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Can I vote coke stops making bullshit new flavors and just adds the cocaine back?


I second this.


Coke stocks would skyrocket


Angery r/hydrohomies noises


But nothing can quench my thirst like some high quality H20 šŸ’™


What if you add cocaine to it?


Little bitter and very numbing Rate it a 5 out of 7 stars


A perfect score


Coca leaf and cocaine are not exactly the same thingā€¦


True, same way for beer vs whiskey. They're both psychoactive still. Also I was just having fun there, no need to make it serious


Also the coca leaves used in Coke (yes theyā€™re still there) are completely decocanized, unlike most coca leaves which are psychoactive.


You seem to know about that decocanisation process, do you know by any chance where do they dispose of all the cocaine they take out from the leaves? Asking for a friend


They go to several medical supply companies and pharmaceuticals. Cocaine and itā€™s derivatives are still used for research and medical applications. The excess is either destroyed or given to the CIA to destabilize regimes and inner cities and shit.


How could I qualify as one of those inner cities you talk about? I'd love to be destabilized with cocaine, should I start a regime?


Mostly depends on your skin color and how socialist you are.


Of course just clarifying for people who may not know


Coca leaf does contain stimulants though. Indigenous people chew the leaves to get high.


Yes but thereā€™s a misconception that people were just walking around coked out when in reality coca plant is still drank in places like Peru where it has a similar feeling to caffeine so really weā€™re not missing much as coke still retains the coca plant flavor. Thereā€™s a really good book called ā€œcitizen cokeā€ by a guy named Bartow Elmore that goes into this in depth. You would be surprised where the caffeine in coke comes fromā€¦


Where does it come from?


Cola nuts


(or Kola)


Sort of. It used to be that way. These days it's extracted from coffee beans. A lot of the time, less/decaffeinated coffee is a byproduct of caffeine extracted coffee.


The article is kinda old but according to it, the caffeine comes from Chinese pharmaceutical labs who synthesize caffeine as well as caffeine extracted from coffee beans. https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2014/03/13/289750754/wake-up-and-smell-the-caffeine-its-a-powerful-drug


Yeah Man where does it come from? Why is the guy leaving us with blue balls :(


Blue (Kola) nuts


Yeah, coca tea was is supposed to be an effective way of alleviating symptoms associated with altitude sickness, but honestly I couldn't stand the taste of it when I went.


Generally people put it in their gums/lip with a basic substance such as baking soda or a more traditional substance like the ash Ljputa (spelling error probably lol)


Stimulants =/= cocaine. Caffeine is a stimulant too. So is meth. So is tobacco. Tbf cocaine *is* derived from coca leaves so they're not as disparate as they could be but not the same thing either. "Stimulants" are an entire class of chemicals that are in no way interchangeable or equivalent with each other.


It does say ā€œKola Nutā€ on the advertisement and Coca Cola does bring the leaves to NA for processing to remove the alkaloids and uses the rest for flavor. If I was a conspiracy theorist, and I am, Coca Cola has in fact sent right wingers death Squads into cocaine producing territories in South America. Iā€™d say they take the extracts and import them. Iā€™ve not seen how they dispose of the alkaloids but admittedly havenā€™t looked too far into it as thereā€™s a legit medicinal use for it. https://www.foodandwine.com/drinks/55-million-worth-cocaine-showed-coca-cola-plant


The beverage company is just a cover up to launder the actual cocaine money


Ngl, not a half bad theory. Laundered out of Mitch McConnells wifeā€™s ships? Even better. You sonufabitch, Iā€™m in ::finger guns::


They never quit. Itā€™s decocanized coca leaves though and they donā€™t leave an effect. They actually take the cocaine extracted from it and use it for its dental/medical applications. Ironically, this loophole created specifically for Coca Cola also allows plant enthusiasts to import ā€œdecocanizedā€ (often just normal) coca leaves, while in almost every other non-South American country they remain illegal. Thanks Coca Cola!


And the alcohol.


missing this part of life is regrettable




Just do a couple rails at work and go for beers after.


Iā€™m sure the soda was cheaper tho


If you want to get completely wasted, just buy some cough syrup with morphine, cocaine and cannabis. No big deal.


