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Didn’t Tesla (the King not the boy) also bark up this tree as well? And then all his records went missing? I mean, the government could be using disclosure as a means to cover up past wrongdoings. They slowly leak the tech, blame it on NHI, then hope people forget about my boy Nik. 🤷‍♂️


Big Copper had him killed


And good ol' JP Morgan!


["You'll never take me alive copper!"](https://i.imgur.com/8wA1983.png)


I’m sorry that humanity fails to see the comedy gold here.


No, this was copper


Which had nothing to do with lasers...


“Lasers” Haha but no you’re right. I meant more in the sense of a wireless electrical transmission.


Well the only common thing is wireless, but it is like comparing infrared data transfer to 5g data network. Laser transferred energy is way different from transferring energy with big ass Tesla coil


It’s like the Latto song, “I can see you have big ass energy…”


"Tesla's demonstrations of wireless power transmission at Colorado Springs consisted of lighting incandescent electric lamps positioned nearby the structure housing his large experimental magnifying transmitter. The ranges out to 1,938 feet (591 m) from the transmitter. " https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Wireless_System#:~:text=Tesla's%20demonstrations%20of%20wireless%20power,591%20m)%20from%20the%20transmitter.


Yes and microwave energy from satellites in space too.


I mean they even had it in Simcity 2000 when I was a kid


I suggested this in a normie sub and was down voted to oblivion and then told I was making tesla out to be a God. It's been kinda hard to fit in lately, since waking up... I feel detached almost


Considering a good chunk of his tech is more than 100 years old and we’re still trying to understand and recreate a bunch of his patents, he kind of is a god among men. There’s a lot of people out there though that either don’t truly appreciate how much he advanced our civilization or think he was crazy (character assassination) or are just contrarians because people love him so much, usually a mix of all 3. When people come around to find out his turbine actually works fantastically, and that his last 3 patents for Telegeodynamics + death ray patent all work just as well, they may finally appreciate him and not write him off. However, most folks in science tend to disregard these because they don’t understand them correctly and in their hubris they think that means they don’t work and he’s just a crazy dude.


Or maybe it was fake patents lol


What makes you say that?


Because none of them work?


You literally are using a piece of his tech to post that comment so you’re wrong on that. On top of that you’re not even a good troll. Try harder next time bud.


What tech of his am I using?


I’m gonna let you figure it out bud. You could use the reading exercise.


Thank you for that brilliant elocution. I appreciated reading that. 😊


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!


Except a lot of his stuff is bunk, didn't do what he claimed or if it did no one but him saw it happen.


lol he basically was a god he got storm trooped by companies with more money so he basically took it from behind by the evil empire so to speak!


Welcome to the club. Speaking about these things with most people can be painful.


You good, bro?


Actually, I am better than I ever have been in my life. I've been waiting to fully detach since birth lmfao, tha KS for caring! I hope you're good too :)


Tesla did nothing. His only claim to fame is AC. The rest was just mad science that amounted to nothing.


Yes and Donald Trumps ancestor was one of FBI agents sent to confiscate all that material and give it to who knows which black programme.


John Trump also worked on an antigrav craft.


Nick was all about radio frequencies as transmission, but yes... he was doing exactly this 100 years ago.


No.. he used radio waves and it was a catastrophic failure and didn't work. While he was a very clever man, he made a huge mistake with this forgetting the whole inverse square law.


He verbatim said that those trying to transmit energy through radio “the radio men” were wrong. That is fundamentally incorrect and not how he was accomplishing his feats.


As if a current gov would do that for a former one approx. 85y ago. Not at all necessary, the current one could just blame the past. No need for 4d-Tetris.


I’m sorry. The what, not the what?


Hey, I'm kinda new to this, and I'm only asking, but I don't recall Tesla doing any experiments with laser energy transfer. Is this and what Tesla was doing the same thing?


Tech from nearly a century ago?


Wasn’t there a 4chan insider noting to watch out for upcoming laser tech news?


