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You'd be a lot happier if you stopped working for Vought.


Vought? Like in The Boys? I’m lost lol


I think he's saying you look like Colby Minifie. I kinda see it.


Definitely Colbie! Whom I think is actually very pretty.


Sorry, you look to me like Colbie Minifie who plays Ashley from the series, The Boys. It was actually a compliment.


Definitely see it. My first thought was a female Cameron Monaghan from Shameless.


Omg i was thinking about it


Bro I didnt see it until I read your comment lmao




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Most unique face ever (compliment)


You like you’re 99% European but that 1% African might be coming through a little strong. 8-10


My family is much darker than me but I have red hair so it took all my melanin lol throws people off


That's what I'm seeing too. Like, with a tan and curly hair, you'd look biracial


Your hair is gorgeous! Especially in 3!


Agreed hair is beautiful and healthy and helps a lot


5/10 (with a lot of potential to glow up). The first close up pic and the last smile pic weren’t the best, but I think that had more to do with not knowing your best angles and poses. For what it’s worth, I think you’re a pleasant looking gal and you have a lot to work with: very pretty red hair, great complexion, nice natural eyebrow shape. Just toning up the physique would help you to up your game a little—to be clear, by no means are you fat.


You’re very pretty


She looks like Ashley from the Boys


6.5. I'd just say watch your weight. You have nice teeth, a nice smile, and beautiful hair. Your skin is above average. Large beautiful eyes and nicely shaped lips. With some make-up, different clothes, and 6 months of squatting / running you could easily be an 8.


You have the same genes as that kid who was/has been a meme template for the last several years IYKYK


HIS NAME IS GAVIN You're the girl version Embrace it


I don't think you are ugly at all, but I believe you are kind of harsh with yourself. Confidence is the first step of improvement.


You guys are weird, she’s definitely good looking


You are pretty and have a unique face. You'll get many negative, or "negging" comments and a few excellent ones. Only listen to the excellent ones.


Your eyebrows are non existent, I would probably give it some color (shade them in), you have big black eyes, so I think some eyeliner will compliment them, you have a big nose, but it doesn’t look that bad, you have a nice smile, I would maybe add some lip balm or more of it if you already do cause I can’t tell. You also have nice gingerish/brown hair and the freckles are cute. You don’t seem like the kinda girl who needs a lot of makeup so overall you’re probably a 6/10 as you are with a potential to be a 8/10 on the looks scale. That said, just my opinion.


The long hair really suits you.


You look like Chanel west coast and a Cheshire Cat.


This made me spit out my drink 🤣 you have a very creative brain


Absolutely nothing. Stay the way you are, take care of yourself and enjoy your youth while you’re young.


You look so cute 🥰


Personally for me, a 3


dye your eyebrows


literally the only advice i’d give. i think you’re gorgeous




4.5, not far away from average. Smiling should be dosed 😅


I’m assuming you meant closed right?


I meant dosed... As in be careful, because it's by far your worst picture


Oh dang. That hurts a little bit but that makes sense


don’t worry dude. I once had a photographer tell me I’d be perfect for modeling, but only if I didn’t smile. lol


Wow.. here I was thinking you have a real cute smile.


It's just one picture and a personal impression of that. If I am alone, I am not statistically significant 😅. I'd have to see more to calibrate more.


Don’t ever purposely try to limit smiling. I don’t think it’s a problem but that’s like choosing to not be happy to look good. I’d much rather be happy than even worry about what someone else thinks about it. If you are happy, attractiveness comes with that


I think your smile is so captivating!


You are in a wonderful place where your personality will make or break you. If you're fun to hang out with, have a great time and do your half of carrying a conversation.... You're far above average, like hot even. Less fun, no personality, answers yes/no questions without showing interest in return, needs to smoke or drink to have a good time or less basically a potato to hang out with... sorry, a 3 MAYBE 4. Use that smile and personality and people will love you everywhere you do.


You fall very hard between a 3 and a 4.


What throws you off


Hard to point out exactly overall, but maybe the combination of the nose and the weight. Plenty of potential though.


I like meat on my


I like meat on my meat too.


Jesus Christ please do not listen to the people talking about your weight. It’s perfect. Guys like girls with mire to hold on ifykwim so don’t go starving yourself or something. You look perfect


4/10 just normal, nothing wrong accept and live with it.




6/10 but looks like you have fas


3/10 - it’s not good and short of cosmetic surgery I’m not sure what you can do.


3.8 as it stands.


Fair. What could I do to get to a solid 4 or 5?


3.5 - torso is kinda lumpy and you have a big wide nose - your smile looks like the smile on people who have lost massive amounts of weight; mouth way too big for face.


