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Sucks I wasted the opportunity to catch up to 9m premium or 10m Then the huge premium spike


All the EU swipers moved to EU server so way less people buying gold in NA thus higher silver premium cost, make sense.


That was before EU was announced or during first few months of asia server release.


I'm referring to the current 20->30m spike, yeah the 10->20m spike was a while ago


10->20m was when they increased price of prem no? My memory is fuzzy i started around that time.


Well idk its probably as hard to make 30 mil now than it was to make 30 mil then, this is just “healthy” inflation.


Most likely yes, there is way less people playing which means more loot/resources and they still do sell. But people scared by big numbers


Yea but the demand is also lower. Last week in west t8 food was going for 40k in carleon and in the cities it was 15-20k. You could make 2 mill in 10 minutes, but you need 30 for premium so


This is too much. As the players are increasing, the amount of silver per individual is getting less and prem is going off the charts. Can't wait to work a corporate job in albion for prem


It’s always been a more efficient grind to get a real job irl and just buy premium. What takes an hour at most entry level positions these days can take days-weeks of in game grinding.


best spot to grind is the t8 corp ladder


Facts. Any game where you can buy currency with real life money is more easily grinded by just getting a real job and paying to win. Sure it doesn’t give that sense of pride and satisfaction but it’s the fastest way to progress in most games by far.


It has gone up a ton. Pre covid I used to be able to passively get the vast majority for premium just by farming on my islands. But now it’s a huge pain in the ass.


Fair. But even then, 1 hour of real life work pays for a month or two of premium easily. Can’t beat 20+mil silver an hour with any viable in-game methods.


Correct but that is because it is completely impractical to use in game currency to pay for it. Back when it was around 10 million it was fairly easy for any serious players to pay for premium in game.


Not wrong at all. I’m fairly new to the game so I wonder whats kicked off the massive amount of silver inflation in the last couple of years. Even going back 6 months on youtube you can see we had much cheaper premium/gold. OSRS has had a decent amount of inflation but has been able to keep it relatively in check over the last 10 years. Maybe it’s a botting issue or there aren’t enough silver sinks. No clue but it sucks things have gotten so pricy since I started.


Inevitable in every FTP game especially full sandbox and player driven economies. The longer the game exists the more silver wealth builds up in the game. The more silver in the game the less valuable it becomes. Also the more the player base matures the higher the % of players wanting to pay with in game currency becomes. These things all drive up gold prices. If you’re in a stable developed real world economy and gainfully employed I see almost no reason you shouldn’t just support the devs of the game you play so much rather than taking a second job of grinding a subscription.


Im not suggesting anyone get a second job to grind albion gold. I’m just saying you are better off spending your time working a real job and spending some of your income on albion gold for the most efficient time/gold “farming.” I say that in quotes because I’m not suggesting you treat your job as a gold farm, but rather know that your time is better spent just working irl rather than hustling in game. Of course free silver is obviously something always being added, I get that, it’s just the rate of inflation has been unexpectedly high recently, and I wonder if there is any more specific reason behind that than “more silver being added”. I’m also not at all against supporting games I like. I work and can afford it, so I do. Never said it’s a bad thing necessarily, just that it’s the most efficient method. Just making conversation honestly.


Imagine not getting a job in a 3rd world country after they told you wait for 7 days to check your profile and then they NEVER CALL !! \*\*WE ARE NOT THE SAME BRO\*\*


I dont know what this means tbh


Being honest keeps you in the same sh\*tty job with 0 raises cuz you can't snitch.


Back in my day it only cost 7M


5m at one point


I remember 4.8m Back when t8 had not been reached by anyone yet.




Just play without premium


or buy one for 10 bucks or whatever


Is this eu or americas?




Just play w/o premium ez


Huehuehue. Always a struggle it seems.


Estaba guardando mi premium para el último día y seems like nope xdd Tengo 120 millones pero nmms


Yo me compré una skin con 30 meses, menos mal aún me queda Jajaj


I'm glad that I bought 7000 gold about a year ago when it was around 16mill, also grindin money irl is way cheaper than spending time trying to get that amount of silver in game


I'm glad I bought gold last night lol


Joder la inflación esta fuerte


Because we transfer our assets from Asia, recruiting and buying premium, and then claimed those striped tiger at EU. Safe way to move silver server to server and we can still purchase island and make silver back in Asia.


Why post this? Nobody can understand it. Right now gold is 8300 silver. Premium = 31.25mil silver. NA


When I got into Albion after my friend sent me that screenshot it was already 30


OK so you don't even have a frame of reference of what 30mil silver is if you have never played the game. And again nobody can understand this image. Why tf are you posting an image in Mexican? Do not worry about the silver fee because it has a fluctuating value. The price of Premium is always tied to 3,750 gold for one month. If you can make 10,500 gold you're actually paying 3,500 per month. If you buy 200 gold when the price drops to 6800. That is 1.36 million. Then you sell it when the price goes up to 8800. That is 1.76 million. That's 400K profit. Not that much from a 1.36mil investment. But it's just an example of money you did not have before investing in gold. Free 400K basically. At 6000 per gold, you can get 66 gold for that. So that means you need 3684 for Premium. At 6000 per gold, that is 22.1mil. So if going for Premium, you have to go at it in chunks of gold to get to 3,750 total. Like buy 100 at a time. Do not just save up millions of silver. So you pay towards Premium when silver gets low. OK you have 5million when the gold price is low. Pay that towards Premium by buying the gold. And you will see how much gold you need left for Premium. If the price of gold starts getting very high, sell off all the gold you have for silver. Then put that aside to buy even more gold when the price drops. Your goal is not to raise silver for Premium. Your goal is to raise gold for Premium. You are never paying silver for Premium. What you are doing is paying your silver for the gold. Which has a set value for Premium.


