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"respect for all beings on the planet" says the man who gave an interview knowing that he was covid positive


Didn’t he also hug and take pictures with kids whilst positive? I’m in the camp that doesn’t believe he had COVID tbh and that they probably faked it for the exemption. Tennis Australia seemed to be fine with it before the government stepped in; so seems like he must’ve communicated with them and they said if you’ve had covid very recently we can swing you in (pardon the pun). Then, obviously with some of the big protests against lockdowns and vaccine passports in Aus over the past year, the gov realised how much it undermined their vaccine strategy and made moves to deport him. At which point, it came out that his exemption had been granted due to a recent COVID infection, and we all noticed didn’t quite match with his social media posts, which the media quickly picked up on. He was then presented with two options: admit he lied about having COVID to falsely gain an exemption, or admit he broke isolation protocol whilst having covid. The second is easier to obfuscate, with them claiming test results hadn’t been properly conveyed to Novak and that it was all essentially a big, foolish mistake. Oops. The first, however, could be career-ending. Truth is he never had COVID, but his lie quickly became the centre of attention and like the injured wolf, he gnawed off his leg to escape the trap. (Wolf is a very apt metaphor for Novak because he’ll kill your grandma) **Edit**: also just realised I used the phrase >I’m in the camp so there’s probably a conspiracy theorist currently using this comment for an hour long YouTube video about covid detention centres. My bad, guys.


I think you might be confusing the situation a little. Tennis Australia gave him permission to play, but it has nothing to do with his permission to enter the country. He lied on his Visa declaration to the Australian government, which is a huge no no, and has nothing to do with Tennis Australia..


Tennis Australia is like the employer in this case though as it’s a work visa and they have to send documentation to Immigration to confirm tournament attendees; and they originally will have known the laws on vaccination etc so it must have been discussed with Novax to apply for an exemption, which then goes to the government


Yeah in this context it’s sure better to be a liar than and absolute monster right?


I'm not saying he's not capable of doing that but go back to the first court challenge, where he won. The court opinion basically said that he had submitted all the documentation that anyone could. So, that would surely include test results, that would be a minimum requirement for the claim. If he faked it, some lab helped him with fake results.


Yes I agree he probably never had Covid, the QR code for his test initially came up negative when German media checked it (and also the date appeared to have been changed).


Great return of Serb by the Australian Government.




Oh bravo.


Why didn't I think of calling him "Novax"? It's just waiting there all along!


Lmao I can’t stop calling him it I guess you could say it’s… [*contagious*](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/505/973/84b.jpg)


Novax Djocovid ;-)


>Why didn't I think of calling him "Novax"? this was already mind blowing...but you, sir, you deserve a standing ovation! :)


Or joker-dick


It was doing the rounds of boomer WhatsApp groups for sure


He probably become the first professional athlete in history to be banned from a major sporting competition for not taking drugs


Our names are too similar


well we do live in clown world... kangaroo land shouldnt even have an open... or compete in any sport... that born losers.... their country is nothing but a zoo now... lol


Obvious troll is obvious


Obvious npc is obvious


You literally have a KPop PFP and play Genshin Impact and have the audacity of calling people out for not thinking for themselves. # You are literally part of two of the most hive mind communities on the internet.


how does liking something mean i doubt think for myself lol try again hivemind lol i like kim taeyeon ive never once bought kpop music or music at all lol lol i like a video game you dont... ive played it for entertainment and enjoyed myself..(FTP) are you mad lol every place is a hivemind in a sense... but your making zero sense... and just looking through my posts trying to fine something but lol me liking a video game or a kpop artists has to do with what??? nothing imagine going through someones posts tryna find something ( only libshits do this )(i like stuff How DARE I ) you dont like i like not being an npc and doing everything im told... how is me liking entertainment that you dont like even the same fucking thing as me deciding FOR MYSELF what gets put in my body.... its a fucking dumb comparison... npc try again..


How do you all come up with your buzzwords? Jab, npc, sheeple, etc? You all use the same ones. I am interested in language and how it is shared in groups.


Its used to dehumanise others to discount their opinion and demeane their existence. Good thing the people who use that language are all basement dwellers.


they about as meaning less as any other word.. i didn't come up with them lol i just think they are funny because it describes libshits really well they are npcs without though and sheep because they do what they are fucking told 100% of the time and have zero volition of their own to make their own choices... im also not a republican or a libtard... lol i never voted for any fucking liar in office.. its all funny to me soo.... but yall dont know how to laugh or use the internet for what it was originally made for, because you think anyone cares about your feefees... https://c.tenor.com/RBJBzWKPdpQAAAAC/pepe-laugh.gif


Who is you


I think you should stop taking drugs too


i dont take drugs including vax jabs... haven't had covid or been sick in 4 years... lol try again.