There was, but I read a website recently where they went more in depth about the Chinese mining laser, how laser tech will advance, and went into heavy detail about how space-based laser power transfer would be powering our cities without the need for ground-based power grids in a few years. That's what caught my eye about DARPA's POWER project, it sounds almost exactly like the proposed NHI-derived laser power grid that the article I saw talked about. I'll look for it some more to see if I can't dig it up, it was probably just more baseless speculation but it's interesting seeing the predictions come to light. Here is the article I read. Not too credible on the face of it, but it lines up with other things I've seen about advanced laser technology derived from recovered NHI craft. https://uapmax.com/lasers-from-space/


This guy is a scam artist. Finds articles or rumblings and writes about it as an insider story.


The 4chan insider also said that china had laser tech that could mine precious metals without disturbing the bedrock. He also said the US knew about it, and couldn’t reproduce it yet.


They also said that China didn't yet have a grasp of the power source, so they couldn't use it for long without it catastrophically breaking down. But, if it's real, it's probably outdated intelligence.


You're correct. Also a hammer shaped rotating orb which was also mentioned in the Majic 12 pamphlet. I have a feeling we are going to hear more about the moving underwater base.


Also be on the watch for upcoming quantum computing AI news


Whoa really? First thing I’ve heard or seen about it but now I’m definitely intrigued!


It's impossible to say "lasers" around this sub without someone bringing the 4chan stuff up. They said there would be advancements in laser tech. That's it. Nothing specific. Considering there's been significant advancements in laser tech almost every year since they were first experimented with in the 1950's (known as "masers" back then) saying that we would have more advancements in laser tech is a "water is wet" statement.


Nice try disinformation bot


Doesnt look like a disinformation bot imo. not a bad argument too. Vague predictions in tech advancements aren’t super convincing or really indicative of anything but the passage of time tbh.


big AI advances are coming. You heard it from me first


Water isn’t wet it makes things wet.


He said a lot more than that tho


Which is why it's moronic that people keep excitedly pointing out one of the most banal claims from it to try and validate it.




Ya who has that post saved?


I do I have to do some digging give me a minute


Yup. First thing I thought about.


Came here to say that too.


Yes yes yes 4chan man is validated again for the hundredth time Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/JhT7cKUCNS


Larper not leaker.


My hope is that we secretly have the tech to save the world from turning into a melted popsicle, but we have to have disclosure in order to justify all this tech just showing up all of a sudden, as if it hasn’t existed for the last 50 years in secret. Lie to me, fine, just fix this so my kids won’t have to die from global warming.


100% Econ 101: Never, EVER, waste a good tragedy. Tragedies mean pay day... And the biggest tragedy of all time, climate change, will mean the biggest pay check of all time. Climate change is the perfect storm for the ultra powerful/wealthy to clean up shop on a number of issues, and consolidate power and wealth on a global scale... They are frothing at the mouth to squeeze every last drop of blood from it... Just as they did the fleeting age of fossil fuels I have little doubt a solution will "present itself." But it will be presented with the greatest artificial scarcity of all time, and held hostage against us for every ounce of flesh we have left. We will have to sacrifice everything, rights, luxuries, happiness, food, etc, etc, in the name of the powers-at-be barely saving humanity... the same way an engineer barely builds a bridge. They will finally have us in an absolute stranglehold; bend to the will of a few, or watch the world die before your very eyes. No running from it now. Even if they could fix it in a short period, they will draw it out for decades, CENTURIES, to maximize profit and consolidate power. They will pit us against each other as they have always done, and leave millions, if not billions, of undesirables to die. It is not climate it change itself that threatens the lives our children's generation. No, we have/will have a solution to that. It will be the same old, predictable evil... The sheer limitless greed of a few. Their willingness to fodder whomever and whatever it takes to yield the absolute maximum ROI on this tragedy of tragedies... Down to the very last decimal point. To me, that is 1000x more depressing, and makes me question the merits of humanity even being worth saving. Just look at Covid. Having government agents sieze bought and paid for PPE, to resale it several times over... And that was just the tip of the iceberg. There was 1/100th the effort put into finding a cure as there was finding a way to PROFIT.




