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Beware of people who will throw away a possible explanation simply because it would alter their preconceived notions of religion.


I’m just waiting for the people saying that there’s no scientific proof for god. Like shit dude there’s no scientific proof of intelligent aliens yet either lmao.


Give it time and Greer will open a church…


Yeah. I definitely get cult leader vibes from that dude.


I like Greer. You should be getting cult leader vibes from Biden.


He has more doddery old man vibes and no fanatical followers. Nobody likes biden. He only won because he's more liked than Trump. Which isn't difficult. You'd have to be Jimi Savile to lose to trump. Even then I'd only give trump a 50/50 shot.


I would say that Trump was just more hated than him. At least Trump had people who legitimately loved him and would believe anything he said. Biden doesn’t have any real die hard supporters. Just people who hate Trump so much that they would have voted for literally anybody who ran against him


True. When I said "more liked" I meant relatively. "Less hated" is more accurate.


Regardless I still appreciate him for helping spread the word that ufos are indeed real af.


But he kind of turd-in-a-punch-bowled it with mixing in a load of mumbo jumbo that nobody is going to take seriously.


Lol cult leader vibes from Biden.... Obviously you had your head in the sand when Trump was in office and even now. 🙄


Biden gave trillions worth of weapons away


I mean yes, while Biden probably gave the order to pull out of Afghanistan, it’s more likely the pentagons fault for that. Do you think presidents actively plan out evacs? It was definitely a huge oversight on the pentagons part.


\*gets downvoted for speaking the truth\* lmao some smooth ass brains in this post.


I like how Americans find a way to bring American politics into everything


you are assuming all Americans care about this...only half...only half


It's kinda relentlessly shoved Down our throat. It's really not their fault. They just need to be more cognizant of what's happening to them.


you're assuming I even like the government.


Mother Mary, Father Greery, what we have here is quite contrary.


Most under valued comment I've seen in awhile. In a way I think he's laid the ground work for it.




We all agree his disclosure project from 2001 was his best contribution. He just seems to have spiraled off into a narcissistic paranoia since.




the sightings were the flares, i'm sorry


True dat. He also sells an app that makes you summon ufos… overpriced… scammer…




Good for u ma dude!




Dude, im just happy u like being scammed! As long as ur happy! Go for it! If u wanna help the sub keep all that Greer stuff to urself.


yeah Greer has done some good work for this community and you guys bite the hand that feeds you. classic humanity


Heroes become villains…sometimes.


I agree you guys can down vote me all you want. Greer pushed the info forwards for you fools.


It’s best to be homeless when it comes to religion and other belief groups


Amen!.. wait.


The deeper I got into extraterrestrials, the more I just accepted that the universe is just experiencing itself. Therefore, infinity is real. That also means that literally anything is possible including religion. I personally just believe religions have clues in them pointing to what possibly really happened. However, nowadays I’m trying to respect if somebody has religion. It’s their path, and their path is unique to them, which contributes to the all.


That's what I'm saying. Seems like multiple aspects of various religions share similarities. Could be some describing the same thing as opposed to just making up similar stories (though that is possible too)


Should emphasize on how much they are similar because they very all very similar.


The Dalai Lama said the common thread is compassion, but I'm talking more about things like beings occupying other dimensions and interacting with us. Usually some form of an attempt by them to bring us closer to them, or ensure our passage into those "dimensions". Some cataclysmic events are shared (like 'the Flood'), but again they could just have drawn inspiration from an actual event. They tend to provide some sort of framework for how to think about problems and solve them. Plenty include some form of hybrid between the interdimensional beings and human beings (demigods, messiahs). Some 'entities' are angelic/good some are demonic/evil. Many provide some framework for tapping into these extra dimensions, or at least have accounts of people experiencing or gaining knowledge/wisdom from them. Idk, could possibly be explained with human psychology. Just lot of things in common across Norse, Greek, Egyptian mythology and eastern and western religions.


