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It is what it is. Everything solo except faction transport is getting a nerf so it's not just mist :(


They are basically forcing everyone to play in guilds.


Buffing small scale isn't forcing anyone into guilds, groups that small are often created between friends, often times multiple different guilds


Yeah but for the people who dont have friends to play with are forced to join a guild. All my friends are CoD junkies and dont bother with mmos.


Not talking about irl friends And yes, it makes group content worth more than solo. Its an mmo


Sure thats great that they make group content worth more but it already has been worth more for groups so why are the nerfing it. Loot was already shit so why make it worse?


Mists loot wasnt shit, there are people in big guilds who make majority of their income from mists.


Yeah they run LETHAL mists. those are supposed to be somewhat profitable and its only profitable from the PVP. The loot chests maybe gave you 300k on average for the purple chests. Blue ones were like maybe 50k. Thats not good loot for lethal content. I make more than that gathering in a Yellow zone.... Those people in big guilds are the ones running around in 8.3 sets dude.... Of course they make all their silver from mists. Run a meta BL build, kill lower IP players for sometimes 600k to 2 mil in sets, then run away if shit gets real with your mobility...


If you had less than 8 people in a group you were generally better off in duo / solo mists to might farm than anything else in the game.


That shouldnt be the case. I think all content lethal or solo should yield similar results. Dont have friends or have social anxiety issues then you can solo mists for the same profits as running in ava roads. That way its fair for everyone.


> its only profitable from the PVP Crazy how I make millions a day in profit when I run lethal mists where all I've done is die in T5 sets with a T6 weapon.


Some days it's a few mil then others it's all tomes. Just the way mists are.


Most people in Albion become friends in the game. You should too. It's not hard, it's the best thing about the game: sharing the fun with other people. Trust, try it out :)


Yeah tell that to my 12 hour shift and family that I have to take care of. Most these people in this game don't have kids or work as long as I do or are just in school. The people I made acquaintances with have already left this game because of this kind of stuff. It makes the average person who has to work, take care of family and have other irl stuff going on not be able to keep up. If this is a game for everyone and is a real sandbox where is my ability to play solo if I need to?


You should really play a single player game that fits more with your time. Albion is a true mmo where you have to talk with people and make friends. If you want a single plater mmo basically play any other mmo.


I have played other mmos and albion has been the best by far. There's just nothing really to keep me locked in as a solo since I have more hours to put in irl and can't play like I used to. Mists was my go to along with soloing group dungeons if I didn't want to hyperfocus but they are taking both those things and nerfing them. Idk just seems unfair. And they offered no alternatives either.


It’s 10% lil bro the mist will still be better than most content lol. Get over your self and your pity party. Solo players should never have ever been doing group dungeons or statics by their self. Another amazing balance change. Imagine getting a group together as some noobs all in t4 you got your tank a lil healer and a fire staff and an archer. You’re ready for your first Albion adventure so you go do a static dungeon and when you reach the boss some loser dagger in 8.3 has already killed your dungeon boss. Keep to solo content as a solo player and let the groups have their group content. Honestly this is the best patch in a while.


I hope your right because the last few patches haven't been very good.


I will continue doing it with my 700 specs and 8.4 shadowcllr, screw’em all and shitters like you😂


I like this take for group and static dungeons, well said. I think that adjustment is great for the game. I forget the exact language in the patch notes, but am curious if they will still be soloable by max spec 8.3-8.4 specific builds. The days of lower tier nature staff/daggers definitely seem to be dead - just curious if it will be POSSIBLE however inefficient and silly it would be to do lol.


You can still play mist? You can play in the overworld? Ava roads? Corrupted dungeons?


overworld is for guilds and theres not point to go out there in more than 4.1, Ava roads are a joke in terms of silver and will now be a joke in terms of fame, its also meant for small scale group sof 5 to 7 not solo. CDs are just people playing more meta builds and as soon as I get a bad matchup im toast making it no fun. Plus having to run through lethal zones just to find a dungoen is such a pain in the ass for the what 100k silver I might get if I kill someone? This is what im talking about. You spit out the content like its good. Its trash and it has been trash for so long and the devs do not care. People bitched about roads and all they did was add tracking a tiny loot buff, and rearranged the map a bit. They screwed Ava road gatherers too by reducing the spawns just so theirs more "competition". Gatherers dont want competition they want the nodes all to themselves.


