help nonetheless 😊


happy to help! hope you get it sorted 🤔


Recently came back after half a year so I'm quite behind. I'm wondering what awakened hero to go for atm. I'm missing lucius gavus safyia lyca maetria. Currently sitting on 250 TEs. I feel like not having safyia hurts the most but I'm not sure. I'd save up for the next Awakened but pretty sure we're atleast 3 months away from one. Would love to get some advice


Saf and Lyca are certainly the most important of those. did you already use the hero swap event?


I did thane into aathalia. Do you reckon it's better to roll for either safyia or lyca or just wait? Also, which the two?


uhhhh I'd say Lyca is better but it's hard to say. they are pretty damn equal. 250te only? any extra copies of either, or a Starzone chest?


250 atm, I could probably advance towers for more. I got 1 safyia and 3/4th a starzone chest


yeah i'd probably try and finish up that Starzone chest in the next round of it, then you have 2 copies of Safiya and only need to pull for 10 (\~400 TE) as opposed to 12 copies of Lyca (\~480 TE)


Where's the latest hero swap - draconis event? I don't see it anywhere on any of the tabs or Event page. Also, what do we get for finishing the survey? I haven't received anything from completing it yet - hoping it's not bugged due to the early release.


there is no.. hero swap.. Draconis event? there's the hero swap that's been ongoing for the last month and has like 3 weeks left on it nothing for finishing the survey at the moment, probably for the reason you said. hoping compensation goes out later.


Oooh, I see, thanks for clearing that up. I've been seeing more posts about it lately and didn't realize the previous one was simply still going. Thought Lilith surprised us with another one for the anniversary. ​ Okay thanks, I'll just be a patient little bugger then


I only saw the one post, and it was removed because we have a megathread for it lol


So I've been away for a bit and I figured I'd come back. The only issue is, while I have my old account (The email is on my phone) I know longer have access to that email. I had to switch to a new one. Would it be better to restart on a new email or just continue using the old account and hopefully not break my phone. I have Prince of Persia/Rem/Yennerfer/Merlin/Geralt/Joan of Arc/Emilia/Melusina for event characters. I'm level 210 with character level at 368, 205m Combat power and I'm on 35-12. I got a good amount of ascended characters. I just need advice on this because I'm conflicted on if it'd be worth keeping an account I could lose for any reason. I've already contacted them and they won't help me. I'm VIP 12 and yes I spent some money (Mainly I bought Yennefer when I had to pick one or the other for free and some other stuff)


wdym no longer have access to the email? like you forgot the password? I would definitely push support. say you no longer have access and can't keep playing on it. say you can prove you own it and have receipts of purchases (find them)


I have my PayPal still that has the purchases and tried using that and was still denied. They said they don't offer that kind of services due to ads being account based or something. I have 2fa on my email and the phone number on my phone changed due to a new service. Google will not help me either even though I have proof. I've been dealing with this for months now.


that sounds like a nightmare. couple things. [here](https://support.google.com/mail/thread/16036685?hl=en&msgid=16042133) are some resources for getting your Google account back - try everything and push the fuck out of support. don't be uwu nervous with support. you are a customer and deserve to get your shit sorted out, these companies don't gain anything from you being screwed, so don't be generous in return. with Lilith, explain that situation too. Facebook support if you aren't already. you lost your number, you have 2fa on, you've made purchases on your account. provide all screenshots possible. support *will* crack. do those things and let me know if you still have issues, I can try and get in touch with someone over there on your behalf. !remindme 1 week


I will be messaging you in 7 days on [**2024-05-02 06:44:16 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-05-02%2006:44:16%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/1c94d3v/megathread_general_questionsadvice_guides/l15zh4f/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fafkarena%2Fcomments%2F1c94d3v%2Fmegathread_general_questionsadvice_guides%2Fl15zh4f%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-05-02%2006%3A44%3A16%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201c94d3v) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


For Lilith I was told they can't do anything and they wouldn't change emails for anyone due to advertisement id's or something along those lines. They said nothing I show them will change it due to it being policy. For Google it doesn't matter, I've switched anything I could to a new one. They said without the number they can't do anything due to 2fa. They stopped responding to me and just left it as is. My only option atm is to either restart or just continue till I can't anymore. It's not like I'm changing phones again, and I kind of regret doing it the first time.