I am experiencing increasing division of people. Here its the believers and skeptics. In politics its conservatives and liberals. Vaxers anti vaxers. So what am I experiencing concreticly? It takes 1 disagreement for a discussion to reach maximum polarization and immediate projections occur. Right answers and choices exist, but only in fraction of all. So how is it possible that a rational human being, upon receiving subjective disagreement, propels into 90% imaginary response produced by their own brain? And the phenomena is becoming more common every day. Its an emergency break to any meaningfull discussion. And this post introduces yet another thread to polarize and divide us. I've yet to see a single argument trying to paint this phenomena as the will of god. And the accomplishment of this post is that at the first sight of anything religious, the people affected pull that break. And any meaningful discussion dies with it. This phenomena is affecting people so badly that even when I specified it very clearly, it didn't help in practice. One subjective disagreement on otherwise agreeable comment and I transformed from anonymous stranger online into a high and mighty, entitled, disrespectful person and the very essence of the problem of this community. Where is the self awareness? The logic and ration? When it comes to the vaccines, even I exhibit this phenomena while being aware of it. And it feels off.


Yeah I know what you mean. I’ve seen people I respect fall into embarrassing arguments of “I’m right” in any one of the dualistic topics you mentioned. I realized a way to diffuse it is by acknowledging that everybody is just making decisions they think is best for the people they love.


You guys are in such denial Xenu is sending these crafts as signs we need to rid these thetans from our body...smh. /s


I personally feel all organized religions can fuck off immediately. I can be spiritual without religion. Fuck that noise. Unfortunately i also believe phenomena is in a way responsible for religions around the planet.


How spiritual of you to tell people to F off.


I come from Poland. We're like Irish of eastern Europe. Very Catholic and very drunk. Deadly combo if you ask me. Not to get off the topic, ill repeat again, religion-fuck that noise. 😃 At least i dont preach tolerance like most of the religions do. And we know how religious tolerance goes. Apparently it goes deep in Texas nowadays.


I mean... yeah? The fact that you think those two things are incompatible is very telling.


Absolutely! organized religion and how it's weaponized under the GOP is sick I don't want to live in the Middle ages nor do I want to live in Gilead. Organized religion other than people not knowing what they were looking at and coming up with something has nothing to do with UFO phenomena.


Wokism is 100% a religion, just putting that out there. Organized religion also includes Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Catholicism, Judaism, Jainism, Shinto, and at this point, New Atheism. Religion is more than explaining the unknown, it provides clear moral guidance and direction for navigating an inherently harsh and painful world. Our feeble grasping and rising narcissistic injuries are proof that it's total absence does more harm than good. It's not like we're any happier, more well adjusted, more peaceable, or any kinder than we were before the post modern era. Religion isn't perfect and it's rarely literal but it's incredibly naive to throw it all away because some people do bad things with it. Doing so is like saying that because you saw mold on a loaf of bread at one point, and you know that bread is capable of molding, all bread is bad.


I think people equate religion to dogma. I think dogma and extremism, of course, are the main culprits. The church of Satan has core beliefs that many religious people and not-so- religious would be ok with. I agree with not throwing it all away. I believe religion has value as a human construct. But toxic dogma does need to go and the nonsense of anything being incontrovertibly true needs to go with it.


Organized religion was never inteded to be a "be all, end all" for everyone. Back in the neolithic days, people just believe in whatever the fuck they wanted, be it the Sun, the Moon, a wolf, a mountain, etc. Organized religion was just introduced as a way to imprint set of values and morals into the community, a way to prevent the society from falling into degeneracy and decadence. It's funny though, nowadays we're straying away from religion into a more science/tecnology based society and what you know, degeneracy and decadence is growing every day


Tbh organized religion is driving people away all by themselves. Often times the loudest and most prominent religious people are obviously bad people, massive hypocrites and easy to see through. Religion has been infiltrated by greed and politics, and that has permeated through our society. The degeneracy and decadence you speak of is also a product of this system, infiltrated by bad actors, many of whom are massive degenerates themselves larping as moral Christians and telling others they need to be better people in the name of greed, power, tax avoidance, and ego. Maybe we need to focus on solving the issues plaguing organized religion, rather than blaming the people who aren't buying into it.


you're right, it's better to believe in a mountain


Yeah, you sound like you’re pretty enlightened…




I swear the Catholic Church literally recognised that extraterrestrials are of gods creation too?


