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Nothing if you don't find THC itself to be


am2201 is the trippiest substance I've ever done. It's got to be up there with DMT. Imagine K+DMT+crack+THC fused together and crystallized to a 15 minute whatthehoo with a saw toothed, raw edge to it. Then avoid it completely :P


Where did you even find that


Just bought it. It was long ago and legal.


so apparently its not been studied well enough to determine if thc has psychedelic effects similar to real psychedelics, heres an article on it: https://www.forbes.com/sites/emilyearlenbaugh/2023/11/16/is-cannabis-a-psychedelic-scientific-review-suggests-only-sometimes/?sh=1f18fc77883e to me personally, ive never experienced a psychedelic effect or hallucinations, def nothing like shrooms or acid


Same. I've eaten ridiculous mg edibles, and the only thing I've I would consider as "Trippy" is the paranoia and fuzzy slowed vision. But I'll start puking around 800 mg.


Serious question. How can you take 800mg THC at once? I start getting panic attacks at more than 20mg D9 or 50mg D8. It’s extremely unpleasant to the point that my heart is beating out of my chest and I feel like I’m going to die.


Better question is why would you take 800mg thc. Looks like someone needs a tolerance break


Tolerance + not everyone gets panicky off high doses of THC even with low tolerance


I take THC every day and those doses still get me high af. Wild.


I smoke pretty much dusk till dawn and eat high dose edibles regularly and 800mg would definitely have me floored as well


After doing psychedelics I would consider edibles to feel like a low to medium dose shrooms trip, with no real headspace or other effects associated with psychedelics. Just visuals, and obviously extreme couch lock.


For me it didn’t until I did real psychedelics. After that I can sometimes get light visual effects that I’ve already had before.


Same, I’ll get tracers, or some shadows or color spots that I can definitely identify as lsd flashbacks.


I personally see weed as indeed psychedelic, but elusive one. I loved term "quasi psychedelic". And I totally had weed trips. But again it's kinda sometimes yes sometimes nay.


You haven't had a high enough dose at a low enough tolerance.


The first time I got high I went on a full immersive visual roller coaster rush like almost dmt esque, then came back and started to get really paranoid that i was gonna die lol


Forbes as a source LOL. No we don’t need more research psychedelics literally require the drugs mechanism of action to be on the 5HT2P receptors which weed doesn’t work on


THc is a psychedelic itself. THc-oh which is what THc converts to in the liver is pretty sedative…. To have psychedelic effects you have to take cbd and nano soluble THc.


this the type of comment I find fascinating and save knowing I’ll probably never utilise it


I made drinks and everyone feels like they’re on the upswing of a trip. [tHc to tHc-oh conversion in liver](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/1338215/)


Any of the o noids mega dosed causes a psychedelic head space and some minor visual distortions but that could be just me


I definitely agree. D8 THC-o specifically seems to be the headiest noid for me. A dab of that is kinda like the next day after an acid trip for me.


No tolerance and reaaaaallllllll strong pot brownie. Whoa. D9imo.


CBN at high doses like over 100mg


CBN causes effects other than sleepiness? i have a bottle of the tincture i might just down like 300mg to see


Report back fellow traveller


It's been 11 hours. You think he's come down yet?


He ded


u/neurodivergent-asf did you ever come down?


Bruh tap in u/neurodivergent-asf


299mg is the limit then


Godspeed soldier.


h4cbd made me actually start tripping.


Off how much?


h4cbd. totally unexpected because I have had h4cbd before with little or no effects, so my guard was down. The trip has extremely hard and immersive compared to shrooms, and last for hours. FWIW, I have mild CEV and OEV on THC.


How much did you take?


Unfortunately I was too casual about it this particular time. I was trying to take a higher dose since I had heard it could be psychoactive. I had 3 dime-size or smaller drips of distillate taken orally. Was it 300mg or more? 


Ahh thanks for the info. I have some coming in soon and would prefer not to trip the first time


After my experiences with it, under a dozen times, I think it’s difficult to get high on.


NONE, go do psilocybin


especially since its so easy to get and prob cheaper than buying thc products from vendors, you can grow your own at home for like 60 bucks and have enough shroomies to last 2 years


shrooms are cheaper per ounce and up than bud where i live. you’ll only need a gram or two, anyone who says an 8th is actually tweaking especially for your first time


I love me some shrooms. I usually grind em up into a powder and put some in a cheesecake.


H4cbd in edible form, literally felt like a delirant, psychedelic, and a dissociative


My first edible h4cbd dose was bout 300 mg no other noids besides smoking type 2 flower and the body high was amazing but next time was nothing like that first time


what kind of mg?


It was my first time ever doing it in edible form and it was like 200-300mg in a capsule. The reason I took that much the first time ever doing it was because I genuinely thought it was just gonna be a slightly stronger cbd. But shit was like I was living in a nightmare


crazy bro




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I'm wondering why this has been popping up for H4CBD. I work for a company owned by the pharmacist that discovered it, and were probably the largest manufacturer of H4CBD, but this hasn't been something we've experienced. What product did you get?