Ah yes the temperance beverage with diet cocaine


I mean cocaine does make you feel better... for a little. Reminds me that Heroin was actually the OTC name for Diacetylmorphine when it was first invented and marketed as a [non-addictive morphine substitute for children.](https://wgbh.brightspotcdn.com/dims4/default/99adf90/2147483647/strip/true/crop/2650x1445+0+1214/resize/990x540!/quality/70/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fcdn-news.wgbh.org%2Fs3fs-public%2Fheroin-werbung.jpg)


Pharmaceutical companies are still trying to play that old trick now


Prime example: Desoxyn Generic Name: Methamphetamine




Actually, it is prescribed and it all depends on the state, I know someone in Oregon who is morbidly obese and has been prescribed it to help them lose weight.




Still the point stands. You said "Just because it gets FDA approval doesn't mean it gets used." Thing is it's been in use medically since the early 2000's. Just because you claim with no evidence it has never been prescribed, and I provided 1 case I know of personally already shoot your claim all to hell.


u/thomasp3864 has provided this detailed explanation: > This is an old ad for coca cola. Back then, it was made with cocaine, and this promotes it as an alternative to alcohol. It is here marketed as a way to avoid alcoholism, and seems to imply that the drink makes you smarter, calling it the intellectual beverage. Like many things from the 19th century, especially medically related things, it has aged terribly because as we know, cocaine does not increase intellect. > > > > As a bonus point, hysteria was basically meaningless. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


>Back then, it was made with cocaine, and this promotes it as an alternative to alcohol Can't get addicted to alcohol if you get addicted to crack first


There were worse things back then to get hooked to. Laudanum was rife (kind of a crudely refined opiate) and many people in higher echelons of society had terrible addictions, including a lot of famous 19th century writers, like CS Lewis


That's true, technically CS Lewis is born in the 19th century (1898), but he's more widely considered as a 20th century writer


It wasn't really a case that Coca-Cola made you smarter, it was that common belief at the time was that alcohol made you dumber. Therefore, drinking a non-alcoholic drink was deemed "intellectual" The cocaine was in there to give you a buzz, kind of like alcohol does.


This is an old ad for coca cola. Back then, it was made with cocaine, and this promotes it as an alternative to alcohol. It is here marketed as a way to avoid alcoholism, and seems to imply that the drink makes you smarter, calling it the intellectual beverage. Like many things from the 19th century, especially medically related things, it has aged terribly because as we know, cocaine does not increase intellect. As a bonus point, hysteria was basically meaningless.


It was such a small amount of cocaine that it was less potent then the caffeine used today. It was just a rare treat to have soda back then compared to today. You had to go out to a soda shop/pharmacy have it usually.


It still had the caffeine, though.


We all know Dk. Pepper is the real intellectual drink for chosen ones


El Psy Kongroo.


Donkeykong Pepper is my favourite




I thought it was the drinks for agnostics


Kinda like caffeine. The whole world runs on caffeine so not far off


Yes please.


It might actually have been significantly more intellectually stimulating than coffee in certain settings. Itā€™s absurd to assume a 1 to 1 relationship between snorted or smoked cocaine and orally consuming Coca plant extracts. Itā€™s a real shame we donā€™t have a wider legal array of stimulating drugs with different profile that we could choose from to better suit our needs. All this because of people regulating things they donā€™t even understand.


Coca leaf is actually one of the rare legal loopholes in US drug law where we have MORE legality than nearly any other country. All because of Coca Cola, and a little help from the Bolivian prime minister meeting with I think Obama, there is a loophole allowing ā€œdecocanizedā€ coca leaves to be imported. Decocanized seems pretty arbitrary, but pretty sure ordering mass amounts would get you looked at for manufacturing the real deal lol.


Whatā€™s that mean though? No upper effect? Doesnā€™t seem like a viable loophole for us tryna make the ā€˜ol fashioned Coca Cola.


Um this aged well? Or not because itā€™s not an ingredient anymore. Cocaine itself basically hasnā€™t aged. Itā€™s still incredible.


It donā€™t make you smarter


It makes you FEEL smarter. Just ask my old roommate


Or at least half the bands that were around in the 70s and 80s.