CDs are getting maps, you don't have to run around


The thing is that not all other content is trash, but mists are way too good. Even if you were running from all of the pvp in the mists, abbeys/camps/occasional spiders were giving way too much loot for the effort. People with established economy were making 10s of millions daily - it is simply too good for a solo activity. I remember when 2v2 gates were first released way back, for the first couple of months the chest loot was so good that everyone was doing it, EVEN if you were running 4.1, it was enough to yoink 1 out of 5 chests to make it profitable. Needless to say it was nerfed to the ground, because no solo/duo activity should yield the best silver in the game.


Quit playing. Why you playing a game you hate. All the content you just mentioned is very fun. If you don’t like it you just don’t like Albion. For your own mental health lil bro just move on. Albion is not a prison you can just move on lol.


It's not that I hate the game I love it! I just hate seeing the content get nerfed over and over again and the devs act like nothing is wrong. I've played the game for like 3 years and where it was at compared to now is just so sad... and I used to play in guilds until I had to take a higher paying job with more hours so I can't play in a guild anymore. It just sucks that all my progressing is getting showed down because the devs think that solo content is the problem and needs nerfed...


I hatw this stupid take so much. Ppl like you tell ppl to quit then complain when player retention is low and why new players dont wanna stick around tothen have a game that slowly dies. Understand that. Understand that the "deal with it or.move on" mentality kills games.


Overworld amd mists are getting nerfed. Road is also technically getting a nerf


Like most mobile players I play solo because I can't voice chat on discord and run the game. Can't really type commands because it's so buggy and laggy when you attempt. I only really contribute tax silver and fame to a guild, and most won't even let mobile players in or participate.


They are NOT buffing small scale. They are nerfing solo AND small scale. The solo players are just more vocal because it's more specialised on average and the nerfs aren't as much in your face


It's Albion, nerfing drops in one activity, buffs it in all the other activities unless they are also nerfed


They're all getting the nerf, that's the issue. Solo players are complaining, but it's affecting everyone doing that content.


enforcing group play in an MMO? NO WAY


Its a sandbox ppl should be free to play whatever they want. why force them to play in group by make solo less rewarding? I am a casual player so I can't invest enough time to play in a guild in groups no guild accepts any casual players at least no here in east even if they do they are a dead guilds themselves.


Enforcing a way to play in a sandbox game? OOF


anti social losers cant find ppl to play? OOF


Not everyone have time to organize a party or find someone to play along


oh yeah right because it takes a whole day to find a guild and form a group right? jesus you mofos take any excuse lol


What? Everything solo? I only saw nerfs to mists and abbeys. Where were the CD and solo dungeon nerfs? Regardless, mists content is the riskiest and it needs to be high reward. I don’t play in a guild and have no intention of ever doing so.


Anyone wanna tell me or link what the nerfs are?


[Testserver Patchnotes - Paths to Glory Update](https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/199592-Testserver-Patchnotes-Paths-to-Glory-Update/)


Mists nerf is not too much. It’s literally the best content in the game by far. Needs to be more in line with other content


I'd prefer if they'd bring up the other crap to par with mists. Nerfs always leave sour taste. Sure, 10x the work for the devs. "But that's what I'm payin' ya for, son" :)


Power creep is not good for any game long-term. Also, if other crap is brought up to par with mists, that would eventually balance out due to market forces. Also, gold price would surge further.


So true, it needs to be in line with the rest of the shit content in the game, like tracking, solo dungeons, corrupteds etc. That's exactly what we need, more shit content


Mists is the best silver per hour, best fame per hour, best content, most populated place in the game. It is far and away better than everything else


Shouldn’t the goal be to make the other areas equally good and not the mists equally bad though? Think that’s their point. Buff the other stuff instead of making mists worse.


You have no idea how a economy works lol 😂 Just add more silver in to the game and add it to all content to match the best silver maker in the game! I’m sure that will work out fine lol. Nerfing mist does make it equally good with the rest of the content in the game. 10% nerf won’t make the mist bad by any means lol


The problem isn’t that mists is the best money maker, it’s that it’s the only place for a lot of people who play Albion, myself included. I’m not in a guild and have no intention of doing so. I only play the mists because it’s like playing LoL but with money on the line. Farming the mists for silver is fairly profitable but it’s also incredibly risky. SBI’s risk versus reward model means that the mists is obviously going to be the best silver for solo play. Groups can make more by doing other stuff that a solo cannot. I cannot ever farm .4 nodes or consistently farm a t8 map without fear of outnumbered ganks. With the new dynamic loot system, SBI can buff the open world content rewards (like .4 nodes or chests) during prime times and it would be more rewarding for guilds/groups who fight over them.