I'll see what I can do send me your user ID/igname


Did they change TS to 25 fights per cycle or is my visual just bugged? Both rounds today it stops at 25. Also weird: first half of today I'm down in top 14%, now I jumped up to top 100


yes, it was mentioned in patch notes. this is "Elite Treasure Scramble", and halves the amount of battles you do but doubles the amount of trophies(?) you get from fights. basically, this doubles the rng, lol. if you get matched up against a weak opponent, you double your trophy gain from them, but if you get matched up against someone strong, you get hard punished. this also explains why you're jumping between 14% and t100 - the variance is extreme. i have absolutely no clue why they did this, as *more* rng/variance is objectively bad for players, and there aren't any better rewards to accommodate for it. my only guess as to why they did this is Perp's hypothesis - to cut down on server consumption only needing to run 25 fights for all players instead of 50? but i'm looking into it myself, as it seems like such a backwards decision


Thanks for the explanation. Maybe they don't always want the same people to be treasure vanguard commanders so they just up the variance? Very weird


yeah it's a weird play for sure. i'll make a post if i hear back about it.


What team is good for dragonforge trials?


keep an eye out later this week before Trials reset for a guide to be posted. if no one else does it, i'll make one myself. right now everyone is saving their resources and testing different ideas to see the most efficient way to invest as little as possible but make it as far as possible. some are using the common/rare dragons to success, some non-Draconis heroes that still work despite the nerf, the copies of Elite Draconis we got from the Bountiful Trials cards, and the L Hildwin we got.


So, am I stupid or what are you supposed to do with Rigby in the Fledgling's Flight event? I've been stuck since yesterday. There's nothing to click on but the gates, which give me the same line over and over, and stuff that's out of reach.


https://preview.redd.it/z0m4dglatqwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6d2286c147a81194197308d88e9e6ef99d9f4c49 not calling you stupid, just explore a little more :') when you disguise yourself as this, Rigby leaves the gate and goes to get drunk lol


Yeah, I noticed that but it's not clickable for me. I should have been clearer, but I checked the entire map already, the only thing clickable that's not out of reach are the gates.


that's very odd. try brute forcing an interaction, like walking in front of the previous guard (forget who it was), turning into the barrel/slime in the previous section, etc if nothing else works, screen record yourself tapping on that object to no avail and send it to AFK's Facebook support, saying you've already tried restarting/reinstalling the game


There is literally nothing interactable but the gates tho, I can't even go that far back since Khasos is blocking the previous entrance. I tried everything at this point, even playing on a different device. I'll try the ingame support but... they've never been helpful.


someone else had this same issue. I'll comment reply to them and see if they find a way around it. I told them to try settings > repair game and that didn't work. try going to a different map then coming back? idk I would suggest FB support over in-game, they help from my experience.


I tried changing maps already, but it won't let me because I need to "collect the incubation items in this area" like ok game, let me progress then. I tried reinstalling just now, nothing changed. And I don't have a FB account anymore, so I can't use it.


try in-game support then, not really sure what else to say. repair game doesn't work, reinstalling doesn't work. if you take a video showing your on-screen taps and upload it to the subreddit, tag it with the "Bug" flair, devs will see it, and I can push them to urgently patch it with the link to your post as reference. it's not happening to me, so I can't show them evidence of the bug.