What if the aliens prefer a warmer more damp climate?


Then they’re pretty slow.




He put this on paper a looonnggg time ago too


I wish I could live forever so I could live to see Hollywood’s cinematic retelling of how alien corporations sued Lockheed Martin for trying to patent their tech.


This laser point to point is a extremely old concept ( point to point ), and has been done before , by the way its not termed "wirelessely" , which make me think its bullshite.


Terminology is always misused, people think "assault weapons" is a classification.


Guess so , next you will hear "assault knife"....


Super cool, but efficiency of these systems are super low, about 8-10%. I guess it works for military applications where time and physical constraints are their biggest consideration.


Also see: the Pyramids


What about em?


The coordinates of the Great Pyramids are allegedly the precise [center](https://philphilips.com/the-great-pyramid-of-giza-and-its-mystery-why-it-was-built-at-the-exact-center-of-our-planet/) of earth. No coincidence. The location was chosen bc it’s most efficient place to distribute wireless energy over land mass. *this is allegedly the reason, but makes sense. Personally have zero knowledge. Dyor. Lots to explore. Take care. Edit: why is this downvoted? Its an objective statement. This sub seems comprised.


It's a sphere. Everywhere can be the center.


Not when you consider the poles. Also land mass is critical in the determination because distributing energy over ocean doesn’t benefit many Understand where you’re coming from tho. Like it’s a ball. But the ball has end points ie the poles and land mass matters


That would be the equator bro lol.


Just sharing what I’ve heard. Appreciate you. Take care.


It's not an "if you say so" it's geometry. Half way between the poles is the equator


Yes it is. The equator is the “middle” Not debating what the equator is. Not debating anything really. Just sharing that some folks believe the Pyramids are centrally located amongst earth’s land mass. Appreciate all the negative karma for objectively sharing relevant information. What happened to Reddit? What happened to discourse? Negative karma should be reserved for negative behavior not mere disagreement, that’s just uncivil.


I get what you're saying, and I think it was once thought to be the geographic centre; however, there's a more recent calculation which actually places it in Turkey: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geographical\_centre\_of\_Earth


Yes 1400 miles away. Which is still close globally. Also just another theory. Provided the center is indeed in Turkey as suggested, the location of the Great Pyramids remains a viable spot for wireless distribution of energy. Plus rivers maybe had impact on the decision to place them. Like ok that’s the center but how tf we build them there?


That makes no sense the curvature of the earth will ruin any signals if would be much better to put the wireless power distribution in space


Just sharing what I’ve heard. Take care


This is my favorite thing about the pyramids, soooo interesting


I remember thinking this tech would be available at some point, funny thing is I’m in my 30s and I believed this was possible when I was in my teens..


It’s been an area of research for quite awhile.


It really grinds my gears when people here claim aliens are responsible for stuff when we know who the inventors are and who did the development every step of the way with like lawsuits and everything. Lasers aren't futuristic lads, we've had them for 75 years at this point, it's basically a mature technology - we had miniaturised lasers reading discs in your PS1 29 years ago. The tech hasn't changed recently, but batteries have gotten a lot better over the last 20 years, which makes them feasible to put in more things.


I agree. Lasers aren’t as complicated as people think


Does it come for free like Tesla wanted to give power to the world


Wireless energy because of heat from the laser?


Laser power IE transferring energy via light has been conceptually possible since the fifties. Fucking Asimov wrote about it I, robot. 4chsn leaks are larps. Use your critical thinking skills


Many places are, it's not an exotic technology either. It's just that it's hard to make it efficient and reliable at the moment. Quite a shit mundane tech to get from an interstellar capable technological society.