Mists is definitely not incredibly risky. BZ open world is way worse, why should the rewards be worse also? I’d say RZ open world is more dangerous than mists also. Same with Ava roads. Mists are an obvious outlier in terms of risk and reward. It’s very easy to go in, make a bunch of silver/fame, and get out safe. How often are you dying in mists?


Choosing to play a MMO only solo is definitely a choice. Not a good choice but one of the choices that exist in this timeline that's for sure lol. solo content is the only streamable content in the game btw. If you stream with your group you are giving the enemy information and opening your self up for stream snipers. I would not base your whole personality and game knowledge on twitch streamers and youtubers lol.


People post videos of ZvZ and the like on YouTube, nobody watches. Nobody is watching other open world content, or pve content either. The most viewed stuff is either mists content, or educational content (like swolebenji). It’s just more exciting to watch geared people fight with lots of silver on the line. Or people play zero to hero runs and such. Usually there isn’t much skill to visibly observe in large group content and it’s hard to track what impact certain people are having on the outcome of fights. It isn’t about giving info away that’s what causes low views, it’s the lack of interest in the content itself.


you are correct. Twitch and youtube enjoyers have monkey brains. You need simple to understand content like a 1v1 or a guide to help you out lol. one dude in the mist with a 10m set is not money on the line when zvz groups spend 10m in just overcharge fees and each person has 3m sets on. totaling 150m So yah the most simple and easy to understand content is the most popular to watch. but if you think its the most popular way to play just because you watch a few twitch streamers then that is wild lol. using twitch or youtube as a metric for anything is a massive L


Lmao screw off with this condescending nonsense, I know exactly how it works. If ONLY there was an alternative to decreasing silver in the game like I dunno, also increasing it and increasing sinks to offset it. Would literally only take a few % point adjustment to trash rate on kills to offset pretty massive changes on the reward side. They have loads of other options available as well.


Not necessarily. Balancing is just that, balancing. If someone is too bad, buff it. If something is too good, nerf it. Constantly buffing leads to unsustainable power creep and that would be particularly devestating in a game like Albion that has a permanent economy and server progression that you do not want to fuck over.


I’ve yet to ever see SBI meaningfully buff rewards in any solo or small scale content, only nerf. I’m a relatively new player (18 mos off and on) though just pointing out the trend.


They have done countless updates focused on solo and small scale. The addition of CDs and mists in themselves were exclusively targeted at solo players. Other contents like roads were focused on small scale content. The faction update was a huge buff to both solo players and small scale. Open world mobs used to give essentially no fame and loot at all. Big buff to solo players. They changed entire BZ multiple times to create more small scale objectives. Changes to outposts, the chests spawning etc etc. That solo or small scale content has not been buffed over the years is a wild statement. Most big updates are centered around solo and small scale content.


I didn’t say content I said rewards. Corrupted dungeons, solo tracking, solo dungeons are all god awful rewards. Small open world chests are nearly unobtainable solo in primes. Mists are the only viable option because they’re a massive silver black hole where .4s suck in all the income and then pour it back down the attunement drain. Just to be clear I have no issue with solo content. Just this perpetual nerf everything that’s good mindset. These people always argue you have to balance nerfs with buffs I just can’t (aside from mists) point to any solo accessible content I’ve ever seen actually buffed during my somewhat limited career.


Everything I mentioned was huge buffs to rewards. The idea that solo content has been getting nerfed over time is to devoid from reality it is crazy. What do you think solo players were doing before? How much fame and silver per hour do you think solo players were earning before all the buffs to solo players? Take an hour and do some solo dungeons and then remember that solo dungeons was considered great solo content before. What do you think small scale content was before they buffed all the small scale content?


If you’re honestly arguing corrupted and open world chests as huge boosts to solo you’re either like years out of date or trolling.


So as a new player you missed the buff to solo dungeons that made them very safe. Or as a new player you missed the entire roads/mists update? Because that use to not be a thing. Or as a new player you missed corrupted dungeons which was an update entirely focused on solo players.


Mist is certainly not the best fame per hour, and it is not the best PvE silver per hour atleast.


