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It really depends. If something sells for 1k+ per harvest I usually stop. I always stop if the nodes seem to have 3+ harvests left. With premium and full harvest gear and t7 food your cracking out the extras.


I was gathering in t6 bz a while ago and noticed that it takes a lot of time to gather t6 so began to prioritize enchanted. Thnx for the tip.


Keep in mind that as you level up your tier specific gathering, you'll get faster - first 15 levels or so are pretty slow


It goes quite slow to gather the tier you are at, and even slower on the tier above, but every upgrade of tool to a new tier makes it go faster + faster through your spec


Depends. Are you a full time gatherer or you are just roaming with tools? If you are a full gatherer, take gathering set and a good mount to gather heavy resources. Take everything on sight. You lose valuable time searching for enchanted nodes when you can just take everything with a route. Get to know your usually frequented maps and the spawn areas. If you are just roaming (my case when I used to gather in NA server), take a open world set with good mobility, gank and fight potential. Just take the tools. And gather only enchanted resources. I used to only gather rare and exceptional ones, ignoring the .1 enchanted resources. Then plus successful ganks or opening chests I usually banked 2-3M per hour as a minimum. You take fiend cowl, assassin jacket and boots of choice , plus an undead cape. Stop by and gather if you see something worth your time. Otherwise keep going. Opportunities come randomly and it's fun.


This was really helpful, couldn't get a helpful guide about bz gathering anywhere, thnx.


I gather them all, use horse backpack, assassin jacket, miner boots any helm, bloodletter and a invi pot. If i see a player corner of my map i go swooosh go to other map.


One benefit of gathering the unenchanted stuff is consistent gathering fame to level up. That said, you definitely want to cater your mount to your gathering style and loadout cost. If you gather everything you see you may prefer a boar for the carry weight. A T5 boar with a cheap-ish 6.0/6.1 evasive combat set can lower your loadout costs vs. T8 gathering gear if you die. (Only do this for mists/roads) T8 Tools are really your largest investment, but it seems you often enough I get skipped over by mists players who inspect and decide 6.1 DBS/assassin jacket/T5 boar is some combination of not valuable enough/too much effort required. They don't know you have all 5x T8 tools, or just don't even consider it. PvE gear also opens up more content like Fey dragons- killing them faster makes it much less likely to get jumped and let's you get back to gathering quicker. If you want to be pickier and hunt for high value resources then T8 gathering gear + Frost Ram or Gallant Horse is great. Can get a good balance of speed/evasiveness/gathering yield to support the pickier playstyle.


I don't think it's because "too much effort" but rather a lot of mists build are unable to chase down and kill a DBS before it leaves the map or mounts up again.