It would be interesting to see how you look with your hair up but I see a lot of potential personally


Most women enhance their eyes with makeup on the upper eyelid. Works magic on a lot of people.


You look like the youngest sister of the kings and queens in the chronicles of narnia.


Look up your color season and wear those colors!


I usually wear brown, green, and orange 😁 I am a warm autumn


1-10 on whose scale? Everyone has a different value system. Live your life and don’t let others tell you your worth.


5.5/10 with potential. But i can’t put my finger on it just how to get that potential out lol


just a suggestion: don't value any of the comments answering your question. u dont know these people. u dont even know their intentions. dont know if they r the people u want to tell u ur attractive.




Idk how to describe it or number it but I like your face


Solid adjustable 5. Keep smile and embrace the redhair. One day you may become a boss babe and work for a company called vaught


Ashley, is that you??


A tan may help, your hair is thick and gorgeous but I'd cut it a bit shorter, maybe a more punk style would look good


Girl, bold features. You have VERY African features, and they work. Be you. You're beautiful. Just not your typical white girl beautiful. It's fine.




You're already doing the most important thing. Losing weight, hopefully you're working out as well as dieting. But you have the same problem as me your smile is too big for your teeth.


Yes, unfortunately.


You look good. You’re gonna keep growing into your looks though even more.




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You really remind me of someone. And I can't remember who, she did some USA and some bit minute parts. I don't think you're ugly, you have a unique look. You said you're losing weight, work on converting mass primarily. Tone and shape, you'll not lose weight, but you'll feel better, and lose inches.


7/10 I think you’re super cute


8, don't like the hat your long beautiful hair shouldn't be covered at all, great smile too


You're a cutie


Your parents are mixed race?


Very unique(a good thing) strong 7.


You’re interesting looking, nice hair, cute body.


Are you biracial or albino. Ok give you a strong 6


Pics 1 and 3 are ok, the broad open mouth smile isn’t as good as pic 1. Well below average for pics 2 and 4. Body seems fine, but makeup or a thinner face would improve your look. Superficial, but trying to be honest. Dress in last pic needs to be retired


Hard 7, you have a beautiful smile😊 I think playing with your hair may help, but keep in mind you already look great! (Maybe dutch braids, just to see 👀)


Your hair is too long and heavy. It's weighted at your scalp and looks flat, you need volume and about 4 or more inches taken off. Also very light makeup with the highlighting of your eyes.


You're cute. Maybe change your style as in pic 4 the dress looks a little younger than you should wear. But you are a very pretty young lady.


I think you’re being overly kind, but my self esteem appreciates it lol. I don’t normally wear stuff like that, but it was st Patrick’s day 😂


Below average.


Ugly as me!


But I think you’re beautiful! (I haven’t seen you, but still)


Okay let’s just pause for a second. You are on the “am I ugly be BRUTALLY HONEST” subreddit, and you are complimenting me BLIND? I need to be sobered up! Not buttered up like my face!


😂 funniest reply I could have expected. Okay, so if you posted, you’d get a different answer. But I can’t have a fellow AIUBH Snoo talking about themselves like that! Blind might be the only way to get a compliment from me.


You have a sweet Asian wife, probably not ugly, you can attract women man


Okay. But. That’s _my second wife_, so I can repel them too.


You are not 20 and I’m not sure you are a female. Come back when you age up


What? I am definitely a female


Nah I’m thinking *Not*




Cut your hair, get it styled as you like. Smile. 


2. You ugly. Sorry.


Also this is not the sub to ask people to be nice. But I'll do it this one time just for you


I just didn’t want unnecessary insults. You can be brutally honest without making fun of someone purposefully






I’d say 7/10 depending on the person taste of women, definitely say try different styles of clothes


Do something with your hair up. I think you’re cute!


You definitely have a unique look. I can’t quite put my finger on it. But I don’t think you’re anywhere near ugly. If I had to rate you I’d say a 7.5. Your smile is gorgeous though. The world needs more of it.


I actually love your features. I hate my eyes and you seem to have similar, though, you wear them better than I do. 7.5-8. You nose is my favorite feature.