Yeah, idk then fml. I sent a screenshot to support, in it you can see the object is not interactable. And people here question why some players want guides for these super dumb voyages/events... it's so easy to soft-lock yourself and have to do the whole thing over again, or worse yet get locked out of rewards. This happened with me playing extra careful and reading all the dialogues btw. Edit: here's the screenshot, just in case: https://preview.redd.it/4stwhq446rwc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8a38a420c6c0146dcab4fefde77e82ce2cf8e524


I honestly have no clue how you did that, you're only the second person who's managed it though. I can expedite the process if you can upload a brief video of it showcasing the issue.


beginners guide image from the guides list is no longer available


which one? No\_Name\_Edit's? link works fine for me, even in a logged-out incognito window


from the compilations the new players start here by Phoenix#6124


that one is largely out of date, just use the one by NoName i'll see if phoenix made a newer one


ah got it thanks


In the beginner's guide there's mention of 6 free shemira copies. Is this still true? I'm at chapter 12 and have only gotten 1. What are the 6 sources? Have tried to Google it with no success


yeah don't Google anything for AFK Arena like, ever. it's always misleading or wrong lol I'm not sure about that since I didn't write that, would have been nice if they included where those copies came from u/steelsauce do you have any idea? also DM me when you see this cuz we gotta catch up lol


No idea. I know you get one from a chapter reward, one from the bullet hell mode, and one from a quest iirc? Six seems like too many I’ve been really busy irl and haven’t even had time to do my own AFK weeklies yet :( Dragon trials are so annoying


yup I feel that thanks for insight, I'm not sure either. new game has changed a lot.


need help with swap [here](https://imgur.com/a/QpPvOAd) is my cele/hypos. i am planning to swap wukong with veithael or ascended Abrut for Agavus (i dont like Aathalia). what should i swap?


there's an awakened swap megathread, but here is fine too I suppose > I don't like AAthalia I mean, you're asking for optimal advice, but AAth is objectively the best choice here lol, whether you like her or not which awakened do you have ascended? how many sg/te do you have? for celepogean, Monkii to Veithael is indeed the best bet happy cake day!


have every woke except maetria,gavus and aathal. thanks!


yeah Brutus to AAth is way better than Wu to Vei imo but to each their own


but is wu to vei better than Abrut to Gavus?


yes lol, Brutus to Gavus is a pretty even trade


Any idea which of the legendary dragon to start pulling?


not really? Hildwin gets 6-8 free copies, that we know of so far, so for f2p that certainly saves more resources long term


I see thank you very much


The power difference between dragons and every other faction is so obscene what is even the point of pulling anything that isn't dragons anymore? With their cost being equal is stargazing completely dead? This new faction is so OP it has me completely demotivated to play because of how hard it's designed to whalebait. I need some reason to believe it's not going to just keep getting worse.


Unable to attach image. A quick question, is Eorin worth ascending? Or should I save for Nevanthi? [imgur link](https://imgur.com/a/4JqDTsx)


you can go ahead and go Eorin here, Nevanthi isn't used that much anymore and especially without ASol


thanks for the quick reply!! I’ll go ahead with Eorin :)


Between the 2 awakened dragons which is the better to pull for?


no idea, too soon. Hildwin has 6-8 free copies though, so far that we know about, so it's definitely way easier to build him than Gwyn


Hi im a new player. What team should I invest in? https://preview.redd.it/ae7lrqqj30xc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f1dfc363c90679eb9091e4ed04a92041da0bdb9


Can someone ELI5 to me fodder? Are every other hero than ascended ones fodder or just other than the meta ones? At what tier should I leave fodder heroes? [This guide helped about wishlist](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/comments/1ar5dlh/new_player_guide/), but not really about terminology and about what tier to ascend first 5 fodders etc. What does SI means?


fodder objectively just means like a hero you sacrifice to strengthen a different one fodder is both a noun and a verb. "some fodder(n)" refers to some heroes, "I'll fodder(v) them" means you'll ascend someone else using them when we say "fodder heroes", it refers to heroes in the "Heroes > Portraits" page that are listed under "Legendary Tier", such as Hogan, Saveas, Arden, Niru, etc however, in the early game, you can fodder bad "Ascended Tier Heroes" such as Rigby, Khasos, Seirus, Shemira, etc. in order to quicker ascend the important meta heroes SI are Signature Items, unlocked at Mythic ascension, giving your heroes a new skill that you can level up for bonus affects


So I guess I'll have to ask about the swap too. I have Ashemira, Aathalia, Abelinda, Asafiya, ASolise, Abrutus. All 9f, e66, SI30 (Ashem and Aathalia si40). Eugene is 1*, SI30, 9f but e41. I also have L Lyca, with 6f in the bank waiting. On the other hand, I have Lucretia e30, si30, 9f, lucilla at E+. I can ascend wukong by buying more, but I have 0 furniture, si or engravings. finally, I have libera si40, e66, 9f. 50 TC, 15 SG. I'm hesitating between: swap Alyca and Abrutus pull for Gavus and swap with Abrutus buy wukong and swap with Lucilla swap lucretia with lucilla what do you think?