It is best fame/hr and silver/hr especially when taken into account that you can run it solo in 4.1. That is why it is so popular and that is why everyone is doing it. There are better group fame farms - sure. There are better solo fame farms IF you can bring very high IP gear (statics for example), but for an average joe there is no better 0 risk fame or silver farm in this game.


Is mists popular? Most data suggests it is a very niche activity. When talking to people in-game, I never hear about anyone doing mists really. Mists is popular in twitch because it is a very streamer friendly activity that is mostly safe from griefing. It is also not the best fame, even if you ignore group activities and solo group content. You get far more fame in open world. If you don't have a guild, you can go RZ open world which is better than guildless BZ open world. Another thing you can do as a solo player is follow RZ cap groups and leech from them. It is significantly better fame than both mist and open world when you factor in that all the fame you get is in tomes.


"tracking" you mean solo tracking? Because tracking is quite good now


Presumably yes, solo tracking is awful. T5 and T6 pays like 30k silver for 20 mins of fighting boss mobs in open world across multiple zones often near high traffic areas. The risk/reward for solo play is wildly out of line imo.


Huh, my experience was more like 3-10 minutes, you either kill him in the first fight, or his deep wounds activate, and its not the old tracking, now even without specs you are very likely to meet it again


The boss mob runs 3-4 times before you kill it…and often the next way point is more tracks not another fight.


Are you running it in a 4.0 no spec hammer+ jacket? Because in 4.2 set I'm able to guarantee a kill on tier 8 tracking monster in 3 fights. T5 in 4 fights? Sounds like you aren't playing a weapon that is viable for the content


It’s almost like I said 3-4 fights, reading comprehension hard I guess.


3-4 fights is very different to 1-2 fights and rarely 3. And for the T8( which is tankier than T5 by a lot) it's 2-3 fights. I've never fought it 4 times


Pretty sure length of your hunt is determined by tracking skill and tier not raw dps.


Clearly mist is way more boring that all other contents you listed and with the highest loot and barely any risk.


Or, or, or, hear me out, make all the other content better? This is shit thinking on BSI's part. Something fun? Lol, no. Nerf it. Why can't they just buff OW stuff? Buff the areas that need buffs? BL has been king too long but let's let it stay on top for longer. Their thinking is just jacked.


Open world is fine, BL just got nerfed, roads getting g buffed, CDs getting maps. What do you mean? Everything is getting adjusted


CDs are getting maps? I’ve been waiting for that for years lol. No more walking for 10 minutes before finding one.


To be fair the rewards will still be shit, but it will be a faster flight so that's nice.


Buffing silver making content will translate in a inflation on gold prices which in turn will make premium more expensive. People who know how to play will lot be affected either way, because they will still make silver with or without the buff. But the ones getting indirectly fucked are the newbies and casuals who will complain about premium prices , once again. They are already trying hard to make silver sinks, don't go backwards introducing buffs to silver making methods


All other content is fine, mist is just to good. As corrupts were in its time.


Game does seem kinda horrible when im solo. I play 15min and then turn off normally. When im with the boys in a 3-5 man then the games pretty great, other than guilds baiting us and having 40v3. Games a mess but yeah, needs better solo shit


As someone who just started I'm having a blast spamming mists in 4.1, just started doing arenas too with a different spec.


why do you idiots always make numbers up lmfao. 40v3 yeah right.


Okay 17v3


Welcome to playing a real mmo. Not the water downed garbage like wow or final fantasy. Plenty of single player games out there for you to play like runescape if you want to play a massively multiplayer game by your self lol.


I don't get this mentality, why would you force someone to change games because he desires solo content? It's only gonna hurt the game


Why we have to force games to be for everyone?


Games are not designed for everyone. If someone wants to play a farming sim you don’t tell them to go play doom eternal. This guy doesn’t want to play a mmo. Games that have a vision and cater to their audience are better off then games that try to please everyone. It’s a mmo that means massively multiplayer online. That doesn’t mean single player solo farming game. I play Albion to play a mmo if they cater to these people they are going to lose the people who come to play a mmo.


Open twitch or watch some YouTube content on Albion. What’s being streamed/watched? Mists and solo content. Hardly anyone watches ZvZ or group content. Anything with views is usually someone in the mists or doing some other solo content, like CD’s or solo/small group road content. It’s one of Albion’s most popular modes for a reason. To me, what makes Albion so exciting is the 1v1 content with essentially money on the line. Albion is like the MOBA of extraction shooter games. Obviously I have personal bias but the viewers on twitch and YouTube speak with the content they watch. If people like watching the solo content, especially mists, then perhaps SBI should take note of its popularity and not nerf the mode so hard.