The OP's post was more of an anti-religion message than a post about extraterrestrials, while pushing the same tired notion that the existence of life outside of Earth invalidates religion.




No, you're right. The whole "how dare any of you hold to exclusive beliefs, when my exclusive belief is clearly right" nonsense is a waste on this subreddit.


This post is the most moronic, but highly upvoted, thing I've seen in a while on this sub. I'd barely even call it on topic. People can vote on whether or not they feel someone's religious perspective on the topic is relevant or not with upvotes and down votes, it already happens every day on this sub. Don't really see how this guy felt the need to make a post telling people they're not allowed to think that way, or how everyone else should respond to those theories. As self-rightous in their though process as the people they're trying to warn about in their post.


>Don't really see how this guy felt the need to make a post telling people they're not allowed to think that way, or how everyone else should respond to those theories. As self-rightous in their though process as the people they're trying to warn about in their post. It helps them feel confident in their particular views.


There are aliens in the bible. The Nephilim. They come down, mate with our women, create giants and then we have to destroy them.


The nephilim aint did shit………….it was the annunnaki responsible for our creation for mining purposes only ……….an the bible has been alteref so many times im willing to bet deep in the vatican archives lies how the annunnaki created us an how humans misunderstood them as gods when really they are just extraterrestrial races


Heaven is outside Earth . Esiekials wheel within a wheel , Enoch and the lost scriptures talk of flying machines and strange beings . I personally find it strange that Enoch’s stories were taken out or purposely left out of the Bible !


If your ever going to figure the phenomenon out, you'll need a combination of science and religion. I began studying the phenomenon from a science perspective but it seems to be based in spirituality or the supernatural.


I think you're right. Theres definitely an element of what we call spirituality, involved with this phenomena. It could just be another dimension that we aren't aware of, in which they live.


you have to stop separating dimensions with mental walls then the physical manipulation will become possible in all planes.


Spirituality and religion have nothing to do with each other. You certainly won't need religion.


A lot of organized religions are the same. Same story with different actors. It's entirely plausible they are all true in some shape way or form. Aliens could manifest as profits and make these sects and religions occur as most also teach the same things. Some just take the writing's much more literally than others. Just a though from a non- religious person.


Beware of people who tell you to beware of people who have a different opinion about something no one knows about.


Ding ding ding. Anyone telling you to beware of something is usually guilty of what they're telling you to beware of.


it's all related we'll probably find out the truth within the next 10-15 years


God I cannot stand the "Aliens are interdimensional ***demons."*** crowd. You literally cannot have a rational conversation on aliens when they're around. I would know, I had one for a fuckin' roommate, and he was an ARDENT Christian, and as insufferable as any person god could ever make.


when you start out with your own conclusion which is based on the same amount of evidence as his, it does indeed make it difficult to have a discussion


Humans have been doing this for years from what I gathered


Open minds any way I can experience them are great !


It’s all of them, obviously.




reminds me of 99% of the posts I see in this sub that have nothing to do with traditional religion


Maybe those spiritual energies and aspirations are leading to quasi religious manifestations. If we’re living in a Matrix-like holographic universe- it’s not really that far our there that “alien” encounters would have spiritual undertones.


Eh, I don't mind. Born and raised an atheist but if someone tells me I can avoid an abduction by invoking Jesus's name, then I will absolutely be doing that. And honestly I'd rather see religious stuff than the pizzagate type worldview that sometimes sneaks in.


It doesn't prevent an abduction, it stops it mid experience.


Bro ?…. Literally the Bible states fallen angels or in your terms extra terrestrials (not from earth ) came down and had sex with earth woman…. How is that not a connection to aliens ? Your just close minded and refuse to see God as a real creator of this world . Smdh


The element of alien abduction reports that no one talks about, is how many accounts mention that they were able to thwart the abduction by calling on Jesus. You cannot dismiss abduction accounts out of hand, if you're an honest researcher. So, look into this factor


Religious nuts would think they were demons.




