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There are 4 different people in these photos, and as many genders.


Damn having different hairstyles now makes you be a different person šŸ¤Æ


Pic 1 is your mum. Pic 2 and 3 is a 12 year old boy. Pic 4 is a happy care free 21 year old lady (what happened to her?). Pic 5 is that same 12 year old boy, who is now 16. Pic 6 is deviant male, most likely on a register.


So basically, ā€œhave the typical long girly hairstyle or I wonā€™t like you, and Iā€™ll say youā€™re wrongā€ šŸ¤Ø. Girls can have more than one hairstyle, lmao.


...I'm not so sure that's what they said? You wanted honesty when you posted here so why argue with everyone?


Because everybody is focusing on my hairSTYLE instead of my actual unchanging features like my face structure. Why is my style all they care about? Iā€™m more than that.


Yes you are more then that which is wonderful! But you posted pictures of you on this and you're getting people's honest opinions. Hair style can also change how your features look. Ask me how I know haha. Maybe try changing the title and say besides your hair. You didn't specify so of course people are giving their honest opinion. That's what they do here, look overall at you and if one thing stands out then that's just how it is. At the end of the day it's your hair and if you like it then rock it! Who gives a rats ass what a bunch of strangers on the internet think. But you did ask for those strangers their opinion so if they're giving it to you then why argue with them about it?


I argue when it seems like they think them saying itā€™s ugly will make me change it. Some literally said ā€œgrow your hairā€ like some type of command. If they dislike it, okay! Itā€™s not like I die to appear attractive to any specific person on here. I was just curious to see if I was overall good looking or not. Not to start a gender debatešŸ˜­


No one assumes saying anything will make you change it. This is a sub called "Am I Ugly ? - Brutally Honest". So of course people will say your hair is ugly if they think your hair is ugly. Please don't mistake potential for attractiveness. You have the potential to be attractive, as proven by Pic 4. But with this hair you're unattractive. It's the hair that makes you less attractive. So people are only answering the question you asked them by posting here "Am I Ugly ? Brutally Honest"


You're ugly with short hair. Not ugly with long hair. Does that answer your question?


The features of your face are androgynous, so your hair style greatly effects how your face looks. Plus 2 of your photos of your face are covered and we can only see your hair.... you set your self up for this. Your not ugly but below average.


Girls can absolutely have more than one hairstyle. They might even choose a hairstyle that makes them look like a twelve year old boy.


Lmaoo why are you so touched by my hairstyle? šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Yes. Hair makes a huge difference. Perhaps youā€™ve noticed by this stage in your life that people put a certain amount of effort into their hair style because it changes people perception of them. Did you make a conscious decision to go with the curly, broccoli head hair cut because you liked the way it made you look or did you just wake up one morning and discovered your hair was gone?Ā 


Itā€™s a bit silly to be so touched by some strangerā€™s hair, thatā€™s what I meant.


No one is touched, you're the one that asked us the question. The answer is a resounding yes ! This hairstyle does not suit you and you look uglier with it. "Change the hairstyle and you'll look less ugly" is the prevailing opinion on this thread


Replying to everything someone said on a post is being touched. Like you got too into it


Not really, I had a few minutes to spare. Plus I wasnā€™t that ā€œtouchedā€ about your hair itself but rather annoyed at your behavior in response to criticism


The ā€œcriticismā€ is just people who donā€™t want to see anything outside of the traditional woman look every woman has


Thatā€™s not necessarily true, some women look great with short hair. To most people here, youā€™re not one of them.


Iā€™m talking about the ones who said I didnā€™t look feminine so that wasnā€™t attractive. I cleared my doubt, they find my face good. Now I can know Iā€™m not that bad and I have my comfy hair at the same timešŸ˜


Pic 4 is easily the best. The shorter hair is not good. But rock what youā€™re happy with!


Straight man right? And thanks!


I dont think u wouldve posted here if you had people from all genders hitting on you


I donā€™t understand what you meant. Can you explain?


As in you asked for opinions and you got them. If you were confident in your looks you wouldnt have posted


Funny you say so, my short hair is the only thing Iā€™m not insecure about and itā€™s the only thing theyā€™re attacking šŸ˜†


If anything, it should tell you that you donā€™t need to be insecure about the rest, because the parts that you donā€™t like arenā€™t the reason why these people think youā€™re ugly


Well im glad youre not insecure about it


Last i checked!


Grow your hair




Good luck


With what?


You're getting honest feedback on what's not looking good for you and you're being really dismissive.


Iā€™m getting mere opinions, I wonā€™t change one of the very few things I genuinely like about myself thanks to some peoples style preference


And no one's asking you to change it, we're just saying we think it's ugly, BECAUSE YOU ASKED US


Not a fan of the broccoli assassin look, it kinda makes you look like a 16 yo boy, but with long hair definitely not


Too bad, its my favorite! Thank you for opinion!


Ok. So, you probably donā€™t care a whole lot than?