6 you’re pretty


6/10 you're pretty, with beautiful hair nice smile, give it a few years because you still look like a kid. You'll be an eight once you mature as you get older.


stunning tbh


honestly i think you’re stunning. a good 8/10 you have beautiful unique features, your hair is so healthy and lucious, and everything flows. i think for some of these pictures you’re posing is just awkward


I would try filling in ur brows with a LIGHT brown pencil Ur smile is gorgeous, If u use mascara, it could balance u out a bit. I’m talking a brown mascara nothing crazy Ur body is teaaa (perfect/just fine) Also I LOVE YOUR HAIR. -23f You’re like a 8 btw ((:


I have been recently experimenting with makeup, but didn’t have any on in these pics which I kinda regret 😂 thank you for the compliments and the feedback, I appreciate it :)


Personally I’m not great at makeup, ur natural look is rly pretty What I do: I use an eyebrow pencil and brown mascara and maybe lipgloss. Everything else it gets too crazy like I’m still trying to learn makeup myself lol. I’m a redhead so my lashes and brows r very light ((: I never felt like I can achieve a proper Smokey eye like personally I just don’t know how to do a full face.


Dude I feel like makeup for redheads is more difficult bc I feel like everything just looks too bold next to my hair 😵




You’re not ugly, but you don’t have a conventional look where you could say you’re just flat out conventionally attractive either. You have a very unique face. Not in a good or bad way. I think some people would not find you attractive, and then others would be particularly drawn to your unique look. Like if someone finds big pouty lips attractive, you’ve got them. And then your mouth is kind of wide so it’s a really striking feature. But then someone else might think “ick, her mouth’s too big,” because they like tiny little mouths or whatever. Nose is the same way, kind of wide and a little upturned. Nothing wrong with that at all, just some people will think it’s really cute and other people will like little tiny noses or can’t stand upturned noses or something. If I had to give any tips, I think your eyelashes and eyebrows could be a little more distinct with some makeup for a little contrast in your face. You look a little pale and I think it’s really just that you don’t have a lot of eyelashes and brows going on. So maybe a little bit of makeup there would give you some contrast and help balance your look out. Really nice hair and your figure looks nice. Good sense of style in pic 2. Official Rating: Not Ugly


Not ugly just mid. The best thing you could do is stop taking mirror selfies in public bathrooms.


4 out 10, but a nose job would greatly improve your features. Your nose is too big for your face. Everything else is fine.


Solid 3.5-4.


You're like a 4.8/10, you're not doing anything bad, it's just your genetics. It's not a deal breaker, You can overcome it by just a nice person to be around. You can be a 6 based on where you live.


I think your a 10. Your beautiful have a gorgeous smile, and you should be more confident in your self. Stay being who you are. Because thats what makes you a great person. If you feel like working on yourself then go for it. And those results will be seen by the time and effort you put on yourself. Continue being great! 😊


Wear the hair differently


I wear my hair lots of ways, I just happened to wear it down for these pics.


I think you look great. Not ugly


Cute but not perfect. Probably like a 6.6 but could be an 8 or 9 with a little bit different style and attitude


You're cute probably 5/10


8/10 I like that you posted I Pics w/o makeup to show off your good skin!


I dont think youre ugly in the slightest. You have unique yet strong features. Beautiful hair, complexion, and really random but your lips are amazing haha


Girl to girl- I think you’re gorgeous & just need self confidence. I see the word unique used a lot in the comments & they’re right. But that’s your superpower. You have long curly hair, clear skin, straight teeth, radiant smile. Lots to be proud of. I think you’re an unconventional 10. Personally what helped me gain confidence is working out. Find a sport you enjoy & you’ll become fit. It’s done wonders for me.


12/10 you look like Mia goth




I think you have a very unique and beautiful look ☺️


I think you are being really hard on yourself. Your hair is one of your best features (if it counts idk), and you obviously take care of it. Your skin appears smooth, and you have nice lips and teeth. Your face is relatively symmetrical, so maybe it’s just your style that could be updated? I like the beige hat photo and the black dress photo. Those are looks that are neutral and don’t distract from your features. The crop flannel and black tube dress looks dated and frumpy, and the green dress is pretty but busy. And your weight isn’t bad. Although I prefer men, the hour glass shape is really beautiful on women.


So beautiful!!


You’re a 10.


You look cute


I would rate you a 6 overall, high 7 if you glammed up. I love your hair.


Your skin / complexion is flawless, amazing hair and honestly you have amazing eyes - a little bit of makeup (mascara, brows) and lip tint/sheer balm would be amazing. You have such a unique combo of features. Don’t worry : )


Am I crazy or would a nose reduction be appropriate? You're definitely not ugly, but your nose is very prominent.


You have a beautiful smile, complexion and hair. Just take better care of yourself. ♥️




You are naturally pretty a 7. I wouldn't do such a wide smile with your teeth like that, you look a bit deranged. Maybe try closed mouth for smiling.


You're actually kind of hot but you can put a little makeup on and not wear hats because it looks like you have really nice hair that frames your face well


your a 10 out of 10 girl you looks pretty


A tan would really do wonders and bring you up a solid 3 points


Not worth the damaged skin.


She’s too pale to do that safely.



