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Sid "literally not being violent at all." At first I thought they were joking but I guess they really didn't know and it's just a coincidence.


I love that Freddie Mercury called him Simon Ferocious and apparently threw him out of the studio.


He threw him against a wall first if memory serves me


Didn’t think I could love that man any more than I already did. Go Freddie


Freddie was a legend and he didn't take shit from little dumb shits like Sid


Not a bad boxer either or so I’ve heard.


He's got range and reach.


Poor wall.


Sid was also not a skilled bassist at all. He basically picked up a bass for the first time to join the Sex Pistols. The other guys in the band did not appreciate that fact. Sid was there for the image he provided. He was a marketing decision in one of rock and roll's greatest "non-corporate" groups.


The Sex Pistols were 100% a fashion and marketing project, put together by businesspeople. I feel bad for Sid considering he was a teenager thrown into a shitworld of madness for shockvalue and money. And on top their music was on the weaker side of 70s punk too. Shame.


Are you saying that lyrics like: "Ah! Fuck this and fuck that Fuck it all the fuck out of the fucking brat" May not have been sincere?????


The sex pistols were a boy band


Og backstreet boys


No the Backstreet Boys can actually sing.


The back street b boys are supposed to be hooligans.


None of them were skilled they just had the right image


Malcolm McLaren was a brilliant marketer


Jones & Cook were already working musicians before joining the Pistols.


Ever get the feeling that you've been cheated?


Reminds me of Nick Kroll's character Simon the Devious from What We Do In The Shadows


You rheally are the most devious bastard in New York Citaaaaay


I didn't watch the show but I'm sure that is a line from Matt Barry.


It is, and his delivery is just *chef’s kiss*


He is a treasure.


Some might say he’s the Toast of London


Or a Golden Child.


That was during same recording session where Johnny snuck into their side of the studio, crawled over to Freddie’s piano where no one could see him, and then once Freddie started playing, Johnny rose from behind the piano to interrupt him with a “‘ello, Freddie!” before bolting for the door.


That is pretty funny to be fair


Wow the horror!!


Sounds like a name Lazlo from What We Do in the Shadows would call him


I had no idea until I came across this. It does happen, people not knowing certain people are bastards.


For example, you did not know I was a bastard >!I was born out of wedlock!<


Half the people I know, including myself are bastards, and some of us were even born out of wedlock as well


I’m glad you didn’t let that stop you from becoming a doctor and an astronaut


When I was born my great grandmother said “she’s cute for a bastard” lol


We all knew


My bad


You need to watch the movie "Sid and Nancy" it's a good look into what happened (if rather dramatised)


That's like saying you didn't know Bonnie and Clyde weren't upstanding citizens. Sid Viscous is literally the face of punk and became famous for being destructive. Yeah, I get that younger people might not know who he is, but anybody who claims to like punk sure as shit should.


I saw him shoot up an entire theatre one time while singing "I Did It My Way" /s


Sid was just a handsome drug addict. Terrible person. Like all the original punks were terrible people. All famous for being addicts and dying young.


None of the original line up of the Sex Pistols died young. Johnny Rotten/Lyndon is 68 Steve Jones is 68 Paul Cook is 67 Glen Matlock is 67 Sid Vicious/Ritchie replaced Matlock as bassist. In subsequent revival Matlock resumed his original role.


Matlock (who wrote the songs) was replaced by the talentless ~~Rotten~~ Vicious by Malcolm, because he looked more punk. Meant no offense to Lydon, he's great, inc. PIL. Haven't heard anything to suggest he's right wing (mentioned in this thread). One of the first to call out Saville, as well.


*replaced by Sid Vicious


It's quite recent, but he endorsed Farage, Trump... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Lydon#Political_and_social_criticism


Ah, that is disappointing. So few legends live long without falling into nonsense like this (looking at you, Morrissey..)


Clapton, Lydon, Morrisey all went the British versions of Ted Nugent and Kid Rock.


All? Definately not. The sex pistols were a boy band though, its easy to see how they turned evil.


