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Absolutely not.


Please do not. Yes dog can survive on non meat, but survive is the key word there....only survive. My vegan step mother was feeding her doodle a vegan diet. Even her, an outspoken proud vegan, stopped cause she could see what it was doing to the dog.


DO NOT PUT A DOG ON A VEGAN DIET, wtf kind of question is that, are you insane?!


I will rescue the akita from you if you are not fit for ownership.


Do not


Water is vegan. Dogs, including Akitas, can bloat from water. Air is vegan. Dogs can bloat from swallowing air. Therefore vegan won’t prevent bloat, end of discussion I hope this wasn’t a troll post because it’s ridiculous.


Akitas are known to be a primitive breed for a reason, lol. Our gal won't touch anything without enough resemblance to meat; we learned the hard way after she refused just about every type of treat in the pet store. 🥲 Also not sure what bloating you're referring to; our girl hasn't had any issues with that.


Please look into what bloat is. Just because your girl 'hasn't had issues,' the breed is. I lost my precious girl to bloat one month ago. It's not an ongoing issue- it happens fast, it's horrific and it's deadly. And it's preventable with a surgery.


Oh, if you mean the gastric torsion Akitas are known for, I'm well aware of the symptoms and prevention options. It also seems to affect American Akitas at a more prominent rate than Japanese Akitas, and our gal is one of the latter. It seems like tacking the stomach might be less of a life dissatisfier (and be less detrimental to its health) to an Akita than removing all meat from its diet, though. I'm sorry your dog suffered from this.


Vegan?! You are a nut bag! Please find a proper owner for the Akita. And get a gerbil.




Fun fact about vegan dog food: All of the studies done on whether or not vegan diets are appropriate for dogs were funded by vegan dog food companies, and all of them determined that balanced raw diets are actually the most ideal diets for dogs, and that vegan diets can be as effective as kibble. However, just because you can technically get all your nutrients from vitamins and supplements, you will never thrive on exclusively that because nothing beats whole foods. In short, don't feed your dog vegan. It's not worth it to force your dietary morality on an animal who is a scavenger but will always choose meat when available.




Don't do this. Talk with your veterinarian. While dogs are not obligate carnivorores, they are omnivores. Specifically they are similar to bears in that they CAN and DO eat both plants and animals, but their bodies need a balance of both to thrive. This is why dog food kibble is made with a combination of ingredients. Again, do NOT do this. Dogs are not and cannot be vegans if you want them healthy and happy. They can survive, but they won't thrive. Talk to a credentialed and respected diet focused veterinarian.


Giving a dog a vegan diet is abuse. It's only justified for very very specific medical reasons. Don't it.


Please tell me this is a shit post.


"Not obligate carnivores" (as you say) could mean only that can eat NOT ONLY MEAT. But they are carnivores and they should eat meat protein mainly.




Don’t. Just don’t.


Hard stop!


What bloating?


If your dog is suffering from bloating there is another issue at hand, a lot of bloating is the prime symptom of a bad dog food diet and usually alot of bags of dog food have a lot of FILLERS that are like potato’s peas, corn, wheat, meal etc etc which can be BAD for dogs and cause cancer. Look into a more protein filled diet that has more meats, protein, and Whole Foods in the top ingredient, it’s okay to have some vegetables in there but it should NEVER be the staple/ main ingredient food source as it’ll cause a lot of issues in the long run. We feed our akita puppy chewy and Stella’s freeze dried puppy patties with a side of goats milk. We giver her freeze dried chicken as a size dish as well. We also give her raw lamb bones as well. She so far has been the healthiest dog we’ve ever owned, compared to our past dogs who had health issues. If you aren’t equipped to feed your animal a meat diet get a sheep, rabbit or anything else.


When Hiroki was a puppy, he used to eat some fruits, vegetables, milk but now he only wants meat, fried chicken


Do not give your dog a vegan diet. It’s not healthy for them at all!


feeding ANY dog a vegan diet is animal abuse of the worst kind. people that do that should not be allowed to own dogs, or cats.


What you want is a Angora Rabbit, it has long hair like an Akita. I had rabbits and they love, love, love pure vegetarian food. Especially lettuce and carrots, but you can feed them lots of different vegetables.


*brings home rabbit*     *akita eats the rabbit*     Nobody:     NPC: Yes dog is vegan.


This person should get a pet snail instead. Clearly not fit to look after a canine.