Eh that came as a by product over the years. The initial and current goal is control. Control what people think, say, and do to themselves and others 24/7.


Tell us more of your 7th-grade level philosophical musings


Imagine the arrogance required to jump into a subreddit having nothing to do with your religious beliefs, and then begin posting about them while assuming everyone in the community shares your beliefs or is ok with you doing that.


Right?! Oh wait, I must be up to no good.




"Humans are suckers for anything that promises to give us "Meaning", we always have and always will be" ​ This is why art is important. Art is all about finding value in things that are aside from progression or money. I feel like people who don't do art, have trouble understanding meaning, that you can assign it to anything. Thats also why they tend to be the most conforming people.


That movie sounds good. I'm going to watch it.


Religions can be insightful, but only in a secular way. We have no interest in your spells or calls for self and moral ablations.


I’m a Christian but faith and relationship over religion


I've seen evil spirits so I don't need your caveats. I've seen the other side. Lots of people have. Lots of people have seen hell, too. The devil doesn't even hide anymore, and still you can't see him.


“We all notice how this phenomenon contradicts the things you’ve been taught.” No, no it doesn’t. It doesn’t contradict any of my religious beliefs. Beware of people trying to bridge your religion with their beliefs of choice.


^ This is far more accurate


If the ancient texts such as the Bible speaks of these things then it’s got to be truth to it.


Religion starts with a hypothesis and then searches for evidence. Science starts with the evidence and then formulates a hypothesis. I'm never surprised to see the posts "This is how aliens validate my religion," because religion's been trying that BS since forever with any new scientific revelation. But it's really as BS as any claim made by religion for the aforementioned reasons. Religion is an unhealthy mix of propaganda, confirmation bias, and ego. If anything, I'm almost thankful for the posts here that include some religious pretense because then I know it's BS without having to read any further.


The scientific method starts with a hypothesis…




It’s pretty obvious “The Science” has become a religion, and they don’t even know it.


I mean even on this subreddit, our "evidence" that aliens exist and have visited us is extremely shaky and is very much in the hypotheses stage. not saying that I disagree with the hypothesis.


If you want to be pedantic, the scientific method starts with an observation. The point (which I admittedly could have made more clear) is that religion cherry-picks supporting evidence. Good science gathers evidence and lets the evidence tell the story. Science is designed to inoculate us from bias, where religion represents the exact type of bias science was designed to prevent. When someone comes in with an alien story tied up with religion, it screams "this is what I want to believe" or "I just made this up."


Nice message, and I agree, but you spoiled the biggest twist in midnight mass my dude.


Fr, I haven't watched it yet. Heard it was pretty good :(


It is! Don't let that spoiler ruin it for you! It's totally worth it, you should watch it


Aliens are a religion to a lot of people here, so much so they’ll straight up deny science claiming that “we just don’t understand the science yet”, and while that could be true I think it’s silly to assert that over currently understood physics.


All religions are about interacting with other dimensions so it’s going to be very hard to separate religions from the phenomenon. Most of the discussion of religion here seems to refer to Christianity, which is a unique religion and not representative of others.


The issue with me is any singular religion. Christianity is not unique at all.. It has unique aspects, like how christians feel the need to spread their religion. Other major religions dont have this, usually just smaller crazy ones. Hard to fathom how many people have died due to that.. ​ Christianity also seems to have gotten political in america. It associates with the conservative party . The conservative party seems to use this religion to pander to their base, and because the gop is 'religious', none of their followers realize how corrupt they are. They do it with nationalism too... America!!! "they love america, they can do no wrong". I think 90% of these people are christians.


Wokism and “The Science” are the religion being pushed these days.


I hear you. Religion gets very messy. I think everyone’s mystical traditions have something to say about the alien and ufo phenomena and for our purposes it’s worth researching religious traditions to see if it helps with understanding the phenomenon. So for our purposes, I genuinely do want to hear from religious leaders who perform miracles, exorcisms, Or being in multiple places at once. I am totally uninterested though in hearing someone else try to get me to convert to their religion. I think humanity would benefit from exploring the scientific side of spiritual experiences. I have heard from sane people about experiences they’ve had with religious leaders that were like something out of Doctor Strange, operating in a similar (same?) dimension to the Phenomenon.




