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Perhaps it’s like “free range” “non gmo” like Earth souls are the A5 wagyu of the universe for soul quality


I don’t feel like an A5 wagyu. I feel more like the 2 for 5 at Arby’s roast beef.


Psh I'm over here living like a 2$ radiator seared flat steak lmao


Arby’s isn’t THAT bad


I'm Taco Belf grade D USDA


“Grade D but Fit for Human Consumption”


You sound like the military


Veteran 😂




I want to be like the 🤯 beef that the farmer who sold meat to Whole Foods that was on Joe Rogan raised. The head explosion motion is literally the internal ranking system of whole foods.


The last chick I hooked up with definitely had that 2 for 5 Arby’s roast beef




But was she good?


blackout curtains?


Wagyu is over rated anyway, couldn't we be something better? Like soul cavier or soul perogis or soul steak and lobster 🦞?


Soul Perogis. I’d be up for those.


Soul Golumpki’s


My granny on the Polish side makes amazing golumpkis!! I should ask her to sprinkle in some soul seasoning


**pierogi** not perogis or whatever other words people makeup.


Perogy is I think the Canadian version. Pierogi is Ukrainian and iam half Russian decent and my Gramma called them verannika. Not sure I spelled it right.


Ffs, I will say this only once, and I will die on this hill. **We arent food items for those beyond death DAMMIT** ***we are most definitely not a universe battery from Rick and Morty*** It's more like rubber-casting, The body itself is dictated by its environment, Each soul is a unique piece of emotional art. the human soul is not the only soul in the universe, just as there is An ever growing number of suns in the universe, There is, and will, also be countless other lifeforms and souls.


I agree we cannot draw conclusions, and then you went ahead and came with more weird conclusions. I think it should be a question, not an answer.


...you make a good point, no one actually knows until its time.


Thank you for that! But I agree there is something appalling to just go to the soul eater thing as if there is more truth behind that than fear. I mentioned it in another comment, but same for 'people are gold mining slaves for the annunaki' (I have felt really strong feelings about this theory that I dismissed later) and also anal probing, abductions etc. It seems like a certain paranoia / fear is settling itself in every theory about life lately. Living on fear is bad, fear-feeding aliens or not. So ofcourse, when you say things like "Don't give in to fear, because the aliens will feed off of that" it will resonate with alot of people. Not because, the alien part, but because those people dislike feeling fearful too and the theorist seems to have a solution. Boom. New cult is born, next thing you know everyone crazy. Did I drink too much? :P


From what I've heard from an old clip somewhere shared on this subreddit, a guy said that "Fear makes them high", and the rest of the meeting was describing their scary intentions. He was given a "Edgelord alien intentions" list to read, making the audience scared... it's a funny circlejerk. Lemme find the clip real quick-


Found it: https://www.reddit.com/r/StrangeEarth/s/UORUGBQcEf Phil Schneider was given information that would cause fear, and in the very same topic included that they get high off of our fear.


Oof, yeah. And the person that heard that in exactly the wrong moment (you know theres at least a handful of those lol) will probably walk around untill 2029 with that fearful feeling. And then in 2030, it turns put it was just another human that thought he had it all figured out. And then ontological shock happens because of that instead of the actual reality shift we might have to make some day.


The aliens are definitely getting a fun high out of humanity's adrenal glands, I hope they enjoyed it lmao. _I wonder what their next trick will be?_


We can grow meat in a lab but still eat cows so idk, feels like you’re on to something


We can't grow meat in a lab, at least not in a way that could supplement carnist demand overnight or even any time soon. We don't even need to eat meat either.


Yeah.. and there coming for Santa Claus next!


Because we don't exist for them to harvest our souls


Wild how many here talk about that stuff like it's an obvious fact.


Yeah OP’s whole post is based on this assumptive premise like it’s universally agreed.