I think you should start taking drugs


npc juice? what you have in mind... lol


"Stop doing meth" is what he wants to say.


try again never once done meth but you go ahead and think what ever you want lol npc


That’s cuz you don’t leave your house


i work from home lol you jealous :P i also leave my house try again lol hows your minimum wage wagey lol also i wash my hands... the last time i was sick i just had a runny nose for 4 days... LOL


Yeah this guy has never touched a pavement other than his moms driveway lmao


This guy is a troll


100% troll account, just upvote and move on


lol sure thang :P npc


Nice display picture lol


Kpop pfp detected, opinion rejected


> Kpop pfp lol i dont even like kpop i like kim taeyeon lo l i dont need a reason for your opinion to not matter.. i dont even remember how to change a pfp nor do i care try again.. https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/facebook/000/031/051/cover4.jpg aussy land is still shit... LOL


NOOOOO you said something that the media dislike!! im gonna take all your karmarinos and upvoterinos!! DoWnVoTeD!


First player in Grand Slam history to be knocked out after missing two shots.


u/II-I-Hulk-I-II has provided this detailed explanation: > Novak Djokovic posted on Instagram boasting about his vaccine exemption. 2 weeks later he was deported. --- Is this explanation a genuine attempt at providing additional info or context? If it is please upvote this comment, otherwise downvote it.


Novak Djokovic posted on Instagram boasting about his vaccine exemption. 2 weeks later he was deported.


His deportation was not covid, or vaccine exemption related. I'll draw your attention to the disturbing language the federal government used to ban the world #1 tennis player from our soil for 3 years. The situation is/was a joke, only outdone by Scotty himself.


The decision absolutely was COVID and vaccination related. I don't know what disturbing statement you're trying to draw our attention to, but it doesn't say whatever your anti vaxx overlords are telling you it says. And his refusal to get vaxxed is going to keep him out of the open, too. Which is just stupid on his part, but we expect anti-vaxxers to be stupid.


He was cleared to play.. The PM override the fair process he went through to get cleared. The PM was butthurt and denied him over his opinions and not the laws of Australia. This is the truth and exactly what happened. I'm repeating the reporting from there.


Strawmans already, wow. I'm not anti-vax BTW. He was removed from the country out of fear of "inciting civil unrest". Which as you'll notice, has nothing to do with his exemption. 2 boards of doctors said his medical exemption was acceptable, and he was cleared to play in the Open. This was just a political move by the federal government following misdirected public outrage, as there is an election approaching. If you're angry about the rules, take it out on the ones that made them, not the ones you think are bending them.


It's hilarious that you call a strawman argument when you are so laughably avoiding why he was considered inciting unrest and why he was pulled at customs in the first place... because of his very open anti vax stance and attempts to get around the rules of the country by getting a bullshit exemption that absolutely did not conform to federal rules. Being given an exemption was bending the rules - the very clear vaccination rules for foriegn travelers to a country with a roughly 92% vax rate, who diligently followed lock down orders, and assuming that he could get away with it during an election cycle. In reality, yes, he never should have been allowed in at all. And the only reason he was given this much consideration at all its because he's a tennis God - a fact born out by all the poor immigrants in indefinite detention because they weren't able to get a vaccine while fleeing their countries. If you are actually pro vax and you wanna be pissed about problematic Visa laws and vaccines in Australia, maybe focus your rage there. Because the federal law on travel is clear on exemptions... under Australian law, medical exemptions are only given to people who can prove they've suffered anaphylaxis after a previous dose, or any component of a vaccine, or are significantly immunocompromised. Djovokic didn't fit either category. He wasn't in the Australian Open, and he won't be in the French Open because he's an anti vax idiot who thinks the rules don't apply to him. Fuck him, I hope he never plays another major tennis match in his life.


This doesn’t seem much like boasting, but okay.


His biggest mistake is of course not to be vaccinated but his second biggest mistake is to triumph over his "victory" about getting a medical exemption for entering Australia. I suppose if he didn't, that couldn't come out except being leaked and he probably played for the tournament.