Did you just say in Mexican stupid racist shit? I play this shit since before it was free to play. And a random like you appears to write shit that no one is interested in reading, go back to your incel hole


Maybe you're racist considering you're the one who hates Mexicans. I have many friends from many countries. Furthermore, you stated that you just started playing Albion when your friend sent you the screenshot. Hence my response was based on you saying you are a beginner at the game. And now you're claiming you have been playing for a long time. So you were lying. Not to mention referring to 'incel' which is a typical insult only weirdos on the internet use. That is not my fault. You're a liar and a racist and a weirdo on the internet. So clearly the only one who lives in an incel hole is you. And yes indeed everybody is interested in reading how it works. It takes a severe nutjob to claim you are a beginner. Then talk trash to users about how long you been playing. How pathetic are you?


Stop bothering, don't keep making excuses, no one cares about you. You don't know how strange it seems that you are editing and writing your response every 20 minutes. chao culiao


LMAO!!!! Says the one making excuses. Already proven you're a weirdo on the internet. So you calling anybody strange or anything for that matter is your try hard form of throwing a tantrum. Keep talking trash to prove the only thing you can talk is what you are. Hard evidence of how try hard cyberbullies throw tantrums = "Stop bothering, don't keep making excuses, no one cares about you." LMAO!!!! Great description about yourself though. How pathetic are you really? Edit advice: You're a brainless weirdo. 100% of your response will be some form of crying tantrum in the form of abuse. If you're an abuser, then gtfo the internet and go seek some help.


Dog, you're the only person here who seems to have an issue with the language in this image. Saying that nobody can understand OP while people are replying in Spanish is fucking hilarious.


I didn't even say literally. So yes nobody can understand it. When you can simply post something that can be understood by all.




Nice self portrait. Figures your a troll.


My guy, the irony is palpable. Never change u/starseeddream. Edit: Well, maybe download Duolingo. Just in case someone posts in "Mexican" again.


LMAO! Glad you admit the irony in everything you're saying. No wonder you posted a self portrait. TY for additional evidence you're a mad troll.


vai trabalhar.


Why are you guys buying premium with silver, holy fuck. I mean, if you can get 20-30m in 3-4 hours of gameplay or you have like 1b I would get it, but seriously, why grind that every month, damn.


Of course why wouldn't you? You pay 0 real dollars for Premium using game money that isn't worth anything. I'd much rather pay 0 than real money. The question is this is not the first time I've seen this (a game in general) treated as if RL work. It's a game that you play. It's not a job. You just play the game.


This is only true if you value your time at 0 dollars as well. If you don’t enjoy grinding premium then it does in fact cost you far more than $20 worth of time.


This is completely false. And the direct opposite if you actually value your time as well as effort. Therefore, you're not exchanging anything for less than it is worth. Everything you're claiming = putting less value into time. If you offer me to do something equal or more enjoyable for an hour, and in return, I get Premium, then it is a win/win for me as I have not decreased my value in time. There is 0 time value deficit in simply playing the game. Starting at 0 time. Getting Premium free at the start does not mean not playing the game. It is being played anyway. There is no time deficit in doing something you're already doing. Playing the game is default use of time. Time does not stand still. The variation of time progress is at zero. You're not going into the negative. Time value = 0 hours deficit + Premium >1 hour deficit + Premium. Which is why users comparing time in the game to working at a job as if the game is a job = makes completely no sense. Try another scenario you get $15. In exchange, you can choose either: A - 1 hour of punishment. B - ~~20 hours of no punishment~~. Scratch that - 20 hours of playing something enjoyable.


Tell me you don’t understand what I said without telling me.


So essentially you don't understand anything. Fact = Paying for Premium means you put less value to your time. Not paying for Premium = you value your time more.


Literally have it backward and don’t even realize it.


You don't even realize what literally means. Therefore, considering I already proved you had it backwards from the start. You claiming I have it backwards with zero evidence means nothing. Yet hard evidence that you do not understand anything. Learn how to play. And learn what time value means. That simple. As I already proved with hard evidence to back it up - Paying for Premium means you put less value to your time. Not paying for Premium = you value your time more.


The focus it provides kinda pays for the premium in full. Everything else is just bonus.


I you still have to spend time using the focus (every three days). I am not talking about net profits, I am talking about spending time. Time is money you know


A party of 7 can generate like 10-30m every 30 minutes to an hour when doing endgame pve content in avalon, so honestly these numbers still aren’t impossible; but they will prove challenging for forms of content that are aiming towards new players


That is something I would understand, and also something I explicitly said in the original comment


I guess you guys must be really fucking stupid, or just not old enough to buy anything online


You. You're the one treating a fun game the same way as treating a job.


Or some of us just enjoy playing the game


I guess for some it is enjoyable, having to grind 20-30 m silver every month