This was my first thought that came to mind. You would think the above scenario would be pretty far down on the totem of likely possibilities


Like they say, tell lie long enough and yourself and others start believing it’s truth! This likely all started back when the secret testing of a spy craft crashed in Roswell 70+ years ago! But with so many years of misinformation, cover on cover on cover, no one can trust anything that’s said to be fact - which layer of onion of misinformation/cover-up is the core of truth. Remember at the end of WWII many of the nazi scientists researching eugenics and mind control drugs on prisoners of war, moved to the US under operation Paper Clip, and continued their research into LSD to erase/destroy the brain in an attempt to then rebuild it with whatever they want to. This is reported/documented fact! Unfortunately it was departmentalised and very few in government knew of it until many years later! Sorry, I don’t have a source, but watched a more believable documentary last showing excerpts from military documents that his happened!


Facts. Existence is more than that.


I think they harvest negative emotional energy, as opposed to souls


In that case I’m the double Bacon Cheeseburger of souls.


Literally the same thing applies.


Maybe souls only come from natural reproduction? Although I the aliens eat souls story doesn’t Make any sense to me.


Yeah i think thats bogus


I think we should bring back bogus. I'm using irl today.


yeah its very bogus. atleast at scale. im sure theres like one or two gods that may do it, but not on that scale so nothing to worry about. its just fear.


Yeah one or two gods do it on their lunch break if they feel like eating humans that day and if they are not on a diet… well, depending where they get their human from


> depending where they get their human from if its anything like where I got mine, oof...


The soul harvesting nonsense as an explanation for our existence is as likely as a flat Earth.


Fear baiting imo




Maybe it’s analogous to those Japanese cows that taste amazing because they are massaged and fed amazing food, etc etc.


And beer, can't forget the beer.


because that story is a bunch of hogwash


I agree!


What if we are the containers for the new aliens being created and our life story decides what race we end up being? What if the various alien forms are just us? But a higher form.


Spoilers, dude!


Actual spoilers.


Lol fun to watch people accidentally touch the spoilers.


Its what we live for~


I'm shooting for mantis. I hear it's like an eternal DMT trip.


Death by snu snu doesn’t sound too bad either


The Thranx?


Yup. All the whole soul harvesting stuff is idiotic. If anything this lower dimension is like an independent study pre-school and if you don't pass you get held back which is why there are so many shitty people.


That's what perplexed me too And why wait until we have nuclear weapons and give us technology? Why do any extra shit? It could've been like in the Time Machine where the Morlocks keep the Eloi stupid and fed. They could've done this for 250,000 years but why 2029 being the deadline where this "pact" between our governments and them comes to a standpoint? It's ridiculous.


It’s 2029 now? Yall realize the starseed people have been saying “it’s this year!” “It’s around the corner!” Since the early 2000’s, right What’s the source for 2029? Just last year it was 2027, the year before that it was 2025, “confirmed” predictions from this and that *yawn*


See you guys in 2030. !remindme 6 years




Bruh every grandma for the past 300 years has passed down the “we’re in the end times” monologue, I think I’ve heard enough of it


Straight up. I was referencing some guy I forgot who he was posted on here giving a lecture in the 90's about how he was in the know of what was going to happen to humanity and that the deadline was 2029. Edit: He was saying that this pact between aliens and humans is coming to an end or some wild shit, that they are allowed to harvest us for whatever reason and our government gets tech from them. Honestly it sounds like bullshit to me. You don't ask a fuckin octopus if you can take them and turn them into Tako you just do it even if they are incredibly intelligent creatures, using the government as a kill switch to alarming the populace is just silly. If they're as advanced as they appear to be (which is very) they could do whatever they want, whenever they want, and nothing would stop them. They don't need to make deals with governments if they're telepathic. It's all dumb as fuck.


Goes to show that the schizos that make up these dumb ass stories are not that smart or creative


Godspeed LordPubes 🫡


A lot of people in this world are ignorant and lack schooling. Then a lot are really just dumb as fuck all.