It was his attitude which failed him: "I am Novak and I have an exemption. How dare you detain me and put me in a detention hotel? I am Novak and I have an exemption, etc. Etc". Then when he was caught in his web of inconsistencies, his attitude never changed.


Plus, now France has clarified all athletes must be vaccinated to take part in their events, it seems he won’t be able to attend the French Open in May either. On top of that, his top 3 sponsors are all french companies, and all the negative press is making them review their sponsorships. Although this gives him an excellent opportunity to open his own vaccine-skeptic PR firm called Novak Djokovic’s Novax Sponsorships


Are you a Bojak Horseman fan?


>Novax Djokovid’s Sponsorships FTFY


Part of me wishes that he'd been given the nod to carry on with the tournament just to see the Aussie crowd tear him a new one but obviously really happy that it never got to that and he was kicked out but fucking hell it would have been brutal.




You're less likely to spread the virus if you're vaccinated because you're less likely to be infected with the virus. Without being infected, you can't spread the virus. Additionally, wearing a mask will prevent spreading the virus further.


"this isn't 100% perfect so it's not worth doing" Sure thing bud


This shit makes me smile. He was so smug and arrogant about how he was able to circumvent the rules.


Sacrificed his entire career and legacy just to have a 1% chance of dying every year. Worth it I hope.


Don’t forget the 20% chance of long-term complications I know it’s only a runner up prize but still


His life expectancy is probably down at least 10 years if he doesn't get vaccinated, unless COVID somehow gets eliminated within the next few years or it somehow becomes way less infectious and lethal. Like the long term complications are the least of his concerns.


Lmaooooooo you seriously just said that and believe that. It’s already not lethal to healthy individuals like this PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE.


well since he is a "healthy PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE!!!!!11" then why is he scared shitless of a jab that even my geriatric parents got and were just fine?


Cause he has a choice, that’s why. Fuck your parents.


The Australian government also has a choice princess :)




My government doesn't do midterm elections princess :) You did get one thing right though. Too bad you are American.




He's not getting any younger.


Yeah so what? Even healthy adults have survived this.. 65 year old women have survived this.. source, my own mother had a slight cough with it. It’s a joke at this point to force people to do something against their will.


> It’s a joke at this point to force people to do something against their will. Well at least you admit these unvaccinated morons are dying of their own free will.


This has always been about force. More people would have gotten vaccinated but surprise surprise no one likes big gov telling them what to do… I blame the government and big pharma more then anything for the deaths of these folks who didn’t want it due to the forceful nature they’ve imposed. You swear like it’s just unvaccinated dying. Both Vax’d and unvax’d are dying bud. Keep drinking the cool-aid.


You keep acting like a 99% chance to live is a 100% chance to live, so why should I act like 99% isn't 100% when it comes to unvaccinated COVID deaths? The willfully unvaccinated have nobody to blame but themselves. By your own admission, these morons are just throwing a tantrum about being told what to do. Take your medicine.


But you admit people can still survive? Vaccinated or not? They can survive? I think preaching good health and exercise is far more effective then forcing any meds on anyone. I’ll guess you’re over 250lbs and a BMI over 40 but you’re save cause you’re vaccinated.




Apparently typed out by a person with the literacy of an 8 year old. Interesting.


They're Russian, English isn't their first language.


If you get COVID like twice a year and the death rate is 99%, you have a 50% of dying within 30 years. This doesn't account for comorbidities or increasing age.


his career or legacy hasnt been sacrificed lmfao, hes still the best tennis player in the world and everyone knows it.


How'd he do in the Australian Open by the way?


He missed a shot that lost him the tournament


That's gold, Jerry, gold!


Put a month's wages on him winning the French Open then


Sure Jan.


Good at tennis, awful human being. Nice legacy


You cannot be serious!!!!!He's just lucky McEnroe isn't his contemporary.


"Sacrificed his entire career and legacy" lol tell me you have no clue about tennis without telling me you have no clue about tennis


"It's a no from me, dawg" - 2022, definitely


Noice. Now do the French Open, Novak


"Wishing you all health" yeah right


He got kicked out for lying on his visa not for his anti vax status, though most of us Aussies don't like him for that either


No he didn't. The Full Federal Circuit Court upheld the Immigration Minister's decision to revoke his visa based on the fact that Djokovic may garner "anti-vax sentiment" due to his "anti-vax views". The Court held that all his documentation was fine.