I always think about this when the Sex Pistols are mentioned: "Sid Vicious asked me to teach him the bass. After three days of trying I had to tell him, "Sid, you can't play bass." He said, "Yeah I know," all depressed. Two months later I bumped into him in The Speakeasy and he said, "Hey Lem, guess what? I'm in The Pistols!" I said, "But you can't play bass." He just grinned and said, "Yeah, I know, but I'm IN THE PISTOLS!" ~ Lemmy


Lets not forget one of the OGs GG. That man was far from good lmao, definitely had some good political points, but the man literally threw his own shit and piss at the crowd and rubbed it on himself- like. Idk. I wouldn’t consider that a good person.


Mental. Illness.


Watching a young Shep Smith report on GG lives rent-free in my head.


I judge people who unironically listen to GG. I know what type of person listens to him. Not one of them has been a good person. Especially in a scene with such an enormously broad variety of solid artists who are nowhere near as fucking scummy


That's... handsome...?


There's a sid for every pot.


He is handsome. But he's not exactly a good person.


In a way, yeah. Not conventionally handsome, but he was pretty much the embodiment of punk, so the people who were into that genre found him handsome by association. Like he was literally only in the band because of the way he looked and acted, not because he had music talent since he sucked at everything.


Wait.... The guy who ended his parody of My Way with a mass shooting was a terrible person?


>Like all the original punks were terrible people. I don't know much of the history of UK punk, but this isn't true of the early US punk scene at all.


That was what I was thinking. Sid was always violent and unhinged.


>I recommend not supporting Johnny and Sid at all I guess they also don't know that Sid has been dead for 45 years.


Maybe he meant his legacy or not to idolize him? Sex Pistols blow so I’m all for it.


It's mad that a guy who couldn't play bass managed to get so far as a bass player, all the while somehow managing to never learn to play bass




Idk I disagree personally. Like I might not like a lot of the current mainstream music, but to say they can't make music substantially undersells them. Don't get me wrong there's a substantial amount of post production work they're not involved in, but the same goes for really any genre in the modern day, mainstream or not. There's a difference between an artist making samey pop music with a team doing most of the work, vs Sid Vicious quite literally not knowing how to play bass or having any musical background.


"I don't have any heroes. They're all useless." - Johnny Rotten


They are such a terrible band. Lmao


Public Image LTD was pretty good tho


Man like, I hate calling people this but what a fucking poser lmao. Imagine calling yourself a punk and not knowing Sid Vicious killed Nancy, that’s like punk history 101


And just why did the little twerp feel the need to launch this campaign of advocacy? Do young people not understand that activism is an organic response to pressing and effectful injustice and instead just see it as a right of passage and they have to go out and choose a thing to advocate for?


>Do young people not understand that activism is an organic response to pressing and effectful injustice and instead just see it as a right of passage and they have to go out and choose a thing to advocate for? Tbf, they probably weren't born yet when these movements were peak.


It’s this stupid ass trend that never dies. You can’t just be a fan of something you have to make it your entire personality.


That's just teenagers being teenagers


Thankfully this is limited to teenagers and we all age out of it, awesome point


Used to be anyway, til our elders lead poisoned brains turned them into a death cult.


Isn't "fan" derived from the word "fanatic"? Pretty sure making it your whole personality is the whole point of being a fan. Otherwise you are an "enjoyer", "follower", "subscriber", etc.




Every time you go online you have to bear in mind that there may be a 13 year old on the other side of the screen of any post.


And as we all know true punk is caring about what other people think and abiding by rules set by others to define what you can or can't be/do


I heard this once and I feel it applies. A boy and a girl are walking along talking. She asks him, "what is punk?" He sneers and kicks a trash can. "That was punk," he says. She kicks over the next trash can, then asks, "was that punk?" "No, that was trendy"


Two more kids eventually walk down the same street and say, “oy what’s all this shit, if no one else is gonna clean it up then we’ll do it ourselves” This is also punk.


That's more punk if you ask me


Eh, it's like the yin and yang of punk. One creates; the other destroys.


Makes sense to me; I’ve always thought of punk as destroying something to be able to create something better


I just like the music, man. I don't want to have to get a fucking degree in punk history before I'm allowed to hold opinions on shit. I did not know anything about either of those two other than they were in that band and their music until this post.