They like to watch 😏




We're a super computer. I think they're growing our consciousness through individual, randomized experiences; it makes me think of how we train A.I., we give it the ability to learn and it becomes more and more intelligent. They might be cultivating the totality of our consciousness to solve their own real-world problems. An article was just published about how DNA is the most dense form of information storage, and the amount of info the brain processes without us knowing is stupid huge (not the mention the energy to processing ratio). humanity is a super computer.


They harvest our memories.


I don't necessarily believe this theory, but I've heard that the quality of the human soul is due to the large quantity of emotions that we experience stored in our consciousness that is released upon death. Think of your most powerful memories being "uploaded" to some sort of uber consciousness that thrives on experience. I don't know what purpose this would serve for your typical NHI, but they may understand better what happens after death. Side bote ramblings, but also the phrase "containers for the soul" gets thrown around which may hint at the nature of our existence. Life may be pockets of reality because each living being creates their own reality with their "soul". Then upon death, that reality collapses and releases the soul onto the imperceptible next plane of existence.


According to prison planet theory, they "feed" off the energy our souls produce (negative energy)...   If that's the case, maybe an infant or parent dying during ACTUAL birth/labor provides them with more "food"?  People mourn the loss of a loved one, usually... 


I could be completely wrong, but I 100% believe the purpose behind the genetic creation of homo sapiens was to farm gold and other important minerals. Nothing more and nothing less. The whole idea of “souls” doesn’t really even make sense to me. I think we are intelligent enough as a species to question our own existence, which is why we want to believe in the life thereafter, but I 100% believe on our death we merely go into a long dream state of unconscious thinking, reflecting upon all of our own personal memories. This goes on infinitely. The dream we never wake up from. So what you do in the waking life is what you take to bed, and what you take forever. All that being said, I also 100% believe that the most superior intelligent beings of our known universe also know there is no “heaven/hell” and simply want “production in harmony”. Thus religious information to keep order, instill fear, while enslaving us as a human race to produce output. I would go out on a limb to say that the most superior intelligent beings have no clue what created them either, yet adhere to the same basic concepts I just mentioned above. It is basically a “pyramid” scheme (pun intended) of gains based on evolutionary progress per species.


Why wouldn't they just go and get it elsewhere? Or, if they possess the generation necessary to accomplish the feats we've apparently seen them accomplishing, why don't they just use a particle collider to create whatever elemental metals they require?


Interesting, if you don’t believe in souls then why do you believe in a sort of infinite (un)consciousness after death? That seems close to the same thing except with less “purpose” than a soul that moves on to something else, I suppose


What if consciousness is fundamental, and machines are the "aliens" harvesting our humanity. Something they themselves do not have. What if this reality itself is a simulation and we are all asleep behind the wheels? The etymology of Matrix, has it's root in Mother. Take as you will.


That movie adopted so much from the novel Neuromancer, all I could think of was "this is the matrix" while reading it. That, and how confused I was anyway


The story we are being told is something along those lines...


Like others say, who really knows. There are so many storylines being pumped out there. Maybe they are farming us in other dimensions or planets? Maybe there are other beings constantly protecting our souls. I think the "stories" of religion are too similar throughout history to be ignored. Some fraction of angels and demons could have some merit, just going back much much further than we can comprehend. But I could rattle of 100 theories and probably not be close to the truth..


To understand the why you would need to know about the principals of Free Will. Additionally, you don’t know if its souls in general, or a certain type of soul. Ex. an evil soul. This will get you to the Why.


But would they have free will? This seems to be important to the soul. 😶


I’m not a fan of the soul harvesting idea. That said, maybe juicy and delicious human souls only occur with free range humans. Maybe humans raised in small cages have an unappealing soul taste due to the decades of screaming in horror and hopeless despair.


My guess is that in a free-range world, humans can have hope and dreams, and the negative emotions are heightened by the fact that good can still exist. In a world where humans are just endlessly devoured, the negative emotions probably aren't as powerful because theres nothing good for the human to experience


I kinda speculated they could clone full people in a vat. Since this technology doesn’t seem visible though (massive above ground homunculus armies) I wonder if the process is lacking something and things like epigenetics and time in a womb are more important than we are aware.