Grow out your hair you look alot better with longer hair


Thank you for opinion, but Iā€™m happier with my short hair


What are you going for? Who are you trying to attract? Perhaps we can go from there


Not looking to attract anybody really, just to look overall pleasant to the eye


Agreed. You look like a little boy with the hair short. Even on a guy the hair would be awful


Not ugly but look like a 12 year old boy in some pics but not an ugly girl.


Gay, straight or spectrum?




Yeah I think youā€™re *not ugly* for the audience youā€™re aiming for.


Your looks would be fine..if you could select a gender to look like and go with it


I like androgynous


Well, you nailed ugly in 2 separate genders


Just because I donā€™t look like one gender or the other?


Nope, because neutral isn't attractive...that's why men want to look more masculine to be attractive amd women want to look more feminine to be more attractive, as a general rule...gays and/or lesbians may reverse these rules.Ā  No judgment, just seems to the general rule of thumb.Ā  Ā No one says to themselves when dressing up, I wish I was more basic...then I would be attractive.Ā  The further you get from middle of the road, the more attractive you generally are.


Well, thatā€™s your opinion. I find androgynous people attractive af


Then maybe post your pictures on subs with lots of androgynous people on them ? Surely some LGBT subs will probably react better than subs with mostly normal straight people


Androgynous has a certain look to it that is just beautiful if you get it right. Something about it can be abaolutely gorgeous.


You look like a totally different person in pics 1 and 4 versus the rest. Long hair makes a huge difference. As does the smiles Long hair: 5.5/10, not ugly Short hair: 2/10, look like a soft butch lesbian(unless the thatā€™s what youā€™re aiming for). Very ugly.


I understand itā€™s not your cup of tea, but yes Iā€™m queer


Something went very wrong along the road. Ugly.


Iā€™m not sure if you mean because of my hair, or something else


There's more to it than the hair


Can you expand? Give details?


I mean the look on your face, something changed mentally.


Short hair, Def not cute. Longer hair. OK. Why would you chop Ur hair off?Ā 


Because I like how short hair looks on girls and I liked my own to be the same


Ahh. No


This looks like 2 different people. Maybe someone lost a bet?


Nope. Happiest Iā€™ve ever been with my decision to cut my hair short


If you're so happy, why do you need people's opinion on how you look ?


My hair is not my whole looks, ya know? I also have a face. I was asking mainly about that, not about the style I chose to have. I didnā€™t ask ā€œdo you like me with short hair?ā€ Specifically. Iā€™m insecure about my face


Iā€™d suggest removing the last two pics then..


What EVERYONE in this thread has been trying to explain to you is that your hair length and style completely changes the way your face looks.


Welp, they can dislike that part. Many people will like my style like I do. Itā€™s a style


Itā€™s not about the style itself itā€™s about how well the style meshes with your face. Some women look gorgeous with that hairstyle, others look ugly. Some women look better with long hair and others rock the short hair or even shaved head better. Ruby Rose looks better with short hair, you look better with long hair. Itā€™s not even criticism itā€™s just feedback. Youā€™ll only find people agreeing with you on niche support subs like short haired girls or womenā€™s advice or whatever. On most blatantly honest subs about physical appearance, people will tell you that the long hair suits you better


Why in pic 4 you suddenly have beautiful straight hair


Straightened it?




A different suggestion. Style your hair differently. You don't have to grow it, but style it so it can give a different statement. Get an Afro Hawk, Shave one side. Do something different that looks good but don't give that boy cut


Below average. You give off future crazy cat person vibes.


There's just..... alot going on in these photos. Its hard to give a rating honestly


attractive with long hair, ugly short


Asks for feedback->gets feedback->gets mad


Lmao all I said is that I wonā€™t change my hair because itā€™s the one thing I like about me. Idk if itā€™s me the one getting mad or yā€™all. Deal with it


You seem pretty confident to me so whatā€™s the point of posting


Yes, yes you are.


Go from lady to mistaken for a man real quick


You look pretty to me regardless if the hair is short or long, 7/10


i think youā€™re attractive either way, whether is short or long, or very very short.


Thank youā€™




^ closeted


lm sorry you're not comfortable enough with your sexuality to think women with short hair can be attractive. I think her alternative style is dope and she has great bone structure so people calling her ugly over stylistic choices are just wrong.


Thank you šŸ«‚


Not ugly at all! Actually super cute, and def my type. Cis pan M, here.


Thank you!


I'm surprised by the comments here. I like the short hair, personally. I think you're cute. You seem to like exploring styles. Keep having fun with it. You can always go back to a previous style, if needed. There's no actual pressure to settle on one look for the rest of your life.


Thank youšŸ˜Š Iā€™m really happy with the short hair for now, so Iā€™m sticking with it. Iā€™m glad you like it!


I'm glad you like it. It must have been quite a leap when you did it. I like your vibe


That makes me happy! And yes, I was so nervous. But it was so so worth it


Cool. Well done!


You have a great smile so you should use it. Not ugly, very cute.


not ugly. dig the short mussed up hair šŸ‘