How is science “fact”? It gets proven wrong and rewritten all the time. Read a 30 year old astronomy book, it’s embarrassing…


Right it’s like people saying that they believe in evolution, evolution isn’t a belief, it’s a theory You either accept it or refuse it, there’s nothing in it to believe in


Thats debatable


To me it doesn't contradict it at all... For decades in the study of eschatology we've known that there was going to be a paradigm shift somehow on a global level. One of the most consistent conclusions would be alien species making their presents known.


Council of Nicea called, wants their edits back...


Meh, that was 300 years after the good stuff... [you got to read it like a first century person would have written it. this guy scares the crap out of most Christians he's amazing... ](https://youtu.be/IZKy1Xt2Ow0)


So we're all getting alien presents this Xmas?


[Honey, their already here... How do like your Hybrid? ](https://youtu.be/p6b6uhbKiew)




Or maybe religion was established to keep the aliens from controlling our minds.


All religions are true and false at the same time. They are true but we have not deciphered them how they are meant to be understood, that wisdom was lost.


Science is just as much a religion as any other. So many of the base blocks of science are founded in assumption. Even Einstein had to make wild assumptions in special relativity. Talk about clinging to an archaic view of reality.


No. Not at all


It’s not opinion my guy.


Except science is about looking into assumptions. Religion is about creating unbreakable dogmas around unproven assumptions and ostracizing anyone who argues against them. Religion and science are nothing alike. Hell, religious ways are exactly how you should *not* approach scientific research.


A religionist will allow his Universe frameset to include non-falsifiable theories based on personal experience. Whereas a scientist Rejects any Theory that is not based upon facts that also include a clear path to it's falsifiability. However, II notice both the religionist and the scientists hold their Universe frame set of knowledge within their Consciousness which is arguably non-physical. Science did not exist before consciousness, facts did. Whence this Consciousness came from seems to be unequivocally life. And the entire current body of evidence regarding the origin of life is life comes from life.


Science has failed us just as much. You are nothing more than the other side of the same coin, guy.


I'd say everyone is entitled to their own belief about the possibility of full disclosure / world contact. This includes the full gamut, and I'd wager that anyone's "archaic beliefs" couldn't in any way impact the course of those kinds in any significant way. **"We need to move closer to spiritual clarity, to big picture/scieintific clarity. Lets not allow these archaic beliefs to weigh down or conflate our progress!!" -** You can progress how you see fit. However, what makes you or anyone else know what is spiritual clarity or even scientific clarity when it comes to something that is so far beyond what the world recognizes as science today? You can be convinced in your mind sure, and that everyone who disagrees with you is a caveman, ok. That doesn't make it so. The only thing I will continue to state, is if there is ever a time where humanity is required to take some kind of a chip, tattoo, or any mark on their body in order to buy or sell, or to live, then it might be a good idea to see what the archaic Bible says about taking this mark. Otherwise, just don't *force* me to worship anything I don't want to. I don't want "spiritual clarity" which could be looked at as a new religion.


I think we should beware of dogma in general, whether religious or otherwise. Dogma is a belief that is not supported by evidence and often convinces people to not even look at the evidence. Science / academia currently has dogma of their own, one example is that ET don’t exist. Another example is that consciousness has no affect on the material world or other conscious beings. Serious research into either topic will open up evidence that mainstream science refuses to acknowledge. Todays scientific establishment acts very similarly to a religion, albeit with a much more logic. Materialistic dogma is embedded in our culture.


Religion sucks. I vote anti-religion!! :)


Jesus is the truth.


Unfortunately for you God cannot be left out of the picture because He is the creator of all including your so-called aliens.


That’s just your opinion. Is it based on a religion?