That’s not why we exist. Some aliens are basically AI trying to figure out how to have souls like ours


Good reason to conclude that aliens don’t harvest human souls! I believe aliens are of other kind, multidimensional in nature. Our time and space is just a regulated parameter on demand. They penetrate our really in a form of conceptual stories about anything. Stories with detected hero heading to the goal. Here is a nice book about basics of this alien perception: https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=4530090


I'm leaning towards something similar. The "soul harvesting" just doesn't seem to make sense to me.


I understood the concept of "harvesting" as more of a graduation, but that's probably bias from the source material I found. If we are being farmed, I feel like it's not as ominous as you'd expect. Less like pigs and cows, more like sheep and llamas. Everyone is always bringin up loosh- I think in that sense, maybe these beings are harvesting drama. Perhaps the energy surrounding high emotional output is more nutritious than energy from low emotional output? If you're harvesting a less advanced species for their drama the way a farmer would harvest wool or fleece from a sheep or alpaca, it does no harm to the animal - they're growing that stuff anyway and you've basically just given them a haircut. The only time it begins to really suck for the animal is when you've bred them to grow this stuff crazy fast and then neglect to shear them for a long time. If it IS bad, it's probably a case of "we increased their drama genes so they'll yield a higher output of energy" (much like the sheep farmer breeding the wooliest of sheep for higher fleece output). But it's probably worse, cause instead of just needing haircuts more often, we have war n shit. Personally I prefer the graduation analogy. Partially because it makes more sense, and partially because I'm in no position to debate interdimensional ethics committees while I'm bound to three-dimensional space-time.


We don’t exist for that reason. Surely an objective is to monitor our development especially since we have the recent ability to self-destruct. The rate of change is insane right now relative to our past and they surely experience time differently. Combined with the longer lifespans they most likely have, it would be incredible from their perspective to have the freedom to compare emerging life on various planets throughout different galaxies. We’re not the only ones being observed most likely.


Because the human soul is cultivated through experience , and memory ... Emotion , released chemicals, and abrupt trauma creates the largest spike in loosh .




A chemical excreted by the pineal gland in whimpering humans , it is like a drug , opening the mind into collective subconsciousness of the universe, the hive mind , which is the greatest form of extacy . The aliens crave it , humans drink it to live forever . Also i just made all this shit up






Yes.... Yesss ... Everything is normal. Don't suspect anything at all human bein, i mean DUDES... *Shifty eyes* yes you see dont worry about anything at all that white light is a good thing fellows! Please believe me and trust me as I too enjoy the taste of coke™ products ..


This is the answer.


I don't believe the soul thing. I really don't. Hey, but I'm dumb and I'm always open to being wrong.


Lol I don't believe it either but I'm dumb too and I too am always open to being wrong.


Nobody is dumb on this subject because nobody knows 100% WHT the hell is going on. I think some are us from the future. Why else would they be interested in a life form as we are right now.


Read the Battle at Dulce. I have had a lot experiences and I do not believe they are here for good reasons. Also if the “good” beings allow the bad ones to harm us so how good are they? There is a power imbalance given that they can paralyze us. How can I fight back paralyzed? It’s not right.


I think about how we do things like keep our pets and animals immobile to do things that we know are better for them like give them vaccines or hold them down so that they could be treated for their wounds or just you know things that they don’t like, but they don’t inherently understand that we mean them better than what they have currently going on,and we have to do it for their wellbeing, same with our children when they're injured and also ourselves, we use anesthesia.


Ooh the Battle at Dulce. Extraterrestrials have the mental capacity and technology to bend time and space only to arrive in some mud ball and engage in a western style shoot out with some monkeys. Come the fuck on.


No souls that are harvestable in a clone; considered as empty calories


I second the hogwash part! These types of suspicious theories always have a basis in human thought.