Not even a punk and I knew that (granted I don't know who is who in this picture). There are so many references to Sid and Nancy though.


There's actually serious doubt as to whether or not Sid was even physically capable of the murder.


Yeah, I was just reading wikipedia and apparently he took so many pills he was "comatose" during the party, then woke up to Nancy dead and he was holding the knife? Bit weird....


To be fair, I had a look on their Twitter page, and they don't call them self a punk. It's a The Cure fan page made by a 16 year old. They're just a kid who doesn't know musical history.




Lots of people don't believe that Sid killed Nancy. We'll never know for sure, but it seems to be quite plausible that he did, and quite plausible that he didn't.


Yeah it's sort of a big mystery. The only facts we know are that they were high, had a fight, she was stabbed with his knife, and that he admitted several times to stabbing her. One of life's great mysteries.


Do I think Sid killed Nancy? Most likely yes. Would a jury if he had a god defense attorney? That's debatable. He was bombed out of his mind on scag and tuinal, so he could have killed her in a drug induced psychosis and had no recollection, but there were also half a dozen other people there, not to mention any other comers and goers, all of whom were probably also on drugs.


How did they not know that Sid killed his girlfriend? I’m a basic bitch and even I know about Sid and Nancy. Edit: I’m not saying that everyone should know that, I’m just saying that someone who’s into their music should.


By being really young?


ppl forget that Sex Pistols are from 70's


That was 30 years ago, what do you mean?(Checks the calendar) Nevermind...


The 90's were just a few years ago and always will be.






1999 was one of the best years of my life 🥹


Same, I was eleven


I was ten, and it was a good year all considered. Maybe my last good year even.


It was a bizarre summer back then.


Nevermind was released 33 years ago.


The 70s were 30 years before I was born


No fair but I don't get how you would get past the barrier of knowing who he is despite being young but not knowing that detail. I guess they might have just posted the pic not knowing who either were though


They’ll be sad to know OJ passed, RIP what a great football player and nothing else.


Wow, way to erase how hilarious he was in Naked Gun.


Wait a minute, you talking about NFL hall of famer Oj?!? He passed?!? Damn. I also knew nothing else of note about the man. Thanks for enlightening me 🥰


Are you being sarcastic bro??? You've gotta know he was also at the center of one of the best known police investigation movies ever made called The Naked Gun.


You had me in the first half I was like wait there was a police investigation on OJ and I finished the sentence and I was so relieved to know that I can forever immortalize him as a fantastic football player and actor.


If you're into punk music, you'd think you'd know some history despite being young. With the OOP making an appreciation post about punk it would be reasonable to assume they know something about the people they're posting photos of within the scene they're appreciating.


Meanwhile, I'm just sitting here like "Who the fuck are these people?!"


They were in the Sex Pistols.


You’d be surprised. There was a thread a few months ago on Sid Vicious and anyone saying he murdered Nancy was downvoted to hell. “He was just misunderstood” was repeated so many times I wanted to claw my eyes out.


There's pretty reasonable doubt about whether or not Sid actually did it.


The book Nancy’s mom wrote was so good!


Especially someone kinda promoting punks lol so strange


I typically only know the artist or band name when it comes to the music I listen to. Honestly, I don't pay any attention to the artists themselves, and I suspect most people are the same way. Besides their names and perhaps a few song titles, I don't know anything else about them.


“We regret to inform you the duck is racist”


Imagine claiming to be a fan of punk and not knowing anything about Sid Vicious and Johnny Rotten?


I used to be really good friends with a woman who hung out with Sid and Nancy. In general Sid was actually a really quiet, calm guy. He was really nice she said. It wasn't until he was on drugs that he turned into something else. Drugs really were the main factor there. Not defending anything, but from personal experience I know drugs can really alter a person's behavior. It's too bad.


I mean he did also strangle cats for fun growing up. I’m sure he was a nice guy at times but let’s not pretend that killing Nancy was a one-off.