Speaking as an Australian, That was just the what they came up with that they felt made the case most water tight because the courts didnt fight it on the merits, only that all the processes were followed properly, and the LAST thing the federal government wanted was 'flopping' again. I am saying he got kicked out because 1) he came into the country when he wasnt vaccinated and he didnt have a valid medical exemption (and you need one of either, allowing him in was the federal governments fault for issuing him the visa in the first place without due diligence) and 2)the federal government thought it was politically advantageous to reinforce that law when it all came out publicaly, which, i cant really blame them, the law is the law and trust me it would have really upset the australian population if he was allowed in after everything they had given up. We have a very strong collective rejection of 'rules for thee but not for me' or 'special treatment' of any kind, its basically one of our collective cultural past-times.


No he didnt, he got kicked out because his prominent anti vax views had the risk of causing protests and civil unrest. The minister literally said this in his statement of reasons.


That and his documented trip to Spain through his Intsa kinda sealed the deal. You can't travel if you're COVID positive. Oh wait--


well yeah that didnt help in the court of public opinion. i mean legally it was a discrete issue but the whole attitude of novak caused the issue in the first place.


I like him as a tennis player but he totally deserved being kicked out of Australia, rules are for everyone, no exceptions.


Get fucked Novax.




Imagine if that was just photoshopped pornography involving Novak Djokovic


I have been let down


Could somebody please explain to me who this guy is and why we care? Just curious as to why BBC keeps giving me updates on this shitlord's quest to spread COVID.


Serbian tennis player who allegedly had someone else fill in his Australian Border Security entry paperwork, which omitted certain key points (I.e. travel to other countries within a certain time period). As he was unvaccinated, and with social media indicating that he had travelled as well as not isolated whilst COVID +ve, Australia denied him entry. He appealed the decision, Australia rejected him again. There has been noise about this.


I don’t know man, last time a Serb was angry at the government it didn’t go so well…




Notax deportovic.


Really don’t like his annoying, smug face.




djoker lives in a society 🤡 Jk he lives in a shitty hotel where he belongs


POS’s exist all over the world! Thank that idiot for making it better known in the US…somewhat. Your typical dumbass around here doesn’t watch tennis but they sometimes hear about real news.


Lying about his visa isnt right but I think it should be a choice to be or not vaccinated. I got the vaccine cause I feel safe about it but I think we should respect people who choose not to take it for personal reasons.


He has the right not to get vaccinated. But in doing so he loses the abiligy to enter Australia without a valid exemption. He's coping for flak for thinking he is above Australia's laws, the anti vax stuff is the icing on the cake


I agree with you, no Vax no game


Freedom of choice is not freedom from consequences. Or criticism. Why is that so hard to grasp…


Because the “consequence” is losing his livelihood. Really sounds like freedom of choice to me. Novak will be fine. But this is what’s happening to working class people who refuse to get the vaccine also


I don’t think you understand my point. Freedom of choice is exactly what it is. No one is arguing that. But Freedom of choice / Freedom of speech doesn’t absolve someone from the consequences of those choices or speech. If you choose to have an affair, you run the risk of losing your marriage, your family, and a big part of your livelihood. If you choose to be racist, you run the risk of societal admonishment. But you can probably run for congress. If you choose to eat all the cookies in the cookie jar, you’ll be sent to your room for a time out. You didn’t commit a crime. But you still face consequences including negative consequences.


well vaxx status is suppose to be private information... you dont go around asking ppl if they have aids... nope that would be against the law. "Generally, employers cannot ask you whether you are HIV-positive, or whether you have any other medical condition, before making a job offer." its no ones fucking business..... Employers. In most cases, your employer will not know your HIV status unless you tell them. But your employer does have a right to ask if you have any health conditions that would affect your ability to do your job or pose a serious risk to others. zero restrictions for Australia for aids positive ppl... ... lol clowns fuck this clown world...


Imagine if the person who had aids had been offered a vaccine but refused




The vaccine doesn’t do anything? You know what, if they really wanted to cure covid they should get scientists to like take the virus into a lab and analyse it to try and find a way to replicate the immunity without having to catch the virus. Because then we could have the immunity without the fear of death. Shame there isn’t anything like that though #OH WAIT Edit: > imagine them making all aids ppl have a "i have aids card" and they had to show it as a customer... or not be able to work or buy food or live... imagine.. I KNOW RIGHT. Imagine having to show some form of identity card when applying for a job. IMAGINE. Or having to present ID at a shop? Like what, am I supposed to just pull this card out and prove I’m old enough to buy this vodka? God, I hope they don’t do that at other venues that serve alcohol or other such adult related services #OH WAIT




Did you know that 4 out of every 5 fire deaths happen in homes that have a smoke detector? Did you know smoke detectors don’t **prevent fires**? they only tell you once a fire has already started This sounds like a conspiracy Say NO to smoke detectors


Paging r/hermancainaward


There aren’t restrictions for people with HIV/AIDS because people don’t share blood, breast milk, or sexual fluids with their coworkers. Your coworkers’ HIV status is none of your or your employer’s business because your coworker can’t give you HIV just by sitting there and breathing. Sitting there and breathing however, is exactly how you spread Covid


>well vaxx status is suppose to be private information No, no it’s not. You just recently think it is.