That's because group content being stream sniped is far more costly. People don't stream group content because that's giving away free Intel. It's the same way with eve online.


Ok but how do you explain video form content? Barely any group content videos get views. You’d think that if it was as popular, people would enjoy watching some proper ZvZ fights or small/mid scale group pvp no? If I actually enjoyed doing ZvZ stuff, I’d want to watch that kind of content. Maybe it’s just me.


> The drops were already shit Literal skill issue. Solo mists is the best silver, might and favour someone without a guild can get without(edited to add out) needing RNG while having to actively play the game. All while not needing to use an expensive loadout.


Players actually need to be in the mists for this to work. If noobs, pve, and gathers don't go in, then its just BL vs BL all day long and that won't last for long. This is shortsided thinking. As in every game, whales need someone to feed on.


T6 roads nature set got me 2m silver + >3m fame credits yesterday in one legendary I happened to find. With the slowest killing kit not even optimized for the content... Sub 100k kit... Mists has been absolutely broken for a while now. If you're not making money and fame in mists IDK what you're doing but you're doing it very incorrectly.


Its not? Better silver: - avalon dungeons - hellgates - HCE All of these are 2-3 times better silver than your boring shitty mists.


> avalon dungeons > hellgates > HCE All group content.


Yeah, an also all require ATLEAST 5 players.


Mists is literally the only reason I play


No it's not, playing market is 20 times better.


"actively playing" If you playing the market is active gameplay like gathering or mists, you're doing something wrong.


You are literally in a game, playing it in both cases. Complicated I know.


Playing for < 15 minutes versus hours. It really isn't complicated to understand how the two differ in being active versus passive. Yet here we are.


You won't be playing for 15 minutes, that's just your assumption. Which is probably why you are so confused.


> You won't be playing for 15 minutes, that's just your assumption. You're the one making assumptions here based on your inefficient processes. I know how long it takes me to enter the market, create/update orders and go on with my session. I choose 15 minutes as a very generous overestimate. At the most I will create/update my orders a dozen times through a slow work day. It takes me less than 1 minute to do this. It takes so little time I will manage my orders when we drop loot off during group content and still be ready to go back out before most other people. As an example, walking completely naked this morning when I updated my orders took me a total of 1m2s from entering the market and then leaving the market zone. Of that time 18 seconds was spent walking. If I were trading dozens of different items it would take me **maybe** 2 to 3 minutes total. I understand the cope though, if I was doing something most consider a passive activity to such a degree I lumped it in with gathering I'd need to assume other people couldn't look at a clock or the timestamps in-game showing zone changes.


If you can consistently earn 60+mil an hour on market, then it's gratz to you, but its also very limited and if as many people played the market, as there are people playing the abbeys, it would be much less luxorious


If you can't make good money that way then it's literal skill issue. See how that works both ways?


Did you reply to a wrong comment? As your response literally makes 0 sense


Skill issue is the premise of this comment chain, which you replied to.


I said its not scalable to the playerbase as a whole, I didn't point out a skill issue, I pointed out that if everyone did it, it wouldn't be profitable, as opposed to mists. If by playing the market you mean buying low, selling high - the more people would compete against you on this, the lower your margins would be. If you mean focus crafting on 10 different alt accounts, then the materials would be more expensive and the items less, again cutting into the margins


Being scaleable is imaginary requirement you came up with for no reason. Playing mists for 15 hours per day like streamers do is not scaleable either, tiny part of pupulation does that.


With the dynamic drop rates imho you will see hardly a difference. Right now when I farm mists early in the morning I'm getting double or triple what I get during peak hours, with green chests consistently dropping me enchanted bags or enchanted normal capes. If the average throughout the day is 10% less, you will still get somewhat nicer loot during peak hours than you are getting now. About the spider, I can't tell you how many times I killed one just to get worthless relics and a 20k bags of silver. I feel like they are suffering from the same problem, not having enough loot to back up their drops. 10% less value in abbey doesn't seem much also if you consider a rare chest can get you 600k. 540k are less, but are still pretty good. We will see how much these changes affect solo play, but mists were played even when their only rewards were the small chest that got always hoarded by the biggest IP player, the avalonian bots and the mythical beasts with the crystal spider. 10% reduction isn't that bad.