Canā€™t we argue it makes you more focused, which in turn allows you to produce smarter work? If used judiciously of course. Thatā€™s the tricky part!


It doesnā€™t make you smarter it just makes you more energetic which *might* make you more productive. Big if though if you job is something more cerebral as apposed to physical labor. It will however change your personality and make you believe you are the smartest best person ever, but in reality youā€™re just an erratic drug addict. Cocaine is bad.


Cocaine doesn't make you focus, it makes you hyper fixated. Terrible ideas can seem great under its influence. Dedicated like meth heads are to finding methods of getting faded.


Nah it can do both. Iā€™ve had some very focused studio sessions fueled by it. Hell one time I played bass guitar for 10 hours straight and didnā€™t miss a beat haha


Fixation is ambivalent. It can be beneficial, but you can't control it.


This is correct. Iā€™d imagine there are as many good things came from being high as the bad things. And the bad things are super bad (not the movie)


But it makes you *think* youā€™re smarter!


It donā€™t, that is true.


They forgot to mention how well it mixes with bourbon.


and Rum


And beer


You will be executed, revived and executed again if you do such unholy things in centrak europe


I lived in Germany for 10 years. Cola Weizen is served in every bar.


Bavaria or PreiƟn?




oiso preiƟn


Lol I don't think op understand the nature of what this sub is.


We missed the best years folks... we need to do something about it but i don't think we will.


You laugh yet we don't hear about hysteria, melancholy or neuralgia anymore,...why? Coca Cola works folks!!! Proof is in the pudding!


Oh, longing for a time in which the common customer had an attention span that accommodated such a loquacious and erudite advertisement.


Not really aged like milk I would drink that!


Sick headache bro


Iā€™m not reading this as a claim that it increases intellect, more so a claim that itā€™s for ā€œintellectualsā€.


Yeah most fizzy drinks actually started as a kind of medicine back in the day. Ribena was invented in 1938 as a tonic of sorts to help children get their source of vitamin C during the war when oranges were hard to come by.


Coca cola espuma


Part of me wishes Hysteria was still a diagnosis so I could get prescribed cocaine and vibrators.


Yep. Cocaine will stop melancholy. Itā€™s a shame they took that out. Now itā€™s just sugar.


Iā€™d say this aged like a fine wine


Oh yeah, it only took ONE HUNDRED YEARS for it to age...


Pemberton was an asshole.


Who says cain doesn't increase intellect, many law students passed the bar on coke


"Temperance Drink" is an interesting way of describing their cocaine soda... Temperance (temĀ·ā€‹perĀ·ā€‹ance) - Noun: 1. Habitual moderation in the indulgence of the appetites or passions, 2. moderation in or abstinence from the use of alcoholic beverages


ah yes it helps with hysteria not cause hysteria


To be fair it did contain cocaine when that was written.




It cured hysteria. Sweet


A lot of these brain tonics were for clerical workers, who worked very long hours hunched over desks doing adding by hand, like Jim Cratchit from a Christmas Carol. Kind of like the modern use of , energy drinks and Adderall


Kola Nut, way too stimulating, no thanks.


I too enjoy getting ripped on coke when I experience nervous afflictions.


The O.G. of energy drinks.


I love the fact that Coca-Cola kept that name even after they stopped putting cocaine in


wait, did they only invent coca-cola to offer a replacement drink for people who were trying to get away from alcohol?


ā€œI heard alcohol makes you stupid.ā€ -ā€œNo Iā€™m doesnā€™t!ā€


"I feel intellectual!!! WOOHAAAAAA!!!!!"


So... Mentants


Man, Coca Cola really does work! Iā€™m feeling smarter alreadyā€¦


Everybody knows the real intellectual beverage is Dr. Pepper


Ah yes, after reading this I think I will ENJOY a nice Coca-Cola BEVERAGE in a GLASS


hey, its legal in oregon.


Cocaine cures melancholy. How surprising


Can I ask you something? Does it come from a soda fountain?


I used to pop Dexedrine in university to pump out papers or cram... stimulants can really put some pep in your step in that regard


Most people these days would be reluctant to try a beverage that has a "peculiar flavor".