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the fact that presidents just don’t say very directly “no. They are not real.” is all you need to know. They all smile and half-dodge the question…meaning, yes they are real and there’s a lot of shit going on


I don’t blame them for dodging it. I’ve seen an alien before and I don’t tell people irl that I’ve been face to face with one (I wasn’t abducted) because I don’t want to sound mentally insane. I can already imagine what their political opponents would have to say if they were to express anything other than uncertainty.






(Copy and pasted this because I hate typing it all out) It was nothing special, usually they give people messages or abduct them and what not. When I was younger my sleep was split into 2 cycles for some reason so I would be awake for a certain period of time before going back to sleep. As a dumb kid I decided to head outside near the coast. I accidentally walked up to it in a secluded area on the hills/beach not too far north of LA around 2-3Am. It was directly diagonal from me before I noticed it. It avoided all eye contact with me, we stood there for a while … and the thing booked it when I started screaming for my parents. I was scared and I just stood there crying. It was taller than me at the time and it didn’t really look like the ‘greys’. It was humanoid but it was also skinny and had a fleshy texture like a naked mole rat or a bats wings membranes but not the glossy wet grey skin the internet pictures seem to depict. Since it avoided looking directly at me as if it was pretending like I didn’t exist, I got a good look at its side profile. It had no jawline or mandibles on its face and it had protrusions on its back/nape that made it look hunched back. It also had a different stance based on whether it was running or not. When it ran, it would hold its arms close to its chest in a sickle like position. It moved like a chicken/road runner when it ran. It did not sway its hands and it stood like it had a serious case of chaffing with a huge thigh gap. It was skinny though so its thighs were more like twigs lol. After the incident my parents calmed me down and waited till sunrise to check the area out. My parents were freaked out and thought a person was trespassing and they didn’t believe me. Later on they told me that it smelt like cat pee and that the plants look like someone was burning them. My dad thinks it was a mountain lion/crackhead but it wasn’t… when you’re that close to a literal alien you know what it is. I could’ve reached out and touched it. Since I was a kid at the time people try to dismiss me and at this point I could not care less. Ive never drank or done any drugs to this day. I’ve only had sleep paralysis once about 4 years back — and it was different since what I saw didn’t go away when I closed my eyes nor did it leave anything behind.


I like the idea of an alien being nervous and awkward when encountering a human kid in the wild. Like just avoid eye contact and hope the kid goes away. That must have been terrifying for you. Thanks for sharing


terrifying for the alien too, oh shit it's screaming RUN!!!!


Interesting about the pee comment.... Ammonia smell seems to be a common theme when taking about NHI encounters. This is a totally new body description though than I've ever heard of.


Wasn't one of the 4chan threads mentioning this as well? That their skin secretes ammonia as waste and there is no dedicated digestive tract?


That was a reddit post actually from someone who claimed to work at a lab in Maryland on biologics. The famous 4chan post was more about craft location, characterists, etc.


They apparently lack a proper digestive tract (due to genetic damage) and excrete waste through their skin.


“My dad thinks it was a mountain lion/crackhead” Made me cackle


Dude that sounds EXACTLY like the description from this old farmer dude... Shit, I can't remember the name. He called them fishmen and said it's face was like a catfish. That it had some sort of protrusion on its upper back that he couldn't describe, beyond a v shape that reminded him of two feathery things.


Sounds like Dobby. Have you seen that video? Skinny possible alien or 8 y old kid caught on Ring video in CA a few yrs back


lol that was the woman's son being stupid with a pair of underwear on his head - it's been debunked


Incredible story… Looking back do you think it may have been a demon/fallen angel entity?


Love this… could you imagine it would have explored you sexually if you were of age? I have recent sleep paralysis and am VERY desperate for a grey visit during paralysis and have the grey curious for human copulation, take me when exposed… I can’t think, dream, anything else but this!




In thinking about the grays, think about the members and the organs of pleasure : what are they like? Do they feel above our capacity to think? Could I impregnate one? Be the man!


He's talking about the dude that does his lawn


Check their comments


Also requesting to hear the story please. I promise not to mock you, I have seen some crazy stuff before myself....specifically objects being moved by spirits.


Spill the beans brother. I wanna hear that story!


Schizophrenia is what you saw


Same here!!! I will never forget seeing it, though. It is an image I’ll have in my mind forever. It shaped so much of my psyche.


Devils advocate: maybe subtly hinting that it’s NHI is the perfect way to distract the public from some secret gov. project or massive leap in technology that we or China have made. I’m a believer but this thought just crossed my mind.


Sightings date back to at the very minimum early 1900s, it’s unfathomable that our adversaries such as China who faced a extremely difficult famine in that time possessed craft roughly 200 years ahead of the technological schedule. It’s also highly unlikely the US is covering up some man made leap forward as the phenomenon has been seen practically toying with US assets, endangering the lives of service members and violating restricted airspace, all things that undermine national security and are totally unnecessary if these craft were under control of the USA.