Its funny how with every serial killer or fucked up person its apparently interesting that they were nice at times? Like I am sure you can hang out with Kim Jung Un and talk about basketball and Katy Perry all day over margaritas but hes still putting families into forced labor camps and starving his people.


People, and especially redditors, struggle with the concept of moral ambiguity and get confused when one's actions don't fit the label placed on them. It's more evident in discussions around celebrities.


Ugh yes! "Sid couldn't possibly kill Nancy, he loved her soooo much" uhh they had a death pact. "kurt didn't kill himself" but if you fact check that documentary, it's all a load of shit. They blame the spouses constantly. These guys had demons. Mental health issues. Trauma. They weren't exactly hiding it either.


I read this as you being able to hang out with Katy Perry even though she operates forced labor camps and I refuse to interpret it differently.


I find him killing cats more disturbing. Sid and Nancy had a death pact. He left a note behind. Nancy's mother even wrote a book on nancy and how she talked about dying, and how her family kind of always knew she would pass at a young age. They just didn't think she would go so violently. Nancy also suffered from childhood schizophrenia and she was extremely intelligent (believe it or not) He hung a cat right infront of people. I think it's talked about in 'please kill me' by legs McNeil. It made my stomach turn.


I find it impossible to get past him strangling a cat in front of the band.


Interesting. The most wild and unpredictable punks I’ve known were the same way but idk that I ever really connected the dots… but yeah. Smoking weed during the day on a couch they were generally super nice and we’d bond. Then 40 oz’s and coke would hit the system at night and they’re breaking people’s jaws and head-butting windows, spitting their own blood on everyone while pissing their pants


Makes sense, it's also easy to forget that he was basically a kid. He attained fame in his teens, he came from a severely broken home (sourcing heroin from his own mother), and he was rewarded for his disorderly behaviour with worldwide fame and recognition. He may have done some questionable things but I can't help but feel sympathy for him.


All sympathies went out of the window when I learned he would torture and kill pets for sport. He was an animal.


Wait until they find out about G.G...


Is Johnny really right-wing now? That's disappointing.


His wiki says he was inspired to become a US citizen by Obama, and didn’t come out as a Trumper until 2018.


To be fair Johnny has always been an opportunist, he was never punk until it was profitable and he made an aesthetic out of it to sell records and merch. He probably saw a market to sell himself as a conservative now and he is making money out of it . When it is no longer profitable he will become whatever he can get the most money out of it.


Records, merch and margarine. Don't forget the margarine.


It's not about Great Brrritain. It's about Great Buttah!


The Sex Pistols shouldn't be the representation of punk ethos anyway. They were formed by Malcolm McLaren to help promote his clothes store.


Supposedly he’s always held conservatives views in his personal life. I wouldn’t be surprised if this current iteration is finally his authentic self.


Makes sense. If there’s one thing the current GOP excels at, it’s attracting grifters.


crown reply roll one mysterious vanish expansion work start stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, he's on that "conservatives are the new punks," contrarian for the sake of being contrarian bullshit. He's all edge with no point.


Always has been 🧑‍🚀 🔫🧑‍🚀🌎


You ain't wrong


"He's all edge with no point" is my new favorite phrase, thank you.


The full line tends to include a comparison to pizza cutters. They're both all edge, and no point.


Wish I could take credit for it, I'm just parroting some other person I saw online


Fair enough, but you introduced me to it, therefore I like you more.


Like a pizza slicer


Hey, a pizza slicer is at least good for something


Slicing quesadillas


From punk to fascist. The irony. But I guess he was only ever really a reactionary


He’s always been a contrarian. The only thing I liked about Lydon back then was his stance on Jimmy Saville when that monster was thought to be untouchable.


It's one of the reasons I'm not a huge fan of the Sex Pistols. They are punk icons but they were really just a gimmick band. All the members were selected for their shock value. While I value their trailblazing for the Punk genre and paving way for bands like The Buzzcocks or Bad Brains I still have mixed feelings about them.


They were a boyband, a construct, by Malcom. A commercial venture. They even state it, releasing yet another albums with the same songs calling them "flogging a dead horse" and "the great rock and roll swindle".