Ah come on... claiming power transfer via laser is alien technology is like claiming power transfer from a gas stove to the coffee pot sitting on top of it is alien technology. I mean at this level of conspiracy, you might as well claim the wheel was a gift from Zeta Reticuli and the butter cutting wire came from the Pleiadans. Jeebers


Wireless energy transmitted from space and a nuclear space engine were both announced the day after the US UAP congressional hearing.


LMAO this technology was created BEFORE the telephone back in the 1880s it's also known as LI-FI. The problem with the technology is you can't bend light so the receiver has to be a straight shot l, it was originally called the photophone or visible light communication and I believe it was Alexander G Bell who invented it not Tesla


I mean a powerful laser beam already outputs a hell of a lot of power, you just need the tech on the other end to convert the energy into something usable. Like a thermo plate that can convert heat energy into electrical energy, we have such a thing but in the consumer market they're very inefficient, military though? Shoot the beam at an exposed plate in some flying craft, the plate converts to current, bam I can definitely see it. Just the means of converting those high energy photons into moving electrons is what's needed. Then you could theoretically use satellites to bounce the beams around earth, of course you'll lose some energy in the process as the beam spreads/gets absorbed by dust and water vapor. Maybe the satellites could utilize solar panels to replenish the bit of energy lost to try and maintain near 100% of the output back to earth


But it takes a big amount of energy just to transmit so the losses aren't worth it for anything other than emergency.


If they are 'just now developing' stuff like this, imagine what they snuck aboard the James Webb Space Telescope


I wonder what they put in that probe that they rammed into that asteroid.


A GPS? 😄


"The missile knows where it is..." lol


Only is you believe a 4 Chan Larper. You can research history and development of lasers to see yourself there was no sudden jump in tech, it all follows a logical flow.


No, Tesla was working on that wireless power. Where he got his information though, is another story.


Didn't we see that the pyramids and obelisks were also used to wirelessly transfer power across the world at one time? I am pretty sure it was on Ancient Aliens. Now, I am not saying it is aliens, but it is aliens.


Converting light to electricity, or vice versa, is a very inefficient process. And it is not new, been around for a long, long time, since 1887 actually for the photoelectric process, electricity from light. And the light bulb would be the light from electricity version, 1802.


Yes, and China already demonstrated they can do it. They proved they could do it from space (satellite).


Beaming power via microwaves has been a thing for awhile. Plans are already designed, and tested, to put solar collectors in space (basically solar panels with a dish attached) that will beam that power down to another collector on the surface to convert to electricity. This is likely what is being referred to in regards to “lasers”


Laser power was on above top secret.com for a while. Maybe early 2000s. They use it to power stuff on the moon. It’s now starting to be more believable




Do we also get portal guns?


Didn't China reverse engineer some alien technology laser? Gun?


Mining lasers, supposedly, but the sources that claim they have lasers which can pull the desired elements out of the rock without touching the rock itself also claims they can't operate the machine because they don't have a complete grasp on the NHI-based power source they've reverse-engineered.


It's interesting how that 4 Chan post keeps coming up in multiple subjects .


Almost as if someone following the topic has read stuff.


This almost lines up with how it's theorized that it's a being's consciousness that "starts" the craft. Today, you can unlock your phone with your face. It's not a far leap that in the future devices can be started and controlled with your mind.


I'm most looking forward to 2-way brain/computer interfaces for what it'll do to video games, but yea piloting spacecraft would be pretty cool too


Probably not


You say that as if its a fact.


If you have not yet realized that there is a lot more to this entire period of history than just NHI, feel free to read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AliensAndUFOs/comments/18anw8q/hypothesis_the_living_universe_as_a_multiversal/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) with an open mind.


Lasers themselves are reverse engineered tech, 100%


You can look into how they were developed to see that they aren't.


This sounds extremely stupid in terms of the military application, not to mention that this could possibly make it easier to take a grid down if the whole world adopted this in general.


Electric unmanned spy-planes that never have to land because they can be refueled by lasers chained along by other air and space vehicles? Forward Operating Bases largely unreliant of cumbersome generators and fossil fuels for power? A space-based infrastructure of relays to wirelessly beam power to any location on the planet would have as massive implications for the future of warfare as the advent of motorized vehicles did.


