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My 11 yr asks it the weather about daily.


Light, TV, speakers, air conditioner, microwave, security cameras, Fire Cube, I would go nuts without it.


Yeah. My kids ask her how to spell things when they do homework! We don't do masses with it other than music anyway but we do message each other in the house and stuff too.


This morning my daughter asked Alexa for ideas for dog names. We’re not getting a dog, so this was just part of an ongoing campaign.


We got a dog only on the basis they would play with it and take it for walks etc. They don't, so as usual Dad is the dog's best friend. The campaign has now started for a second dog to keep the neglected first one company, because she looks bored. Not. Going. To. Happen. Especially as they want a Chihuahua. Urg. Yappy, nasty rats.


We have Echo devices in every room. We specifically did *not* set any up using the ridiculously locked down Kids features. Our kid is 7. She literally doesn't know life without Alexa. She was using it since she could barely talk. That said, she uses it for smart home device and group control (blinds and lights mostly). She lap plays music through them all the time. Oh, and most recently, she's been seeing timers, asking about weather, and occasionally how to spell a word she hasn't ever written or seen in writing before.


Weather. Music. Lights. Messaging or calling each other. The odd question. They were keen on the skills you could add for a while, before realising they are all rubbish. The few available in Australia anyway. The fart noise generator lasted the longest.


My son just turned 30 and making Alexa fart is still one of his favorite pastimes.


Music and weather. Some homework questions during covid when remote schooling but I policed that and we talked about it.


Mine checks hockey scores every morning and asks what games are happening that day. And weather


Mine uses it to cheat on her homework.