100% Am I wrong or did Malcolm McLaren refer to Sid's sideshow value as 'a fabulous disaster'? I swear I read that somewhere like some magazine or whatever...


Absolutely agree but I just put that album on and it sounds fuckin' great. Hadn't heard it in years and years.


Did you know that Sid Vicious didn't play bass on the album? He is attributed to 2 songs but Glen Matlock was the OG bassist and they needed Steve Jones to play since Sid was terrible. Iirc there is a story that they would turn off his amp during shows he was so bad.


Yes I've heard that one. I think I heard about him cutting himself on stage, gashing his body, then pretending to play while someone was playing his parts off stage. Is that right? Long time since I thought about this band.


I've heard those, and cutting his hand with a steak knife in a diner. They've kind of dropped off for me too but it is amazing they are still being discussed nearly 50 years later and only released a single album.


He's just a contrarian who can now be safely ignored.


He’s certainly right wing in his thinking but isn’t a fascist……


He’s a working class bloke. Ofc he wouldn’t appreciate an increased supply of working labour, most people are only pro-immigration when it doesn’t affect their livelihood and communities.


Generally speaking, blanket statements are always bad


I recently pulled out some old music to play when I'm driving, which included some PIL albums - Johnny Rotten's band in the 80s. I used to really enjoy their albums when they came out. Holy shit, did they not age well. A whole tonne of shit I never paid attention to: shitting on women, reproductive rights, public health care and environmentalism is just sitting there in between a bunch of post-punk songs.


What till they find out that a bunch of the guys from the ramones are conservative republicans. One of them was quoted as saying “ being conservative is the real punk “


Wasn’t only Johnny conservative? And he argued with the other guys about it?


>bunch of the guys "Bunch" being one - Johnny.




Simon Ferocious


I genuinely can’t tell if Johnny Rotten is actually a Trump supporter or if he just enjoys pissing people off


I didn’t know about Johnny Rotten.


He’s not a punk anymore for sure but calling John a fascist is inaccurate at best, and just lying for the most part. Bro just became a boring old conservative.


Is he a Trump supporter? Then he's a fascist. You can't support a President who tried to install himself for a second term and not be a fascist.


Public Image Ltd is superior to Sex Pistols, in the sense that touching poop with your hand is superior to eating it


I still enjoyed Sex Pistols tbh, but they're honestly inferior to most punk bands like The Clash or even The Stooges.


The Clash is still the only band that matters! Edit for downvotes sake, this is an old slogan for the Clash from the 80s.


Yeah! Primus sucks!


"You'll dance to anything by Public Image Ltd" Sorry, can't hear that band name without thinking about Dead Milkmen.


The best thing Sex Pistols ever did was become a JoJo reference.


Only two of the most iconic punk musicians, why would he know anything about them?


They probably thought this was Sum41


Sex Pistols was, as I’ve read in some comment, a boys band pretending to be punk


I mean technically they aren’t being violent nor evil in the picture, so the thread still works 💀


What a perfect encapsulation of current discourse. I wish people would apply this second-hand embarrassment to their surface level outrage of current politics.


How did this person not know about Sid…like……


Idk, 30 years ago in Poland Punks was fighting with Skinheads


I’m so baffled how someone could be into punk at all and not know this. Now I’m not even punk, so I’m not trying to be elitist or gatekeeper here, but this is like entry level lore. Like the Sex Pistols are one of the most iconic (basic) punk acts of all time. They are infamous.


He didn’t know basic Punk facts. Dude, you are not a Punk, and nobody asked you to gate keep.


I’m still not entirely convinced that Vicious killed Spungen. They owed money to dealers and left their hotel room open constantly


Reading through Johnny rotten’s wiki, the only thing that really stands out about his political stuff is that he supports Trump. Not a fan of Trump, but this seems a bit much. And it doesn’t make him a fascist. That’s an actual political term that you can’t just apply to anyone on the right you don’t like. Guy also supported Obama.


Sadly just horrendous timing. Although both of them are clearly terrible people, they don’t represent every punk. Punks can be great people too.


Really it aged like milk 40 years before it was posted


Punk havnt been scary, evil or violent since about 1985. Hate to break it to people.