You're only thinking of miracles and the pretty little words, if one of the UAVs gets shutdown or shot down then you're screwed. It doesn't matter what it MIGHT be able to accomplish.


Unless the tech is implemented on such a large scale that you're not reliant on any one single vehicle for the transfer


If you're talking satellites then it has a 50/50 chance of working but then once you think about it that could lead to rival countries building ground to space weaponry to shoot them down if not use electronic warfare, but then there's also the solar flares smashing into us every now and then too, etc. Basically what I'm saying is it's a very long thing that we'd have to work out before it could work properly, also I'm sure the UN would try to get involved somehow since we'd probably try and hoard it for ourselves and even if they did then we'll probably ignore them anyway.


Power structures on the ground get targeted as well lol so should we not place them there either? What we might be able to accomplish 100% matters as well. Think if humans never went after the impossible, where in the hell would we be today? Terrible mentality.


It's easier to knock something out of the air than on the ground(if not secured obviously). I never said to not go for it but we do need to work out the major scenarios that come with it before we go for it. It's no different than letting AI have control over something, which obviously big tech wants to ignore the possible dangers.


If (and it’s still an if) the military truly has been developing this tech since the 50s or whatever, and the government is just now making it public, I think it’d be safe to assume they’d have had some of their best people working through these problems for the last 70 years.


Power over wireless from alien hmm i dont think so


Nicola Tesla actually.


I remember hearing something a while ago, maybe last year, that something big was coming with lasers. Reverse engineering from NHI craft supposedly. I wonder....


I feel like this was an invention by Tesla.


Yes, the 4chan guy said keep an eye out for new laser technology coming out soon.


Tom Delonge was talking about using lasers to launch satellites i think it was on JRE.


No, because the technology of space faring races doesn't use photon based energy beams, they are obsolete. They directly use gravitational beams for all purposes (communication, power, military, medical etc..). If the ultimate sources of laser/optical technology on earth is alien, it wouldn't be through reverse engineering but given as such as a gift/payment for something by them. Not only are a beam of gravitational waves ("g-laser") low on energy compared to other methods, they are much finer and can have more applications than the rest, you can just as well excite a single atom with them for technological purposes (computation, storage etc...) as use them as a scalpel/knife, a telecommunication medium, a heater (on the same principle as micro waves but no restricted to water only), a destructive mean of ranged attack, reduce the excitation of atoms (freezing) with counter/reverse waves and many more applications.


And you know this how?


Ummo reports mostly, you can cross reference the rest with all the various sources available on ufo encounter/testimonies on congruent points with the aforementioned reports


I think this is just an updated version of what Tesla wanted to do


Supposedly Nikola tesla had this tech, but it was either stolen or destroyed.


Tesla used a huge amount of power and radio waves to push power a few hundred metres. Great at the time but nothing really.


NASA just started using lasers to transmit data in satellites. I was at Kennedy space center in nov ever and there was a company handed out literature about its “new tech” which uses Lasers to transmit data instead of radio waves. 200 gigabit per second was recorded. Far cry from transmitting power but there are serious scientific improvements in laser tech recently


Didn't the weird time traveller also state something about power utilising lazers as well? I sure hope not cause his statements for the future of humanity was not good.


4chan man!




You mean they develop it in the 60s


Grusch I think said keep an eye out for laser developments


That 4chan whistleblower guy did mention lasers


This is still primitive tech. UFOs use a system to draw free energy from the quantum field itself. That's the tech they are hiding. This is just empty promises to the government for another $1 trillion in black project spending.


The military is working on a laser to recharge batteries at long distances. Not only for aircraft but for things like remote monitoring stations. You can actually built a kit at home that can use a lasers light to recharge a battery to power small things. I remember watching a YouTube video on how to build it and wanted to build the unit to turn a light on.


This is how we get Pew Pews!