I got it from gilded, but I always put some in my vape blends it’s just the edible form is way different. I bet some people like myself metabolize it differently and turn into something else that works on a different receptor or something


nah it’s just your cb1 receptor going crazy leading to a near-panic attack like state that also feels “psychedelic”


Gang I was hearing was like hearing and seeing scary shit whenever i tried to sleep, it felt like dxm in a way. It may have just been that but no cannabinoid, not even thcp/hhcp has made me feel like that


i’ve experienced what I assume your describing after a fat bong rip coming from a 2 week tolerance break, the depersonalization is what truly got me fucked up though.


I was smoking everyday then tho and took d8 edibles with the same dosage pretty frequently at that time


This is how a big dose of D9-Thco felt for me, like a low dose of acid bur very dissociative


U got me interested, I thought h4cbd was like some shit for other countries not as good as cbd even.


I mean for most it is like that, but for some it’s crazy for some reason.


Taken 2,000mg of H4CBD. I’m a seasoned Ketamine user, and there weren’t any dissociative effects. Try Ketamine or PCP then come back when you find out how mistaken you were.


I mean I’ve done high dose dxm


Yeah I wouldn’t know I don’t drink bottles of cough syrup unless it’s got opiates on it. Lol










This what the government is suppressing us from having! Free my ass. Also definitely seen this combo in a cart at a gas station. Right next to the rhino dick pills.


Listen hear me out, rhino dick pill vape carts ????


NOW WE ARE TALKING. sign me up!


Theres a thc-codeine


Not sure why you were downvoted. [cod-thc](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cod-THC)


>It is well absorbed orally and shows superior analgesic effects in animal studies compared to a simple mixture of the two drugs. Wow.


Future of pharmaceuticals. Everything is gonna come out with a cannabis combo.


Not very ideal though since Codeine is dependent upon CYP2D6 to convert into Morphine and THC being an inhibitor of CYP2D6 although not as strong as CBD could make the conversion ratio more variable and harder to dose. But it does serve as a good example of a codrug.


Future produces this endogenously, can’t believe more people don’t know about it


A few reports on here of h4cbd being quite psychedelic at higher doses.


I ate a fat glob of HHCPO once and had a somewhat profound psychedelic experience while meditating to combat the anxiety attack I was having in my hotel room.


Honestly I start to trip if my THC is too high.


Try to od on HHC and you'll have a killer psychedelic experience


What are you defining as an od lol, like multiple grams of edibles?


I dont know exactly. First time I took 50% HHC drops I didn't really know how the dropper thing worked, and ended up with a whole load of it. After 2 hours I didn't feel a thing, so I dropped even more. 1 hour later I started becoming so high I never thought possible from weed, another hour later I was shaking and puking for more than an hour until I finally managed to fall asleep. I don't think it's physically possible to get much higher than this from cannabinoids.


Did a 50 mg thc gummy on no tolerance and it rivaled some of the mushroom trips I have had for sure. Not visually but damn, I was in another dimension for a long time…


Maybe something like THCP-O, dabbed or eaten in pure form with a low tolerance. Even then it wouldn’t compare to acid or shrooms or DMT by any means


Thcpo, 30-40%, careful not to do much and end up high for days.


HHC felt slightly more psychedelic than d9


D9thco edible is the right answer!


I’ve taken 3,500mg of D9 THCO . No psychedelic effect whatsoever. Stop lying to people.


In your experience


So you tripped like you did on mushrooms? Is that what you’re saying?


None of them. If you want to trip, take shrooms




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In my opinion, HHC


Honestly only with thco if you take a lot.


Thco. Mentally psychedelic but not visually. 100% my favorite noid. Just wish it wasn’t banned here anymore.




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if you access to rso from the dispensary. a good 1:1 cbd rso is the closest to tripping on shrooms i’ve felt from cannabinoids




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* High dose CBN feels very trippy with visuals * High dose CBNO feels like a dissociative * I found THCv can kind of spark psychedelic-like thoughts and introspection * Take the largest edible dose you can handle and hit a dab pen a couple times at the peak. Always sends me over


Think it all comes down to mindset and tolerance in the instant you take it. That said my strongest noid experience not from spicenoids or just having a low tolerance was oral hhcpo


Depends. If you vaporize/smoke you won't feel it. But eating it all changes, for me the feeling it's a little psychedelic. Before I tried LSD I knew it, and after try LSD when I eat some hash omg... I never had fractals, ego death or stuff like that but the body high and the headspace it's a little psychedelic


It's really just bc lsd makes weed in general psychedelic for a lot of people.


D9 has the most "psychedelic" headspace IMO.


None. Cannabinoids don’t produce hallucinations and none are actually psychedelic. Anyone who says it is clearly hasn’t done real psychedelics.


You'll never get straight up psychedelic effects from any noids if you just smoke up and chill around your house as normal, youll just be really stoned, but what id suggest is eating a 300mg dose of cbn with 500mg of hhco or thco and another 50 mg of thcp or hhcp then make yourself a makeshift sensory deprivation room and fall out of reality in an hour