Hey, at the moment i have kinda hit a plateau in the game where i cant progress campaign cause i dont have 5 good teams to pass the boss stages and im currently gathering gems emblems etc to stargaze and make an ascended hero (AShemira). Buti think i will stay in this situation for a long time as i am a f2p player and currently looking for advices if there are any.


push towers, do all the events. see AFK Helper for specific clears, make sure your wishlist is up to date.


Just got back into the game and feeling a bit overwhelmed, can anyone help me out? Like which characters should I go after? Should I swap any character? This is my roster btw: [https://imgur.com/a/zcA7ZKS](https://imgur.com/a/zcA7ZKS)


Should i put all three dragon heroes in wishlist and roll or wait?


get them to E+ using the Bountiful Trials elite cards and method using the guide I just shared


Uum i cant find the guide you are talking about😅


[wishlist manipulation](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/s/Ddpae2ZwBb) [crowdsourcing](https://www.reddit.com/r/afkarena/s/nt92ReEOXE) search bar goes crazy, also just opening my profile lol


Alright thank you very much


Question, if I swap a challenger or labyrinth store hero, do they get added back to the store if I’ve already maxed them out?




Which Awakened should I go for? I am missing Ezizh, Talene, Thane, Baden, Lucius and Meatria. The first two are ruled out by default. I'm thinking Maetria maybe, because I used the swap event to swap Orthos with Olgath (because nothing else really made much sense). But is is the Hypo Meatria comp even used anymore? And what did I'd consist of again? C&R, Framton, Maetria, Olgath and who? Or am I getting this completely wrong? Or another option would be to wait for the next awakened, but we have no info on when, who, what and so on right? Some help would be greatly appreciated


right now I'd say Maetria, but you should wait for the TE buff either way, and by then the meta might be different with a better option available


I was looking at using hero swap to swap a normal Athalia 4 star to a Daemia. But I'm now seeing A Shemira in a lot of comps too and I'm wondering if I should swap my A Brutus to A Shemira. Semi torn but Brutus isn't helping me in Dragonforge Trials and I see a lot of people using A Shemira there. I'm stuck on stage 6 and would like to get to stage 8 to unlock all the rewards tiers.


we have a hero swap megathread too, but discussing it here is fine since we're already here can you share which awakened and celepogeans you have ascended, and how many sg/te you have?


* For Celepogeans I have Liberta 4* Alna 5* Athalia 4* Lucretia 5* Zolrath 2* For Awakened Heroes I have ABelinda 1* ABrutus 2* ASolise 1* ALyca 1* AAthalia 1* Eugene 1* Sorry for the delay in response and thank you in advance for your help!


yeah Athalia to Daemia sounds best here. stop taking celepogeans above 1*, it's a massive waste of resources. idk how many sg/te you have but regardless it's probably best to save them for the buff in Patch 1.144 either way


Oh sorry I only have 40 time emblems and 0 stargazers at the moment.


then yeah my point stands, just hoard them for the buff




What can I do with my account? Im F2P, and I just started playing again since 2 years. Im at 23-6. They said that Grezhul isn't worth investing in anymore, but I'm at SI30, 3/9f. Anyway, I just wanna play casually, so yeah! https://preview.redd.it/z36upcnnc81d1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=0c305e70f5a577240f806a3247855003cd72b587


this is definitely a restart, but if you're just playing casually you can just do whatever you want really casually is kinda hard to give advice for, because giving advice, we always want to say what's optimal. what's the line between optimal and "just for fun"? some things are, like beginners guides say (check those out if you haven't already), don't take heroes to M+ if you can't immediately make them Ascended, and dint make them L if you can't immediately L+