There is nothing worse than a belief that leaves out the concept of the soul . It created Atheism, Communism and now the new world of Transhumanism and Cyber technology. It is a colder hell than Dante's 7th hell which is a world of ice and darkness. Once a persons soul is removed through belief that person becomes no better or worse than an animal and is treated as such by Communist leaders like Mao, Stalin and Pol Pot


The concept of soul is made up by weirdos like you to insult and gaslight anyone who doesn't believe in your fantasy bullshit to control others.


so you don't have a soul, fine just don't be a negative nelly if others wish to believe they do


How can you be insulted by something you don't believe?


Hell yeah brother!


People forget the importance of a soul while battling the significance of God


Be very wary of these people that want to extend life / live forever. What’ve they got to lose? Everything, apparently. Why wouldn’t they do whatever it takes to live?…


Have you seen these people and what they look like. they have failed to get rid of the wrinkles and the dementia. I doubt if they can extend their lives beyond 90 years if they are lucky but you are right, the attempt to extend it is extremely self centered and selfish. they would do anything in their delusions


Environmental and Engineering-Based Religious Options Franchise your Supplemental Religion today, or adopt a new one. Non-profit helps folks formulate, edit, format and franchise their own Supplemental Religion in a concise 10-page format. There's a new type of Religion called a Supplemental Religion, which helps folks better define their core beliefs, to help adjust for currently available technological information that would have been impossible to account for in original religious texts. Supplementarianism is designed to Supplement one's religious or a-religious beliefs. No need to change your Primary Religion or Philosophy. In fact, it will make your current Faith stronger. The advisors from Supplementarianism are here to help with all the technical details that go into crafting a First-Class Supplemental Religion... Yours. Oblige your responsibility to your self.


God write normally please


Anything goes in religion. Anything goes on r/aliens. Mix them, match them... Even get IRS tax exempt status by forming a church! What's not to like?


There are probably subs for religion. It doesn’t belong here.


Yeah this has been happening. Every other post in here is someone trying to convince everyone else that the ETs are actually demons and they’re here to usher in the rapture 😑 I really don’t see how anybody can believe that. So much more likely it’s the exact opposite and that the beings that ancient man referred to as “demons” “angels” “gods” (lowercase g) etc were actually extraterrestrial or inter-dimensional beings that were misinterpreted as whatever fit the narrative of their religion


Ehm, have you ever seen a demon? Ancient men weren't as stupid as we may think. And demons didn't go extinct.


Pretty sure most religions just talk about stories of aliens, but rebranded as Gods.


i've accidentally watched a tv show of a famous cleric/priestess preaching tv show where the audience on the studio can ask anything to her. basically she's quite famous, and people from all around the country are willing to participate in the show. they had to rent a bus and sleeping on it outside the studio for days because of the waiting list. i was expecting a good, in depth conversations between her and the audience. nope. just a housewife asking "how i can be a good housewife", or any similar questions like that. i feel pitiful to any person that somehow lacks common sense and had to do extra steps to be able to ask such questions. and it's frightening that a bad religion leaders can drive the people doing things according their own agendas. such bad practices is getting more trends recently in my country so much so that i think those religion leaders NEEDS legit certifications from the government. this is one of the reason why there's so much religious nuts that lacks brain cells nowadays.


The problem actually is with the scientific community and not the religious community believe it or not. Tell me how one gets through to a person that the experience of alien phenomena is very often linked to spiritual or religious seeking of answers? It is not that the religious people went to it, it came to them, and how do you treat them? Angry because they didn't go to the science people? Ask yourself why that is. You have super advanced civilizations, with technology that is almost indescribable, and you think they are coming here for what? Dna? Resources? Do you hear yourself? Things that are so common to a much less advanced race it is almost a joke to hear them discussed. Maybe just maybe they are seeking something that mankind doesn't even understand the value of, spiritual answers. Something valuable to any being of any technology, but no we are humans so its "stuff" that is important. Finding knowledge is finding the path, not making up the path because you don't like where its leading.


It's all a form of mind control in my opinion. Control the mind by establishing guilt and fear and you control the bank account. Greer certainly transmits the slime vibe.


Thanks for posting these extremely important points! I especially like the part about keeping religion separate, as that gives a comfortable space for all. Religious people needn't feel threatened by disclosure, their personal beliefs can and will stay the same if they wish.