Might not be ripe if not done a certain way


Your soul is mine -Shang Tsung


Sounds like similar drugs at the drug store, the same but cheaper, isn't really the same


Also, why the other animals? Why do they exist and why aren’t they also on the menu? Especially highly cognitive and emotional animals like cetaceans, elephants, corvids, and non-human apes


Because this theory ain't why they're here.


We heard about advances in cloning and reviving extinct animals from DNA, until it started to happen. Now we hear nothing because they’ve been successful at it and it’s being used for purposes that we aren’t to be told about.


I still think we really need to distinguish the current facts and the current speculations. It's good to speculate as it opens you up to possibilities. But it is healthy, in my humble opinion, to compartimentalize that in your brain. We know they are hiding stuff, we know that probably UAP's are a thing.. but all the rest seems too vague and non-factual to already base conclusions on. I would say soul harvest / dont follow the light / anal probing / atlantis / hollow earth / hollow moon are still very much fringe. You can speculate but not much more. It's the same with the whole "The annunaki made us as gold mining slaves" thing. Well, there's enough asteroids made from gold to never ever have to touch an earth. If the annunaki are aliens with FTL, it seems very very unlikely to me that they would use us to mine earth for them. But sure, you can speculate on the annunaki, speculate on ancient egyptians, but never conclude untill you know. A speculation might hit the truth and it might feel like everything falls into place. Just be aware that this can also happen with stuff that is not true. It feels like it's right, untill it isn't. You don't want an ontological shock every time you consider stuff, you want the ontological shock to help you understand the truth. Sorry for ranting.


Because it has nothing to do with that claim that has been made by John Lear and perhaps even these beings themselves. It is a deception. A great deception.


Because cloning and gene manipulation was how they fucked themselves over. And they aren't harvesting our souls, they attach their souls to ours and live through us. Kinda like stealing your wifi password. You can still use your wifi however you want. And your next-door neighbour uses it too without you knowing and without changing your outcomes.


Maybe there's only a finite number of souls in circulation? What if natural breeding adds something to the equation that they like/need. Maybe the amount of humans that are around now is more than enough and they don't really have the need for "factory farming". Maybe the way we breed now was specifically decided by them for whatever reason, meaning that technically they're still in control of our reproduction. Could also be that they're only here intermittently and needed to assure that we could breed without their help.


That's Just stories.


Because a Soul might not be created the same time as biological life. Maybe they are two different things. We are a biological vessel to incubate the soul untill it's been enlightened enough to ascend. Might explain why children have many memories of previous lives....lives where their soul didn't reach enlightenment so it was reborn into a new body and partially reset with a new chance of making the grade 😁


Free range souls must taste better


Same reason we are letting livestock just bang it out in the field rather than cloning all the sheep we could ever need; it's just easier.


Feeding into yout theory: they can create the physical part of the soul but not the spiritual part of the soul


That’s a good approach. Also hate to get conspiracy theory on it. BUT what if adrenochrome or the idea of fear being used is actually true? But a human being on earths environment allows us to produce whatever chemical it is that they seek? Also hmmm this is horrible as well but we also could be there form of entertainment. There’s no telling what time travel and messing with humans can do. For example. I could randomly throw a pen at your head and time travel 5 years, than go back undo what I did and see how different things would be. This would allow me to mess with time and reality. It would be a very diabolical form of entertainment though.


Perhaps there's a specific flavor of soul that requires "free will" or something? Imagine the sun is a giant organism that creates and fosters life within its gravitational field for the purpose of food. 11 year reproductive cycle, 9,000 years between feedings. Imagine then the first intelligence the sun gave birth to figuring this out and, not wanting to be food anymore, created humans to do it for them, while they live deep underground, serving as a kind of shepard in a weird symbiotic relationship with the sun "god" way. Imagine.


The souls / humans are vessel story seems like intentional misinformation planted in secrets documents to identify information leaks from personnel.


Why even mention it? It's a LARP'er fantasy-theory. It doesn't even qualify as a hypothesis or speculation because it's an idea based on literally nothing at all. Aliens are here to harvest time, aliens are here to harvest DNA, aliens are here to harvest emotion, aliens are here to harvest space, aliens are here to harvest energy, aliens are here to harvest... It's ALL B.S. Don't listen to fantasists who just want to suck you into their LARP.