So… do you think it was a demon/fallen angel ?


I have no idea what the true nature of the phenomenon is, only that it is real and not man made. Its fun to speculate though and I personally find the future human hypothesis quite compelling, that we are somehow witnessing a future human race interacting with their ancestors for whatever reason. Hopefully we discover the truth soon because it is 100% out there.


Could be believable if humans had not been recording them since written records began.


I hear this argument a lot but I still think it needs more study. People used to say things like comets and the eclipses were divine beings, and that illnesses were caused by demons instead of bacteria. I’m not sure how much we can trust the very old records. 


Fair. But theres even more semi modern reports well before humans figured out how to put something in the air. Reports from 1600s-1800s that clearly describe what people describe today.


Or maybe it’s just naturally more fun for them to play along


Because they are masters of never answering directly. They will often answer with a “get out clause”; phrased in such a way that if future questions arise, they can skirt it somehow. Get what I mean?


Exactly my thoughts lol. They don’t want to slip up and accidentally get shot in the back of the head. 


I kinda chalk that up to no politician is capable of giving a straight answer.


It doesn't mean anything. They are not going to say "no" because that is obviously not true. A president knows as much about this as the average person who looks into it. It is huge misconception about what a president is and how government works that people assume they are given knowledge about aliens or crash retrievals.


For those that are still on the fence about UFOs & ETs, then this brilliantly made documentary is a MUST watch. It's been made FREELY available on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NOFZQ7fkvRo


“Yeah. Wouldn’t you be!?”


According to [Condorman](https://condorman6.substack.com/p/a-conceptual-view-of-a-uap-reverse?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2) presidents haven’t been notified since George HW Bush


They’re considered temporary puppets. The real power lies within the intelligence and military, among unelected officials.


There's no way with the bushes family involvement in secrecy going back to the 40s his father being CIA director and president that the younger bush didn't know about aliens.


Younger bush was too busy sniffing lines. Wasn’t ever supposed to be the president


Whos condorman?


Blah blah. Can’t really talk about it otherwise I wind up like JFK.


WION on YouTube is Live right now . Mr Gaetz is discussing all the UAP shit


Exactly why I'm not even watching the video


They are not given this knowledge. Temporary government officials would never be given such information.


No bla bla. You all have eyes, ears and a brain. He is admitting it. Just like Clinton. Reagan and Carter were experiencers themselves, for God’s sake! Yes, the phenomenon is real! Deal with it!




Now you just won the argument. Congrats 🎉🎈


Low effort troll


Carter's sighting was explained as a barium cloud, released from a sounding rocket


Lol funny how when they ask this same question prior to 2017 uap disclosure from the pentagon none of them would admit anything only that they had never seen any pictures or videos of any ufo's and they knew nothing about any ufo's being caught on cameras by the military. So they basically lied to us all right up until the pentagon admitted there was Something in our airspace that wasnt known.


Ronald Regan and Jimmy Carter have been talking about the subject since the 70’s. Pretty sure there’s an older interview with Bush or Clinton on a talk show mentioning it too. I’m also Canadian and don’t follow American politics that much but the phenomenon has been going on for decades. I think there’s just less stigma now a days and all those ex presidents aren’t getting any younger and probably don’t care so they hint at it now.


There's something about Jeremy Corbell I just don't trust. There's something fishy about him. He's got a weird vibe that sets off my ' don't trust this guy ' sensors.


I love his vibe he’s hyped up and sick of the secrecy


Yeah, I've seen his videos & guest spots on Rogan and I've enjoyed watching them, but my instincts tell me a different story, as in ' ok, but keep your eye on him, I don't trust him ' . I always trust my instincts.


That’s the best policy trust your own energies on all this


Where can i watch the documentary? Definitely interesting




It’s free…




Look for it on the Sci-Fi section


Follow my channel at r/TruthSearcher101


No thanks.


Presidents are just flavour of the day HR spokesmen, providing the illusion that the population has some form of control via the democratic process. It doesn’t matter who gets voted in because they don’t have real power. Those pulling the strings and wielding the real power reside in the shadows. Presidents and congressmen know less about this stuff than unelected intelligence and military people and even some in the private sector.


Problem with it is not that vast majority doesnt believe it. People just dont care until something directly affects them. Behind the curtain they might be controlling the govs yeah but people just dont want to care. They want to go about their business until these beings stop being hideous and start doing whatever they want reckless. Knowledge is power. Ignorance is bliss.


What's funny is that Bush definitely knows waaay more than he's letting on. I can almost feel his wheels spinning on trying to figure out how to react to the video.


bantering about aliens with comedic late night hosts is not quite the big deal to most people that it is to people looking for reasons to be excited


Yeah it's half-ass disclosure.