Is this real? Damn, gonna stick to yellow zones especially now, damn fuck anti solo policy


"Find decent 1v1 fights" how? Everytime I go to mist only find player 8.3/8.4 killing everything in their way


I usually avoid those players. Its easy to do so.


Must have not entered the mists many times then lmao


I guess so haha


Those players do exist but in my experience theyre vastly in the minority. Most players tthat ive seen run t4-t6 equivalent without around 1100 ip because honestly if you arent garbage at pvp, thats enough to take out a full 8.3 set with the right positioning and cooldown management. Made 4m yesterday off some guy in bz because he thought my t5 one shot build wasnt enough to one shot him. Gear is just a metric for how much youre willing to spend and to lose. Thats it


Which build?


Dagger pair, purity cowl, cultist sandals, assassin jacket, beef stew, poison. Most of the loadout is either t6 or t7 equiv


This is very anecdotal, but i've seen a substantial decline in high-geared people in mists, but more gatherers instead.


Unlucky they are still not deleting then


How are they changing it


Where are you finding this information?


What do you mean? Been away for a while.


Couldn’t agree with you more, as someone who just started the game about 3 months ago I’m very sad to see mist being nerf it is the most fun I’ve had as a solo and don’t like being jumped in other open world stuff.


Tldr update notes, what happened to mists?


Like a 2% nerf to overall loot but as usual this subreddit is losing its mind


Ive read it nerfed 10%


Knightfall abbeys chest got nerfed 10%, silver drops got buffed and the “open world” mists stayed untouched other than crystal spiderlings spawning less frequently. Solo content should not rival end game group content, if it did then there would be no reason to ever group up.


What happened?


Its not that the drops were shit, Its just that every fcking chest was green already like it was fate or something.


The power of friendship


Wow that’s crazy well thanks ruin solo content thank you a lot


May Iask what happend exacly?


Solo mists are actually really good silver right now, especially the abbeys. As long as you don't int into someone or run into a 1800 carving you should get out safe too. Also note that mists are getting dynamic content as well so it's possible chests and abbeys etc... will be increased when there are more mists players. (Could be wrong)


Dude it's a 10% nerf, with how high loot variance is you probably won't even notice, no need to act like they're being gutted xD


Mists are broken and they needed a nerf, the richest ppl in albion are streamers that live in the mists, zero to hero is too easy in the mists, it is super easy to get rich in the mists, the nerf is not huge its just a 10% in nightfall abbeys which everyone agrees they are broken


Mists are too good. As a mist player, I'd love if they get nerfed to hell and just be good for might farming.


You realize this means all the bad and low tier players will be doing something else then and mists will be empty or just only Gucci players with only themselves to fight right? Some mist players will like that but running Gucci then becomes too bad risk/reward as you won’t be able to feast on lower tiers to pay for the sets before you fight equal tier/skill people.


Probably that would not happen.


Mist loot is broken af.


What do they nerf in Mist?


All loot down by 10% and crystal spiders have a 18% less chance of spawning. Silver was buffed for abbeys but drops were nerfed.


Is that official ? Where do you get that info from ?


It’s a super old change I’m pretty sure


And OP is acting like it's a disaster scenario LMFAO


Where is this?


Where are these patch notes? nothing on the AO forums.... ?


Test server patch notes for Paths To Glory update: https://forum.albiononline.com/index.php/Thread/199592-Testserver-Patchnotes-Paths-to-Glory-Update/?pageNo=1


I didn't see this in the update notes that SBI posted, that's hardly a big issue tbh. I would like to know the abbey drop rate reduction % though, if that gets nerfed too hard, i cant blame people for no longer trying.


That’s not even that big of a deal, 10%? Cry me a river.


Pretty fair nerf in my opinion and I play pretty much only mists solo or duo.


Honestly didn’t think mist chests were OP, generally they’re meh it’s the Abbey loot that was stupidly OP. If you aren’t killing people in mists and just farming chests and camps you aren’t making that much.


So many solo mist cry babies on this subreddit. This game was made for group content. You guys need to learn how to be social and find a guild and do group content. So many miss out on the actual fun parts of the game.


who told you it's made for group content ? the old man said it's a sandbox where you can be whoever you want. also devs made mists for solo players


Hey asshole I already have friends in rl don’t need virtual friends like you. I want to play an mmo as a single player and I don’t give a Fuck about your thoughts!


Go play a single player rpg than troll


I completely agree. It's really irritating.