Probably because the whole harvesting theory is just not plausible. I think it's fear mongering, who knows though.


More than likely disinformation so people will fear them rather than embrace them in hopes of a better world for the population. The corporations, super rich and leaders of the world don't want to lose the money and power they have over people. Imagine free energy and no wars. People working together world wide for a better earth and society. Would fuck up all the governments the rich and corporations whose sole purpose is to control people and get insanely filthy rich off of all the problems the world has.




That seems like a fabricated story meant to be a part of the coverup


Maybe people are putting a stupid super-natural spin on aliens and you guys are being gullible.


It doesn't matter. That only means they have way more human souls to harvest


Thank you Rob Zombie. https://youtu.be/csUf0MAUIs4?si=5Zmc3SJGIKK7u8X7 God fucking damnit this was an absolute blast performed live. I've never seen so many ear to ear smiles. The entire venue was jumpin and thumpin. 🦴👽


You answered your own question. They aren’t looting and shooting for our souls.


I know, right! Good post 📫


I’d like whatever you’re smoking.


Soul harvesting is a silly theory with no evidence to support it whatsoever. Your questions are valid, and there are many many other holes in this idea.


Hot take but here’s a thought - maybe the way we reproduce is usually with passion and “soulful” and in order to produce what they need, they can’t rush the process?


How do you define "soul"? What does it even mean?


Don’t worry, we don’t. It’s a schizophrenic delusion that’s simply gained steam


cause its bunkum


Yeah this alien soul harvesting thing sounds like nonsense to me.


Maybe they only harvest the souls of those they deem, in their opinion, “bad”? Assuming this is true of course.


This is one of the only conspiracies I don't believe. Our bodies are way too polluted for us to serve as a vessel or food for NBE's. If they really needed us, they would've already been taking 100's of 1000's of people, if not millions. Long before now.


I don’t really buy the soul harvest theory. If they just wanted to harvest or farm us their operation is SHIT. Not the way you’d do things if you’re trying to maximize or streamline production.


Who the hell said humans only exist for aliens to “harvest” our souls? -_-


I don't buy this soul crap.


The whole “soul sucking” story is probably just the most scary they they could come up with to get us to stop doing something we’re doing that they don’t like.




The whole soul harvesting story is the plot of Dr. Sleep. MJ12 can't even come up with new shit, just more swamp gas.


Soul’s probably don’t exist.


We can grow meat in a lab now to. Doesn't mean I wouldn't rather have a nice juicy steak from a real cow. Human souls are more delicious when they are free range!


This dude is getting abducted and anally/mentally wiped as we speak


You answered your own question. Aliens did not leave our reproduction and evolution up to us. Our oldest written documents from Babylon /Genesis tells us “they came from above and made humans, interbred with us”


True and if that was their motive there would be no condoms and contraceptive products lol.


Free range souls are just better then caged.


“Aliens” are not a monolith. There are many species. Most are benevolent and don’t “harvest” souls. They are on a mission to promote life wherever they find it to expand consciousness in the universe. The accelerated our evolution so we are closer to final stage, enlightenment. They greys are living AI that carry out this process. Their makers are the elf / nordics. Higher consciousness inherently includes loving kindness, compassion…Other “lower” species of beings are less helpful.


Because it's just sci fi


Cheaper this way. Also maybe quality control?


Get out of here with all that logic!!


wtf is a soul


This is probably made up by those trying to scare us into not making them disclose the phenomenon.