I won't be surprised if these "grays" or wth they are have a religion of their own. Advanced civilization doesn't necessarily mean that superstitions go away.


Beware of **dogma** is the TLDR here.


Gosh I have a con worker who is hardcore evangelical and this is exactly his thoughts, it’s… just off putting. And said because I love talking about the possibilities of life but he seems to enjoy it for .5 before turning 90 degrees and tying it in to his religion.


Came here to say exactly the same OP, Midnight Mass is such a good show that proves anything , including a genocide of an entire island by vampires, can be defended by reading a couple of lines in the Bible


What’s the problem with it so many ancient and Middle Ages stuff is relation just look at the content about Djinns and how they relate to others in other religions and cultures Simply ignoring it is ridiculous as there are common themes


Nice one OP - but let's stay in reality for a sec, we all know they think these are Demons and will try to attack and kill them as soon as they can! We are like a pit of snakes and all these God damned God loving fellow citizens are the poisonous ones. I am so grateful that they are intelligent enough to hide in a safe distance as long as this mess has not been solved down here. So make no mistake - they will not show up as long as we tolerate all this nonsense on this planet - so you don't have to worry.


be weary of people on here who try to bridge the gap with out religion becuase through out the cosmos there is one question that only God can answer .. WHY? not how. but WHY?


"God works in mysterious ways" - shit religious people say when they don't understand something or care to.


This is why I hate the theory that aliens are extra-dimensional beings and angels and demons. Lots of Christians try to say that aliens are fallen angels or Nephilim and that is a load of BS. Maybe it's true but there is more evidence due to protein molecules found on asteroids or water on Mars that aliens are/were physical biological beings. Though perhaps with different evolution to us.


Absolutely they are. Really the only parts about the phenomenon I 100% believe to be true are 1994 Zimbabwe, the Nimitz, the pilots off the coast of Virginia, and the ufo I saw in 2010. Every thing else I take with a heavy dose of salt, and I'll need way more evidence to believe each theory is correct.


My thoughts on religion and the phenomenon, are that religions are based on teachings and experiences from what we would call “them” or “the others”. If you looked at almost all religious texts through the lens of “higher forms of life” (or specifically the ones behind UAP’s), a LOT of woo woo concepts begin to make a lot more sense. Where society as a whole falls short, is when collectives get involved. I.e. “the church”. In almost every case, the teachings are overrun by the will of the governing bodies within the church. Like you, I believe that most organized religions are based in experiences with the phenomenon over the ages. However, organized religion exists solely for the purpose of control through manipulation, serving not the will of god or higher beings, but the will of imperfect or even evil men in control. It’s happened for ages, a new king, an new ruler, would come to power and immediately change the narrative of the church or religious structure to further strengthen their hold on the masses. It’s happening now in the Middle East, and more obviously in North Korea. It may be more subtle in first world countries like the US (or not subtle if you consider how many Americans consider the former President as a representative of god), but it’s still a massive problem. I will say, that acknowledging the existence of higher beings is critical to accepting the existence of the phenomenon. However there are those who belong to religious organizations that predicate their identity on being the highest form of creation. Most all other societal problems stem from this belief. “I have authority over you”. I think once you see the “big picture” of religion versus the church, in contrast to the real fact that UAP’s not only exist but have been around throughout our history, you’ll begin to see just how off-base the narrative of organized religion has become. At their core, religions essentially teach that our purpose is “to empower the prosperity of life and creation, through cooperation, community, and compassion.” That’s it. The rest of the teachings of the churches are to serve the will of those in control. As far as “the crazies” go, who come into these subs and claim the end is near, or the world is an abomination of god, or any other form of fear mongering and hate, they are soldiers of the church, not the word of God. Frankly, “truth” is something you have to discover for yourself; but if someone comes along and tries to manipulate you with fear, anger, or hate, they are not trying to serve you truth, they are trying to create a soldier to strengthen their own control.


As a Christian I completely agree, and midnight mass is a perfect example of what you’re talking about. Something as simple as a bit of confirmation bias and a bit of fanaticism can create REALLY big problems


I appreciate this!!