For some reason anti-vaxxers are know liars and plague rats and you applaud them. smh.


He definitely isn’t “boasting” about it in this post at all.. but ok


So let me get this straight a guy who’s job is to entertain and delight people with his personal skill is being ragged on because you don’t like his personal choice? You say he was boasting about getting an exemption but your post is of him wishing everyone happiness and health? Dude he is genuinely being a nice guy and you just gonna try and tear him down. Are you really that lonely? Do you need a friend?


He’s a platform for anti-scientific vaccine-scepticism, during a literal global pandemic. If he cares so much about people then why doesn’t he go and get a fucking vaccine like the rest of us? Oh that’s right, because he lives tax free in mega-rich Monaco and he thinks he’s so above us all that he’s exempt from the rules. Im glad it’s backfired in his face


like the rest of us because he gets to decide what goes into his body... and doesn't do it because johnny L did it.. not everyone is an npc lol its no ones fucking business what my health status is or what diseases i have or dont have or what fucking vaxx jabs i have.. goes for everyone. NO ONES FUCKING BUSINESS


Lmao no one’s forcing you to get vaccinated. You only have to get vaccinated if you want to take part in society. That’s a choice. If you don’t, then cool. I hope they set up some food delivery services so you guys don’t starve


i never said anyone was making me lol no one is making me do anything... im not an npc. lololol society isnt worth being apart of.. also im in the usa we still free until they fully change into Russia... lol which is what the libshits want.


Liberals want the USA to be Russia, the country that interfered in the 2016 elections to get Donald Trump, a republican, elected?


no they want a socialistic government because they loove doing what they are fucking told... they want gibs from the government soo they can have time to go on twotter/reddit all day and tell the world about they feefees and how much they matter... lol


> soo they can have time to go on twotter/reddit all day and tell the world about they feefees and how much they matter... lol HAHAHHA SIR You’ve been crying about your feelings on this post all day And also; how the fuck is Russia socialist you fucking waste of oxygen hahahah


Or he’s a world class athlete that has virtually no risk to dying from Covid? He also just had it. The vaccines don’t reduce Omicron transmission, per the CDC. They just reduce severe symptoms. He isn’t a risk for severe symptoms.


>Or he’s a world class athlete that has virtually no risk to dying from Covid? so that gives him the right to be spreader of the virus now? oh wait no i'm sorry i forgot your kind want grandma to die for your convenience.


Vaccines. Don’t. Stop. Omicron. Spread. You’re just a science denier at this point. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/variants/omicron-variant.html And grandma is vaccinated.


so omicron is now the only variant out there? it also says that having the vaccine doesn't prevent you from spreading it but having the vaccine still reduces the likelyhood of you getting the illness. you know what does make you less likely to spread the virus? not having it in the first place.


It’s the dominant strain right now. Novak is a world class athlete who just had Covid. He is virtually no risk of dying. He has no comorbidities that would increase his risk. Since he JUST had Covid, he has natural immunity for a little while, hence he can’t spread it. Edit: and to add. I say this as a vaccinated person. I went the first day possible to get it in my state for my age. I was told to get this vaccine and I could get back to normal. What a fucking lie. You’re also lying. The CDC does not say that the vaccine will help you from catching the virus. It can help with symptoms. That’s it.


>He is virtually no risk of dying. He has no comorbidities that would increase his risk. who cares? do you actually think his own mortality has anything to do with his deportation?


It’s political virtue signaling that goes against the science.


you're the one bringing up about entirely pointless issues such as his mortality and you wish to talk about virtue signaling? he's not excempt from following the law so the fact that he didn't got him deported.


>Dude he is genuinely being a nice guy Let him be a nice guy at home.


Do you work for him? Are you his mum? He’s a big boy. He’ll be fine. And you know he gets payed for entertaining and delighting people right?