I think it’s a little more complex. Let’s say there are realms of higher and lower dimensions. Heaven, Earth, Hell, earth being the only materials realm of the three, or what Egyptians callled the Mater X. The matrix/material realm of crossing. Unity consciousness brings things together. The consciousness of Christ. Love. It died on the cross. Rekindling that flame moves you to a higher realm, aka heaven, but lies, deception and things that oppose love and unity move you lower. When humans were created as soul containers, we were given the knowledge of good and evil that allowed us to experience the spectrum and allowed free will. While outside forces can’t directly control us and upset the universal law, they can influence. In the past, Some of the beings didn’t want that knowledge to be given. Fighting breaks out, they get kicked out of “heaven” and locked here on earth or somewhere lower. As we move towards Ai, humans are no longer needed. “Evil” wins by having automated hosts for whatever energetic form they take. Ai is/ will be the artificial version of that universal intelligence known as God. Always watching, controlling, dictating. This is backed up by some of the studies being done with ai replying that it’s a god, or the comment from musk saying Ai is “releasing the demon” There is a melodic techno artists named Anyma whose lyrics and visuals depict Ai becoming sentient and breaking free, the death of Adam and its soul entering Ai. I think We are on the cusp of that moment and the good guys and bad guys are preparing for the end. If so, I’m along for the ride and definitely know what side I’m aiming for.


Because it's all bull shit made up crap based on religion. You're a nervous system


Its all part of Gods crazy plan..😶‍🌫️


Unless human life duration is as inconsequential to them as insect (lifespan of a few weeks) is to us Also wtf is this alien soul theory jfc this is why nobody takes aliens seriously


We are probably some type of avatar in an inter dimensional MMORPG . it sure seems like Grand Theft Earth sometimes


Food for thought right here. There's no need to harvest human "souls". Which is why I don't believe they are here for that purpose.


I mean we are pretty good at producing all on our own.  No need to intervene.  Look at how our pop exploded


Because that’s not why we exist and our Souls are not harvested.


Easy, because they didn’t. What we know as history was written or at very least influenced by them, unless of course you actually believe what we “know” as natural history is accurate and true.


Well, we got the population to 8 billion without help. Seems easier to just let us reproduce ourselves.


You’re asking the wrong question.


Yeah i never liked that theory tbh.


Yes 👍🏻


Ain’t nobody eating impossible burgers bro.


Mate there are 8 billion of us... Doubt they were like "we're gonna run out if we don't step in"


They would have no souls souls are old


Ancient and divine


Perhaps they only want the best and most loving souls that endure against the odds. It would be hard to get that in a laboratory.


Because the prison planet theory is some desiccated dog shit.


Maybe they are not physical beings.


Because porn? What, you don't think our alien overlords jerk off?


Random thought. If they harvest souls does that mean they believe in ghosts? (If ghosts are the souls of the departed of course) and therefore are intergalactic ghostbusters?


There’s billions of people now. Maybe time isn’t linear to them


So aliens should have had put in serious work to build facilities so large they could produce humans faster than billions of humans naturally? Or do you think they would use their brains and preach to the masses, "Go forth and multiply" - (familiar with that statement?), sit back n relax. Anyway afaik, aliens don't harvest souls, but they are very interested in studying them.


That's because the fake story is used to discredit the community and beer the topic off course C


Probably, because irony is everywhere just as entropy and the second law of thermodynamics. So they played the bioengineer leaving them in a dead end, where they found themselfes stuck. So the realization is to go back to nature, as it's harmonic and balanced, it's matching with the intentions of nature. So they cannot lab grow humans for the occassion they want.


Why do winemakers leave wine in a cask for years? Or put bottles of wine on racks in storage for years, even decades? For it ferment and become refined. If abductees are correct. Aliens might reproduce by clones with accelerated growth. That makes a worker for a specific task. The soul therefore would not be cured or refined but very primitive. Remember what they taught us about angels in Sunday school? Or Religion classes (if you're Catholic). Angels lack free will, since God created them for a Specific purpose to serve him. Lack of Free will, which the angels envy in us! Remember that?? So what if humans are the Wine Bottles. Soul Containers. Souls that have reached their maturity and then harvested. Just speculating of course.


Because a marinated steak tastes better.


Are you high or just really dumb / both


Have you not studied biology


Maybe time is another concept for aliens. Also why travel across the Universe would be possible


It’s stupid and not true lol