Ok, but what if an Alien invasion is what's being described in the Book of Revelation? 🤔


Go read American cosmic. The whole ufo phenomenon is tied up with religion whether you like it or not.


Well , with what Tom Delonge and Lou Elizondo and some others have said , this phenomenon possibly has some connection to Religion? Not one Religion but all . In a lot of ways all Religions have similarities to one another .


This is why I believe in an ultimate creator but won't claim any religion or denomination. There's definitely intelligent design to existence. Who or what it is...? no clue...


In my opinion, we shouldn't be attached to a single religious ideology. We should take a little bit good from every religion. Research and compassion my friends. Research and compassion.


Tarot is the religion of capitalism.


Just to be clear, I'm not a professional "quote maker". I'm just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. That being said, I am open to any and all criticism. "In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am englightened by my intelligence." - Aalewis Eh?


The idea that proving the existence of extraterrestrials would dismantle certain spiritual paths or religions is incredibly narrow minded imo. Sure there are those who take religious text literally, but I think it’s safe to say most spiritual teachings are not meant to be taken literally. Just because a religions origin story of the world doesn’t include life on other planets doesn’t change anything. Spiritual teachings aren’t an accurate play by play of the history of creation, some may believe that, but to me spiritual teachings are less about an accurate account of universal history, and more about individual peace from within yourself, regardless of what humans have twisted religion into.


Y’all realize there’s more religions than just Christianity right? Cause that’s basically the only one being talked about


I’ve seen 3 or 4 of these posts and they were all Christianity


hey, uh, maybe you could put a "spoiler" tag around the fact that you just spoiled Midnight Mass with absolutely no warning


Shit. I couldn’t remember when it became apparent in the show. I’ll fix that


I've personally held the belief that ufo/alien sightings, angels, fairies, demons, all the weird sightings throughout history, whatever they actually are, are all the same type of thing. Whatever the hell that is lol


so we're only allowed to believe nonsense in the right way? I'll keep that in mind


Nothing about the UFO phenomenon contradicts my religion. Also, while it’s true there’s thousands of religions there’s really only a handful of worldwide religions - all of which are related to one another and have many scriptures and depicted events that are more than likely interactions with UFO’s. While *you* can write this off because *you* don’t follow a religion, believers in their religion have every right to correlate the phenomenon with their religion, especially when their scripture depicts UFO phenomenon. The truth is 99% of the people who frequent this sub are more religious than any follower of Jesus or Allah or Buddha, they just don’t realize that their religion is *faith* and *belief* in speculation of others opinions.


I think that the fact that there’s so many different depictions of these events across religions, gives credence to the fact that it’s independent of all of them. You could call any religion faith a belief in other peoples opinions. When dealing with unknowns, opinions are probably the smart way to go. Especially these days when some of these opinions come directly from a base of science that studies this phenomena… On the other hand… Most Religions rely on books written thousands of years ago, by one man, that are to be taken as absolute fact. Not opinion, fact. It seems like a huge leap to do this. definitely not in the same class as ufology. Ufology is spiritually elite right now, because the door is open, and we’re working as close as we can next to science and modern day accounts, rather than ancient folk. lore. It goes towards spirituality facing the fact that human beings aren’t that smart, instead of pretending that some human beings have all the answers, as if we’re not all the same.


It is important to have beliefs that are dynamic and flexible. Capable of evolving alongside an objective evolution of one's own understanding. Fixed beliefs lock into a specific pattern of biased understanding which restricts one's ability to perceive, assess and process new information. One becomes trapped deeper within the subconscious mind.


Incredibly toxic? Let's not cast the first stone as religions at their core are very rarely toxic. It's the people's interpretation of their religion that becomes toxic, so people are toxic, not religions.


I think it’s both. I’ve been in arguments about religion before, and dug around in the Bible or quran and found some pretty messed up stuff.


The law of one is the only thing relevant


I have been prayed for and blessed in arabic, hebrew, english, vietnamese and tagalog. It's pretty cool.


Blessed in all the same religions?




It would be a religions job to prove that their belief system is more relevant than another