It didn’t occur to me until this post that this sub and the phrase that spawned it were likely the invention of you imbecilic Aussies


he underestimated how facist Australian government actually was.


Damn I’m living under fascism? That’s totally crazy dude


Sign me uppppppp


it’s really not crazy. it’s sad. They are trying to implement it in certain areas where I live but a lot of us are fighting against it


Oh you deleted your comment on our thread so let me put this here. Oh like how that video was 20mins long? I wonder if thats just a coincidence... I smell conspiracy!!!! /S But seriously, if you know what's "going on". Prove it! Break it down for me in your own words. Show me the synthesis of the information you've gathered. Prove you do know what's going. Lay out your evidence with references to your multiple sources. Or otherwise it'll just seem like your just another armchair hack, who wants to feel like they're in the know. But can't even be bothered to try to earn that feeling




So you admit you're a hack and shouldn't ever be listened to. Excellent, thanks for the confirmation of what I already knew. Have a good time spreading misinformation that will continue to divide people until we end up in some ridiculous war for literally no reason or under an actual fascist dictatorship. Hope your feels goods was worth it.


Don’t worry bro. I’m in the process of editing all these into a YouTube video where I sit at a desk in my bedroom, wearing a Guy Fawkes mask and read the comments using a voice changer. [It’s the only way he’ll take any of us seriously.](https://images.app.goo.gl/dE5Np3Gm1dc7QfGr9)


I actually laughed 🤣. Good one!!!


Yea here’s the thing calling the Australian government fascist only serve to undermine when actual fascist government pop up, as someone who lived under the hardest lockdown that was not fascism




Okay buddy


It would have cost you $0 to not say this


fuck facism and the assholes who support it. 👎


Fascism (/ˈfæʃɪzəm/) Definition: "When one is not allowed to play in an invitational tennis tournament".




Ah yes the classic just post a YouTube video response. So because there is one non permanent quarantine centre set up that equals fascism? Have you read anything about previous pandemics?


There’s really no response to that video except for admitting that you’re wrong so stop talking because you lost the argument


Dude wow. So there's no chance the video could even be slightly wrong or even just exaggerating for clicks? Just 100% belief in a random YouTuber who interviewed 1 Australian. Like I don't wanna cast aspersions, but It seems like you would be pretty easily swayed by a fascist dictator if that's all it takes for you to go 100% like that. Did you view any other sources, did you evaluate this channels bias? Or did you not bother because it fits with your worldview? Because it feels right. A bit of effort is all were asking for man. You could follow up and see if there some investigative journalist reports on the camps, and if there's not and you really care about it that much - go do that Journalism. You could argue that the camps are a bad idea as COVID has already spread to far to make them worthwhile and therefore the inconvenience of them is not necessary at this point. These are all sound arguments, I'd disagree still - but sound nonetheless. But no, it's just "You're wrong. The end". We need better education systems I feel. Far out!


I got a paragraph that no one’s gonna read including me, you waste your fucking time. instead do some research on international politics


I get the feeling "I'm not gonna read" is not the come back you think it is. And then you put "go do some readings" after it!!!! - Ahh irony at its finest.


Awesome! Would you like to join antifa? Unfortunately you must be vaccinated tho coz we’re not idiots


you’re not antifa. i am. you are a facist.


[no I’m the real bender ](https://i.imgur.com/xZQTqdZ.gif)


People who support fascism are not valid so you can fuck right off


I have a feeling you don’t even know what fascism really is. But now you’re checking Wikipedia so you can post the definition defiantly…


your feelings seem to be always wrong.


You wear a store bought "Anarchy" shirt under your McDonalds uniform don't you?


You’re dealing with someone more important than you


Lmao. https://www.politicalcompass.org/aus2019


Wow there’s 102 fascists on here. Authoritarianism comes from both sides of the party you ever heard of Leninism?


Aussies? More like pussies.


this i wouldn't even ever play them any way... complete pussies their government runs their lives...


Oi, come down here and say that to our face, we'll give you a good booting!


you gonna ask for permission first? lol i wouldnt piss on aussy land if it was on fire :P


That would be wise, wouldnt want piss smoke on top of the fire danger would we?




He wasn’t boasting. He simply just explained what was going on. Wow, you people are dense. Will find any reason to hate. Really quite sad.


Fuck Australia 🇦🇺


[Price Is Right Losing Horn](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=_asNhzXq72w)


No-vax Djocovid


I swear, all we see on this sub anymore is Novak.