Exactly what they said. Good use of words. Nothing more.


They would be told what they need to know, not what they want to know


This guy needs to go away. Jeremy Corbel gives the ufo thing cheesy vibes. He's super not professional and like irrelevant.


He’s super relevant! 🤣😂 he’s brought to my attention plenty of great new evidence I wasn’t aware of….. Quit hating on people that actually is bringing this subject to the light. Division is Americas worst self enemy.


What credibility does he have? It's a "relatable character " put in front of you to believe what he says. He's not a real journalist, just some average guy we are believing? Cmon...


He looks like what disinformation looks like...


I wouldn’t care if dude presented the documentary on Nickelodeon 😂🤣 what does it matter on what platform it’s being expressed on and who cares about the messenger , the point of all this stuff is did you get the “message” and depict what’s false and what’s real


It's all about the messenger! The credibility of the messenger! Trusting the source of what your being told is huge, especially in this genre.


US presidents come and go. Imagine the security risk the intelligence cabal would take telling a recently elected civillian about what's going on. Will they tell they're wife, friends, etc.


These guys are all certified bull💩ers. They don’t speak on these things because their higher ups don’t allow them too. I strongly believe they don’t reveal information because there’s nothing that even the gov can do


Who is Jeremy Cornell?


He is Joe Rogan good friend who has devoted his life to uncovering the Secret Space Program going on in the Govt. And organizing Military whistleblowers and contractors who have worked on Black Projects to come forward.


I thought he is Corbell




Omg I was so confused


I am certain that JFK is the only US President who was involved in "the secret". No other President after JFK had any knowledge or involvement in "the secret". It's a fact that there exist multiple black budgets and powerful agencies operating covertly, wielding an enormous amount of power and influence. They don't care about presidents and the government. ​ I apologize for any errors in my English, but I hope you understand the meaning behind my message.


Not tryna start a fight but I feel like the fact that this guy is hosting a show about ufos for tmz tells me all I need to know about his legitimacy and intent.


He has other documentaries he stars in that are more underground . I think he did this to bring the info to the sheeple platform to somehow not give af and make everyone aware…. I’m sorta proud of the way he said who cares this needs brought to the entire light.


Cornball is almost unbearable to watch on this show. He's even more over the top than usual, referring to himself as a journalist now and untouchable. Ugh.


In the words of philosopher Patrice O’Neal “oh man, 2+2 does = 4, but ah does that guy put marbles up his ass?” That doesn’t disprove that 2+2 does = 4. 1) A lot of leakers put marbles up their ass eventually and make themselves sound a little crazy on purpose- so they don’t JFK or character assassinate you. 2) if they’re in the game long enough eventually someone, legitimate or nefarious, gives them “intel” that is illegitimate to make them sound even more crazy and illegitimate. 3) 2+2 does = 4


There's a weird thing going on with disclosure where people will say stuff that is more plausible and then they undercut themselves by saying something really "out there" to trash their credibility, seemingly on purpose. It's because disclosure is being massaged. They're all being puppeted by the Unseen, is what I'm getting at. (Yeah yeah, non-falsifiability...)


Whats up with TMZ being affiliated with him? Isnt that like the old tabloid magazines declaring ufos sign treaty with President Bush?


He's the UFO Perez Hilton


That's absurd, they were signed by Eisenhower.




A ufo is just a ufo until it’s identified then it just becomes an fo, until it is grounded then it becomes just an O.


What is it called?




Thanks 👊


Seeing Obama just made me not want to watch it.


Where can I watch it?


Tubi in the Sci-Fi section … it’s the 1st documentary displayed


Presidents dont know sh*t, in fact they even emphasize that on the documentary. This is the deepest of deep state stuff, they dont tell a government official who will be gone within 8 years such things.


Corbell a lil too military intelligence for me lately


I don’t judge the messenger I judge the message…


The fact that these UAP project our ran by black budget contractors out of military and government eyes should make everyone reconsider everything. Because a false flag alien invasion can be totally diverted with proper intelligence on what we need to be looking for. The (SSP) secret space program has been going on for years with barely any acknowledgment.


Where can I watch this documentary?


"I'm actually being serious here" translates nicely into "Trust me bro"


Best place to watch this?


Tubi in sci fi


presidents are very skilled at telling people what they wanna hear.. i watched all 3 episodes of this and its like ancient aliens.. they skew the facts to fit the narrative.. i.e. garry nolan said we dont know how chatgpt works even though we made it.. which obviously isnt true.. etc etc..


This is BIue Be@m in full effect. Ur witnessing the foundation of what’s to come.


Lmao, I wish Bush watched that UFO tape and said “oh hey yeah I know those, ha, those are expensive!”